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A unique sequence of Late Saalian, Eemian and Early Weichselian strata is exposed in a coastal outcrop at Mommark in the western Baltic. The sedimentary facies and faunas reflect palaeoenvironmental changes from an initial freshwater lake followed by marine transgression and interglacial deposition in a palaeo-Baltic sea. The upper part of the Eemian marine record indicates regression followed by lacustrine sedimentation and deposition of Early Weichselian aeolian sediments, which are truncated by an erosional unconformity overlain by a till bed. The lower and middle parts of the sequence have previously been correlated with the European glacial-interglacial stratigraphy on the basis of pollen analysis, while the upper part has been dated for the present study using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of samples from the aeolian and glacial deposits. A similar complete glacial-interglacial-glacial succession has not previously been recorded from this area. The Mommark sequence of conformable strata has been subjected to lateral compression, evidenced by folding and low-angle reverse faults. Seismic records from the adjacent waters in the western Baltic reveal a system of buried Quaternary valleys in the area. It is suggested that the interglacial deposition took place in a basin within one of these valleys and that a slab constituting the Mommark sequence, originating from the margin of a valley, has been glaciotectonically displaced northwestwards to the present location.  相似文献   
Models of continental crustal magmagenesis commonly invoke theinteraction of mafic mantle-derived magma and continental crustto explain geochemical and petrologic characteristics of crustalvolcanic and plutonic rocks. This interaction and the specificmechanisms of crustal contamination associated with it are poorlyunderstood. An excellent opportunity to study the progressiveeffects of crustal contamination is offered by the compositeplutons of the Alaska Range, a series of nine early Tertiary,multiply intruded, compositionally zoned (Peridotite to granite)plutons. Large initial Sr and Nd isotopic contrasts betweenthe crustal country rock and likely parental magmas allow evaluationof the mechanisms and extents of crustal contamination thataccompanied the crystallization of these ultra-mafic throughgranitic rocks. Three contamination processes are distinguishedin these plutons. The most obvious of these is assimilationof crustal country rock concurrent with magmatic fractionalcrystallization (AFC), as indicated by a general trend towardcrustal-like isotopic signatures with increasing differentiation.Second, many ultramafic and mafic rocks have late-stage phenocrystreaction and orthocumulate textures that suggest interactionwith felsic melt. These rocks also have variable and enrichedisotopic compositions that suggest that this felsic melt wasisotopically enriched and probably derived from crustal countryrock. Partial melt from the flysch country rock may have reactedwith and contaminated these partly crystalline magmas followingthe precipitation and accumulation of the cumulus phenocrystsbut before complete solidification of the magma. This suggeststhat in magmatic mush (especially of ultramafic composition)crystallizing in continental crust, a second distinct processof crustal contamination may be super imposed on AFC or magmamixing involving the main magma body. Finally, nearly all rocks,including mafic and ultramafic rocks, have (87Sr/86Sr)i thatare too high, and (T) Nd that are too low, to represent theexpected isotopic composition of typical depleted mantle. However,gabbro xenoliths with typical depicted-mantle isotopic compositionsare found in the plutons. This situation requires either anadditional enriched mantle component to provide the parentalmagma for these plutons, or some mechanism of crustal contaminationof the parent magma that did not cause significant crystallizationand differentiation of the magma to more felsic compositions.Thermodynamic modeling indicates that assimilation of alkali-andwater-rich partial melt of the metapelite country rock by fractionating,near-liquidus basaltic magma could cause significant contaminationwhile suppressing significant crystallization and differentiation. KEY WORDS: crustal contamination; Alaska Range; isotope geochemistry; zoned plutons; assimilation *Corresponding author. e-mail: preiners{at}u.washington.edu; fax: (206) 543-3836.  相似文献   
PETER WRIGHT 《Sedimentology》1976,23(5):705-712
Previous attempts to quantify beach processes with techniques involving direct measurement have met with varying degrees of success. Problems encountered can be attributed to three main areas of difficulty: (1) the rapidity of change in both process operation and the subsequent production and development of bed forms; (2) the inclement nature of the weather conditions during which the most rapid beach changes take place; (3) interference with the flows being measured, by the equipment. A photographic method is described here, which to a great extent overcomes these problems, and can be operated cheaply by a solitary field investigator.  相似文献   
Sand volcanoes are small volcano-like features. They range in diameter from a few centimetres to several metres. Five volcanoes with a maximum diameter of 2 m were observed during the construction of a dike on the coast of Northwestern Germany. The cones reached heights of about 15 cm with craters in the middle. The rise of the volcanoes is explained by de-watering of sediment.  相似文献   
More than 5000 km3 of nearly compositionally homogeneous crystal-richdacite (  相似文献   
Shallow seismic data and vibrocore information, sequence stratigraphic and faunal evidence have been used for documentation of Late Weichselian reactivation of faulting in the south central Kattegat, southern Scandinavia. The study area is situated on the Fennoscandian Border Zone, where tectonic activity has been recurrent since Early Palaeozoic time and still occurs, as shown by present earthquake activity. New data from the area south of the island of Anholt show that after deglaciation fast isostatic rebound resulted in reactivation of a NW-SE striking normal fault system. This tectonic episode is dated to a period starting shortly before 15.0 cal. ka BP and ending around 13.5 cal. ka BP, after regression had already reached a level of about 30 m b.s.l. The vertical displacement associated with the faulting was in the order of 20 m. More generally, the results support the previously reported late Weichselian sea-level highstand, which was followed by forced regression until the eustatic sea-level rise surpassed the rate of glacio-isostatic rebound in early Preboreal. Our findings further imply that drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake through the Øresund at c. 15 cal. ka BP (Bergsten & Nordberg 1992) may have been triggered by tectonic activity in this region.  相似文献   
Two isotopically distinct but otherwise chemically similar leucogranitesuites in the Proterozoic Horney Peak Granite, Black Hills,South Dakota, have contrasting light rare earth element (LREE)concentrations. Most samples of a relatively 18O-depleted suitehave LREE- enriched, chondrite-normalized patterns, typicalof melts derived from metasedimentary protoliths, whereas allsamples of the regionally significant, relatively 18O-enrichedsuite have LREE-depleted patterns. The latter patterns are interpretedto have resulted from disequilibrium melting of schists. Monaziteand perhaps other accessory minerals remained armored by biotiteand garnet which did not partake in the muscovite dehydration-meltingreaction that produced LREE-depleted melts. The REE concentrationsin the LREE-depleted samples are below saturation levels formonazite at reasonable melting temperatures and melt water contents,whereas the REE concentrations in the LREE-enriched samplesyield 700–800C monazite saturation temperatures, reasonablefor biotite dehydration-melting reactions. LREE depletions,analogous to those in the LREE-depleted granites, are also foundin leucosomes of partially molten schists, thought to be theprotolith for the granite. In contrast, the melanosomes holdthe accessory minerals and bulk of the LREEs. KEY WORDS: accessory minerals; leucogranites; Black Hills; monazite; partial melting *Corresponding author at Department of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri. Telephone: 314-884-6463. Fax: 314-882-5458. e-mail: geolpin{at}showme.missouri.edu.  相似文献   
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