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Solar wind propagation from the point of measurement to an arbitrary target in the heliosphere is an important input for heliospheric, planetary and cometary studies. In this paper a new kinematic propagation method, the magnetic lasso method is presented. Compared to the simple ballistic approach our method is based on reconstructing the ideal Parker spiral connecting the target with the Sun by testing a previously defined range of heliographic longitudes. The model takes into account the eventual evolution of stream–stream interactions and handles these with a simple model based on the dynamic pressure difference between the two streams. Special emphasis is given to input data cleaning by handling interplanetary coronal mass ejection events as data gaps due to their different propagation characteristics. The solar wind bulk velocity is considered radial and constant. Density and radial magnetic field are propagated by correcting with the inverse square of the radial distance. The model has the advantage that it can be coded easily and fitted to the problem; it is flexible in selecting and handling input data and requires little running time.  相似文献   
The “strahl” is a specific population of the solar wind, constituted by strongly field aligned electrons flowing away from the Sun, with energies >60 eV. Using the Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (SWEA) onboard STEREO, we investigate the short time scale fluctuations of this population. It is shown that its phase space density (PSD) at times presents fluctuations larger than 50% at scales of the order of minutes and less. The fluctuations are particularly strong for periods of a few tens of hours in high-speed streams, following the crossing of the corotating interaction region, when the strahl is also the most collimated in pitch angle. The amplitude of the fluctuations tends to decrease in conjunction with a broadening in pitch angle. Generally, the strongly fluctuating strahl is observed when the magnetic field is also highly perturbed. That SWEA is able to perform a very rapid 3D analysis at a given energy is essential since it can be demonstrated that the observed magnetic turbulence can only marginally perturb the PSD measurements.  相似文献   
The twin STEREO spacecraft provide a unique tool to study the temporal evolution of the solar-wind properties in the ecliptic since their longitudinal separation increases with time. We derive the characteristic temporal variations at ~?1 AU between two different plasma parcels ejected from the same solar source by excluding the spatial variations from our datasets. As part of the onboard IMPACT instrument suite, the SWEA electron experiment provides the solar-wind electron core density at two different heliospheric vantage points. We analyze these density datasets between March and August 2007 and find typical solar minimum conditions. After adjusting for the theoretical time lag between the two spacecraft, we compare the two density datasets. We find that their correlation decreases as the time difference increases between two ejections. The correlation coefficient is about 0.80 for a time lag of a half day and 0.65 for two days. These correlation coefficients from the electron core density are somewhat lower than the ones from the proton bulk velocity obtained in an earlier study, though they are still high enough to consider the solar wind as persistent after two days. These quantitative results reflect the variability of the solar-wind properties in space and time, and they might serve as input for solar-wind models.  相似文献   
Simunac  K. D. C.  Galvin  A. B.  Farrugia  C. J.  Kistler  L. M.  Kucharek  H.  Lavraud  B.  Liu  Y. C.-M.  Luhmann  J. G.  Ogilvie  K. W.  Opitz  A.  Popecki  M. A.  Sauvaud  J.-A.  Wang  S. 《Solar physics》2012,281(1):423-447
Solar Physics - In this paper we present in situ observations of the heliospheric plasma sheet (HPS) from STEREO-A, Wind, and STEREO-B over four solar rotations in the declining phase of...  相似文献   
Lavraud  B.  Gosling  J. T.  Rouillard  A. P.  Fedorov  A.  Opitz  A.  Sauvaud  J.-A.  Foullon  C.  Dandouras  I.  Génot  V.  Jacquey  C.  Louarn  P.  Mazelle  C.  Penou  E.  Phan  T. D.  Larson  D. E.  Luhmann  J. G.  Schroeder  P.  Skoug  R. M.  Steinberg  J. T.  Russell  C. T. 《Solar physics》2009,256(1-2):379-392

We analyze Wind, ACE, and STEREO (ST-A and ST-B) plasma and magnetic field data in the vicinity of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) crossed by all spacecraft between 22:15 UT on 31 March and 01:25 UT on 1 April 2007 corresponding to its observation at ST-A and ST-B, which were separated by over 1800 R E (or over 1200 R E across the Sun?–?Earth line). Although only Wind and ACE provided good ion flow data in accord with a solar wind magnetic reconnection exhaust at the HCS, the magnetic field bifurcation typical of such exhausts was clearly observed at all spacecraft. They also all observed unambiguous strahl mixing within the exhaust, consistent with the sunward flow deflection observed at Wind and ACE and thus with the formation of closed magnetic field lines within the exhaust with both ends attached to the Sun. The strong dawnward flow deflection in the exhaust is consistent with the exhaust and X-line orientations obtained from minimum variance analysis at each spacecraft so that the X-line is almost along the GSE Z-axis and duskward of all the spacecraft. The observation of strahl mixing in extended and intermittent layers outside the exhaust by ST-A and ST-B is consistent with the formation of electron separatrix layers surrounding the exhaust. This event also provides further evidence that balanced parallel and antiparallel suprathermal electron fluxes are not a necessary condition for identification of closed field lines in the solar wind. In the present case the origin of the imbalance simply is the mixing of strahls of substantially different strengths from a different solar source each side of the HCS. The inferred exhaust orientations and distances of each spacecraft relative to the X-line show that the exhaust was likely nonplanar, following the Parker spiral orientation. Finally, the separatrix layers and exhausts properties at each spacecraft suggest that the magnetic reconnection X-line location and/or reconnection rate were variable in both space and time at such large scales.

Foullon  C.  Lavraud  B.  Wardle  N. C.  Owen  C. J.  Kucharek  H.  Fazakerley  A. N.  Larson  D. E.  Lucek  E.  Luhmann  J. G.  Opitz  A.  Sauvaud  J.-A.  Skoug  R. M. 《Solar physics》2009,259(1-2):389-416
Solar Physics - Multiple current sheet crossings are ubiquitous features of the solar wind associated with high-beta plasma sheets, notably during the passage of the heliospheric current sheet...  相似文献   
Modeling and forecasting damage from wind storms is a major issue for insurance companies. In this article, we focus on the sensitivity of estimations of return periods for extreme events with respect to modeling assumptions and the type of input data. Numerous variables play a role: the quality of data concerning the location of insured buildings and weather report homogeneity, missing updates for correcting non-stationarities concerning the insurance portfolio history, ground roughness or climate change, the evolution of the model after an unprecedented event such as the Lothar storm observed in 1999 in Europe, temporal aggregation of daily events over several days, where events could span over several days up to one week, and storm trajectories, which could change due to global warming or sweep larger areas. Our work explores three important aspects. First, we highlight the geographic heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of wind speeds and the resulting damages. Therefore, we propose to partition the French territory into 6 relatively homogeneous storm zones, based on the dependence among observed wind speeds and geographic distance. Second, we extend a storm index—defined in Mornet et al. (Risk Anal 35:2029–2056, 2015)—to take into account geographic heterogeneity, and we analyze its tail behavior to show the difficulties met to obtain reliable results on extreme events. Third, we explore the calculation of Solvency Capital Requirements based on a model that we propose for the annual claim amount distribution. The purpose of our analysis is to quantify and to point out the high level of uncertainty in the computation of return periods and of other quantities strongly influenced by extreme events.  相似文献   
Although the north‐western coast of Western Australia is highly vulnerable to tropical cyclones and tsunamis, little is known about the geological imprint of historic and prehistoric extreme wave events in this particular area. Despite a number of site‐specific difficulties such as post‐depositional changes and the preservation potential of event deposits, both tropical cyclones and tsunamis may be inferred from the geomorphology and the stratigraphy of beach ridge sequences, washover fans and coastal lagoons or marshes. A further challenge is the differentiation between tsunami and storm deposits in the geological record, particularly where modern deposits and/or historical reports on the event are not available. This study presents a high‐resolution sedimentary record of washover events from the Ashburton River delta (Western Australia) spanning approximately the last 150 years. A detailed characterization of event deposits is provided, and a robust chronostratigraphy for the investigated washover sequence is established based on multi‐proxy sediment analyses and optically stimulated luminescence dating. Combining sedimentological, geochemical and high‐resolution optically stimulated luminescence data, event layers are assigned to known historical events and tropical cyclone deposits are separated from tsunami deposits. For the first time, the 1883 Krakatoa and 1977 Sumba tsunamis are inferred from sedimentary records of the north‐western part of Western Australia. It is demonstrated that optically stimulated luminescence applied in coastal sedimentary archives with favourable luminescence characteristics can provide accurate chronostratigraphies even on a decadal timescale. The results contribute to the data pool of tropical cyclone and tsunami deposits in Holocene stratigraphies; however, they also demonstrate how short‐lived sediment archives may be in dynamic sedimentary environments.  相似文献   
Most vascular plants form symbioses with mycorrhizal fungi that associate with roots and provide nutrients to hosts in exchange for carbohydrates, as well as serve a range of other functions. Mycorrhizal fungi have been studied extensively in upland ecosystems, but we know less about their ecology at aquatic-terrestrial interfaces, especially their distributions at depth. Our objectives were to determine whether abundances of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) change as floodplain islands develop and to describe vertical distributions of AMF from the forest floor to the water table along the freely flowing Tagliamento River in northeastern Italy. We sampled surface sediments (0–10 cm) from three stages of island development on the floodplain—fresh deposits, pioneer islands, and established islands. We also sampled sediments vertically (0–150 cm) from the ground surface to the water table on an established island. We characterized abundance of AMF propagules (colonized roots, spores, and hyphae) within sediments. Roots available to host fungi were absent on fresh deposits; however, some viable spores and hyphae were available at these sites. Pioneer and established islands each had similar hyphal lengths (~860 cm cm−3) and colonized root lengths (~3 cm cm−3). Abundance of spores increased from depositional (3.5 ± 0.9 (±SE) cm−3) to pioneer (17 ± 6.1 cm−3) to established (32 ± 6.3 cm−3) islands. On an established island, AMF propagules were present at all depths sampled, including at the water table, providing first documentation of these symbionts to such depths in a riparian setting. Mycorrhizal fungi likely link aquatic and terrestrial habitats by connecting plants, soil, and ground water and may influence nutrient transfers among these subsystems.  相似文献   
The images taken by the Heliospheric Imagers (HIs), part of the SECCHI imaging package onboard the pair of STEREO spacecraft, provide information on the radial and latitudinal evolution of the plasma compressed inside corotating interaction regions (CIRs). A plasma density wave imaged by the HI instrument onboard STEREO-B was found to propagate towards STEREO-A, enabling a comparison between simultaneous remote-sensing and in situ observations of its structure to be performed. In situ measurements made by STEREO-A show that the plasma density wave is associated with the passage of a CIR. The magnetic field compressed after the CIR stream interface (SI) is found to have a planar distribution. Minimum variance analysis of the magnetic field vectors shows that the SI is inclined at 54° to the orbital plane of the STEREO-A spacecraft. This inclination of the CIR SI is comparable to the inclination of the associated plasma density wave observed by HI. A small-scale magnetic cloud with a flux rope topology and radial extent of 0.08 AU is also embedded prior to the SI. The pitch-angle distribution of suprathermal electrons measured by the STEREO-A SWEA instrument shows that an open magnetic field topology in the cloud replaced the heliospheric current sheet locally. These observations confirm that HI observes CIRs in difference images when a small-scale transient is caught up in the compression region.  相似文献   
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