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When analyzing the pressure dependences of the aerosol volume scattering coefficient calculated from the measurement data on the geometric albedo of Jupiter obtained in 1993 in the methane absorption bands at 619, 727, and 842 nm, the signs of probable changes in the parameters of aerosol particles in the deep atmospheric layers were detected and the first estimates of the magnitude of these changes were obtained. It has been found that, in the pressure interval from 4 to 14 bar, the effective radius of particles may increase twofold and more (larger than 0.73 μm) and the real part of the refractive index may grow by 10% (from 1.44 and higher) relative to the values of these parameters in the upper atmosphere. If we take into account these changes, we find no signs of aerosol deep in the atmosphere of Jupiter.  相似文献   
The paper deals with the excitation of the helium singlet level 21 P in the homogeneous and filamentary models of quiescent prominences with following parameters: the optical thickness at the limit of helium Lyman continuum 1c M = 0.1–100, T e = 7000 K, n e = 5 × 1010 cm–3. Assuming a model He atom with seven discrete levels (11 S, 23 S, 21 S, 23 P, 21 P, 33 D, 31 D) and the continuum the steady state equations for the levels 23 S, 21 P and the continuum have been solved together with the radiative transfer equations for the line 584 Å and the continuum 504 Å. The variations with depth of the functions n 2 3 S /n 1 1 S (1 c), n 2 1 P /n 1 1 S (1c ), and n + He n e /n 1 1 S(1c ) as well as the intensities of the triplet (D3, 10830 Å) and singlet (16678, 20581 Å) lines have been calculated. Comparison with observations leads to the following conclusions: (1) The line intensities calculated for filamentary models of prominences agree better with observations than those for homogeneous ones. (2) The helium level 21 P is excited by diffuse field 584 Å being formed by recombinations and spontaneous transitions 21 P – 11 S and escaping from the prominence into the space between the filaments and to the surface. (3) Underpopulation of the singlet level 21 P may be explained by combination of weak excitation mechanism (recombinations and formation of the diffuse field 584 Å) and strong deexcitation mechanism (spontaneous transitions into the level 11 S).  相似文献   
A critical analysis of the methods and results of estimating the optical thickness of the dust component in the Martian atmosphere 0, the particle size r 0, and the imaginary part of the refractive index n ihas shown the following. (1) Observational data on the brightness distribution over the Martian disk as well as the phase dependences of diffusely reflected light and the azimuthal dependences of diffusely transmitted light are most appropriate to use only for verifying the reliability of the aerosol parameters determined by other methods. (2) If the morning and evening fogs in the atmosphere are disregarded, the Bouguer–Lambert–Beer method used to analyze the solar-brightness attenuation measured on the planetary surface yields overestimated extraatmospheric solar intensity I 0and atmospheric optical depth 0. At the Viking 1landing site, I 0and 0could be overestimated by a factor of 1.7 and by 0.35, respectively. (3) The aerosol size determined by analyzing measurements of the azimuthal dependences for the Martian sky brightness at low elevations of the Sun most likely corresponds to the fog particles. (4) If overestimated values of I 0were used to standardize the observations of the solar radiation transmitted by the Martian atmosphere, then n iwere also overestimated; using overestimated 0also affected the reliability of the latter. (5) The problem of reliability of the available 0and r 0estimates for periods of high atmospheric transparency is yet to be solved. For the highest activity of the dust storm in 1971, it was found that 4.5 r 0 7.5 m for the lognormal particle size distribution with 2= 0.2 and the optical thickness of a dust cloud 0 15. (6) The spectral values of the apparent albedo of Mars measured in October 1971 at a phase angle of 42° in the spectral range 0.250 0.717 allowed the imaginary part of the refractive index to be estimated in terms of a model of a dust cloud composed of spherical particles with the lognormal size distribution with r 0= 4.5 m and 2= 0.2.  相似文献   
The influence of the shape of dust aerosol particles in the Martian atmosphere on the imaginary part of the refractive index n i as derived from photometric observations during the period of the highest activity of the dust storm in 1971 was studied and exemplified for particles of spherical and oblate spheroidal shape. A similar analysis was performed for mean particle radii r 0 and optical thicknesses 0 of the dust layer estimated from polarization observations for periods of high atmospheric transparency. It was demonstrated that the values obtained for these optical parameters are affected by the adopted aerosol shape. Namely, the values of n i, r 0, and 0 found for spheroidal particles proved to be nearly twice as large as those for spheres. However, they are still much less than the available estimates of these parameters inferred, in particular, from interpreting space experiments. The reason for this difference needs further investigation.  相似文献   
Spectral reflectivities ?(λ) of the features on the disk of Jupiter (NTrZ, NEB, EZ, SEB, STrZ) and the center of the disk of Saturn were measured for different phase angles. The phase dependence of ?(λ) is shown to correspond to the shape of the phase function.  相似文献   
Based on the data on the wavelength dependence of geometrical albedo for the disks of Jupiter and Saturn, we determined the trends in the height variation of the aerosol optical depth in the upper atmospheric layers of these planets, the fractional methane concentration in the Jovian atmosphere (0.00125), and the monochromatic methane absorption coefficients (or the superposition of these coefficients for methane and ammonia) typical of the thermal conditions in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn in the wavelength range from 527 to 956 nm.  相似文献   
It has been shown that the orbital polarization measurements of the Earth in the spectral range λ > 300 nm do not allow the sets of the Stokes parameters satisfying the homogeneity requirement for the optical properties of the “atmosphere + surface” system to be retrieved. Due to this, the atmospheric and surface contributions cannot be correctly separated and the physical properties of the atmospheric aerosol cannot be determined. This is caused by the optical heterogeneity of the system, the different nature of aerosol above different relief features, and the poorly predictable temporal changes of the optical properties of the “atmosphere + surface” system. Observations at λ < 300 nm are more acceptable, since not only the surface but also the tropospheric layer of the atmosphere, which are both mostly subjected to the effects of horizontal inhomogeneity and temporal variations, become practically invisible due to a high absorption by the ozone layer. Because of this, from the scans along specified latitude zones, one may obtain the quasi-homogeneous dependences of the second Stokes parameter Q(α) (U(α) = 0) suitable for estimating the physical characteristics of the stratospheric aerosol and revealing their horizontal and temporal variations.  相似文献   
The excitation of the levels (21 P, 31 D, 51 D, 61 D and 71 D) of helium in quiescent prominences and the chromosphere is considered using the observations made during the 1952, 1961 and 1970 solar eclipses (Thomas and Athay, 1961; Athay and Orrall, 1957; Rigutti and Russo, 1964; Kubota et al., 1972) as well as by means of high altitude coronographs (Jefferies and Orrall, 1962). It is shown that the lower levels of the singlet series of helium, like the lower levels of hydrogen, are excited by resonance (λ = 584 Å) and photospheric radiation. The higher levels are populated by transitions from the triplet system, so that a relative state LTE is established between the systems for n ? 6.  相似文献   
Observations concerning the structure of sunspots, obtained during the fourth flight of the Soviet Stratospheric Observatory (SSO), are discussed. Objects brighter than the mean photospheric background inside the sunspot penumbra retaining the stable position sometimes vary within time intervals of a few minutes. The brightness change in pores can be explained by their different location at highest levels of the photosphere. The same mechanism can cause the brightness difference of the penumbra filaments. The gradient of the brightness variation inside the pores is determined. The value of this gradient was found to be practically the same for all dark objects. Most penumbral filaments show no magnetic expansion with growing distance from the spot center.  相似文献   
We consider the Irvine-Yanovistkii modification of the shadow model developed by Hapke for the opposition effect of brightness. The relation between the single scattering albedo ω and the transparency coefficient of particles κ is suggested to be used in the form κ = (1 ? ω) n , which allows the number of unknowns in the model to be reduced to two parameters (the packing density of particles g and ω) and the single-scattering phase function χ(α). The analysis of spectrophotometric measurements of the moon and Mars showed that the data on the observed opposition effect and the changes in the color index with the phase angle α well agree if the values of n = 0.25 and g = 0.4 (the moon) and 0.6 (Mars) are assumed in calculations. When being applied to asteroids of several types, this method also yielded a satisfactory agreement. For the E-type asteroids, the sets of parameters are [g = 0.6, ω = 0.6, A g = 0.21, and q = 0.83] or [g = 0.3, ω = 0.4, A g = 0.15, and q = 0.71] under the Martian single-scattering phase function; for the M-type asteroids, it is [g = 0.4, ω ≤ 0.1, A g ≤ 0.075, and q ≤ 0.42] under the lunar single-scattering phase function; for the S-type asteroids, it is [g = 0.4, ω = 0.4, A g = 0.28, and q = 0.49] under the lunar single-scattering phase function; and for the C-type asteroids, it is [g = 0.6, ω ≤ 0.1, A g ≤ 0.075, and q = 0.43] under the modified lunar single-scattering phase function. The polarization measurements fulfilled by Gehrels et al. (1964) for the bright feature on the lunar surface, Copernicus (L = -20°08′, φ = +10°11′), at a phase angle α = 1.6° revealed the deviations in the position of the polarization plane from that typical for the negative branch. They were 22° and 12° in the G and I filters, respectively. At the same time, the deviation was within the error (±3°) in the U filter and for the dark feature Plato (L = -10°32′, φ = +51°25′), which can be caused by the coherent mechanism of the formation of the polarization peak.  相似文献   
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