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We present the results of numerical simulations of stationary, spherically outflowing, e ± pair winds, with total luminosities in the range 1034–1042 ergs s?1. In the concrete example described here, the wind injection source is a hot, bare, strange star, predicted to be a powerful source of e ± pairs created by the Coulomb barrier at the quark surface. We find that photons dominate in the emerging emission, and the emerging photon spectrum is rather hard and differs substantially from the thermal spectrum expected from a neutron star with the same luminosity. This might help distinguish the putative bare strange stars from neutron stars.  相似文献   
I start with a brief introduction to MOND phenomenology and its possible roots in cosmology—a notion that may turn out to be the most far reaching aspect of MOND. Next I discuss the implications of MOND for the dark matter (DM) doctrine: MOND’s successes imply that baryons determine everything. For DM this would mean that the puny tail of leftover baryons in galaxies wags the hefty DM dog. This has to occur in many intricate ways, and despite the haphazard construction history of galaxies—a very tall order. I then concentrate on galaxy clusters in light of MOND, which still requires some yet undetected cluster dark matter, presumably in some baryonic form (CBDM). This CBDM might contribute to the heating of the X-ray emitting gas and thus alleviate the cooling flow puzzle. MOND, qua theory of dynamics, does not directly enter the microphysics of the gas; however, it does force a new outlook on the role of DM in shaping the cluster gas dynamics: MOND tells us that the cluster DM is not cold dark matter, is not so abundant, and is not expected in galaxies; it is thus not subject to constraints on baryonic DM in galaxies. The mass in CBDM required in a whole cluster is, typically, similar to that in hot gas, but is rather more centrally concentrated, totally dominating the core. The CBDM contribution to the baryon budget in the universe is thus small. Its properties, deduced for isolated clusters, are consistent with the observations of the “bullet cluster”. Its kinetic energy reservoir is much larger than that of the hot gas in the core, and would suffice to keep the gas hot for many cooling times. Heating can be effected in various ways depending on the exact nature of the CBDM, from very massive black holes to cool, compact gas clouds.  相似文献   
Analyses of halo shapes for disc galaxies are said to give conflicting results. I point out that the modified dynamics (MOND) predicts for disc galaxies a distribution of fictitious dark matter that comprises two components: a pure disc and a rounder halo. The former dominates the true disc in regions of small accelerations, where it controls the z -dynamics in the disc (disc flaring etc.); it has a finite total mass. It also dominates the round component near the centre where the geometry is nearly planar. The second component controls motions far from the plane, has a total enclosed mass that diverges linearly with radius, and determines the rotation curve at large radii. Its ellipticity may be appreciable at small radii but vanishes asymptotically. This prediction of MOND differs from what one expects from galaxy formation scenarios with dark matter. Analyses to date, which, as they do, assume one component – usually with a constant ellipticity – perforce give conflicting results for the best value of ellipticity, depending on whether they probe the disc or the sphere, small radii or large ones.  相似文献   
I discuss open theoretical questions pertaining to the modified dynamics (MOND)—a proposed alternative to dark matter, which posits a breakdown of Newtonian dynamics in the limit of small accelerations. In particular, I point the reasons for thinking that MOND is an effective theory—perhaps, despite appearance, not even in conflict with GR. I then contrast the two interpretations of MOND as modified gravity and as modified inertia. I describe two mechanical models that are described by potential theories similar to (non-relativistic) MOND: a potential-flow model, and a membrane model. These might shed some light on a possible origin of MOND. The possible involvement of vacuum effects is also speculated on.  相似文献   
From the little we know of the physical conditions in γ-ray bursters, it seems that they are potentially effective in the acceleration of high-energy cosmic rays (CRs), especially if the bursters are at cosmological distances. We find that, with the observed statistics and fluxes of γ-ray bursts, cosmological bursters may be an important source of cosmic rays in two regions of the observed spectrum: (1) At the very-high-energy end (E > 1019 eV), where CRs must be of extragalactic origin. (2) Around and above the spectral feature that has been described as a bump and/or a knee, which occurs around 1015 eV. The occasional bursters that occur inside the Galaxy — about once in a few hundred thousand years if burst emission is isotropic; more often, if it is beamed — could maintain the density of galactic cosmic rays at the observed level in this range. These two energy ranges might correspond to two typical CR energy scales characteristic of bursters: one pertinent to CR acceleration due to interaction of a magnetized-fireball front with an ambient medium; the other to acceleration in the fireball itself (e.g. shock acceleration).  相似文献   
It is proposed that a rearrangement of single-particle degrees of freedom may occur in a portion of the quantum-fluid interior of a neutron star. Such a rearrangement is associated with the pronounced softening of the spin-isospin collective mode which, under increasing density, leads to pion condensation. Arguments and estimates based on fundamental relations of many-body theory show that one realization of this phenomenon could produce very rapid cooling of the star via a direct nucleon Urca process displaying a T5 dependence on temperature.  相似文献   
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