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On the basis of observational data for the absolute R and relative R/R amplitudes of variations in radius of galactic classical cepheids (55 stars from Balona and Stobie (1979) and 30 stars from Sollazzoet al. (1981)), four kinds of empirical linear relations are obtained: log(P V)–logR, logP–logR, log(P V)–log(R/R), and logP–log(R/R);P, R, and V are the pulsation periods, the mean stellar radii, and the amplitudes of light variations, respectively. Three groups of stars are considered: short-period cepheids (SPC)-with logP1.1; long-period cepheids (LPC)-with logP>1.1; and s-cepheids (sC). Both the R values and the R/R values increase withP andP V, for a given group of variables. A comparison is performed with our results obtained from data in other sources (Kurochkin, 1966; Gieren, 1982; etc.). The investigated relations can be applied for determining R and R/R of galactic classical cepheids, by using their observedP and V. All studied galactic classical cepheids have R/R<0.35, R<10R for SPC and 10R <R60R for LPC. The sC have smaller R and R/R values than other classical cepheids, at the same periods (the difference is about 2 times for R and 1.4–2.8 times for R/R); the studied sC have R/R in the range 0.025–0.075 and R in the range 1–3R (only Y Oph has R8R ).  相似文献   
The radiiR and surface gravitiesg of Population I pulsating stars (89 Delta Scuti-variables and 155 classical cepheids) have been investigated. Semi-empirical period-radius (P-R) and period-gravity (P-g) relations are obtained for Delta Scuti-stars (for the four lowest modes of radial pulsations) and for classical cepheids. For Delta Scuti-stars, the uncertainties of radius and gravity estimations calculated from theP-R andP-g relations for different modes, are evaluated. There is a good agreement both between theP-R relations and between theP-g relations for Delta Scuti-stars and for classical cepheids, but a gap exists between the two types of variables. From models of Delta Scuti-stars, theoreticalP-R andP-g relations for the four lowest modes of radial pulsations are obtained, in a good agreement with the corresponding semi-empirical relations. There is an excellent agreement between the theoretical and semi-empirical period ratios of radial pulsations as derived from theP-R andP-g relations for Delta Scuti-stars. It is not necessary to take into account the colours (in addition to the periods), in order to estimate the radii and gravities of the variables under study.  相似文献   
The distributions of supernovae of different types and subtypes along the radius and in z coordinate of galaxies have been studied. We show that among the type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) in spiral galaxies, SNe Iax and Ia-norm have, respectively, the largest and smallest concentration to the center; the distributions of SNe Ia-91bg and Ia-91T are similar. A strong concentration of SNe Ib/c to the central regions has been confirmed. In spiral galaxies, the supernovae of all types strongly concentrate to the galactic plane; the slight differences in scale height correlate with the extent to which the classes of supernovae are associated with star formation.  相似文献   
Two global analytical models of the main magnetic field of the Earth (MFE) have been used to determine their potential in deriving an anomalous MFE from balloon magnetic surveys conducted at altitudes of ~30 km. The daily mean spherical harmonic model (DMSHM) constructed from satellite data on the day of balloon magnetic surveys was analyzed. This model for the day of magnetic surveys was shown to be almost free of errors associated with secular variations and can be recommended for deriving an anomalous MFE. The error of the enhanced magnetic model (EMM) was estimated depending on the number of harmonics used in the model. The model limited by the first 13 harmonics was shown to be able to lead to errors in the main MFE of around 15 nT. The EMM developed to n = m = 720 and constructed on the basis of satellite and ground-based magnetic data fails to adequately simulate the anomalous MFE at altitudes of 30 km. To construct a representative model developed to m = n = 720, ground-based magnetic data should be replaced by data of balloon magnetic surveys for altitudes of ~30 km. The results of investigations were confirmed by a balloon experiment conducted by Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow Aviation Institute.  相似文献   
Diverse latest Pliocene volcanic and plutonic rocks in the north-central Caucasus Mountains of southern Russia are newly interpreted as components of a large caldera system that erupted a compositionally zoned rhyolite-dacite ash-flow sheet at 2.83 ± 0.02 Ma (sanidine and biotite 40Ar/39Ar). Despite its location within a cratonic collision zone, the Chegem system is structurally and petrologically similar to typical calderas of continental-margin volcanic arcs. Erosional remnants of the outflow Chegem Tuff sheet extend at least 50 km north from the source caldera in the upper Chegem River. These outflow remnants were previously interpreted by others as erupted from several local vents, but petrologic similarities indicate a common origin and correlation with thick intracaldera Chegem Tuff. The 11 × 15 km caldera and associated intrusions are superbly exposed over a vertical range of 2,300 m in deep canyons above treeline (elev. to 3,800 m). Densely welded intracaldera Chegem Tuff, previously described by others as a rhyolite lava plateau, forms a single cooling unit, is > 2 km thick, and contains large slide blocks from the caldera walls. Caldera subsidence was accommodated along several concentric ring fractures. No prevolcanic floor is exposed within the central core of the caldera. The caldera-filling tuff is overlain by andesitic lavas and cut by a 2.84 ± 0.03-Ma porphyritic granodiorite intrusion that has a cooling age analytically indistinguishable from that of the tuffs. The Eldjurta Granite, a pluton exposed low in the next large canyon (Baksan River) 10 km to the northwest of the caldera, yields variable K-feldspar and biotite ages (2.8 to 1.0 Ma) through a 5-km vertical range in surface and drill-hole samples. These variable dates appear to record a prolonged complex cooling history within upper parts of another caldera-related pluton. Major W-Mo ore deposits at the Tirniauz mine are hosted in skarns and hornfels along the roof of the Eldjurta Granite, and associated aplitic phases have textural features of Climax-type molybdenite porphyries in the western USA. Similar 40Ar/39Ar ages, mineral chemistry, and bulk-rock compositions indicate that the Chegem Tuff, intracaldera intrusion, and Eldjurta Granite are all parts of a large magmatic system that broadly resembles the middle Tertiary Questa caldera system and associated Mo deposits in northern New Mexico, USA. Because of their young age and superb three-dimensional exposures, rocks of the Chegem-Tirniauz region offer exceptional opportunities for detailed study of caldera structures, compositional gradients in volcanic rocks relative to cogenetic granites, and the thermal and fluid-flow history of a large young upper-crustal magmatic system.  相似文献   
A thick (200 m) rock salt mass covering Late Archean granitoids was exposed for the first time in the Early Proterozoic volcanogenic-sedimentary formations in the Onega trough of the east Baltic Shield by the Onega parametric well. The mineral composition of salts, their geochemical features, and the isotopic composition of carbonate carbon and oxygen have been studied. After fluid inclusions present in salts, their metamorphism temperature and isotopic composition of helium and argon were determined. The obtained results give evidence of the fact that rock salts and magnesites associated with them were formed in an evaporate basin with participation of deep crustal processes. The age of the underlying granitoids (2.716 ± 9 Ma) is determined using the Pb—Pb method.  相似文献   
The activity of acid phosphatase of some freshwater mollusks was examined and correlated with the quality of water in the laboratory experiment and in their natural habitats. The results were compared with the traditional indices of water pollution (oxygen content, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand, the survival rate of daphnia, changes in the microalga population in tests, the diversity of macrozoobenthos species under natural conditions). The performed experiments and observations show that the activity of acid phosphatase of mollusks features a sufficient sensitivity for biochemical testing and biochemical indication of pollution and can be used for environmental monitoring of inland waters in addition to commonly accepted protocols.  相似文献   
We use vector spherical harmonics for a kinematic analysis of the proper motions of stars from the Hipparcos, Tycho-2, and UCAC3 catalogues in the northern and southern Galactic hemispheres. We have found that the statistically reliable values of the Ogorodnikov-Milne model parameters M 32 + and M 32 ? have different signs in different hemispheres. This is a consequence of the Galaxy??s rotational retardation with distance from the principal Galactic plane. Based on various samples of stars from the above catalogues, we have obtained the following estimate for the magnitude of the vertical gradient of Galactic rotation velocity in the solar neighborhoods: (20.1 ± 2.9) < |?V??/?z| < (49.2 ± 0.8) km s?1 kpc?1. Another result that is revealed by our analysis of the parameters M 13 ? and M 13 + in different Galactic hemispheres is that the vertical gradient of expansion velocity for the stellar system ?V R /? z is positive in the northern hemisphere and negative in the southern one. This suggests that the expansion velocity V R increases with distance fromthe Galactic plane. We show that both these gradients give rise to an apparent acceleration of the solar motion along the x and y axes of the rectangular Galactic coordinate system. Our analysis of the parameters M 21 ? and M 12 + shows no significant differences in both hemispheres and has allowed us to determine the Oort parameters, to estimate the Galactic rotation velocity and period in the solar neighborhood, and to calculate the ratio of the epicyclic frequency to the angular velocity of Galactic rotation in the solar neighborhood. The derived diagonal elements of the velocity field deformation tensor suggest that the orientation of the rectangular Galactic coordinate system in space must be determined by taking into account not only the geometrical factors but also the dynamical ones. All these results agree well with these quantities estimated over the entire sphere by various authors.  相似文献   
The formation of space debris as an accumulation of small heavenly bodies in near-Earth space is considered. How debris can arise in near-Earth space is described. The accumulation of debris is shown to have a ring structure. The formation and spatial distribution of debris are statistically analyzed. A hypothesis for the formation of debris rings in near-Earth space is proposed.  相似文献   
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