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In climatology, one of the most important pieces of information about the climate of a place or a region is information about the Climatological Normals (CLINO)—the average values of meteorological elements for a 30-year period. This kind of information usually comes in tables and is available for different observation sites from national meteorological services or from World Meteorological Organisation publications. The key issue, then, becomes how to interpolate these values over the entire area of interest to get reliable and accurate estimates (maps) of climatic elements. Here, the regression kriging framework has been applied for mapping of 20 climatological parameters for the 1961–1990 period for the 56,594 km2 of Croatian territory, with a resolution of 1 km. In total, 152 main and climatological and 567 precipitation-measuring stations have been used in the analysis. Extensive pre-processing of metadata on station co-ordinates has been done, as well as completion of missing monthly averages. The final results are 20 climatological maps available in high resolution together with error maps and accuracy assessment measures.  相似文献   
We present a numerical algorithm designed to study the evolution of a distribution of solid particles orbiting around the Sun that could be applied to similar systems in which f c ≤ Ω/2π, where f c is the frequency of collisions, and Ω is the orbital angular speed. A number of sample particles are used to represent the whole system. Binary collisions are treated in a novel way using a Monte Carlo method that works as follows. Orbits are locally sampled to compute the velocity dispersion. Then the velocity vectors of the sample particles are modified according to random collisions with virtual particles which have velocities taken from a normal distribution computed using the previously found local velocity dispersion. The energy and momentum taken up by the virtual particles are redistributed among the neighbours of the sample particle undergoing the collision, so that conservation laws are satisfied. Simulations using this model give an estimation of the final distribution of inclinations and the associated evolutionary time-scale.  相似文献   
We report the first record of vertical rhizome growth in the temperate seagrass Zostera marina. In a population of Z. marina occurring on subtidal sand in the Novigrad Sea (Croatia), an area subject to episodic high sediment transport, collected plants of Z. marina showed vertical rhizomes with shorter and narrower inter‐nodes (mean length = 3.4 ± 1.5 SD mm, mean width = 1.9 ± 0.3 SD mm) than those recorded for horizontal rhizomes (mean length = 9.0 ± 3.5 SD mm, mean width = 2.8 ± 0.4 SD mm). Out of a sample of 1130 rhizome fragments, 288 (25.5%) were vertical. Repeated moderate burial events may have stimulated the production of vertical rhizomes, and the ability of Z. marina to produce vertical rhizomes may enable it to withstand moderate burial in this highly dynamic environment.  相似文献   
The endangered fan shell Pinna nobilis is a large bivalve mollusc (<120 cm shell length) endemic to the Mediterranean that lives one-third buried in soft substrata, generally in shallow coastal waters. We hypothesised that P. nobilis of different sizes would ingest different food sources, because small fan shells will inhale material from closer to the substratum than do large fan shells. We studied stomach contents and faeces of 18 fan shells, 6 small (mean 23.0 cm length), 6 medium-sized (mean 41.5 cm length) and 6 large (mean 62.7 cm length) living in a small area of a low-energy coastal detritic bottom characterised by mud, sand and macroalgae at Mali Ston Bay, Croatia. We found that all P. nobilis ingested copious quantities of undetermined detritus (probably at least 95% of ingested material), phytoplankton, micro and mesozooplankton and pollen grains. Large P. nobilis stomach contents showed a preponderance of water column calanoid copepods, while small fan shells had higher numbers of bivalve larvae. All fan shells took in high numbers of harpacticoid copepods that are benthonic, feeding on microbial communities of detritus and benthic vegetation. There was also a significant selection of phytoplankton species, some apparently occurring between inhalation and ingestion. The stomach contents of small P. nobilis had a higher organic matter content than either medium-sized or large fan shells; this indicated that small fan shells ingested detritus of higher organic content than did larger P. nobilis. As the faeces of all P. nobilis had similar organic matter content, this also indicates higher assimilation efficiencies in small fan shells. The demonstration of differential dietary selectivity by different sized animals has implications for future trophic studies of this endangered species. This study also provides the first demonstration of predation on zooplankton by P. nobilis.  相似文献   
Objects in 3:2 mean motion resonance with Neptune are protected from close encounters with Neptune by the resonance. Bodies in orbits with semi-major axis between 39.5 and about 42 AU are not protected by the resonance; indeed due to overlapping secular resonances, the eccentricities of orbits in this region are driven up so that a close encounter with Neptune becomes inevitable. It is thus expected that such orbits are unstable. The list of known Trans-Neptunian objects shows a deficiency in the number of objects in this gap compared to the 43–50 AU region, but the gap is not empty. We numerically integrate models for the initial population in the gap, and also all known objects over the age of the Solar System to determine what fraction can survive. We find that this fraction is significantly less than the ratio of the population in the gap to that in the main belt, suggesting that some mechanism must exist to introduce new members into the gap. By looking at the evolution of the test body orbits, we also determine the manner in which they are lost. Though all have close encounters with Neptune, in most cases this does not lead to ejection from the Solar System, but rather to a reduced perihelion distance causing close encounters with some or all of the other giant planets before being eventually lost from the system, with Saturn appearing to be the cause of the ejection of most of the objects.  相似文献   
High resolution gridded mean daily temperature datasets are valuable for research and applications in agronomy, meteorology, hydrology, ecology, and many other disciplines depending on weather or climate. The gridded datasets and the models used for their estimation are being constantly improved as there is always a need for more accurate datasets as well as for datasets with a higher spatial and temporal resolution. We developed a spatio-temporal regression kriging model for Croatia at 1 km spatial resolution by adapting the spatio-temporal regression kriging model developed for global land areas. A geometrical temperature trend, digital elevation model, and topographic wetness index were used as covariates together with measurements from the Croatian national meteorological network for the year 2008. This model performed better than the global model and previously developed models for Croatia, based on MODIS land surface temperature images. The R2 was 97.8% and RMSE was 1.2 °C for leave-one-out and 5-fold cross-validation. The proposed national model still has a high level of uncertainty at higher altitudes leaving it suitable for agricultural areas that are dominant in lower and medium altitudes.  相似文献   
The Tanga Coastal Zone Conservation and Development Programme, initiated in 1994, was among the first such projects to make livelihoods improvement a key objective, and to use a community-based approach. It developed an approach to coastal management planning that is broadly satisfactory to both communities and the government. Six fisheries management areas and two mangrove management areas were established. Institutional arrangements for the collaborative approach were strengthened and community leaders and local government officers were trained in a range of relevant skills. A coastal environmental education programme for primary schools involved several thousand schoolchildren, and a gender programme built the confidence of women. Implementation of the management measures was noticeably harder than planning, particularly elimination of destructive fishing methods. Fishers and coastal communities now however have a much greater involvement in, and understanding of, coastal management and consequently a greater sense of ownership.  相似文献   
Our goal is to determine whether or not the observed sudden termination of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt can be the result of perturbations from a hypothetical planet. We investigate the effects that such an object would produce on the primordial orbital distribution if the trans-neptunian objects, for a range of masses and orbital parameters of the hypothetical planet. In this numerical investigation, the motion of the hypothetical planet was influenced by the existing planets but not by its interaction with the disk. We find that no set of parameters produce results that match the observed data. Dynamical interaction with the disk is likely to be important so that the orbit of the hypothetical planet changes significantly during the integration interval. This is also discussed. The overall conclusion is that none of the models for the hypothetical planet that were investigated can reproduce the observed features of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt starting from any probable primordial distribution.  相似文献   
The Lagrangian equilateral points of a planetary orbit are points of equilibrium that trail at 60°, ahead (L4) or behind (L5), the trajectory of a planet. Jupiter is the only major planet in our Solar system harbouring a known population of asteroids at those locations. Here we report the existence of orbits close to the Lagrangian points of Saturn, stable at time-scales comparable to the age of the Solar system. By scaling with respect to the Trojan population we have estimated the number of objects that would populate the regions, which gives a significant figure. Moreover, mutual physical collisions over the age of the Solar system would be very rare, so the evaporation rate of this swarm arising from mutual interactions would be very low. A population of asteroids not self-collisionally evolved after their formation stage would be the first to be observed in our planetary system. Our present estimations are based on the assumption that the capture efficiency at Saturn's equilateral points is comparable with the one corresponding to Jupiter, thus our figures may be taken as upper limits. In any case, observational constraints on their number would provide fundamental clues to our understanding of the history of the outer Solar system. If they existed, the surface properties and size distribution of those objects would represent unusually valuable fossil records of our early planetary system.  相似文献   
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