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In order to decide whether the seeing conditions at SAAO/Sutherland justify the erection of a 3.5 m telescope and also to compare Sutherland with the Gamsberg/Namibia site, a seeing campaign covering 15 months has been carried out. For direct comparison with the results of the seeing campaign at Gamsberg twenty years before the same QUESTAR telescope was employed. The seeing is determined by the scattering of the star-trail exposed on a film in the focal plane of the telescope. The campaign commenced in February 1992. Up to May 1993, data for 204 nights, that is 47.3% of the total number of nights, were collected. Due to wind speeds above 30 km h-1, 25 out of the 204 nights were not considered in the final reduction. The useful 179 nights are evenly distributed over the campaign period. The median seeing value for the whole period is = 0.52. There are differences during the year: the best season gives = 0.42, the worst = 0.67. Each night was divided into three intervals, although data for each of the three intervals were not always available. Generally, there is an improvement in the seeing during the course of a night. The results are compared to the seeing values of Gamsberg/Namibia and ESO/La Silla.  相似文献   
We have identified 317 stars included in the Hipparcos astrometric catalogue that have parallaxes measured to a precision of better than 15 per cent, and the location of which in the ( M V ,( B − V ) T ) diagram implies a metallicity comparable to or less than that of the intermediate-abundance globular cluster M5. We have undertaken an extensive literature search to locate Strömgren, Johnson/Cousins and Walraven photometry for over 120 stars. In addition, we present new UBV ( RI )C photometry of 201 of these candidate halo stars, together with similar data for a further 14 known metal-poor subdwarfs. These observations provide the first extensive data set of R C I C photometry of metal-poor, main-sequence stars with well-determined trigonometric parallaxes. Finally, we have obtained intermediate-resolution optical spectroscopy of 175 stars.
47 stars still lack sufficient supplementary observations for population classification; however, we are able to estimate abundances for 270 stars, or over 80 per cent of the sample. The overwhelming majority have near-solar abundance, with their inclusion in the present sample stemming from errors in the colours listed in the Hipparcos catalogue. Only 44 stars show consistent evidence of abundances below [Fe/H]=−1.0 . Nine are additions to the small sample of metal-poor subdwarfs with accurate photometry. We consider briefly the implication of these results for cluster main-sequence fitting.  相似文献   
The nearby Mira-like variable L2 Pup is shown to be undergoing an unprecedented dimming episode. The stability of the period rules out intrinsic changes to the star, leaving dust formation along the line of sight as the most likely explanation. Episodic dust obscuration events are fairly common in carbon stars but have not been seen in oxygen-rich stars. We also present a 10-μm spectrum, taken with the Japanese Infrared Telescope in Space satellite, showing strong silicate emission that can be fitted with a detached, thin dust shell, containing silicates and corundum.  相似文献   
Time-series photometry of the Hipparcos variable stars HD 199434 and 21190 is reported. Both stars are pulsators of the δ Scuti type. Reclassifications of the MK types of the stars, based on new spectrograms, are given. HD 21190 is found to be F2III SrEuSi:, making it the most evolved Ap star known. Its Strömgren photometric indices support the peculiar spectral type. It is also one of the most evolved δ Scuti stars known. Its combined Ap– δ Scuti nature makes it an important test of models of pulsation in peculiar stars recently developed by Turcotte et al., although it is more extreme than any model they examined. Physical parameters of both stars are estimated from Strömgren and H β photometry, and Hipparcos absolute magnitudes. We attempt mode identifications based on amplitude ratios and phase differences from our photometry. The dominant pulsation of HD 21190 may be an overtone radial mode. The model fits for HD 199434 are even less satisfactory, but favour an ℓ=2 mode. Given the good quality and wavelength coverage of our data, the poor results from the application of the photometric theory of mode identification may call into question the use of that technique.  相似文献   
We present UBV ( RI )C photometry for 80 southern red and blue stars for use as additional standards. The data are tied to the Johnson UBV and Cousins ( RI )C systems and extend the range of the available stars for colour equation determination, especially in ( U − B ) for blue stars and ( V − R ) and ( V − I ) for red stars. Comparisons with published data are made and particularly good agreement is found with Bessell for the red (Gliese) stars.  相似文献   
HD 23194, a member of the Pleiades, was found to pulsate with a period of about 30 min. The literature on the star is reviewed, and it is concluded that it may be a marginal Am star in a binary system. HD 95321 is an evolved Am ( ρ Puppis) star with a 5.1-h periodicity. Mode identification of its pulsation, based on multicolour photometry, suggests that the oscillation is probably non-radial with ℓ=2. We also report on the discovery of six other new δ Scuti stars, some of which may be pulsating in gravity modes.  相似文献   
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