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A method is described for reconstructing the true geometry of a solar loop observed on the disk which takes account of tilt in its own plane. Reconstructions of three H loops yield small tilt angles (14°) and provide further evidence that H loops show a close correspondence to the field lines of a magnetic dipole. The method offers new opportunities for exploring the physics of individual solar loops.  相似文献   
High-resolution filtergrams of the quiet chromosphere, taken at seven wavelengths in H with the aid of a computer-controlled 1/8 Å filter, have been used to derive the contrast of ten bright and dark mottles as functions of wavelength. The contrast profiles of bright and dark mottles are strikingly different. They disagree with Athay's (1970) velocity model but, with an appropriate choice of parameters, can be brought into good agreement with Beckers' (1964) cloud model. Comparison between observation and theory yields values for the source function S, optical thickness t 0, line broadening parameter 0, and line-of-sight velocity V for both bright and dark mottles. The values of S and t 0 obtained for dark mottles are consistent with Beckers' (1968) spicule model.  相似文献   
Bright chromospheric mottles observed at the H line centre are found to have sizes ranging from 1450 to 4400 km and lifetimes of about 11 min. They occur in close juxtaposition to dark mottles which, at intermediate heliocentric angles ( 60°), are found to be displaced towards the limb relative to the associated bright mottles. The magnitude of the displacement indicates a height difference of 4300 km. In conjunction with height measurements of bright mottles beyond the limb (Loughhead, 1969), this implies that bright and dark mottles are phenomena of the lower ( 3300 km) and upper ( 5000–7600 km) chromosphere respectively.  相似文献   
Excepting intermittent type III activity, all the radio events over the frequency range 8–8000 MHz accompanying the initial stage of the 3B flare of 13 May, 1981 had their onset in a 2-min interval immediately preceding the peak of an impulsive Hα brightening (kernel) well away from the main flare. This kernel is identified as one footpoint of a loop of magnetic flux whose other end terminated in a transient brightening in an adjacent active region.  相似文献   
High-resolution filtergrams of an active region loop taken at seven wavelengths in Hα have been used to derive the contrast at eleven locations along its length as a function of wavelength. With an appropriate choice of parameters, theoretical curves calculated on the basis of the ‘cloud” model give a reasonable fit to the observed contrast profiles. The inferred line-of-sight components of the mass velocity range from 27 km s?1 upward to 78 km s?1 downward. However, more accurate profiles and a more rigorous theory are needed to confirm the validity of this application of the cloud model.  相似文献   
A new telescope designed for high-resolution photography of the chromosphere is described. It is mounted in the open air on a 15-m tower and is provided with air suction shields to cool all surfaces exposed to the sun's rays. The best moments for photography are selected by a seeing monitor. The highest resolution so far attained is 0. 75 of arc, compared with a theoretical resolution limit at H of 0. 55.  相似文献   
In absence of other limitations, the growth rate of a plant is dependent upon the amount of heat it receives. Each species, whether a crop, weed or disease organism, is adapted to grow at its optimum rate within a specific temperature range. Within this range, the growing degree days (GDD) is the heat accumulation above a given base temperature for a specific time period, such as a crop's growing season or phenological stage. In this paper we detail a methodology to predict GDD for synthetically generated average growing seasons derived from long term average climate data over the Australian continent. An application of these techniques has been made using the GEODATA 9 second DEM, with temperature threshold values estimated to characterize optimum growth in citrus (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck). Three major determinants of the annual growth cycle of Citrus sp. were established and predicted on a spatial basis including the starting day of the growing season, the GDD for a growing season, and the time required to accumulate an arbitrarily selected 2000 GDD from the estimated starting day. When these critical environmental factors are expressed on a spatial basis, covering the Australian continent, the combination can be used to identify locations where new crop varieties can most effectively be grown to maximize fruit quality and productivity, or to extend the harvest season. Likewise, new germplasm introduced to Australia from overseas can be horticulturally assessed at sites climatically matched to the source location.  相似文献   
A new determination of the granular and intergranular velocities is described, based on a new approach. The method involves measurement of the granule/intergranule contrast as a function of wavelength on a sequence of filtergrams taken with the CSIRO computer-controlled 1/8 Å filter in the photospheric line Fe i 6569.2. A procedure based on a simple but realistic morphological model of the granulation pattern is used to correct for spatial smearing. The effects of spectral smearing and of scattered light are also taken into account.The present observations reveal a one hundred per cent correlation between brightness and the sense of the vertical velocity component and thus demonstrate beyond doubt the convective origin of the granulation. The new measurements yield a value of 1.8 km s–1 for the difference between the upward and downward velocities associated with an average granule. With certain plausible assumptions this leads to granular and intergranular velocities of 0.7 km s–1 (upward) and 1.1 km s–1 (downward) respectively.Estimates are also obtained for the (true) central intensities and line broadening parameters of the line profile, separately for the average granule and intergranular lane.  相似文献   
High-quality photographs of the solar limb and neighbouring regions of the disk at various wavelengths in the H line have been obtained through a tunable 1/8 Å filter used in tandem with a 1 Å Halle filter to eliminate parasitic light. The new observations throw further light on (a) the reappearance of the photospheric limb in the wings of H, and (b) the dark band lying immediately above the photospheric limb described by Loughhead (1969) and Nikolsky (1970). On the other hand, taken in isolation they add very little new information bearing on the question of the identification of spicules with disk structures.As a result of small temperature drifts in the 1/8 Å filter the stated wavelengths of the photographs given in Figures 1–4 may be in error by upwards of a few hundredths of an Ångström. Provision has since been made for setting accurately the zero of the wavelength scale by the method described by Bray and Winter (1970); this involves temporarily sliding the Halle filter out of the beam.  相似文献   
An expression is derived for the contrast variation of a hypothetical magnetic element observed with a tunable monochromatic filter or spectroheliograph in a triplet Zeeman line. The theory is valid for a magnetic field of arbitrary strength and direction and for polarizing and non-polarizing optics. Numerical results are presented for both a stationary and a moving magnetic element over a range of field strengths and directions. They provide a simple diagnostic means of inferring the presence or, alternatively, the absence of strong fields, such as the kilogauss network fields postulated by Stenflo and others on the basis of indirect evidence. The proposed method of measuring strong fields is capable of very high spatial resolution and is free of the saturation effects encountered in the conventional magnetograph.  相似文献   
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