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We report on two ASCA observations of the high-mass X-ray binary pulsar OAO 1657−415. A short observation near mid-eclipse caught the source in a low-intensity state, with a weak continuum and iron emission dominated by the 6.4-keV fluorescent line. A later, longer observation found the source in a high-intensity state and covered the uneclipsed through mid-eclipse phases. In the high-intensity state, the non-eclipse spectrum has an absorbed continuum component due to scattering by material near the pulsar and 80 per cent of the fluorescent iron emission comes from less than 19 light-second away from the pulsar. We find a dust-scattered X-ray halo whose intensity decays through the eclipse. We use this halo to estimate the distance to the source as 7.1 ± 1.3 kpc.  相似文献   
The article relates the main findings of a recent investigation aimed at modeling the triggering of shallow landslides. A simplified model for assessing the safety factor of potentially unstable slopes, directly related with rainfall trends, was developed. Based on the geometric characteristics of the slope, the geotechnical properties, and strength parameters of the soil, the model makes it possible to define a safety factor of a slope as a function of time. The model is based on the limit equilibrium method and takes into account the seepage of underground water. The safety factor is, in turn, related to the seasonal rainfall. The model was applied on a local scale to some historical cases which had occurred recently in Northern Italy. The paper shows how the results of the application of the model on a local scale achieve a good agreement between the instability condition and the real date of each considered event.  相似文献   
Recent studies suggest that vegetation can drive large-scale atmospheric circulations and substantially influence the hydrologic cycle. We present observational evidence to quantify the extent of coupling between vegetation and the overlying atmosphere. Within the context of vegetation–atmospheric interactions, we reanalyze existing climatological data from springtime leaf emergence, emissivity, dew point temperatures, and historical records of precipitation and forest coverage. We construct new rainfall transects based on a robust global climatology. Using isotopic analysis of precipitation, we find that rain in Amazonia comes primarily from large-scale weather systems coupling interior regions to the ocean and is not directly driven by local evaporation. We find that changes in vegetative cover and state influence the temperature and moisture content of the surface and atmospheric boundary layer but are not reflected in observable precipitation changes. This analysis reaffirms the view that changes in precipitation over continental reaches are a product of complex processes only partly influenced but not controlled by local water sources or vegetation.  相似文献   
The use of real-time landslide early warning systems is attracting the attention of the scientific community, since it allows to assess “where” and “when” a shallow rainfall-induced landslide might occur by coupling rainfall amounts, hydrological models and slope-stability analysis. The paper deals with the main results of a back analysis, which refers to the application of a physically based stability model [Shallow Landslides Instability Prediction (SLIP)] on regional scale. The analysis concerns the occurrence of some recent rainfall-induced shallow landslides in the municipal territory of Broni, in the area of Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italy). The study area is a hilly region 2.4 km2 wide, where more than 40 % of the territory has slopes steeper than 15° and altitudes are between 90 and 250 m a.s.l. As regards the geologic setting, clayey-silty shallow colluvial deposits, with a maximum thickness of about 3 m, overlap a bedrock made of clayey shales, calcareous flysch and marls. The SLIP model is based on the limit equilibrium method applied to an infinite slope and on the Mohr–Coulomb strength criterion for the soil. By assuming that the main hydro-geotechnical process that leads to failure is the saturation of parts of the soil, the model allows to take into account the condition of partial saturation of the soil. The safety factor (F S ) of a slope is also function of previous rainfalls. After the implementation of the model at territory scale, the input data have been introduced through a geographic information systems platform. In the current paper we mainly intend to evaluate the performance of SLIP at catchment scale, by comparison to (1) observed landslide events and (2) another well-established physically based model (TRIGRS). Further, we want to assess the suitability of the model as early warning tool. The results produced by the model are analyzed both in terms of safety factor maps, corresponding to some particular rainfall events, and in terms of the time-varying percentage of unstable areas over a 2-year span period. The paper shows the comparison between observed landslide localizations and model predictions. A quantitative comparison between the SLIP model and TRIGRS is presented, only for the most important event that occurred during the analyzed period. Overall, the results of the stability analyses based on observed rainfalls show the capability of the SLIP model to predict, in real-time and on a wide area, the occurrence of the analyzed phenomena.  相似文献   
We present a homogeneous X-ray analysis of all 318 gamma-ray bursts detected by the X-ray telescope (XRT) on the Swift satellite up to 2008 July 23; this represents the largest sample of X-ray GRB data published to date. In Sections 2–3 , we detail the methods which the Swift -XRT team has developed to produce the enhanced positions, light curves, hardness ratios and spectra presented in this paper. Software using these methods continues to create such products for all new GRBs observed by the Swift -XRT. We also detail web-based tools allowing users to create these products for any object observed by the XRT, not just GRBs. In Sections 4–6 , we present the results of our analysis of GRBs, including probability distribution functions of the temporal and spectral properties of the sample. We demonstrate evidence for a consistent underlying behaviour which can produce a range of light-curve morphologies, and attempt to interpret this behaviour in the framework of external forward shock emission. We find several difficulties, in particular that reconciliation of our data with the forward shock model requires energy injection to continue for days to weeks.  相似文献   
In situ Sr-isotope data by microdrilling, coupled with major and trace element analyses, have been performed on plagioclase and clinopyroxene from seven samples collected during the 2002–2003 eruptive crisis at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy). On 28 December 2002, the persistent moderate explosive activity was broken by an effusive event lasting about 7 months. A more violent explosion (paroxysm) occurred on 5 April 2003. Two magma types were erupted, namely a volatile-poor and highly porphyritic magma (HP-magma) poured out as scoria or lava and a volatile-rich, phenocryst-poor magma (LP-magma) found as pumice. LP-magma differs from the HP-magma also for its slightly less-evolved chemistry, the groundmass composition and the lower Sr-isotope ratios. Micro-Sr-isotope data show the presence of zoned minerals in strong isotope disequilibrium, as previously found in products erupted in 1984, 1985 and 1996 AD, with 87Sr/86Sr values generally decreasing from cores to rims of minerals. Only some outer rims testify for equilibrium with the host groundmass. The internal mineral zones with high Sr-isotope ratios (0.70665–0.70618) are interpreted as ‘antecrysts’, crystallised during the previous activity and recycled in the present-day system since the opening shoshonitic activity of the Recent Period, which occurred at about 2.5 ka ago. This result has implications for the dynamics of the present-day plumbing system of Stromboli at intermediate pressure (about 2–3 km depth) and allows us to propose a model whereby an HP-magma reservoir is directly interconnected at the bottom with a cumulate crystal much reservoir. Efficient mixing between residing HP- and input LP-magmas can occur in this reservoir, due to more similar rheological characteristics of the two magmas than in the conduit, where crystallisation is enhanced by degassing. Antecrysts (and possibly melts) re-enter in the HP-magma reservoir both from the bottom, recycled by ascending LP-magmas crossing the crystal mush, and from the top, recycled by descending degassed and dense HP-magma, residual of the periodic Strombolian explosions at the surface. The isotope variation measured in the groundmasses allows calculating the proportion of the LP-magma entering the shallow HP-magma reservoir at ~20%. From this proportion, we estimate that the total volume of LP-magma input during 2002–2003 closely matches the magma volume erupted in the effusive event, suggesting a steady-state system at broadly constant volume. The comparison with estimates of the LP-magma volume ejected by the paroxysm indicates that the LP-magma amount directly reaching the surface during the 5 April paroxysm is minimal with respect to that entering the system.  相似文献   
We report on two optical candidates for the counterpart to an X-ray source in the Small Magellanic Cloud , 1WGA J0053.8−7226, identified as a serendipitous X-ray source from the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) archive, and also observed by the Einstein Imaging Proportional Counter . Its X-ray properties, namely the hard X-ray spectrum, flux variability and column density, indicate a hard, transient source, with a luminosity of ∼     XTE and ASCA observations have confirmed the source to be an X-ray pulsar, with a 46-s spin period. Our optical observations reveal two possible candidates within the error circle. Both exhibit strong H α and weaker H β emission. The optical colours indicate that both objects are Be-type stars. The Be nature of the stars implies that the counterpart is most likely a Be/X-ray binary system. Subsequent infrared (IR) photometry ( JHK ) of one of the objects shows that the source varies by at least 0.5 mag, while the     measured nearly simultaneously with the UBVRI and spectroscopic observations indicate an IR excess of ∼0.3 mag.  相似文献   
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