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The paper presents the results obtained from the UV-spectrometer of the Solar Spectrum Experiment during the Spacelab 1 mission in December 1983. The irradiance data concern 492 passbands, which are located between 200 and 358 nm at almost equidistant wavelengths separated by about 0.3 nm. The passbands have a well-defined, bell-shaped profile with a full width at half maximum of about 1.3 nm. The data, which have an error budget between 4 and 5%, agree closely with the spectral distributions observed by Heath (1980) and Mentall et al. (1981) and confirm that the solar irradiance and the fluxes of Sun-like stars show about the same spectral distribution down to at least 240 nm.  相似文献   
The SOLSPEC instrument has been built to carry out solar spectral irradiance measurements from 200 to 3000 nm. It consists of three spectrometers designed to measure the solar spectral irradiance in ultraviolet, visible, and infrared domains. It flew with the ATLAS I mission in March 1992. This paper is dedicated to the visible part of the solar spectrum. Comparisons with recent data are shown and differences below 450 nm are discussed.  相似文献   
Unexpected asymmetries and variations, which showed up in the first, preliminary reductions of new limb-darkening observations made in June 1986, near the present minimum of solar activity, stimulated a re-analysis of our limb-darkening observations made in April 1981 at Kitt Peak (Neckel and Labs, 1984). The results seem to indicate rather definitely that the intensity distribution across the disk varies at all observed wavelengths between 3300 and 6600 Å with amplitudes in the order of 1–2 % and time-scales from minutes to hours. Asymmetries in the intensity distribution with respect to the disk center are a frequent phenomenon. There can be no doubt, that also the absolute disk center intensity undergoes variations with comparable size and modulation, as they were in fact recently observed by Koutchmy and Lebecq (1986). Presumably, the solar oscillations contribute a significant part to the observed effects. However, due to the 5–7 min periodicity of our observations no definite conclusions can be drawn.Examples for widely differing limb darkening curves - at the same wavelength! - are given in Figure 7. Figure 8 illustrates the variations in time by exhibiting the differences between (north-) western and (south-) eastern radius for a larger number of selected, successive scans, regardless of wavelength. Figure 9 displays some differences between observed limb-to-limb distributions and special, symmetric reference curves.  相似文献   
The Sun's limb darkening was observed repeatedly between the 1986 minimum and the 1990 maximum of solar activity.Systematic variations, which could depend either on the momentary activity and/or the phase in the solar cycle, werenot detectable, either at continuum wavelengths or in two broad-band spectral intervals. Completelyirregular variations, which concern not only individual, successive scans (due to granulation, etc.), but also thedaily andseasonal averages, are usually less than 1%, but can reach occasionally 2% or even more. Minoreast-west asymmetries even in the seasonal means seem to be well established, mainly for < 400 nm. Thefinal, mean limb-darkening coefficients agree basically with those published by Pierce and Slaughter (1977) and Pierce, Slaughter, and Weinberger (1977), but show a much lower scatter when plotted against wavelength.  相似文献   
A comparison is made of the observed intensity in the solar continuous spectrum with those predicted by some models. Arguments are given that the bend-off observed for < 0.6 is a real phenomenon, and due to a veiled line haze.  相似文献   
The line blocking is tabulated for 10 Å ( < 6300 Å) or 20 Å ( > 6300 Å) wide intervals. It follows from the spectral averages and the local continuum derived by Neckel and Labs from high-resolution Fourier transform spectra, which had been obtained by J. Brault at Kitt Peak. The internal accuracy (the scatter) is in the order of 0.1%. Significant systematic errors arising from local distortions of the adopted continuum level can be excluded. Larger errors are to be expected only near the Balmer limit, where the localization of the continuum is very ambiguous.  相似文献   
Thuillier  Gérard  Hersé  Michel  Simon  Paul C.  Labs  Dietrich  Mandel  Holger  Gillotay  Didier 《Solar physics》1997,171(2):283-302
The SOLSPEC instrument has been built to carry out solar spectral irradiance measurements from space. It consists of three spectrometers designed to measure the solar spectral irradiance from 180 to 3000 nm. It flew for the first time in December 1983 with the SpaceLab 1 mission (SL1) and later with the ATLAS missions after significant improvement of the instrument optics and calibration procedures. For the ATLAS 1 mission in March 1992, the thermal conditions encountered during the measurements were better than those of SL1, leading to better data quality. Furthermore, other Sun spectrometers, two on the same platform and two others on board the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, have also carried out UV absolute spectral measurements at the same time. These opportunities allowed comparisons of solar irradiance determinations. The UV part of the measurements made during that mission is presented here as well as its calibration and accuracy analysis.  相似文献   
This instrument, at the present time in development, will fly on board Spacelab I in May 1983. Other flights are foreseen during the following missions. This instrument is composed by three double monochromators covering the range 170 to 3200 nm. The spectrometers have band-passes of 1 nm up to 900 nm and 20 nm from 850 to 3200 nm with an accuracy 10–2 nm. Calibration lamps are included in the instrument to monitor any change of its sensitivity and wavelength scale.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.Institut d'Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique, 3, avenue Circulaire-B1180 Bruxelles, Belgique.Landessternwarte-Koenigstuhl, D6900 Heidelberg, F.R.G.Hamburger Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg, D2050 Hamburg 80, F.R.G.  相似文献   
The conversion of our centre of disk intensities published in 1968/70 into mean disk intensities has been repeated, using more accurate data for the centre-to-limb variation of both continuous radiation and strong absorption lines.The random observational mean error of the new irradiance data very likely is not larger than 1.5% in the UV and not larger than 1% in the visible and infrared. Comparison with the fluxes of Sun-like stars observed by Hardorp (1980) confirms these errors and seems to exclude the possibility of a systematic, wavelength-dependent scale error which would correspond to a temperature difference larger than 50 K.The resulting integral value of the irradiance between 0.33 and 1.25 is 1.060, the corresponding value of the solar constant lies between 1.368 and 1.377 kWm-2.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   
The suspicion of Elste (1990), that telescopic stray light together with imperfect collimation of telescope and spectrograph could be a possible explanation for the systematic differences and variations found by Neckel and Labs (1987) in many limb-darkening scans, proves to be unfounded for the following reasons: (1)The collimation was performed very precisely; (2) the telescope mirrors remained fixed in position and direction during most of the observing period; (3) stray light effects depending on hour angle were not detectable; (4) in the same collimation status, also many almost symmetric scans had been recorded; (5) the observed east-west differences in the solar intensities are partly even larger than the total amount of stray light (from telescope and sky!) observed as sky-background just outside the limb; (6) any east-west differences in the sky-background near the limb are just a few 0.01% of the disk center intensity; (7) the differences of the average intensities along eastern and western radius appear to be correlated with the east-west differences of the intensity's R.M.S.  相似文献   
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