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Summary The starting material used was expanded perlite with a grain size < 40 m (74.5 wt.% SiO2; 12.5 wt.% Al2O3). This material is a waste product obtained during the production of expanded perlite. The experiments were carried out with KOH solutions, mixtures of KOH and NaOH solutions (1:1) as well as NaOH solutions in the concentration range 0.5 N to 6.0 N at temperatures of between 100° and 140°C and with reaction periods of 2 hours to 13 days in closed system. In the experiments with KOH containing solutions zeolite ZK-19 (phillipsite), W (merlinoite), G (chabazite) and F (edingtonite) formed. Without addition of aluminium high percentages of zeolite ZK-19 (80–100 wt.%) and zeolite W (90–100 wt.%) were obtained. The addition of aluminium rendered possibly the formation of 90 to 100 wt.% of zeolite G and 85 to 100 wt.% of zeolite F, respectively. In the experiments with NaOH solutions analcime, zeolite Na-Pc (gismondine), zeolite HS (sodalite hydrate) and zeolite A formed. High percentages of zeolite Na-Pc (90–100 wt.%), zeolite HS (up to 100 wt.%) and analcime (up to 100 wt.%) were synthesized without addition of aluminium. The formation of high percentages of zeolite A (95–100 wt.%), however, needs the addition of aluminium, NaCI and seed crystals. The temperature stability of the zeolites decreases in the following sequence: K-F > K-W K-ZK-19 (Na), K-W Na, K-F Gsi-rich (Na), K-ZK-19 >> Na-Pc Gsi-poor. Zeolite A has a very good temperature stability up to temperatures of } 550 °C similar to that of zeolite K-W. At higher temperatures, however, its stability is very poor. The NH4 +-exchange capacities (meq/g) of the different zeolites amount to the following values: ZK-19:2.8 - 3.2; W:3.0 - 3.2; G:2.3 - 3.6; A:3.1 - 3.2; Na-Pc:3.5 - 3.6; F : 3.9 - 4.8.
Zeolithsynthese aus Blähperlit—Art, Bildungsbedingungen und Eigenschaften
Zusammenfassung Ausgangsmaterial der experimentellen Untersuchungen war Blähperlit mit einer Korngröße < 40 ,m (74,5 Gew.-% SiO2; 12,5 Gew.-% Al2O3). Dieses Material ist ein Abfallprodukt, das bei der Produktion von Blähperlit anfällt. Die Experimente wurden mit KOH-Lösungen, Lösungsgemischen aus KOH und NaOH (1:1) sowie mit NaOH-Losungen im Konzentrationsbereich 0,5 n-6,0 n bei Temperaturen von 100° – 140°C und über Reaktionszeiten von 2 Stunden bis zu 13 Tagen im geschlossenen System durchgeführt. In den Experimenten mit KOH-hältigen Lösungen bildeten sich die Zeolithe ZK-19 (Phillipsit), W (Merlinoit), G (Chabasit) und F (Edingtonit). Hohe Prozentgehalte an Zeolith ZK-19 (80 – 100 Gew.-%) und Zeolith W (90–100 Gew.-%) entstehen nur ohne Zugabe von Aluminium. Die Bildung von 90–100 Gew.-% Zeolith G bzw. 85–100 Gew. % Zeolith F ist dagegen durch die Zugabe von Aluminium möglich. In den Experimenten mit NaOH-Lösungen bildeten sich die Zeolithe Analcim, Na-Pc (Gismondin), HS (Sodalithhydrat) und Zeolith A. Hohe Prozentanteile an Zeolith Na-Pc (90–100 Gew.-%), HS (bis zu 100 Gew. %) und Analcim (bis zu 100 Gew.-%) wurden ohne Aluminium-Zugabe synthetisiert. Die Bildung von hohen Gehalten an Zeolith A (95–100 Gew. %) ist jedoch nur unter Zugabe von Aluminium, NaCl und Kristallkeimen möglich.Die Temperaturbeständigkeit der Zeolithe nimmt in der folgenden Reihenfolge ab: K-F > K-W - K-ZK-19 (Na), K-W Na, K-F Gsi-reich (Na), K-ZK-19 >> Na-Pc Gsi-am. Zeolith A weist bis zu Temperaturen von etwa 550°C eine gute Temperaturbeständigkeit auf, die in etwa der von Zeolith K-W entspricht. Bei höheren Temperaturen ist die Beständigkeit jedoch sehr gering.Die NH4+-Austauschkapazitäten (mÄqu/g) der verschiedenen Zeolithe erreichen folgende Werte: ZK-19:2,8 - 3,2; W:3,0 - 3,2; G:2,3 - 3,6; A:3,1 - 3,2; Na-Pc:3,5 -3,6; F:3,9 - 4,8.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   
A spatially explicit degree-day model was used to evaluate the risk of Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) transmission by mosquitoes to humans and livestock within five target states in the continental United States: California, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, and Texas. A geographic information system was used to model potential virus transmission based on a 12-day moving window assessment of the extrinsic incubation period theorized for RVFV in the United States. Risk of potential virus transmission in each state was spatially evaluated on a 10-km grid using average historical daily temperature data from 1994 to 2003. The highest levels of transmission risk occur in California and Texas, with parts of these states at risk of RVFV transmission for up to 8 months per year. Northern Minnesota, central New York, and most of coastal and high-elevation California are at low to null risk. Risk of impact to the livestock industry is greatest in California, Texas, and Nebraska. A standard global climate model was used to evaluate future risk in the year 2030 in Nebraska, and showed an increase of transmission risk days from approximately 3 to 4 months per year.  相似文献   
The40Ar-39Ar degassing spectra of white micas and amphiboles from three tectonic units of the central Tauern Window (Pennine basement and cover in the Eastern Alps) have been measured. White micas are classified as (1) pre-Alpine low-Si relic micas with an age value of 292 Ma, variously disturbed by the Alpine metamorphism; (2) Alpine phengitic micas of variable composition with an age between 32 and 36 Ma; (3) Alpine low-Si micas with a maximum age of 27 Ma. We attribute the higher Alpine ages to a blueschist facies event, whereas the lower age reflects the late cooling of the nappe pile. Blueschist facies phengites from the basement (Lower Schieferhülle) and the tectonic cover (Upper Schieferhülle) crystallized at a temperature below the closure temperature (T c) for argon diffusion in white mica and record ages of 32 to 36 Ma. At the same time a thin, eclogite facies unit (Eclogite Zone) was thrust between the Lower and the Upper Schieferhülle and cooled from eclogite facies conditions at about 600°C at 20 kbar to blueschist facies conditions at 450°C or even 300°C at >10 kbar. Eclogite facies phengites closed for argon diffusion and record cooling ages, coinciding with the crystallization ages in the hanging and the footwall unit. Amphibole age spectra (actinolite, glaucophane, barroisite) are not interpretable in terms of geologically meaningful ages because of excess argon.  相似文献   
We present a possible orbit for the Southern Stream of stars in M31, which connects it to the Northern Spur. Support for this model comes from the dynamics of planetary nebulae (PNe) in the disc of M31: analysis of a new sample of 2611 PNe obtained using the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph reveals ∼20 objects with kinematics inconsistent with the normal components of the galaxy, but which lie at the right positions and velocities to connect the two photometric features via this orbit. The satellite galaxy M32 is coincident with the stream both in position and velocity, adding weight to the hypothesis that the stream comprises its tidal debris.  相似文献   
In the current work we analyze properties of the dust mantle, its thickness and thermal conductivity, necessary to reproduce observed rate of water production of Comet 9P/Tempel 1. For this purpose we considered simplified shape of the comet nucleus approximated by the symmetric prolate ellipsoid with smooth surface. We have performed simulations, using models with dust mantle of the thickness either constant, but nonuniform (Model A), or evolving (Model B). The simulated profiles of water production versus time were compared with observations. In addition, we compared the calculated surface temperature with the real temperatures derived from IR observations (the Deep Impact mission). This new double-stage verification procedure, shows that our model A is a good representation for the nucleus of Comet Tempel 1. This indicates, that the dust mantle thickness should be nonuniform, but does not change significantly with time. We show, that reproducing observed high temperatures of the nucleus requires dust mantle, that is almost everywhere thick and has extremely low thermal inertia. The latter should be close to zero as already predicted by others. The agreement between the simulated and measured water production can be obtained when the dust is regionally thin and has the thermal inertia higher than average, according to our simulations about 100 W s1/2 K−1 m−2. Such regions should be located in the south hemisphere of the nucleus.  相似文献   
X-ray observations of Venus are so challenging that the first detection of Venusian X-rays succeeded only in January 2001, with the Chandra satellite. The X-rays from Venus were found to result from fluorescent scattering of solar X-rays in the Venusian thermosphere. An additional component, caused by charge exchange of highly charged heavy ions in the solar wind with atoms in the Venusian exosphere, was suspected, but could not be unambiguously detected. This was hampered by the fact that the observation occurred during solar maximum, when the solar X-ray flux is highest. In order to investigate the presence of an additional charge exchange component, Venus was observed again in March 2006 and October 2007 with Chandra, taking advantage of the fact that the solar X-ray flux had decreased considerably on its way to solar minimum. In fact, these subsequent observations were able to show that also the Venusian exosphere is emitting X-rays, due to its interaction with the solar wind. Here an overview of all the existing X-ray observations of Venus is presented, including first results from the most recent one, which took place after the arrival of Venus Express, providing the first ever opportunity to combine a remote X-ray observation of a planetary exosphere with simultaneous in situ measurements of the solar wind.  相似文献   
Recent observations of the surface of Mars have shown several fresh mid-latitude craters. Some of these craters show exposed ice (Byrne, S. et al. [2009]. Science 325, 1674-1676.). In some craters, albedo of ice slowly decreases, while in others, it remains nearly constant. We attempt to determine influence of the regolith structure on the rate of sublimation of ice. For this purpose we performed numerical simulations describing evolution of the exposed ice in model craters located at middle latitudes.We consider a new model for the structure and evolution of the material at- and beneath the crater floors. In contrast to the previous study by Dundas and Byrne (Dundas, C.M., Byrne, S. [2010]. Icarus 206, 716-728.) we do not investigate sublimation of dirty ice, and the related formation of a sublimation lag. Instead, we consider sublimation of a pure ice layer on top of layered regolith. In our model the observed reflectivity decreases due to the sublimation-driven changes of the optical properties of thinning clean ice. This offers an alternative to the deposition of the dust embedded in ice (sublimation lag).We have shown that in our model among many parameters affecting ice sublimation rate, volumetric fraction of water ice in the subsurface beneath the crater has the strongest influence. Hence observed darkening of the ice patch on the crater floor might be sufficient to determine the content of water ice in the subsurface. Our calculations show that an albedo decrease of fresh ice patches in mid-latitude craters can be explained by either strong dust sedimentation or, if this is excluded, by sublimation of a thin layer of water ice from the regolith with large thermal inertia. This is consistent with a large volumetric fraction of water ice beneath the crater floor and contributes to evidence for an extended subsurface water reservoir on Mars.The overall conclusion of our work is that a thin post-impact surface ice coating over ice-rich ground beneath the crater floors is consistent with the observations.  相似文献   
This work is a continuation of our previous paper about brightening of Comet 17P/Holmes (Kossacki, K.J., Szutowicz, S. [2010]. Icarus 207, 320–340). In that paper we presented results of simulations indicating that the nonuniform crystallization of amorphous water ice itself is probably not sufficient for an explosion. In the present work we investigate the possibility that the explosion is caused by a rapid sublimation of the CO ice leading to the rise of gas pressure above the tensile strength of the nucleus. We simulated evolution of a model nucleus in the orbit of Comet 17P/Holmes. The nucleus is composed of water ice, carbon monoxide ice and dust and has the shape of an elongated ellipsoid. The simulations include crystallization of amorphous ice in the nucleus, changes of the dust mantle thickness, and sublimation of the CO ice. In our model CO is mantling grains composed of dust and amorphous water ice. Orientation of the nuclear spin axis in space is the same as derived in Moreno et al. (Moreno, F., Ortiz, J.L., Santos-Sanz, P., Morales, N., Vidal-Nunez, M.J., Lara, L.M., Gutierrez, P.J. [2008]. Astrophys. J. 677, L63–L66) for Comet Holmes during recent brightening event. Hence, the angle between the orbital and the equatorial planes of the comet is I = 95°, and the cometocentric solar longitude at perihelion is Φ = 210°. The calculations are performed for the south pole being the sub-solar point close to time of the outburst. Our computations indicate, that the CO pressure within the comet nucleus can rise to high values. When the layer between the dust mantle and the crystallization front of the amorphous water ice is very fine grained, few microns in radius, the CO pressure within the nucleus can exceed 10 kPa. This value is the lowest estimate for the tensile strength of the nucleus of Comet Holmes (Reach, W.T., Vaubaillon, J., Lisse, C.M., Holloway, M., Rho, J. [2010]. Icarus 208, 276–292). Hence, when the gas pressure reaches this value the nucleus may explode.  相似文献   
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