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Concerns for river health in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) area and shifting priorities for water use have led to a significant process of water reform over the last decade. The MDB area, also known as the food bowl of Australia, produces much of the country's food and is home to a significant portion of the population. A long-term drought, historical over-allocation of water for irrigation and climate variability have led to mounting concerns about the long-term viability of the rivers. While the reform process has resulted in the Commonwealth government taking control of the rivers from the States, it has also been influenced by changes in governments and consequent shifts in water allocation priorities from a privileging of agriculture to a broader approach encompassing economic, environmental and social concerns. This had led to uncertainty for the people and communities in the Basin and some confusion between the various layers of governance structures. This paper presents the results of exploratory research conducted with key, high-level stakeholders involved in water reform to examine their perceptions of the evolving water policy process. Despite agreement amongst stakeholders that returning water to the environment to ensure river health is critical, our research reveals significant tensions between stakeholders concerning the evolving process, particularly centred on the potential social outcomes and fairness and equity. This suggests the need for more integrated and transparent governance structures, attention to levels of trust between partners and a common vision that incorporates environmental, economic and social goals.  相似文献   
SPICES (Spectro-Polarimetric Imaging and Characterization of Exoplanetary Systems) is a five-year M-class mission proposed to ESA Cosmic Vision. Its purpose is to image and characterize long-period extrasolar planets and circumstellar disks in the visible (450?C900 nm) at a spectral resolution of about 40 using both spectroscopy and polarimetry. By 2020/2022, present and near-term instruments will have found several tens of planets that SPICES will be able to observe and study in detail. Equipped with a 1.5 m telescope, SPICES can preferentially access exoplanets located at several AUs (0.5?C10?AU) from nearby stars (<25 pc) with masses ranging from a few Jupiter masses to Super Earths (??2 Earth radii, ??10 M??) as well as circumstellar disks as faint as a few times the zodiacal light in the Solar System.  相似文献   


Quantification of ecosystem services, such as carbon (C) storage, can demonstrate the benefits of managing for both production and habitat conservation in agricultural landscapes. In this study, we evaluated C stocks and woody plant diversity across vineyard blocks and adjoining woodland ecosystems (wildlands) for an organic vineyard in northern California. Carbon was measured in soil from 44 one m deep pits, and in aboveground woody biomass from 93 vegetation plots. These data were combined with physical landscape variables to model C stocks using a geographic information system and multivariate linear regression.


Field data showed wildlands to be heterogeneous in both C stocks and woody tree diversity, reflecting the mosaic of several different vegetation types, and storing on average 36.8 Mg C/ha in aboveground woody biomass and 89.3 Mg C/ha in soil. Not surprisingly, vineyard blocks showed less variation in above- and belowground C, with an average of 3.0 and 84.1 Mg C/ha, respectively.


This research demonstrates that vineyards managed with practices that conserve some fraction of adjoining wildlands yield benefits for increasing overall C stocks and species and habitat diversity in integrated agricultural landscapes. For such complex landscapes, high resolution spatial modeling is challenging and requires accurate characterization of the landscape by vegetation type, physical structure, sufficient sampling, and allometric equations that relate tree species to each landscape. Geographic information systems and remote sensing techniques are useful for integrating the above variables into an analysis platform to estimate C stocks in these working landscapes, thereby helping land managers qualify for greenhouse gas mitigation credits. Carbon policy in California, however, shows a lack of focus on C stocks compared to emissions, and on agriculture compared to other sectors. Correcting these policy shortcomings could create incentives for ecosystem service provision, including C storage, as well as encourage better farm stewardship and habitat conservation.
Carrion beetles depend on vertebrate carcasses to rear their young. Carcasses are a limited resource with patchy distribution, and there is an intense competition among many species for these carcasses. This situation is expected to lead to niche partitioning, such that different beetle species use different resources and thus escape direct competition. Our project used a geographic information system (GIS) and pitfall sampling to characterize carrion beetle preferences for soil texture and land use in Kearney County, Nebraska. The GIS was used to select sites where sampling was conducted using pitfall traps baited with rat carcasses. Attracted beetles were counted, identified to species, and released. The resulting data were used to construct occurrence maps of eleven species of carrion beetles by overlaying soil texture and land use. We then compared the results of EcoSim (an ecological simulation model of niche overlap) with GIS–generated maps of probability of carrion beetle occurrence. Our results are consistent with landscape–level niche partitioning by seven of the eleven examined species. Our application of GIS to the spatial analysis of carrion beetle distributions demonstrates how this technology can be used to test ecological and evolutionary hypotheses, predict habitat associations, and examine the effects of land use on a community of insects. This work could easily be extended to study the habitat preferences of the federally endangered American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus .  相似文献   
We evaluated two digital data sources that might be helpful in characterizing grasshopper habitat using plant and grasshopper species composition data collected at 128 sites in three areas of Montana. A GIS was used to associate each sampling site with Omernik's ecoregions and the Montana State Soil Geographic Database (MTSTATSGO). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and statistical analyses were used to test for correlations among grasshopper species, available water capacity, and soil permeability across sampling areas and ecoregions. Four grasshopper species were correlated with soil permeability and six were correlated with available water capacity. MTSTATSGO plant cover percentages did not correlate with cover measured in the field, indicating inadequate resolution for the scale of this study. Ecoregions were useful in distinguishing grasshopper community gradients across Montana, from mountains to plains. These georeferenced data should be considered as input for grasshopper forecasting and decision-making models. Our results show how GIS can be used to evaluate relationships between digital data sets and ecological data gathered in the field.  相似文献   
The Trans-Pecos Magmatic Province (TPMP) is an alkalic field that was active between 48-17 Ma. Rocks of two subprovinces in the eastern alkalic belt of the TPMP, the Big Bend region and the Davis Mountains, have been analyzed for major and trace element concentrations in order to determine what magmatic processes operated to influence the compositional evolution of the magmas, and to explore what relationship existed between the silica-oversaturated evolved rocks and the silica-undersaturated mafic rocks. Similar compositional trends exist in both subprovinces, implying that the evolved rocks are genetically related to the mafic rocks, and that the differentiation processes were broadly reproducible spatially and temporally.Four stages of evolution have been identified: Stage I, alkali basalt to trachyte; stage II, trachyte to quartz trachyte; stage III, quartz trachyte to rhyolite/comendite; and stage IV, rhyolite/comendite to high-silica rhyolite/comendite. These stages were identified by discontinuities in trends on variation diagrams; within stages I and II, more than one subtrend exist.Stage I can best be modeled as the result of simple crystal fractionation with minor magma replenishment. Two subtrends within this stage indicate that variations in the processes or their rates may have occurred. Stage II exhibits both closed- and open-system behavior. The open system behavior consists of combined fractionation-assimilation and episodic mixing of stage II and stage I magmas. Stages III and IV evolved under open system processes of combined fractionation-assimilation, with the assimilant having compositional characteristics of a shale-dominated sedimentary assemblage.The four stages and subtrends within the stages occur in both subprovinces. Further, some subtrends comprise rocks that differ in age by as much as 10 m.y. In each subprovince, the stratigraphy indicates a random interlaying of rocks of the different stages, generally erupted from more than one center. That contemporaneous magmas of different stages existed in a given subprovince is indicated by the interfingering of their erupted products. These constraints argue against a single magma production-evolution scheme. Rather, the data suggest that magmas of the different stages were produced more than once during the evolution of the eastern TPMP, and that during any given time, production and evolution of magma of all stages were occurring.  相似文献   
We exploit a natural experiment in Boulder Creek, a ~ 30 km2 drainage in the Santa Cruz mountains, CA, USA to explore how an abrupt increase in the caliber of bedload sediment along a bedrock channel influences channel morphology in an actively uplifting landscape. Boulder Creek's bedrock channel, which is entirely developed on weak sedimentary rock, has a high flow shear stress that is about 3.5 times greater where it transports coarse (~ 22 cm D50) diorite in the lower reaches in comparison with the upstream section of the creek that transports only relatively finer bedload (~2 cm D50) derived from weak sedimentary rocks. In addition, Boulder Creek's channel abruptly widens and shallows downstream and transitions from partial to nearly continuous alluvial cover where it begins transporting coarse diorite. Boulder Creek's tributary channels are also about three times steeper where they transport diorite bedload, and within the Santa Cruz mountains channels in sedimentary bedrock are systematically steeper when >50% of their catchment area is within crystalline basement rocks. Despite this clear control of coarse sediment size on channel slopes, the threshold of motion stress for bedload, alone, does not appear to control channel profile slopes here. Upper Boulder Creek, which is starved of coarse sediment, maintains high flow shear stresses well in excess of the threshold for motion. In contrast, lower Boulder Creek, with a greater coarse sediment supply, exerts high flow stresses much closer to the threshold for motion. We speculate that upper Boulder Creek has evolved to sustain partial alluvial cover and transfer greater energy to the bed via bedload impacts to compensate for its low coarse sediment supply. Thus bedload supply, bedrock erosion efficiency, and grain size all appear to influence channel slopes here. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A set of high‐fidelity simulated asteroid materials, or simulants, was developed based on the mineralogy of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Three varieties of simulant were developed based on CI1 chondrites (typified by Orgueil), CM2 chondrites (typified by Murchison), and CR2/3 chondrites (multiple samples). The simulants were designed to replicate the mineralogy and physical properties of the corresponding meteorites and anticipated asteroid surface materials as closely as is reasonably possible for bulk amounts. The simulants can be made in different physical forms ranging from larger cobbles to fine‐grained regolith. We analyzed simulant prototypes using scanning electron microscopy, X‐ray fluorescence, reflectance spectroscopy at ambient conditions and in vacuum, thermal emission spectroscopy in a simulated asteroid environment chamber, and combined thermogravimetry and evolved gas analysis. Most measured properties compare favorably to the reference meteorites and therefore to predicted volatile‐rich asteroid surface materials, including boulders, cobbles, and fine‐grained soils. However, there were also discrepancies, and mistakes were made in the original mineral formulations that will be updated in the future. The asteroid simulants are available to the community from the nonprofit Exolith Lab at UCF, and the mineral recipes are freely published for other groups to reproduce and modify as they see fit.  相似文献   
Abstract— We demonstrate that the use of an established spectral deconvolution algorithm with mid‐infrared spectral libraries of mineral separates of varying grain sizes is capable of identifying the known mineral compositions and abundances of a selection of howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorite samples. In addition, we apply the same technique to mid‐infrared spectral emissivity measurements of Vesta that have been obtained from Cornell's Mid‐Infrared Asteroid Spectroscopy (MIDAS) Survey and the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). Each Vesta measurement was made over a different range of longitudes. Our spectral deconvolution results to the Vesta spectra corroborate that Vesta's surface is howardite or eucrite‐like in composition and heterogeneous across its surface. The spectral fits produced by the linear deconvolution algorithm yields good results for the HED samples of known composition, thus giving us a high degree of confidence that our results for Vesta are valid.  相似文献   
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