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The role of wind-driven upwelling in stratifying a semiarid bay in the Gulf of California is demonstrated with observations in Bahía Concepción, Baja California Sur, Mexico. The stratification in Bahía Concepción is related to the seasonal heat transfer from the atmosphere as well as to cold water intrusions forced by wind-driven upwelling. During winter, the water column is relatively well-mixed by atmospheric cooling and by northwesterly, downwelling-favorable, winds that typically exceed 10 m/s. During summer, the water column is gradually heated and becomes stratified because of the heat flux from the atmosphere. The wind field shifts from downwelling-favorable to upwelling-favorable at the beginning of summer, i.e., the winds become predominantly southeasterly. The reversal of wind direction triggers a major cold water intrusion at the beginning of the summer season that drops the temperature of the entire water column by 3–5 °C. The persistent upwelling-favorable winds during the summer provide a continuous cold water supply that helps maintain the stratification of the bay.  相似文献   
In the area of the magnesite deposits of Eugui (Navarra, Spain) studies on illite crystallinity, the degree of graphitization of carbonaceous material, measurements of vitrinite reflectivity, and fluid inclusions have been carried out on dolomites, magnesites, schists, and carbonaceous matter. These rocks have suffered metamorphism of very low to low grade.The magnesite appears generally concordant with the Namurian dolomitic rocks showing a typically banded structure. The genetic model proposed involves an early Mg concentration during sedimentation (syndiagenetic dolomitization), lateral circulation of saline solutions, and formation of diagenetically crystallized rhythmites (DCR), and final compaction. The formation of magnesite took place under the conditions of low pressure and temperatures close to 150°C, very similar to all strata-bound ore deposits. Deformation and regional metamorphism only caused minor removal, recrystallization, and transformation of the clay minerals and carbonaceous matter.  相似文献   
Residual Exchange Flows in Subtropical Estuaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Observations of residual exchange flows at the entrance to four subtropical estuaries, two of them semiarid, indicate that these flows are mainly tidally driven, as they compare favorably with theoretical patterns of tidal residual flows. In every estuary examined, the tidal behavior was that of a standing or near-standing wave, i.e., tidal elevation and tidal currents were nearly in quadrature. The pattern of exchange flow that persisted at every estuary exhibited inflow in the channel and outflow over the shoals. Curiously, but also fortuitously, this pattern coincides with the exchange pattern driven by density gradients in other estuaries. The tidal stresses and the residual elevation slopes should be the dominant mechanisms that drive such tidal residual pattern because the Stokes transport mechanism is negligible for standing or near-standing waves. Time series measurements from the semiarid estuaries showed fortnightly modulation of the residual flow by tidal forcing in such a way that the strongest net exchange flows developed with the largest tidal distortions, i.e., during spring tides. This modulation is opposite to the modulation that typically results in temperate estuaries, where the strongest net exchange flows tend to develop during neap tides. The fortnightly modulation on tidal residual currents could be inferred from previous theoretical results because residual currents arise from tidal distortions but is made explicit in this study. The findings advanced herein should allow the drawing of generalities about exchange flow patterns in subtropical estuaries where residual flows are mainly driven by tides.  相似文献   
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - On the basis of calculations of insolation and insolation characteristics, taking into account changes in solar activity, the causes of global climatic...  相似文献   
The community structure of the decapod crustaceans inhabiting Le Danois Bank (Cantabrian Sea, NE Atlantic Ocean) was studied on two cruises performed in October 2003 and April 2004. Otter and beam-trawls were used to collect this fauna. At depths ranging between 455 and 1048 m, we found distinct decapod assemblages on the bank summit and deeper in the inner basin (between the bank and the continental shelf). The faunal discontinuity between these groups appeared at around 600 m (e.g. between 612 and 642 m in the basis of species replacement). The summit assemblage was characterized by low diversity (in terms of number and relative abundances of species) and by the dominance of hermit crabs (Pagurus alatus, Anapagurus laevis, Pagurus excavatus), the crangonid Pontophilus spinosus and the squat lobster Munida sarsi. Species characterizing the deeper assemblage, which was richer in terms of diversity, were Munida tenuimana, Parapagurus pilosimanus, Pontophilus norvegicus, the crab Geryon trispinosus and a number of bathypelagic shrimps (Sergia robusta, Acanthephyra pelagica and Pasiphaea tarda). Changes in decapod composition characterized by multidimensional scaling analyses were correlated with different variables, e.g. %mud and %organic matter (OM), temperature and salinity close to the bottom. Among those the %OM and %mud in sediments affected decapod distributions the most. The summit of the bank was covered by fine sediments with low proportion of mud (13.9–29.3%) and OM (2.55–3.50%). By contrast, sediment of the inner basin had a higher proportion of OM and mud (64.1–84.2%; 6.26–7.00%, respectively). The low proportion of mud at the summit of Le Danois Bank may explain the absence or scarcity of burrowing species (e.g. the lobster Nephrops norvegicus, the shrimps Calocaris macandreae and Alpheus glaber and the crab Goneplax rhomboides), that are dominant at similar depths (400–500 m) in the upper muddy assemblage on the mainland-continental slope in the Bay of Biscay (44–46°N). The dominance of certain species on the summit of submarine mounts can probably be related to their biology and feeding ecology. For example, pagurids are deposit feeders, even consuming marine snow (e.g. Chl-a identified in guts of Pagurus alatus), and they have low gut fullness (probably indicating a capacity to withstand long periods under starvation), that would favour their adaptability to a rather unpredictable habitat such as Le Danois Bank summit. Regarding prey availability, zooplankton/micronekton and infauna distributed around Le Danois Bank showed different depth-related patterns. Among zooplankton, mesopelagic decapods, mysids, and fishes were absent at the bank summit, while euphausiids exhibited high abundances over the summit. No significant trends with depth were found for infauna abundance, and for instance polychaete densities were similar both at the summit and the inner basin. Therefore, prey availability was lower for summit assemblages regarding zooplankton/micronekton. Patterns in mean size vs. depth were species specific for decapods, and the possible role of the bank summit as a recruitment area was not general for the whole decapod assemblage.  相似文献   
New geochemical and sulphur isotopic data are presented for a number of pyrite deposits from the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Cameros Basin, Spain. The deposits were formed at, or close to, the peak of metamorphism and are always related to sandstone units in the mainly metapelite sequence. Iron remained immobile and conservative, pyrite iron being derived by sulphidation of chlorite in the host metapelites. Reduced sulphur, however, was supplied from two external sources: thermochemical reduction of sulphate and release of S during metamorphism of sedimentary sulphides. These sources provided isotopically heavy and light S, respectively, with variation in pyrite isotopic composition between different deposits resulting from differences in their relative importance at each site. During metamorphism, the sandstone units acted as aquifers, carrying the sulphidic pore waters to locations where permeability provided by syn-depositional fractures on a scale of 0.5–5  m allowed its interaction with the metapelites. Transport distances for sulphide during metamorphism were of the order of hundreds of metres.  相似文献   
The 2006 western Java tsunami deposited a discontinuous sheet of sand up to 20 cm thick, flooded coastal southern Java to a depth of at least 8 m and inundated up to 1 km inland. In most places the primarily heavy mineral sand sheet is normally graded, and in some it contains complex internal stratigraphy. Structures within the sand sheet probably record the passage of up to two individual waves, a point noted in eyewitness accounts. We studied the 2006 tsunami deposits in detail along a flow parallel transect about 750 m long, 15 km east of Cilacap. The tsunami deposit first becomes discernable from the underlying sediment 70 m from the shoreline. From 75 to 300 m inland the deposit has been laid down in rice paddies, and maintains a thickness of 10–20 cm. Landward of 300 m the deposit thins dramatically, reaching 1 mm by 450 m inland. From 450 m to the edge of deposition (around 700 m inland) the deposit remains <1 mm thick. Deposition generally attended inundation—along the transect, the tsunami deposited sand to within about 40 m of the inundation limit. The thicker part of the deposit contains primarily sand indistinguishable from that found on the beach 3 weeks after the event, but after about 450 m (and roughly coinciding with the decrease in thickness) the tsunami sediment shifts to become more like the underlying paddy soil than the beach sand. Grain sizes within the deposit tend to fine upward and landward, although overall upward fining takes place in two discrete pulses, with an initial section of inverse grading followed by a section of normal grading. The two inversely graded sections are also density graded, with denser grains at the base, and less dense grains at the top. The two normally graded sections show no trends in density. The inversely graded sections show high density sediment to the base and become less dense upward and represents traction carpet flows at the base of the tsunami. These are suggestive of high shear rates in the flow. Because of the grain sorting in the traction carpet, the landward-fining trends usually seen in tsunami deposits are masked, although lateral changes of mean sediment grain size along the transect do show overall landward fining, with more variation as the deposit tapers off. The deposit is also thicker in the more seaward portions than would be produced by tsunamis lacking traction carpets.  相似文献   
Much of the central-western region of Argentina, where San Juan Province is located, experiences arid to semi-arid climatic conditions with low average annual rainfall accompanied by substantial evapotranspiration. Consequently, a viable crop industry depends to a large extent upon irrigation from major river systems. Increasing demand for water in the lower basin of the San Juan River is emphasizing the need for more accurate estimates of water used for irrigation. Since the water demand for a particular crop is very closely related to crop area, monitoring the area of crop under irrigation is considered a proxy for the amount of water used. Landsat 5 imagery for the growing season, field data and aerial photographs were used to evaluate crop area.  相似文献   
Reversed-phase liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) is introduced as a new molecular fingerprinting technique for tracing terrigenous dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its photochemical decay in the ocean. DOM along a transect from the mangrove-fringed coast in Northern Brazil to the shelf edge was compared with mangrove-derived porewater DOM exposed to natural sunlight for 2–10 days in a photodegradation experiment. DOM was isolated from all samples via solid-phase extraction (C18) for LC/MS analysis. DOM in the estuary and ocean showed a bimodal mass distribution with two distinct maxima in the lower m/z range from 400 to 1000 Da (intensity-weighted average of 895 Da). Terrigenous porewater DOM from the mangroves was characterized by a broad molecular mass distribution over the detected range from 150 to 2000 Da (intensity-weighted average of 1130 Da). Polar compounds, i.e., those that eluted early in the reversed-phase chromatography, absorbed more UV light and had on average smaller molecular masses than the more apolar compounds.  相似文献   
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