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Gold and silver are ubiquitous, sometimes minor but economically important metals in massive base metal sulfide ores. Their content, proportions and distribution in the ores depend on complex, interrelated factors of their source, mobilization, transport and deposition.Different types of these deposits are formed by similar seafloor hydrothermal systems operating, however, in widely differing tectono-stratigraphic environments which span a spectrum from ensimatic-oceanic, through continent-margin to ensialic-continental ones. Like those of the base metals, the proportions and distribution of the precious metals in the ores vary regionally with these changing depositional environments. This suggests that precious metal content of the sub-seafloor rocks in which the generative fluids circulate is one factor that governs the amounts and distribution in the ores. The lithology of these source-rocks is also important. Pillowed, tholeiitic basalts have high permeability, golddepleted crystalline pillow interiors and relatively gold-rich palagonitic rims, and are consequently particularly favorable sources.Mobilization of gold from the sub-seafloor rocks may require basalt-water, and/or carbonaceous sediment-water reactions to produce strongly reduced bisulfide, carbonyl or cyanide complexes that promote gold transport. Chloride complexing and transport are less important for gold but more so for silver and the base metals.Seafloor hydrothermal discharge at shallow depth is commonly accompanied by boiling, steamblast explosions in the vent and resulting deep penetration and mixing of cool, oxygenated seawater with rising hot, reduced metalliferous fluid. This results in deposition of both chloride- and isulfide-complexed gold at depth and centrally in the footwall stockwork or in copper ore in the base of the massive body. Chloride-complexed silver, stable to lower temperatures, is carried farther and deposited with higher-level and more distal, massive zinc-lead ores. Boiling in deep water, however, although possible, is rare. This fact minimizes deep fluid mixing and allows transport of lower temperaturestable, bisulfide-complexed gold to the seafloor and outward from the vent. Gold too, is then deposited with the shallower, distal, massive zinc-lead-silver ore. Late-stage changes in fluid Eh, salinity and activity of sulfur during evolution of the generative hydrothermal system, and by discharge through previously deposited, early stage sulfides around the vent also cause diagenetic remobilization of gold, moving it to shallower, more distal locations in the system. In combination, these relationships explain the three associations of gold in primary, in-situ massive sulfide deposits; in central, deep footwall stockwork mineralization with or without copper, in central copper ore in the base of the massive body and in shallow, peripheral pyritic zinclead-silver ore.Primary, in-situ ore near the vent is sometimes reworked by seafloor density flows which transport clasts of the primary sulfides down-slope, mix them with rock and sedimentary detritus and redeposit them to form secondary, transported ore. Gold, like iron and the base metals, is diluted during this clastic transport. But silver and barite may be enriched indicating transport in the density flows not only as clasts of primary ore but partly also m solution in the hydrothermal fluids that, in this case, must have lubricated the density flows.
Zusammenfassung Gold- und Silbervorkommen in massiven Metallsulfid-Lagerstätten sind stets ökonomisch wichtige Metalle, auch wenn sie nur in geringen Konzentrationen vorliegen. Der Gehalt an diesen Metallen und ihre Verteilung innerhalb der Lagerstätte hängt von komplexen, sich gegenseitig beeinflussenden Faktoren wie Metallquelle, Art der Mobilisation, Transport und Fällung ab.Unterschiedliche Lagerstättentypen werden von ähnlichen hydrothermalen Systemen auf den Ozeanböden gebildet. Die tektonostratigraphischen Environments unterscheiden sich dabei allerdings beträchtlich; sie befinden sich in ensimatisch-ozeanischen, kontinentalrandlichen und ensialischkontinentalen Bereichen. Innerhalb dieser regional wechselnden Ablagerungsbedingungen variiert Konzentration und Verteilung der Edelmetalle in den Lagerstätten wie bei den einfachen Metallen. Dies bedeutet, daß der Gehalt an Edelmetallen der Gesteine, die den Meeresboden unterlagern und durch die die metallhaltigen Lösungen zirkulieren, ein Faktor ist, der Menge und Verteilung der Metalle in der Lagerstätte steuert. Ebenso ist die Lithologie dieser Gesteine von Bedeutung. Als besonders gut geeignete Quellen gelten kissenartige tholeitische Basalte mit hoher Permeabilität, goldarmen Kisseninneren und relativ goldreichem palagonitischem Rand.Um das Gold aus diesen Gesteinen mobilisieren zu können, bedarf es einer Reaktion zwischen Basalt und Wasser und/oder eines karbonatischen Sediments mit Wasser, um stark reduziertes Bisulfid, Carbonyl-oder Cyanidkomplexe zu bilden, die den Goldtransport ermöglichen. Chlorid-Komplexbildung und -Transport sind zwar wichtig für Silber und einfache Metalle, für Gold spielen sie nur eine untergeordnete Rolle.Der Austritt hydrothermaler Lösungen an Ozeanböden in geringer Tiefe wird in der Regel von Sieden und explosionsartigem Dampfaustritt begleitet und führt deshalb zu einem tiefen Eindringen und Durchmischen von kaltem, sauerstoffreichen Meereswasser mit den aufsteigenden heißen, reduzierten metallischen Lösungen. Daher kommt es zur Fällung von sowohl an Chloridkomplexe als auch an Bisulfidkomplexe gebundenem Gold. Diese Ausfällung findet in größerer Tiefe statt und zwar hauptsächlich im liegenden Stockwerk oder mit Kupfer zusammen an der Basis der massiven Lagerstätte. An Chloridkomplexe gebundenes Silber ist auch bei niedrigeren Temperaturen stabil, wird also weiter transportiert und in einem höheren Niveau in distal gelegenen Blei-Zink-Lagerstätten gefällt. In größeren Wassertiefen kommt es seltener zu dem beobachteten Sieden der austretenden Lösungen. Diese Tatsache reduziert das Durchmischen der Lösungen in größeren Tiefen und ermöglicht den Transport von Gold, das an Bisulfidkomplexe gebunden ist. In diesem Fall ist die Verbindung auch bei niedrigeren Temperaturen noch stabil also transportfähig und kann bis zum Meeresboden oder außerhalb des Schlotes in Lösung bleiben. Dabei kann das Gold zusammen mit Blei, Zink und Silber in mehr distalen Lagerstätten angereichert werden. Späte Änderungen in Eh, Salinität und Schwefelaktivität der Lösungen während der Entwicklung des hydrothermalen Systems, sowie der Austritt durch früher abgelagerte den Schlot umgebende Sulfide, können eine diagenetische Gold-Remobilisation auslösen. Auch dabei kann das Metall zu in geringer Tiefe liegenden, distalen Ablagerungsorten transportiert werden. Berücksichtigt man alle Faktoren, so erklären diese Verhältnisse die drei möglichen Goldvorkommen in primären, in-situ vorliegenden Sulfid-Lagerstätten: Mit Kupfer vergesellschaftet, allerdings nicht unbedingt, zentral im liegenden Stockwerk; an der Basis der Kupferlagerstätte und in geringer Tiefe in Verbindung mit peripheren Blei-Zink-Silber-Vorkommen.Primäre, in-situ neben Schloten vorkommende Lagerstätten werden in einigen Fällen von meeresbodennahen Masseströmen aufgearbeitet. Diese transportieren Sulfidkomponenten, die während des Transports mit Sediment und Gesteinsbruchstücken vermischt und schließlich als sekundäre sedimentäre Lagerstätte abgelagert werden. Durch diesen Transport und die Mischung der Klastika wird die Goldkonzentration in der späteren Lagerstätte stark reduziert. Silber und Barit können dagegen in Ausnahmefällen während des Transports angereichert werden, da diese Komponenten nicht nur als Sulfidbruchstücke transportiert werden, sondern auch in Lösung in den hydrothermalen Lösungen vorhanden sein können. Diese Lösungen dienen in solchen Fällen den Masseströmen als Gleithorizont.

Résumé Dans les gisements de sulfures métalliques massifs, l'or et l'argent sont des métaux ubiquistes, parfois mineurs, mais toujours d'importance économique. Leur teneur et leur distribution dans les corps minéralisés dépendent de facteurs complexes, en relation les uns avec les autres, tels que: leur source, leur mobilité, leurs modalités de transport et de dépôt.A partir des mêmes systèmes hydrothermaux en action sur le fond de la mer, divers types de gisements peuvent être engendrés, selon leur environnement tectono-stratigraphique: océanique ensimatique, de marge continentale ou continental ensialique. Les teneurs et la répartition des métaux précieux, comme celle des autres métaux varient régionalement selon ces divers milieux. Ceci suggère que le contenu en métaux précieux dans les roches sous-jacentes au fond marin à travers lesquelles circulent les solutions minéralisantes est un facteur qui détermine leurs teneurs et leurs répartitions dans les minerais. La lithologie de ces roches-sources est également importante. Une source particulièrement significative est représentée par les coussins des basaltes tholéiitiques, très perméables, avec leur coeur pauvre en or et leur couronne palagonitique relativement riche.Le lessivage de l'or dans les roches situées sous le fond marin peut impliquer des réactions eau-basalte et/ou eausédiments carbonatés, réactions susceptibles d'engendrer les bisulfures très réduits et les complexes carbonés ou cyanurés qui permettent le transport de l'or. Le transport par complexes chlorurés joue un rôle subordoné dans le cas de l'or, mais important dans le cas de l'argent et des autres métaux.L'arrivée de solutions hydrothermales sur les fonds marins peu profonds est d'ordinaire accompagnée d'ébullitons et d'émissions explosives de vapeur, ce qui provoque la pénétration profonde d'eau de mer froide et oxygénée et son mélange avec les fluides métallifères chauds et réducteurs ascendants. Il en résulte le dépôt de complexes aurifères bisulfurés et chlorurés. Cette précipitation s'opère en profondeur, particulièrement dans les roches sous-jacentes ou dans le minerai de cuivre, à la base des corps minéralisés massifs. L'argent des complexes chlorurés, stables à plus basse température, est transporté plus loin et se dépose, en situation plus distale, dans les minerals massifs de Pb-Zn. Dans les mers profondes, l'ébullition, sans être impossible, est néanmoins un phénomène rare; cette circonstance minimise le mélange des fluides en profondeur et permet le transport de l'or jusqu'à la surface du fond et même loin des évents sous la forme de complexes bisulfurés stables à basse température. L'or est alors déposé en situation distale peu profonde avec les minerals massifs de Zn-Pb-Ag. Des modifications tardives d'Eh, de salinité et d'activité du soufre dans les solutions au cours de l'évolution du système hydrothermal, de même que le lessivage des sulfures déjà accumulés autour des évents entraînent une remobilisation diagénétique de l'or vers des situations distales d'eau peu profonde. La combinaison de ces divers facteurs permet d'expliquer les trois occurrences de l'or dans les dépôts in situ de sulfures massifs primaires: dans les parties centrales des masses sous-jacentes en association ou non avec le Cu, à la base des corps minéralisés en Cu, et à faible profondeur, en liaison avec les gisements périphériques de Pb-Zn-Ag.Les gisements primaires, formés in situ près des évents sont parfois remaniés par des courants de densité, qui emportent des clastes de sulfures, les mélangent aux débris sédimentaires et les redéposent sous forme de minerais secondaires. De tels transports provoquent la dilution de l'or, en même temps que celle du fer et des autres métaux. Par contre, l'argent et la barite peuvent subir un enrichissement car leur transport dans les courants de densité ne s'effectue pas seulement sous forme de clastes, mais également en solution dans des fludies hydrothermaux, lesquels, dans ce cas, contribuent à lubrifier le courant de densité.

, . , , - , , . . - ; -, - . . .., , , , , . . , ; , . , / ; , , , . ; . , , , , , . , . , . . , , . , , , ; , - . . , . , .. . , . , , . , . , 3- in-situ: , , , ; ; , . , in-situ , . , . . , , , , . , .
Models of late-glacial environmental change in coastal areas are commonly based on radiocarbon ages on marine shell and basal lake sediments, both of which may be compromised by reservoir effects. The magnitude of the oceanic reservoir age in the inland waters of the Georgia Basin and Puget Lowland of northwestern North America is inferred from radiocarbon ages on shell-wood pairs in Saanich Inlet and previously published estimates. The weighted mean oceanic reservoir correction in the early and mid Holocene is −720±90 yr, slightly smaller than, but not significantly different from, the modern value. The correction in late-glacial time is −950±50 yr. Valley-head sites yield higher reservoir values (−1200±130 yr) immediately after deglaciation. The magnitude of the gyttja reservoir effect is inferred from pairs of bulk gyttja and plant macrofossil ages from four lakes in the region. Incorporation of old carbon into basal gyttja yields ages from bulk samples that are initially about 600 yr too old. The reservoir age declines to less than 100 yr after the first millennium of lake development. When these corrections are accounted for, dates of deglaciation and late-glacial sea-level change in the study area are pushed forward in time by more than 500 yr.  相似文献   
Rockfall hazards increase the risk of train derailment along railway corridors in western Canada. In this study, repeated terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) datasets were collected every 2–3 months at three different sites along the Thompson and Fraser River corridors in British Columbia, referred to as the Goldpan, White Canyon, and Mile 109 sites. A total of 207 rockfall events occurring across all three sites between November 11, 2014 and October 18, 2016 were recorded in a database. For each of these rockfalls, pre-failure deformation was measured using a method of three-dimensional roto-translation block tracking. Each rockfall was classified by its deformation behaviour and further categorised based on failure mechanism, volume, lithology, and the roughness condition of the failure plane. Results reveal that detectable levels of deformation were measured in 33% of the total number of rockfall events using the present methods. Rotation deformation was most commonly observed in toppling failures with relatively steep joint orientations. Conversely, planar sliding blocks generally exhibited the least measurable deformation, with the majority not showing any precursory translation or rotation. It is postulated that overhanging rockfall configurations may suppress the expression of deformation in rockfall source blocks, though additional research is required to confirm this.  相似文献   
Meteoric waters from cold springs and streams outside of the 1912 eruptive deposits filling the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (VTTS) and in the upper parts of the two major rivers draining the 1912 deposits have similar chemical trends. Thermal springs issue in the mid-valley area along a 300-m lateral section of ash-flow tuff, and range in temperature from 21 to 29.8°C in early summer and from 15 to 17°C in mid-summer. Concentrations of major and minor chemical constituents in the thermal waters are nearly identical regardless of temperature. Waters in the downvalley parts of the rivers draining the 1912 deposits are mainly mixtures of cold meteoric waters and thermal waters of which the mid-valley thermal spring waters are representative. The weathering reactions of cold waters with the 1912 deposits appear to have stabilized and add only subordinate amounts of chemical constituents to the rivers relative to those contributed by the thermal waters. Isotopic data indicate that the mid-valley thermal spring waters are meteoric, but data is inconclusive regarding the heat source. The thermal waters could be either from a shallow part of a hydrothermal system beneath the 1912 vent region or from an incompletely cooled, welded tuff lens deep in the 1912 ash-flow sheet of the upper River Lethe area.Bicarbonate-sulfate waters resulting from interaction of near-surface waters and the cooling 1953–1968 southwest Trident plug issue from thermal springs south of Katmai Pass and near Mageik Creek, although the Mageik Creek spring waters are from a well-established, more deeply circulating hydrothermal system. Katmai caldera lake waters are a result of acid gases from vigorous drowned fumaroles dissolving in lake waters composed of snowmelt and precipitation.  相似文献   
The Zambian Second National Development Plan calls for an increase in the number of raingauge stations from the present 500 to 1000 by 1976, to bring the national network density to above the WMO recommended minimum figure of one gauge per 900 km2.The present network is examined for adequacy according to the criterion of maximum admissible error of the estimate of rainfall at any ungauged point, using the method of optimum interpolation. Areas which are inadequately gauged are delimited.Several variations of the maximum admissible error criterion are considered as a basis of network design, and it is concluded that a combination of criteria provides the most suitable basis for network design. The practical constraints in implementing the design, however, restricts the usefulness of detailed planning.  相似文献   
P Hutchinson 《Geoforum》1974,5(4):49-62
The Zambian Second National Development Plan calls for an increase in the number of raingauge stations from the present 500 to 1000 by 1976, to bring the national network density to above the WMO recommended minimum figure of one gauge per 900 km2.The present network is examined for adequacy according to the criterion of maximum admissible error of the estimate of rainfall at any ungauged point, using the method of optimum interpolation. Areas which are inadequately gauged are delimited.Several variations of the maximum admissible error criterion are considered as a basis of network design, and it is concluded that a combination of criteria provides the most suitable basis for network design. The practical constraints in implementing the design, however, restricts the usefulness of detailed planning.  相似文献   
If utilized, the energy dissipative capability of seismically loaded shallow foundations due to inelastic behavior can result in more economic design, provided the consequences, such as excessive deformations are accounted for. In this article, a Beam‐on‐Nonlinear‐Winkler‐Foundation (BNWF) model is used to assess the performance of shearwall‐foundation systems with different attributes, when subjected to ground motions of varied hazard levels. The numerical study indicates that the force and drift demands to the shearwall reduce significantly, when nonlinear foundation behavior is realized, while permanent settlement is well below the permissible limit. These results support the concept of shallow foundation capacity mobilization in future design. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Uturuncu is a dormant volcano in the Altiplano of SW Bolivia. A present day ~70 km diameter interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) anomaly roughly centred on Uturuncu’s edifice is believed to be a result of magma intrusion into an active crustal pluton. Past activity at the volcano, spanning 0.89 to 0.27 Ma, is exclusively effusive and almost all lavas and domes are dacitic with phenocrysts of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, biotite, ilmenite and Ti-magnetite plus or minus quartz, and microlites of plagioclase and orthopyroxene set in rhyolitic groundmass glass. Plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions (MI) are rhyolitic with major element compositions that are similar to groundmass glasses. H2O concentrations plotted versus incompatible elements for individual samples describe a trend typical of near-isobaric, volatile-saturated crystallisation. At 870 °C, the average magma temperature calculated from Fe–Ti oxides, the average H2O of 3.2 ± 0.7 wt% and CO2 typically <160 ppm equate to MI trapping pressures of 50–120 MPa, approximately 2–4.5 km below surface. Such shallow storage precludes the role of dacite magma emplacement into pre-eruptive storage regions as being the cause of the observed InSAR anomaly. Storage pressures, whole-rock (WR) chemistry and phase assemblage are remarkably consistent across the eruptive history of the volcano, although magmatic temperatures calculated from Fe–Ti oxide geothermometry, zircon saturation thermometry using MI and orthopyroxene-melt thermometry range from 760 to 925 °C at NNO ± 1 log. This large temperature range is similar to that of saturation temperatures of observed phases in experimental data on Uturuncu dacites. The variation in calculated temperatures is attributed to piecemeal construction of the active pluton by successive inputs of new magma into a growing volume of plutonic mush. Fluctuating temperatures within the mush can account for sieve-textured cores and complex zoning in plagioclase phenocrysts, resorption of quartz and biotite phenocrysts and apatite microlites. That Fe–Ti oxide temperatures vary by ~50–100 °C in a single thin section indicates that magmas were not homogenised effectively prior to eruption. Phenocryst contents do not correlate with calculated magmatic temperatures, consistent with crystal entrainment from the mush during magma ascent and eruption. Microlites grew during ascent from the magma storage region. Variability in the proportion of microlites is attributed to differing ascent and effusion rates with faster rates in general for lavas >0.5 Ma compared to those <0.5 Ma. High microlite contents of domes indicate that effusion rates were probably slowest in dome-forming eruptions. Linear trends in WR major and trace element chemistries, highly variable, bimodal mineral compositions, and the presence of mafic enclaves in lavas demonstrate that intrusion of more mafic magmas into the evolving, shallow plutonic mush also occurred further amplifying local temperature fluctuations. Crystallisation and resorption of accessory phases, particularly ilmenite and apatite, can be detected in MI and groundmass glass trace element covariation trends, which are oblique to WRs. Marked variability of Ba, Sr and La in MI can be attributed to temperature-controlled, localised crystallisation of plagioclase, orthopyroxene and biotite within the evolving mush.  相似文献   
Summary. The variability of deep crustal reflections in USGS line 1A across the offshore New England Appalachians shows the differing influence of Paleozoic and Mesozoic tectonic events. Mesozoic extension has not significantly modified Paleozoic thrust faults penetrating the lower crust in the northern Gulf of Maine. Mesozoic extension or Paleozoic crustal melting could explain the lower crustal character in the central Gulf.  相似文献   
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