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Northwest Africa (NWA) 11042 is a heavily shocked achondrite with medium‐grained cumulate textures. Its olivine and pyroxene compositions, oxygen isotopic composition, and chromium isotopic composition are consistent with L chondrites. Sm‐Nd dating of its primary phases shows a crystallization age of 4100 ± 160 Ma. Ar‐Ar dating of its shocked mineral maskelynite reveals an age of 484.0 ± 1.5 Ma. This age coincides roughly with the breakup event of the L chondrite parent body evident in the shock ages of many L chondrites and the terrestrial record of fossil L chondritic chromite. NWA 11042 shows large depletions in siderophile elements (<0.01×CI) suggestive of a complex igneous history involving extraction of a Fe‐Ni‐S liquid on the L chondrite parent body. Due to its relatively young crystallization age, the heat source for such an igneous process is most likely impact. Because its mineralogy, petrology, and O isotopes are similar to the ungrouped achondrite NWA 4284 (this work), the two meteorites are likely paired and derived from the same parent body.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have analyzed the chemically and isotopically well‐characterized insoluble organic matter (IOM) extracted from 51 unequilibrated chondrites (8 CR, 9 CM, 1 CI, 3 ungrouped C, 9 CO, 9 CV, 10 ordinary, 1 CB and 1 E chondrites) using confocal imaging Raman spectroscopy. The average Raman properties of the IOM, as parameterized by the peak characteristics of the so‐called D and G bands, which originate from aromatic C rings, show systematic trends that are correlated with meteorite (sub‐) classification and IOM chemical compositions. Processes that affect the Raman and chemical properties of the IOM, such as thermal metamorphism experienced on the parent bodies, terrestrial weathering and amorphization due to irradiation in space, have been identified. We established separate sequences of metamorphism for ordinary, CO, oxidized, and reduced CV chondrites. Several spectra from the most primitive chondrites reveal the presence of organic matter that has been amorphized. This amorphization, usually the result of sputtering processes or UV or particle irradiation, could have occurred during the formation of the organic material in interstellar or protoplanetary ices or, less likely, on the surface of the parent bodies or during the transport of the meteorites to Earth. D band widths and peak metamorphic temperatures are strongly correlated, allowing for a straightforward estimation of these temperatures.  相似文献   
Here, we report the mineralogy, petrography, C‐N‐O‐stable isotope compositions, degree of disorder of organic matter, and abundances of presolar components of the chondrite Roberts Massif (RBT) 04133 using a coordinated, multitechnique approach. The results of this study are inconsistent with its initial classification as a Renazzo‐like carbonaceous chondrite, and strongly support RBT 04133 being a brecciated, reduced petrologic type >3.3 Vigarano‐like carbonaceous (CV) chondrite. RBT 04133 shows no evidence for aqueous alteration. However, it is mildly thermally altered (up to approximately 440 °C); which is apparent in its whole‐rock C and N isotopic compositions, the degree of disorder of C in insoluble organic matter, low presolar grain abundances, minor element compositions of Fe,Ni metal, chromite compositions and morphologies, and the presence of unequilibrated silicates. Sulfides within type I chondrules from RBT 04133 appear to be pre‐accretionary (i.e., did not form via aqueous alteration), providing further evidence that some sulfide minerals formed prior to accretion of the CV chondrite parent body. The thin section studied contains two reduced CV3 lithologies, one of which appears to be more thermally metamorphosed, indicating that RBT 04133, like several other CV chondrites, is a breccia and thus experienced impact processing. Linear foliation of chondrules was not observed implying that RBT 04133 did not experience high velocity impacts that could lead to extensive thermal metamorphism. Presolar silicates are still present in RBT 04133, although presolar SiC grain abundances are very low, indicating that the progressive destruction or modification of presolar SiC grains begins before presolar silicate grains are completely unidentifiable.  相似文献   
Abstract– Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) are the most primitive extraterrestrial material available for laboratory studies and may, being likely of cometary origin, sample or represent the unaltered starting material of the solar system. Here we compare IDPs from a “targeted” collection, acquired when the Earth passed through the dust stream of comet 26P/Grigg‐Skjellerup (GSC), with IDPs from nontargeted collections (i.e., of nonspecific origin). We examine both sets to further our understanding of abundances and character of their isotopically anomalous phases to constrain the nature of their parent bodies. We identified ten presolar silicates, two oxides, one SiC, and three isotopically anomalous C‐rich grains. One of seven non‐GSC IDPs contains a wealth of unaltered nebula material, including two presolar silicates, one oxide, and one SiC, as well as numerous δD and δ15N hotspots, demonstrating its very pristine character and suggesting a cometary origin. One of these presolar silicates is the most 17O‐rich discovered in an IDP and has been identified as a possible GEMS (glass with embedded metal and sulfides). Organic matter in an anhydrous GSC IDP is extremely disordered and, based on Raman spectral analyses, appears to be the most primitive IDP analyzed in this study, albeit only one presolar silicate was identified. No defining difference was seen between the GSC and non‐GSC IDPs studied here. However, the GSC collectors are expected to contain IDPs of nonspecific origin. One measure alone, such as presolar grain abundances, isotopic anomalies, or Raman spectroscopy cannot distinguish targeted cometary from unspecified IDPs, and therefore combined studies are required. Whilst targeted IDP populations as a whole may not show distinguishable parameters from unspecified populations (due to statistics, heterogeneity, sampling bias, mixing from other cometary sources), particular IDPs in a targeted collection may well indicate special properties and a fresh origin from a known source.  相似文献   
Abstract— The trapped noble gases Ar, Kr and Xe in several achondrites were analysed. We chose separates of the lodranites Lodran and Graves Nunataks 95209 and bulk samples of the Tatahouine diogenite, Pasamonte eucrite, five aubrites and two angrites. Among these, Lodran, Tatahouine, Pasamonte and the aubrite Norton County have been reported to contain U‐Xe, a noble gas component assumed to be the most primitive component in the solar system. U‐Xe might have been incorporated into the early Earth. We found large concentrations of Xe in several separates of the Lodran lodranite, however, none of the measurements revealed U‐Xe composition. The Xe composition of all achondrites can straightforwardly be explained with mixtures of trapped common Xe‐Q, absorbed air and various amounts of fissiogenic and cosmogenic Xe. Reanalysis of literature data for Pasamonte, Angra dos Reis and some aubrites is consistent with Xe‐Q as the trapped endmember component and contributions of fissiogenic Xe. The presence of Xe‐Q in many primitive achondrites is in agreement with the formation of their parent bodies from originally chondritic precursor material. The Ar‐Xe elemental composition of Lodran and the aubrites indicate subsolar composition, which is commonly found in E chondrites. This result supports a model of formation of the aubrites from E‐chondritic precursor material.  相似文献   
Almahata Sitta (AhS), an anomalous polymict ureilite, is the first meteorite observed to originate from a spectrally classified asteroid (2008 TC3). However, correlating properties of the meteorite with those of the asteroid is not straightforward because the AhS stones are diverse types. Of those studied prior to this work, 70–80% are ureilites (achondrites) and 20–30% are various types of chondrites. Asteroid 2008 TC3 was a heterogeneous breccia that disintegrated in the atmosphere, with its clasts landing on Earth as individual stones and most of its mass lost. We describe AhS 91A and AhS 671, which are the first AhS stones to show contacts between ureilitic and chondritic materials and provide direct information about the structure and composition of asteroid 2008 TC3. AhS 91A and AhS 671 are friable breccias, consisting of a C1 lithology that encloses rounded to angular clasts (<10 μm to 3 mm) of olivine, pyroxenes, plagioclase, graphite, and metal‐sulfide, as well as chondrules (~130–600 μm) and chondrule fragments. The C1 material consists of fine‐grained phyllosilicates (serpentine and saponite) and amorphous material, magnetite, breunnerite, dolomite, fayalitic olivine (Fo 28‐42), an unidentified Ca‐rich silicate phase, Fe,Ni sulfides, and minor Ca‐phosphate and ilmenite. It has similarities to CI1 but shows evidence of heterogeneous thermal metamorphism. Its bulk oxygen isotope composition (δ18O = 13.53‰, δ17O = 8.93‰) is unlike that of any known chondrite, but similar to compositions of several CC‐like clasts in typical polymict ureilites. Its Cr isotope composition is unlike that of any known meteorite. The enclosed clasts and chondrules do not belong to the C1 lithology. The olivine (Fo 75‐88), pyroxenes (pigeonite of Wo ~10 and orthopyroxene of Wo ~4.6), plagioclase, graphite, and some metal‐sulfide are ureilitic, based on mineral compositions, textures, and oxygen isotope compositions, and represent at least six distinct ureilitic lithologies. The chondrules are probably derived from type 3 OC and/or CC, based on mineral and oxygen isotope compositions. Some of the metal‐sulfide clasts are derived from EC. AhS 91A and AhS 671 are plausible representatives of the bulk of the asteroid that was lost. Reflectance spectra of AhS 91A are dark (reflectance ~0.04–0.05) and relatively featureless in VNIR, and have an ~2.7 μm absorption band due to OH? in phyllosilicates. Spectral modeling, using mixtures of laboratory VNIR reflectance spectra of AhS stones to fit the F‐type spectrum of the asteroid, suggests that 2008 TC3 consisted mainly of ureilitic and AhS 91A‐like materials, with as much as 40–70% of the latter, and <10% of OC, EC, and other meteorite types. The bulk density of AhS 91A (2.35 ± 0.05 g cm?3) is lower than bulk densities of other AhS stones, and closer to estimates for the asteroid (~1.7–2.2 g cm?3). Its porosity (36%) is near the low end of estimates for the asteroid (33–50%), suggesting significant macroporosity. The textures of AhS 91A and AhS 671 (finely comminuted clasts of disparate materials intimately mixed) support formation of 2008 TC3 in a regolith environment. AhS 91A and AhS 671 could represent a volume of regolith formed when a CC‐like body impacted into already well‐gardened ureilitic + impactor‐derived debris. AhS 91A bulk samples do not show a solar wind component, so they represent subsurface layers. AhS 91A has a lower cosmic ray exposure (CRE) age (~5–9 Ma) than previously studied AhS stones (11–22 Ma). The spread in CRE ages argues for irradiation in a regolith environment. AhS 91A and AhS 671 show that ureilitic asteroids could have detectable ~2.7 μm absorption bands.  相似文献   
Abstract— The HF/HCI‐resistant residues of the chondrites CM2 Cold Bokkeveld, CV3 (ox.) Grosnaja, CO3.4 Lancé, CO3.7 Isna, LL3.4 Chainpur, and H3.7 Dimmitt have been measured by closed‐system stepped etching (CSSE) in order to better characterise the noble gases in “phase Q”, a major carrier of primordial noble gases. All isotopic ratios in phase Q of the different meteorites are quite uniform, except for (20Ne/22Ne)Q. As already suggested by precise earlier measurements (Schelhaas et al., 1990; Wieler et al., 1991, 1992), (20Ne/22Ne)Q is the least uniform isotopic ratio of the Q noble gases. The data cluster ~10.1 for Cold Bokkeveld and Lancé and 10.7 for Chainpur, Grosnaja, and Dimmitt, respectively. No correlation of (20Ne/22Ne)Q with the classification or the alteration history of the meteorites has been found. The Ar, Kr, and Xe isotopic ratios for all six samples are identical within their uncertainties and similar to earlier Q determinations as well as to Ar‐Xe in ureilites. Thus, an unknown process probably accounts for the alteration of the originally incorporated Ne‐Q. The noble gas elemental compositions provide evidence that Q consists of at least two carbonaceous carrier phases “Q1” and “Q2” with slightly distinct chemical properties. Ratios (Ar/Xe)Q and (Kr/Xe)Q reflect both thermal metamorphism and aqueous alteration. These parent‐body processes have led to larger depletions of Ar and Kr relative to Xe. In contrast, meteorites that suffered severe aqueous alteration, such as the CM chondrites, do not show depletions of He and Ne relative to Ar but rather the highest (He/Ar)Q and (Ne/Ar)Q ratios. This suggests that Q1 is less susceptible to aqueous alteration than Q2. Both subphases may well have incorporated noble gases from the same reservoir, as indicated by the nearly constant, though very large, depletion of the lighter noble gases relative to solar abundances. However, the elemental ratios show that Q1 and Q2 must have acquired (or lost) noble gases in slightly different element proportions. Cold Bokkeveld suggests that Q1 may be related to presolar graphite. Phases Q1 and Q2 might be related to the subphases that have been suggested by Gros and Anders (1977). The distribution of the 20Ne/22Ne ratios cannot be attributed to the carriers Q1 and Q2. The residues of Chainpur and Cold Bokkeveld contain significant amounts of Ne‐E(L), and the data confirm the suggestion of Huss (1997) that the 22Ne‐E(L) content, and thus the presolar graphite abundances, are correlated with the metamorphic history of the meteorites.  相似文献   
The Park Forest (L5) meteorite fell in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois (USA) on March 26, 2003. It is one of the currently 25 meteorites for which photographic documentation of the fireball enabled the reconstruction of the meteoroid orbit. The combination of orbits with pre‐atmospheric sizes, cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE), and radiogenic gas retention ages (“cosmic histories”) is significant because they can be used to constrain the meteoroid's “birth region,” and test models of meteoroid delivery. Using He, Ne, Ar, 10Be, and 26Al, as well as a dynamical model, we show that the Park Forest meteoroid had a pre‐atmospheric size close to 180 g cm?2, 0–40% porosity, and a pre‐atmospheric mass range of ~2–6 tons. It has a CRE age of 14 ± 2 Ma, and (U, Th)‐He and K‐Ar ages of 430 ± 90 and 490 ± 70 Ma, respectively. Of the meteorites with photographic orbits, Park Forest is the second (after Novato) that was shocked during the L chondrite parent body (LCPB) break‐up event approximately 470 Ma ago. The suggested association of this event with the formation of the Gefion family of asteroids has recently been challenged and we suggest the Ino family as a potential alternative source for the shocked L chondrites. The location of the LCPB break‐up event close to the 5:2 resonance also allows us to put some constraints on the possible orbital migration paths of the Park Forest meteoroid.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that all L chondrites resulted from an ongoing collisional cascade of fragments that originated from the formation of the ~500 Ma old asteroid family Gefion, located near the 5:2 mean‐motion resonance with Jupiter in the middle Main Belt. If so, L chondrite pre‐atmospheric orbits should be distributed as expected for that source region. Here, we present contradictory results from the orbit and collisional history of the October 24, 2015, L6 ordinary chondrite fall at Creston, CA (here reclassified to L5/6). Creston's short 1.30 ± 0.02 AU semimajor axis orbit would imply a long dynamical evolution if it originated from the middle Main Belt. Indeed, Creston has a high cosmic ray exposure age of 40–50 Ma. However, Creston's small meteoroid size and low 4.23 ± 0.07° inclination indicate a short dynamical lifetime against collisions. This suggests, instead, that Creston originated most likely in the inner asteroid belt and was delivered via the ν6 resonance. The U‐Pb systematics of Creston apatite reveals a Pb‐Pb age of 4,497.1 ± 3.7 Ma, and an upper intercept U‐Pb age of 4,496.7 ± 5.8 Ma (2σ), circa 70 Ma after formation of CAI, as found for other L chondrites. The K‐Ar (age ~4.3 Ga) and U,Th‐He (age ~1 Ga) chronometers were not reset at ~500 Ma, while the lower intercept U‐Pb age is poorly defined as 770 ± 320 Ma. So far, the three known L chondrites that impacted on orbits with semimajor axes a <2.0 AU all have high (>3 Ga) K‐Ar ages. This argues for a source of some of our L chondrites in the inner Main Belt. Not all L chondrites originate in a continuous population of Gefion family debris stretching across the 3:1 mean‐motion resonance.  相似文献   
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