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In order to study the history of star formation in dwarf irregular galaxies we have started a project of deep CCD observations of irregulars in the Local Group. For the theoretical interpretation of the colour-magnitude diagrams resulting from these observations we present a new method of numerical simulations based on stellar evolutionary tracks. The preliminary results concerning the galaxies WLM and Sextans B are summarized.  相似文献   
We analyse two recent computations of Type II supernova nucleosynthesis by Woosley & Weaver (hereafter WW95) and Thielemann, Nomoto & Hashimoto (hereafter TNH96), focusing on the ability to reproduce the observed [Mg/Fe] ratios in various galaxy types. We show that the yields of oxygen and total metallicity are in good agreement. However, TNH96 models produce more magnesium in the intermediate and less iron in the upper mass range of Type II supernovae than WW95 models. To investigate the significance of these discrepancies for chemical evolution, we calculate simple stellar population yields for both sets of models and different initial mass function slopes. We conclude that the Mg yields of WW95 do not suffice to explain the [Mg/Fe] overabundance either in giant elliptical galaxies and bulges or in metal-poor stars in the solar neighbourhood and the Galactic halo. Calculating the chemical evolution in the solar neighbourhood according to the standard infall model, we find that, using WW95 and TNH96 nucleosynthesis, the solar magnesium abundance is underestimated by 29 and 7 per cent, respectively.   We include the relaxation of the instantaneous mixing approximation in chemical evolution models by splitting the gas component into two different phases. In additional simulations of the chemical evolution in the solar neighbourhood, we discuss various time-scales for the mixing of the stellar ejecta with the interstellar medium. We find that a delay of the order of 108 yr leads to a better fit of the observational data in the [Mg/Fe]–[Fe/H] diagram without destroying the agreement with solar element abundances and the age–metallicity relation.  相似文献   
We examined the fire‐induced changes in groundwater recharge rate. This aspect is particularly important in the case of large forested areas growing over a coastal aquifer affected by saltwater intrusion. In the Ravenna coastal area (Italy), pine forests grow on coastal dune belts, overlying a sandy unconfined aquifer, which is strongly affected by marine ingression. Three groundwater profiles across the forest and perpendicular to the coastline were monitored for groundwater level, physical, and chemical parameters. The aims were to define groundwater quality, recharge rate, freshwater volume, and highlight change, which occurred after a forest fire with reference to pre‐fire conditions. Analytical solutions based on Darcy Law and the Dupuit Equation were applied to calculate unconfined flow and compare recharge rates among the profiles. The estimated recharge rates increased in the partially and completely burnt areas (219 and 511 mm year?1, respectively) compared with the pristine pine forest area (73 mm year?1). Although pre‐fire conditions were similar in all monitored profiles, a post‐fire decrease in salinity was observed across the burnt forest, along with an increase in infiltration and freshwater lens thickness. This was attributed to decrease canopy interception and evapotranspiration caused by vegetation absence after the fire. This research provided an example of positive forest fire feedback on the quantity and quality of fresh groundwater resources in a lowland coastal aquifer affected by saltwater intrusion, with limited availability of freshwater resources. The fire provided an opportunity to evaluate a new forest management approach and consider the restoration and promotion of native dune herbaceous vegetation.  相似文献   
We present kinematics and stellar population properties of 17 dwarf early-type galaxies in the luminosity range -14 ≥ M B ≥ -19. Our sample fills the gap between the intensively studied giant elliptical and Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies. The dwarf ellipticals of the present sample have constant velocity dispersion profiles within their effective radii and do not show significant rotation, hence are clearly anisotropic. The dwarf lenticulars, instead, rotate faster and are, at least partially, supported by rotation. From optical Lick absorption indices, we derive metallicities and element abundances. Combining our sample with literature data of the Local Group dwarf spheroidals and giant ellipticals, we find a surprisingly tight linear correlation between metallicity and luminosity over a wide range: -8 ≥ M B ≥ -22. The α/Fe ratios of our dwarf ellipticals are significantly lower than the ones of giant elliptical galaxies, which is in agreement with spectroscopy of individual stars in Local Group dwarf spheroidals. Our results suggest the existence of a clear kinematic and stellar population dichotomy between dwarf and giant elliptical galaxies. This result is important for theories of galaxy formation, because it implies that present-day dwarf ellipticals are not the fossiled building blocks of giant ellipticals. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Following an episode of star formation, Type Ia supernova events occur over an extended period of time, following a distribution of delay times (DDT). We critically discuss some empirically based DDT functions that have been proposed in recent years, some favouring very early (prompt) events, other very late (tardy) ones, and therefore being mutually exclusive. We point out that in both the cases the derived DDT functions are affected by dubious assumptions, and therefore there is currently no ground for claiming either a DDT strongly peaked at early times, or at late ones. Theoretical DDT functions are known to accommodate both prompt as well as late SN Ia events, and can account for all available observational constraints. Recent observational evidence exist that both single and double degenerate precursors may be able of producing SN Ia events. We then explore on the basis of plausible theoretical models the possible variation with cosmic time of the mix between the events produced by the two different channels, which, in principle, could lead to systematic effects on the SN Ia properties with redshift.  相似文献   
Irrigation in low-lying coastal plains may enhance the formation of fresh groundwater lenses, which counteract salinization of groundwater and soil. This study presents seasonal dynamics of such a freshwater lens and discusses its influence on the salinity distribution of the unconfined aquifer in the coastal plain of Ravenna, Italy, combining field observations with numerical modeling (SEAWAT). The lens originates from an irrigation ditch used as a water reservoir for spray irrigation. The geometry of the freshwater lens shows seasonal differences because of freshwater infiltration during the irrigation season and upconing of deeper saltwater for the remainder of the year. The extent of the freshwater lens is controlled by the presence of nearby drainage ditches. Irrigation also results in a temperature anomaly in the aquifer because of the infiltration of warm water during the irrigation season. The surficial zone in the vicinity of the irrigation ditch is increased considerably in thickness. Finally, different irrigation alternatives and the influence of sea-level rise are simulated. This shows that it is necessary to integrate irrigation planning into the water management strategy of the coastal zone to have maximum benefits for freshening of the aquifer and to make optimal use of the existing infrastructure.  相似文献   
One of the most important aspects of coastal zone management is the analysis of shoreline dynamics. Over the last years, beaches of the Ravenna coast (NE Italy) experienced large modifications, in some places narrowing or even being completely lost, thus threatening tourism, coastal assets and nature. Coastal erosion has direct consequences for Ravenna tourist-based economy, which largely depends on the attraction provided by sandy beaches. In this study, long-term (>?50 years) coastal analysis was used to identify the sectors along the coast where the shoreline position has changed, either advancing or retreating. Shoreline changes were measured on GIS environment by means of Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) extension. Net Shoreline Movement (NSM) and Linear Regression Rate (LRR) strategies were employed to examine shoreline variability and reveal erosional/accretional trends. The results show that significant shoreline changes affected the entire coastal region, with most of the study area under retreat, mainly in the most valuable tourist assets of the littoral. The effects were found to be worsened by impacts of land subsidence, presence of harbor infrastructure and deficit in sediment budget. A simple shoreline classification was performed over the DSAS results and cross-checked with local knowledge of the area. The measurement of erosion or accretion rates in each studied segment is found to be useful for land use planning and coastal management plans, especially regarding the prediction of future shoreline positions. Especially important is the potential of the classification to identify areas of significant position change, with current and future implications for the design of sustainable shoreline management and mitigation measures.  相似文献   
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