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 An estimated average CO2 output from Etna's summit craters in the range of 13±3 Mt/a has recently been determined from the measured SO2 output and measured CO2/SO2 molar ratios. To this amount the CO2 output emitted diffusely from the soil (≈ 1 Mt/a) and the amount of CO2 dissolved in Etna's aquifers (≈ 0.25 Mt/a) must be added. Data on the solubility of CO2 in Etnean magmas at high temperature and pressure allow the volume of magma involved in the release of such an amount of this gas to be estimated. This volume of magma (≈ 0.7 km3/a) is approximately 20 times greater than the volume of magma erupted annually during the period 1971–1995. On the basis of C-isotopic data of CO2 collected in the Etna area and of new hypotheses on the source of Mediterranean magmas, significant contributions of CO2 from non-magmatic sources to the total output from Etna are unlikely. Such large outputs of CO2 and also of SO2 from Etna could be due to an anomalously shallow asthenosphere beneath the volcano that allows a continuous escape of gases toward the surface, even without migration of magma. Received: 7 August 1996 / Accepted: 9 November 1996  相似文献   
During the spring of 2007, paroxysmal activity occurred at the Southeast Crater of Mt. Etna, always associated with sharp rises in the amplitude of the volcanic tremor. Activity ranged from strong Strombolian explosions to lava fountains coupled with copious emission of lava flows and tephra. During inter-eruptive periods, recurrent seismic unrest episodes were observed in the form of temporary enhancements of the volcanic tremor amplitude, but they did not culminate in eruptive activity. Here, we present the results of an analysis of these inter-eruptive periods by integrating seismic volcanic tremor, in-soil radon, plume SO2 flux, and thermal data. SO2 flux and thermal radiation are envisaged as the “smoking gun,” and certifying that changes in seismic or radon data can be considered as volcanogenic. Short-term changes were investigated by pattern classification based on Kohonen maps and fuzzy clustering on volcanic tremor, radon, and ambient parameters (pressure and temperature). Our results unveil “failed” eruptions between February and April 2007 that are explained as ascending magma batches, which triggered repeated episodes of gas pulses and rock fracturing, but that failed to reach the surface.  相似文献   
Data for major, minor and trace elements in groundwaters from Mt. Etna volcano collected in 1994, 1995 and 1997 were analyzed using Cluster Analysis (CA). Two groups of sampling sites were identified (named clusters A and B), mainly on the basis of their different salinity and content of dissolved CO2. The highest levels of both of these parameters were observed in the sites of cluster A, located in the lower south-western and central eastern flanks of the volcano. For both of the statistical groups CA was repeated, taking into account the mean values of each parameter in time, and the results allowed us to recognize four distinct groups of parameters for each group of sites on the basis of their temporal patterns. Four different types of temporal patterns were recognized: concave, convex, increasing, decreasing. The observed changes were basically interpreted as a result of the different response of dissolved chemical elements to changes in the aqueous environment and/or in their solubility/mobility in water due to different rates of input of magmatic gases to Etna’s aquifers. The main changes occurred in 1995, when Etna’s volcanic activity resumed after a two-year period of rest. The temporal changes of the majority of the studied parameters (water temperature, water conductivity, Eh, pH, Al, Mg, B, Ca, Cl, Hg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Se, Si, Sr, Cr Zn and pCO2) were not cluster-dependent, therefore they were not apparently affected by differences in water salinity between the two groups of sampling sites. A limited number of parameters (Ti, K, Li, HCO3, As, Fe, SO42−, Cu and V), however, manifested different behaviors, depending on the cluster of sites to which they belonged, thus suggesting their apparent dependency on water salinity.  相似文献   
After 16 months of quiescence, Mount Etna began to erupt again in mid-July 2006. The activity was concentrated at and around the Southeast Crater (SEC), one of the four craters on the summit of Etna, and eruptive activity continued intermittently for 5 months. During this period, numerous vents displayed a wide range of eruptive styles at different times. Virtually all explosive activities took place at vents at the summit of the SEC and on its flanks. Eruptive episodes, which lasted from 1 day to 2 weeks, became shorter and more violent with time. Volcanic activity at these vents was often accompanied by dramatic mass-wasting processes such as collapse of parts of the cone, highly unusual flowage processes involving both old rocks and fresh magmatic material, and magma–water interaction. The most dramatic events took place on 16 November, when numerous rockfalls and pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) were generated during the opening of a large fracture on the SE flank of the SEC cone. The largest PDCs were clearly triggered explosively, and there is evidence that much of the energy was generated during the interaction of intruding magma with wet rocks on the cone’s flanks. The most mobile PDCs traveled up to 1 km from their source. This previously unknown process on Etna may not be unique on this volcano and is likely to have taken place on other volcanoes. It represents a newly recognized hazard to those who visit and work in the vicinity of the summit of Etna.  相似文献   
 The relationships between soil gas emissions and both tectonic and volcano-tectonic structures on Mt. Etna have been studied. The investigation consisted of soil CO2 flux measurements along traverses orthogonal to the main faults and eruptive fissures of the volcano. Anomalous levels of soil degassing were found mainly in coincidence with faults, whereas only 49% of the eruptive fissures were found to produce elevated CO2 soil fluxes. This result suggests that only zones of strain are able to channel deep gases to the surface. According to this hypothesis, several previously unknown structures are suggested. Based on our geochemical data, new structural maps of different areas of Etna are proposed. The soil CO2 fluxes observed in this study are higher than those measured in a 1987 study, and they are consistent with the higher level of volcanic unrest during the current study. Received: 20 March 1998 / Accepted: 17 June 1998  相似文献   
The Peloritani Mts. (NE Sicily) are characterized by frequent seismicity. Between 1994 and 2006 more than 1000 earthquakes (1.0 ≤ ML ≤ 3.3) occurred, mostly as highly clustered swarms located at shallow depth near the villages of Castroreale and Rodì Milici (western part of Peloritani Mts.). The same area is also characterized by some geothermal springs and gas vents. Using a multidisciplinary approach, data were collected on the tectonic setting, seismicity pattern and geochemical characteristics of fluid emissions, with the aim of understanding the process of earthquake swarm generation beneath the investigated area.  相似文献   
Wide variations were measured in the diffuse CO2 flux through the soils in three selected areas of Mt Etna between August 1989 and March 1993. Degassing of CO2 from the area of Zafferana Etnea-S. Venerina, on the eastern slope of the volcano, has been determined to be more strongly influenced by meteorological parameters than the other areas. The seasonal component found in the data from this area has been excluded using a filtering algorithm based on the best fitting equation calculated from the correlation between CO2 flux values and those of air temperature. The filtered data appear to have variations temporally coincident with those from the other areas, thus suggesting a common and probably deep source of gas. The highest fluxes measured in the two most peripheral areas may correlate well with other geophysical and volcanological anomalous signals that preceded the strong eruption of 1991–1993 and that were interpreted as deep pressure increases. Anomalous decreases in CO2 fluxes accompanied the onset and the evolution of that eruption and have been interpreted as a sign of upward migration of the gas source. The variations of CO2 flux at the 1989 SE fracture have also given interesting information on the timing of the magmatic intrusion that has then fed the 1991–1993 eruption.  相似文献   
The complex geochemical interactions in the groundwater of the industrial area of Šalek Valley (Slovenia) between natural and anthropogenic fluids were studied by means of major (Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3 , Cl and SO4 2−) and trace elements’ (As , Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Se and V) abundances, geochemical classification and statistical analysis of data. Cation abundances indicate mixing between a dolomitic end-member and an evaporitic or geothermal end-member. Anion abundances indicate mixing between bicarbonate waters and either sulphate-enriched waters (suggesting hydrothermalism) or chlorine-rich waters. Principal component analysis (PCA) allowed the extraction of seven factors, which describe, respectively: water–rock interaction mainly on dolomitic rocks; redox conditions of water; Cd–Zn enrichment in chlorine-rich waters (probably from industrial wastes); hydrothermal conditions in waters close to major faults; Pb and Cu pollution; V and K enrichments, indicating their common organic source; the role of partial pressure of CO2 dissolved in water, which is highest in three wells with bubbling gases. Average underground discharge rates of solutes from the Valley range between 0.09 t/a (V) and 1.8 × 104 t/a (HCO3 ) and indicate how natural fluids can significantly contribute to the levels of elements in the environment, in addition to the amount of elements released by human activities.  相似文献   
Soil CO2 flux measurements were carried out along traverses across mapped faults and eruptive fissures on the summit and the lower East Rift Zone of Kilauea volcano. Anomalous levels of soil degassing were found for 44 of the tectonic structures and 47 of the eruptive fissures intercepted by the surveyed profiles. This result contrasts with what was recently observed on Mt. Etna, where most of the surveyed faults were associated with anomalous soil degassing. The difference is probably related to the differences in the state of activity at the time when soil gas measurements were made: Kilauea was erupting, whereas Mt. Etna was quiescent although in a pre-eruptive stage. Unlike Mt. Etna, flank degassing on Kilauea is restricted to the tectonic and volcanic structures directly connected to the magma reservoir feeding the ongoing East Rift eruption or in areas of the Lower East Rift where other shallow, likely independent reservoirs are postulated. Anomalous soil degassing was also found in areas without surface evidence of faults, thus suggesting the possibility of previously unknown structures. Received: November 2003, revised: January 2005, accepted: January 2005  相似文献   
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