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To constrain the tectonic and metamorphic history of the GrenvilleProvince of southern Ontario we have quantitatively evaluatedchanges in peak metamorphic pressures and temperatures in theregion. Pressures increase northwest from the Frontenac Axistowards the Grenville Front, and they increase from 4–6kb near Madoc to 10–11 kb south of North Bay. Furtherto the north pressures decrease to 8–9 kb in the GrenvilleFront Tectonic Zone north of the French and Mattawa Rivers.Temperatures form a broad high, reaching 800?C northeast ofParry Sound, and decreasing to 400–500?C in the HastingsLow near Madoc, 600–650?C east towards the Ottawa River,and 650–700?C near Sudbury. This regional P-T distributionis in good agreement with constraints available from the distributionof aluminosilicate polymorphs. Comparison of thermobarometric results with regional tectonicfeatures shows a sharp discontinuity across the Mattawa andFrench Rivers, with a 1–2-kb pressure drop to the north.This implies that the major movement along this zone since theGrenville event was ‘south-side-up’ rather than‘north-side-up’ as suggested by Lumbers (1971).Large P-T discontinuities are not apparent across the domainboundaries mapped by Davidson and co-workers east of Parry Sound,but small discontinuities may exist. Sparse data may indicatethat the Central Metasedimentary Belt equilibrated at 1–2kb lower pressures than the Central Gneiss Terrane. Zoning profiles in garnet-pyroxene pairs have been used to placeconstraints on the metamorphic pressure-temperature-time pathin the Parry Sound, Port Severn, Bancroft, and Mattawa areasof the Grenville Province, Ontario. A nonlinear fitting routinewas used to obtain best-fit core and rim analyses for garnetsand pyroxenes. These results were combined with plagioclasecore/rim analyses to obtain estimates of peak and retrogradeconditions. The resultant retrograde P-Tpath has a slope of7 ? 10 b/?C, and involves pressure changes of 0?6–2?1kb for temperature changes of 60–130?C. Present address: Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721  相似文献   
Sequences of tills, buried paleosols, wood and tephra in lateral moraines provide a record of Holocene advances and retreats of the Bugaboo Glacier in British Columbia. The oldest paleosol is tentatively classified as a Spodosol (Cryorthod). It incorporates Mazama tephra (6,800 B.P.) and charcoal and humus dated at 3,390 and 4.400B.P., respectively, and records early and middle Holocene warming and/or drying. This paleosol overliesa latest Pleistocene or early Holocene till associated with a nearby end moraine and assigned to the regionally known 'Crowfoot Advance'. Less-developed paleosols (Cryumbrepts) are formed on Neoglacial tills deposited shortly before 3,000 B. P., between c. 2,500 to 1,900 B. P., and between c. 900 B.P. and the 19th century. The paleosols and surface soils form microcatenas with morphological variations due to differences in original topography and vegetation. The chronology derived from these paleosols and tills generally agrees with, but increases the resolution of, what is known of Holocene glacier histories in the Canadian Cordillera.  相似文献   
This paper presents a critical review of previous lichenometric and lichen growth studies in southern parts of West and East Greenland. These studies include classic work from around Søndre Strømfjord, Sukkertoppen, Sermilik and Angmagssalik. Particular emphasis is placed on those studies examining the role played by climatic continentality on the growth rate of crustose lichens in Greenland. The latter part of the paper presents new data on lichen growth rates from Sermilik, between 2001 and 2006, in 22 different lichen species. Measurements show that different species grow at different rates and growth rates vary from site to site. In this study Rhizocarpon geographicum generally grows slowly (<0.2 mm a−1) while other species such as Pseudephebe minuscula grow more rapidly (1.0 mm a−1) in the same environment. Comparison with other studies shows that taxa-specific growth rates are slightly greater in West than in East Greenland – probably as a result of the slightly more favourable climate and higher precipitation levels. It is suggested that recent climate change, most marked in southern Greenland, will probably result in changed growth curves (over time) for species such as Rhizocarpon geographicum . However, only more precise growth curves and lichenometric dating curves can demonstrate such a phenomenon.  相似文献   
Rare earth elements (REE) were determined in fine, medium and coarse crystalline replacement dolomites, and for saddle dolomite cements from the Middle Devonian Presqu'ile barrier from Pine Point and the subsurface of the Northwest Territories and north-eastern British Columbia. REE patterns of the fine crystalline dolomite are similar to those of Middle Devonian limestones from the Presqu'ile barrier. Fine crystalline dolomite occurs in the back-barrier facies and may represent penecontemporaneous dolomitization at, or just below, the sea floor. Medium crystalline dolomite is widespread in the lower southern and lower central barrier. Medium crystalline dolomite is slightly depleted in heavy REE compared with Devonian marine limestones and fine crystalline dolomite, and has negative Ce and Eu anomalies. Medium crystalline dolomites replaced pre-existing limestones or were recrystallized from earlier fine crystalline dolomites. During these processes, the REE patterns of their precursors were modified. Late stage, coarse crystalline replacement dolomite and saddle dolomite cements occur together in the upper barrier and have similar geochemical signatures. Coarse crystalline dolomites have negative Eu anomalies, and those from the Pine Point area also have positive La anomalies. Saddle dolomites are enriched in light REE and have positive La anomalies. The REE patterns of coarse crystalline dolomite and saddle dolomite differ from those of marine limestones and fine and medium crystalline dolomites, suggesting that different diagenetic fluids were responsible for these later dolomites. Although massive dolomitization requires relatively large volumes of fluids in order to provide the necessary amounts of Mg2-. dolomitization and subsequent recrystallization may not necessarily modify the REE signatures of the precursor limestones because of the low concentrations of REE in most natural fluids. Thus, relative fluid-rock ratios during diagenesis may be estimated from REE patterns in the diagenetic and precursor minerals. Fine crystalline dolomites retain the REE patterns of their limestone precursors. In the medium and coarse crystalline dolomites the precursor REE patterns were apparently altered by large volumes of fluids involved during dolomitization. This study suggests that REE compositions of dolomites and their limestone precursors may provide important information about the relative amounts of fluids involved during diagenetic processes, such as dolomitization.  相似文献   
Needle fibre calcite is one of the most ubiquitous habits of calcite in vadose environments (caves deposits, soil pores, etc.). Its origin, either through inorganic, indirect or direct biological processes, has long been debated. In this study, investigations at 11 sites in Europe, Africa and Central America support arguments for its biogenic origin. The wide range of needle morphologies is the result of a gradual evolution of the simplest type, a rod. This rod is the elementary brick which, by aggregation and welding, builds more complex needles. The absence of cross‐welded needles implies that they are welded in a mould, or under a longitudinal and unidirectional constraint, before being released inside the soil pores. The difference between the lengthening of the needles and the c axis can be explained by the existence of needles observed under a scanning electron microscope in organic sleeves, which can act as a mould during rod growth. Complex morphologies with epitaxial outgrowths on straight rods cannot have grown entirely inside organic microtubes; they must result from soil diagenesis after the release of straight rods in a soil‐free medium. Whisker crystals are interpreted as the result of growth and coalescence of euhedral crystals on a rod. Rhomb chains are considered to be the consequence of successive epitaxial growth steps on a needle during variations in growth conditions. Isotopic signatures for needle fibre calcite vary from ?16·63‰ to +1·10‰ and from ?8·63‰ to ?2·25‰ for δ13C and δ18O, respectively. The absence of high δ18O values for needle fibre calcite precludes a purely physicochemical origin (evaporative) for this particular habit of calcite. As epitaxial growth cannot precipitate in the same conditions as initial needles, needle fibre calcite stable isotopic signatures should be used with caution as a proxy for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. In addition, it is suggested that the term needle fibre calcite should be kept for the original biogenic form. The other habit should be referred to as epitaxial forms of needle fibre calcite.  相似文献   
We propose, as a testable hypothesis, a basin-scale approach for interpreting the abundance of in situ produced cosmogenic isotopes, an approach which considers explicitly both the isotope and sediment flux through a drainage basin. Unlike most existing models, which are appropriate for evaluating in situproduced cosmogenic isotope abundance at discrete points on Earth's surface, our model is designed for interpreting isotope abundance in sediment. Because sediment is a mixture of materials, in favourable cases derived from throughout a drainage basin, we suggest that measured isotope abundances may reflect spatially averaged rates of erosion. We investigate the assumptions and behaviour of our model and conclude that it could provide geomorphologists with a relatively simple means by which to constrain the rate of landscape evolution if a basin is in isotopic steady state and if sampled sediments are well mixed.  相似文献   
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