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We present an updated model for the photochemistry of Io's atmosphere and ionosphere and use this model to investigate the sensitivity of the chemical structure to vertical transport rates. SO2is assumed to be the dominant atmospheric gas, with minor molecular sodium species such as Na2S or Na2O released by sputtering or venting from the surface. Photochemical products include SO, O2, S, O, Na, NaO, NaS, and Na2. We consider both “thick” and “thin” SO2atmospheres that encompass the range allowed by recent HST and millimeter-wave observations, and evaluate the possibility that O2and/or SO may be significant minor dayside constituents and therefore likely dominant nightside gases. The fast reaction between S and O2limits the column abundance of O2to ∼104less than that calculated by Kumar (J. Geophys. Res.87, 1677–1684, 1982; 89(A9), 7399–7406, 1984) for a pure sulfur/oxygen atmosphere. If a significant source of NaO2or Na2O were supplied by the surface and mixed rapidly upward, then oxygen liberated in the chemical reactions which also liberate free Na would provide an additional source of O2. Fast eddy mixing will enhance the transport of molecular sodium species to the exobase, in addition to increasing the vertical transport rate of ions. Ions produced in the atmosphere will be accelerated by the reduced corotation electric field penetrating the atmosphere. These ions experience collisions with the neutral gas, leading to enhanced vertical ion diffusion. The dominant ion, Na+, is lost primarily by charge exchange with Na2O and/or Na2S in the lower atmosphere and by diffusion through the ionopause in the upper atmosphere. The atmospheric column abundance of SO, O2, and the upper atmosphere escape rates of Na, S, O, and molecular sodium species are all strong functions of the eddy mixing rate. Most atmospheric escape, including that of molecular sodium species, probably occurs from the low density “background” SO2atmosphere, while a localized high density “volcanic” SO2atmosphere can yield an ionosphere consistent with that detected by the Pioneer 10 spacecraft.  相似文献   
Models are developed for the photochemistry of a CO2H2ON2 atmosphere on Mars and estimates are given for the concentrations of N, NO, NO2, NO3, N2O5, HNO2, HNO3, and N2O as a function of altitude. Nitric oxide is the most abundant form of odd nitrogen, present with a mixing ratio relative to CO2 of order 10?8. Deposition rates for nitrite and nitrate minerals could be as large as 3× 105 N equivalent atoms cm?2 sec?1 under present conditions and may have been higher in the past.  相似文献   

The Renard 2 kimberlite pipe is one of nine diamondiferous kimberlite pipes that form a cluster in the south-eastern portion of the Superior Province, Québec, Canada and is presently being extracted at the Renard Mine. It is interpreted as a diatreme-zone kimberlite consisting of two Kimberley-type pyroclastic units and related country rock breccias, all cross-cut by coherent kimberlite dykes and irregular intrusives. Renard 2 has been the subject of numerous diamond drilling campaigns since its discovery in 2001. The first two geological models modelled kimberlite and country rock breccia units separately. A change in modelling philosophy in 2009, which incorporated the emplacement envelope and history, modelled the entire intrusive event and projected the pipe shape to depth allowing for more targeted deep drilling where kimberlite had not yet been discovered. This targeted 2009 drilling resulted in a > 400% increase in the volume of the Indicated Resource. Modelling only the kimberlite units resulted in a significant underestimation of the pipe shape. Current open pit and underground mapping of the pipe shape corresponds well to the final 2015 geological model and contact changes observed are within the expected level of confidence for an Indicated Resource. This study demonstrates that a sound understanding of the geological emplacement is key to developing a reliable 3D geological and resource model that can be used for targeted delineation drilling, feasibility studies and during the initial stages of mining.

Landward-pointing V-shaped sand ridges several kilometers long are common along the windward margin of the Bahama Islands. Their axes share a northeast–southwest trend. Internally, the ridges contain low-angle oolitic beds with few erosional truncations. Commonly interbedded are tabular, fenestrae-rich beds such as those formed by the sheet flow of water over dry sand. Defined here as “chevron ridges,” these landforms appear to have originated in the rapid remobilization of bank margin ooid bodies by the action of long-period waves from a northeasterly source. Deposits along adjacent coastlines also preserve evidence of the impact of large waves. Reworked eolian sand bodies preserve beach fenestrae and hydraulic scour traces up to +40 m on older ridges. On cliffed coasts, 1000-ton boulders have been thrown well inland, recording the impact of large waves. Amino acid ratios confirm a correlation of the ridges across the archipelago, while stratigraphy, spacing, and cross-cutting relationships indicate emplacement as sea level fell rapidly from the substage 5e maximum at or above +6 m.  相似文献   
One of the most intriguing episodes in the Quaternary evolution of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona, was the development of vast lakes that are thought to have backed up behind lava erupted into the gorge. Stratigraphic evidence for these deep lava-dammed lakes is expectedly sparse. Possible lacustrine deposits at six areas in the eastern canyon yielded no compelling evidence for sediment deposited in a deep lake. At two of the sites the sediment was associated with late Quaternary spring-fed pools and marshes. Water-lain silt and sand at lower Havasu Creek was deposited 3000 cal yr ago. The deposit contains an ostracode assemblage similar to that living in the modern travertine-dammed pools adjacent to the outcrop. The second deposit, at Lees Ferry, formed in a spring-fed marsh 43,000 cal yr ago, as determined by 14C and amino acid geochronology. It contains abundant ostracode and mollusk fossils, the richest assemblages reported from the Grand Canyon to date. Our interpretation of these sediments as spring-fed deposits, and their relative youth, provides an alternative to the conventional view that deposits like these were formed in deep lava-dammed lakes that filled the Grand Canyon.  相似文献   
Photographic, photovisual and photoelectric (V) observations of Nova Delphini 1967 were made from August 8 to October 31 (Table I, Figure 1). Simultaneously spectrophotometric measurements of the continuum were made on objective prism exposures extending to November 26, and spectrophotometric gradients derived (Tables II and III; Figures 3, 4, and 5). The continuum of Nova near its flat maximum is close to that of an early-type star in contrast to late-type absorptionline spectrum.  相似文献   
The chemistry and evolution of Titan's atmosphere is reviewed in the light of the scientific findings from the Voyager mission. It is argued that the present N2 atmosphere may be Titan's initial atmosphere rather than photochemically derived from an original NH3 atmosphere. The escape rate of hydrogen from Titan is controlled by photochemical production from hydrocarbons. CH4 is irreversibly converted to less hydrogen rich hydrocarbons, which over geologic time accumulate on the surface to a layer thickness of ~0.5 km. Magnetospheric electrons interacting with Titan's exosphere may dissociate enough N2 into hot, escaping N atoms to remove ~0.2 of Titan's present atmosphere over geologic time. The energy dissipation of magnetospheric electrons exceeds solar e.u.v. energy deposition in Titan's atmosphere by an order of magnitude and is the principal driver of nitrogen photochemistry. The environmental conditions in Titan's upper atmosphere are favorable to building up complex molecules, particularly in the north polar cap region.  相似文献   
The authors of this paper try to disentangle the many problems arisen from a new enlarged sample of nearby low-mass,metal-rich-stars. These stars have reliable absolute magnitudes, deduced from Hipparcos parallaxes, precise bolometric corrections, effective temperatures and metal abundances from high resolution detailed spectroscopic analyses. Their ages have been derived from a grid of isochrones calculated with up to date physics. The main goal of this paper is to determine the ages of the slightly evolved SMR stars. Among those with well determinated ages about 80% of them have intermediate ages of (2 to 5 Gyr), but only 20% have ages of 8 Gyr or more. Nevertheless, the existence of very old metal-rich stars is confirmed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Geothermal features in the Yellowstone National Park contain up to several milligram per liter of aqueous arsenic. Part of this arsenic is volatilized and released into the atmosphere. Total volatile arsenic concentrations of 0.5-200 mg/m3 at the surface of the hot springs were found to exceed the previously assumed nanogram per cubic meter range of background concentrations by orders of magnitude. Speciation of the volatile arsenic was performed using solid-phase micro-extraction fibers with analysis by GC-MS. The arsenic species most frequently identified in the samples is (CH3)2AsCl, followed by (CH3)3As, (CH3)2AsSCH3, and CH3AsCl2 in decreasing order of frequency. This report contains the first documented occurrence of chloro- and thioarsines in a natural environment. Toxicity, mobility, and degradation products are unknown.  相似文献   
Lake sediments are valuable natural archives to reconstruct paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental changes which consist of inorganic and organic sediment compounds of allochthonous origin from the catchment and of autochthonous production in the lake. However, for robust paleo-reconstructions it is important to develop a better understanding about sedimentation processes, the origin of inorganic and organic sediment compounds and their distribution within the lake. In this context, modern process studies provide important insights, although environmental and anthropological changes can affect the spatial distribution of sediment compounds through time. Therefore, in this study the spatial distribution of grain size and geochemical proxies in 52 surface sediment samples from Lake Khar Nuur, a small high-altitude lake in the Mongolian Altai with a small and anthropogenically used hydrological catchment, is investigated. The results show a distinct sediment focussing in the two deep basins of the lake, which therefore act as accumulation zones. In those accumulation zones, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (N) and their isotopic composition (δ13CTOC, δ15N) as well as n-alkanes indicate that organic sediment compounds are a mixture of both allochthonous and autochthonous origin. While the recent catchment vegetation consists of grasses/herbs and the shrub Betula nana (L.) with distinct differences in their n-alkane homologue patterns, those differences are not reflected in the sediment surface samples which rather indicates that grass-derived n-alkanes become preferentially incorporated in the lake. Extensive anthropogenic activity such as grazing and housing in the southern part of the catchment causes soil erosion which is well reflected by high TOC, N and sulphur (S) contents and 15N depleted δ15N values at the central southern shore, i.e. increased allochthonous sediment input by anthropogenically-induced soil erosion. Overall, the surface sediments of Lake Khar Nuur origin from allochthonous and autochthonous sources and are focussed in the accumulation zones of the lake, while their distribution is both environmentally and anthropogenically driven.  相似文献   
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