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Since 2002 the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) in Udine (Italy), the Agencija Republike Slovenije za Okolje (ARSO) in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) in Vienna (Austria), are collecting, analyzing, archiving and exchanging seismic data in real time, initially in the framework of the EU Interreg IIIa Italia-Austria project “Trans-national seismological networks in the South-Eastern Alps”. As outcome of the successful cooperation, in the 2013 OGS, ARSO and ZAMG decided to officially merge their seismic monitoring efforts into the “Central and Eastern European Earthquake Research Network—CE3RN”. This work reports the results of a nine-month real-time test of the earthquake early warning (EEW) algorithm probabilistic and evolutionary early warning system carried out at the CE3RN. The study allowed identifying the actions to be implemented in order to let the CE3RN become in the next future an efficient cross-border EEW system.

Computer-assisted Image Analysis can be succesfully used to derive quantitative information about grain-size distribution, particle shape and fabric on both consolidated and unconsolidated solid aggregates. We have developed a new analytical method that provides a series of quantitative textural parameters from whatever particulate deposits by combining commercial image acquisition system with devoted C-software. After exhaustive tests of the method, we applied it to a widespread Quaternary ignimbrite formation in central Italy (the Orvieto-Bagnoregio formation). The results suggest some new aspects of emplacement mechanisms of ignimbrites: (1) elongated particles shows variable degrees of flow-related preferred orientation both on horizontal and vertical planes; (2) vertical variations of flow-related preferred particle orientations follow a “zig-zag” pattern that we interpret to result from deposition by progressive aggradation during the passage of a particulate flow. The filling up of paleovalleys by means of progressive aggradation proceeds flank to flank due to alternating flow directions, induced by the already deposited material; (3) the occurrence of vertically spaced peaks on the strength of clast orientation suggests the existence of discrete depositional units deposited by aggradation from an unsteady but persisting flow. Strong fabrics are inferred to result from the high amount of shear stress imparted to particles at the depositional boundary layer, which at the same time can be responsible for the development of the basal inversely graded layer. Image analysis can also provide useful indications of paleoflow directions, paleotopographic details and ignimbrite source areas.  相似文献   
A filter composed of a crossed pair of doubly refracting crystals and a polaroid, mounted at the focal plane of the telescope, divides each star image into two images of constant intensity ratio. It is shown that such a filter arrangement is capable of providing reliable photographic calibration for stellar photometry.  相似文献   
The Coma region on a glass copy of the Palomar Sky Survey has been scanned by the PDS microdensitometer at the Napoli Observatory. A method is described for obtaining the photometric parameters and positions of the images: 12 316 objects have been found. The repositioning of the scanner over the computed coordinates is satisfatory. AGK3 stars were considered to evaluate the plate constants and the precision. Comparison with Dressel and Condon's positions of galaxies gives a r.m.s. scatter consistent with the internal error of the published list.  相似文献   
We will report on the current configuration of the X-ray facility of the University of Ferrara recently used to perform reflectivity tests of mosaic crystals and to calibrate the experiment JEM–X aboard Integral. The facility is now located in the technological campus of the University of Ferrara in a new building (named LARIX laboratory= ̳LARge ̳Italian ̳X-ray facility) that includes a tunnel 100 m long with, on the sides, two large experimental rooms. The facility is being improved for determining the optical axis of mosaic crystals in Laue configuration, for calibrating Laue lenses and hard X-ray mirror prototypes.  相似文献   
Three‐dimensional receiver ghost attenuation (deghosting) of dual‐sensor towed‐streamer data is straightforward, in principle. In its simplest form, it requires applying a three‐dimensional frequency–wavenumber filter to the vertical component of the particle motion data to correct for the amplitude reduction on the vertical component of non‐normal incidence plane waves before combining with the pressure data. More elaborate techniques use three‐dimensional filters to both components before summation, for example, for ghost wavelet dephasing and mitigation of noise of different strengths on the individual components in optimum deghosting. The problem with all these techniques is, of course, that it is usually impossible to transform the data into the crossline wavenumber domain because of aliasing. Hence, usually, a two‐dimensional version of deghosting is applied to the data in the frequency–inline wavenumber domain. We investigate going down the “dimensionality ladder” one more step to a one‐dimensional weighted summation of the records of the collocated sensors to create an approximate deghosting procedure. We specifically consider amplitude‐balancing weights computed via a standard automatic gain control before summation, reminiscent of a diversity stack of the dual‐sensor recordings. This technique is independent of the actual streamer depth and insensitive to variations in the sea‐surface reflection coefficient. The automatic gain control weights serve two purposes: (i) to approximately correct for the geometric amplitude loss of the Z data and (ii) to mitigate noise strength variations on the two components. Here, Z denotes the vertical component of the velocity of particle motion scaled by the seismic impedance of the near‐sensor water volume. The weights are time‐varying and can also be made frequency‐band dependent, adapting better to frequency variations of the noise. The investigated process is a very robust, almost fully hands‐off, approximate three‐dimensional deghosting step for dual‐sensor data, requiring no spatial filtering and no explicit estimates of noise power. We argue that this technique performs well in terms of ghost attenuation (albeit, not exact ghost removal) and balancing the signal‐to‐noise ratio in the output data. For instances where full three‐dimensional receiver deghosting is the final product, the proposed technique is appropriate for efficient quality control of the data acquired and in aiding the parameterisation of the subsequent deghosting processing.  相似文献   
On the escape of particles from cosmic ray modified shocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stationary solutions to the problem of particle acceleration at shock waves in the non-linear regime, when the dynamical reaction of the accelerated particles on the shock cannot be neglected, are known to show a prominent energy flux escaping from the shock towards upstream infinity. On physical grounds, the escape of particles from the upstream region of a shock has to be expected in all those situations in which the maximum momentum of accelerated particles,   p max  , decreases with time, as is the case for the Sedov–Taylor phase of expansion of a shell supernova remnant, when both the shock velocity and the cosmic ray induced magnetization decrease. In this situation, at each time t , particles with momenta larger than   p max( t )  leave the system from upstream, carrying away a large fraction of the energy if the shock is strongly modified by the presence of cosmic rays. This phenomenon is of crucial importance for explaining the cosmic ray spectrum detected at the Earth. In this paper, we discuss how this escape flux appears in the different approaches to non-linear diffusive shock acceleration, and especially in the quasi-stationary semi-analytical kinetic ones. We apply our calculations to the Sedov–Taylor phase of a typical supernova remnant, including in a self-consistent way particle acceleration, magnetic field amplification and the dynamical reaction on the shock structure of both particles and fields. Within this framework, we calculate the temporal evolution of the maximum energy reached by the accelerated particles and of the escape flux towards upstream infinity. The latter quantity is directly related to the cosmic ray spectrum detected at the Earth.  相似文献   
Podzols that have developed on glacial and periglacial features provide the opportunity to reconstruct glacial evolution after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) using different soil indices. Analysing 17 soils classified as podzol, we used the crystallinity ratio of free iron oxides (CRF) on both the A and Bs horizons, and absolute ages for the same landforms containing the soil profile, to create dating curves. Two equations were generated: age = 4566.9 × ln (CRF) + 1760 (1), and age = 3907 × ln (CRF) + 3508.2 (2). The reliability of the curves was evaluated with the Feo/Fed ratio, and with the difference of ages calculated using both equations. Equation (2) is considered more reliable because the A horizon may be influenced by new pedogenesis on the pre-existing podzol, leading to the development of a new type of soil. By dating the soils, we reconstructed the glacial history of the three main upper branches of the LGM Adda Glacier in the Central Italian Alps, specifically the Stelvio Pass area (ST), Gavia Pass area (GV), and the Val Viola valley (VV). Seven glacial advances were identified at 16.7–14.7 ka (phase I), 12.3 ka (phase II), 11 ka (phase III), 10–9.7 ka (phase IV), 9 ka (phase V), 7.5 ka (phase VI) and 5.3 ka (phase VII). The first five phases are chronologically similar to the main Late Pleistocene–Early Holocene phases recorded in the Central European Alps. The last two Holocene phases, which are both longer in duration than the Little Ice Age, are recorded in ST and GV. Interestingly, these phases generally are not recorded in the rest of the Central European Alps, where the late Holocene glaciers were smaller than their present size.  相似文献   
Big Data Analytics for Earth Sciences: the EarthServer approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Big Data Analytics is an emerging field since massive storage and computing capabilities have been made available by advanced e-infrastructures. Earth and Environmental sciences are likely to benefit from Big Data Analytics techniques supporting the processing of the large number of Earth Observation datasets currently acquired and generated through observations and simulations. However, Earth Science data and applications present specificities in terms of relevance of the geospatial information, wide heterogeneity of data models and formats, and complexity of processing. Therefore, Big Earth Data Analytics requires specifically tailored techniques and tools. The EarthServer Big Earth Data Analytics engine offers a solution for coverage-type datasets, built around a high performance array database technology, and the adoption and enhancement of standards for service interaction (OGC WCS and WCPS). The EarthServer solution, led by the collection of requirements from scientific communities and international initiatives, provides a holistic approach that ranges from query languages and scalability up to mobile access and visualization. The result is demonstrated and validated through the development of lighthouse applications in the Marine, Geology, Atmospheric, Planetary and Cryospheric science domains.  相似文献   
The statistics of magnetosphere–ionosphere (MI) coupling derived from a two-month long run of the Lyon–Fedder–Mobarry (LFM) global simulation model are investigated. MI coupling characteristics such as polar cap potential and field-aligned current (FAC), downward Poynting flux and vorticity of ionospheric convection are compared with observed statistical averages and with results from the Weimer 05 empirical model. The comparisons for eight different IMF clock-angle orientations show that the LFM model produces reasonably accurate average distributions of the Region I and Region II currents. Both current systems have average amplitudes similar to those observed by the Iridium satellite constellation; however, the average LFM amplitudes are smaller by a factor of two compared with the values from the Weimer 05 model. The comparisons of polar cap potential show that the LFM model produces reasonable patterns of ionospheric convection, but the average cross polar cap potential (CPCP) is greater than the observed results by a factor of approximately 2 and greater than Weimer 05 by a factor of 1.5. The differences in convection in LFM results relative to the Weimer 05 model accounts for much of the difference in the Poynting flux patterns and integrated power produced by the two models. The comparisons of average ionospheric field-aligned vorticity show good agreement on the dayside; however, the LFM model gives higher nightside vorticity which may imply that the ionospheric conductance on the nightside is too small in the simulation.  相似文献   
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