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This paper presents a case study of the Taipingshan landslide, which was triggered by Typhoon Saola in 2012. Taipingshan villa is one of the most famous scenic locations within the Taipingshan National Forest Recreation Area in northern Taiwan. Since the early 1990s, evidence of recent landslide activity appeared throughout the Taipingshan villa and included features such as tension cracks, ground settlement, and cracking in manmade structures. In response, a series of geological investigations and in-site/laboratory tests were conducted in 2010 to estimate slope stability and predict critical rainfall thresholds (event accumulated rainfall) for landslide activity. Results revealed that the critical rainfall threshold for the Taipingshan National Forest Recreation Area is 1765 mm. In 2012, that threshold was tested when Typhoon Saola brought tremendous rainfall to northern and eastern Taiwan and triggered activity along the main scarp of sliding mass B located near the History Exhibition Hall. According to in situ extensometer readings and on-site precipitation data, the extensometer was severed at an accumulated rainfall 1694 mm. Field monitoring data during the typhoon event are in good agreement with the rainfall threshold. These preliminary results suggest that the threshold may be useful for assessing the rainfall threshold of other landslides and a good reference for establishing early warning systems for landslides.  相似文献   
Microphysical measurements of orographic fog were performed above a montane cloud forest in northeastern Taiwan (Chilan mountain site). The measured parameters include droplet size distribution (DSD), absolute humidity (AH), relative humidity (RH), air temperature, wind speed and direction, visibility, and solar short wave radiation. The scope of this work was to study the short term variations of DSD, temperature, and RH, with a temporal resolution of 3?Hz. The results show that orographic fog is randomly composed of various air volumes that are intrinsically rather homogeneous, but exhibit clear differences between each other with respect to their size, RH, LWC, and DSD. Three general types of air volumes have been identified via the recorded DSD. A statistical analysis of the characteristics of these volumes yielded large variabilities in persistence, RH, and LWC. Further, the data revealed an inverse relation between RH and LWC. In principle, this finding can be explained by the condensational growth theory for droplets containing soluble or insoluble material. Droplets with greater diameters can exist at lower ambient RH than smaller ones. However, condensational growth alone is not capable to explain the large observed differences in DSD and RH because the respective growth speeds are too slow to explain the observed phenomena. Other mechanisms play key roles as well. Possible processes leading to the large observed differences in RH and DSD include turbulence induced collision and coalescence, and heterogeneous mixing. More analyses including fog droplet chemistry and dynamic microphysical modeling are required to further study these processes. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental field observation of the anti-correlation between RH and LWC in fog.  相似文献   
Fluxes of latent heat, sensible heat, and water vapor, including turbulent deposition of fog droplets, were measured for two months in autumn 2005 within a subtropical montane cypress forest in Taiwan. The goal of the study was to determine whether significant evapotranspiration can occur during foggy conditions. Water vapor fluxes, QW, as determined with the Bowen Ratio method, were compared to those simultaneously measured with the eddy covariance method. The median Bowen Ratio was 1.06, and the median QW flux was 5 · 2 × 10?5 kg m?2 s?1. The vertical gradients of temperature and specific humidity over the forest, ΔT and Δq, peaked around noon during days without fog, and were reduced during foggy conditions. For 66% of the data points, ΔT and Δq were negative, corresponding to positive (upward) fluxes of sensible heat QH and latent heat QE. A Monte Carlo simulation proved that statistically significant evapotranspiration rates, i.e., upward water vapor fluxes, occurred during fog. At the same time, deposition fluxes of fog droplets occurred. Our results show that even during fog events, significant evapotranspiration may occur. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We observed the products C4H5, C4H4, C3H3 and CH3 of the C(3P) + C3H6 reaction using product time-of-flight spectroscopy and selective photoionization. The identified species arise from the product channels C4H5 + H, C4H4 + 2H and C3H3 + CH3. Product isomers were identified via measurements of photoionization spectra and calculations of adiabatic ionization energy. Product C4H5 probably involves three isomers HCCCHCH3, H2CCCCH3 and H2CCCHCH2. In contrast, products C4H4 and C3H3 involve exclusively HCCCHCH2 and H2CCCH, respectively. Reaction mechanisms are unraveled with crossed-beam experiments and quantum-chemical calculations. The 3P carbon atom attacks the π orbital of propene (C3H6) to form a cyclic complex c-H2C(C)CHCH3 that rapidly opens the ring to form H2CCCHCH3 followed by decomposition to HCCCHCH3/H2CCCCH3/H2CCCHCH2 + H and H2CCCH + CH3; the corresponding branching ratios are 7:5:10:78 predicted with RRKM calculations at collision energy 4 kcal mol?1. Nascent C4H5 with enough internal energy further decomposes to HCCCHCH2 + H. Ratios of products C4H5, C4H4 and C3H3 are experimentally evaluated to be 17:8:75. This work provides a comprehensive look at product channels of the title reaction and gives implications for the formation of hydrocarbons in extra-terrestrial environments such as Titan and carbon-rich interstellar media. We suggest that the title reaction, hitherto excluded in any chemical networks, needs to be taken into account at least in the atmosphere of Titan and carbon-rich molecular clouds where rapid neutral–neutral reactions are dominant and carbon atoms and propene are abundant.  相似文献   
Evapotranspiration (ET) and canopy wetness were measured over a 2‐year intensive field campaign at the Chi‐Lan Mountain cloud forest site in Taiwan. Eddy covariance and sap flow methods were applied to measure ET and tree sap flow of the endemic yellow cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana). ET was 553 mm yr?1 over the study period with an annual rainfall and fog deposition of 4893 and 288 mm yr–1, respectively. The duration of canopy wetness exceeded actual fog or rain events (mostly in the afternoon), and the intercepted water was evaporated later in the following dry morning. The cumulative wet duration accounted for 52% of time over the study period, which was longer than the duration of rainfall and fog altogether (41%). As it adapted to the extremely moist environment, the yellow cypress behaved in a wet‐enhanced/dry‐reduced water use strategy and was sensitive to short periods of dry atmosphere with high evaporation potential. During dry days, the sap flow rate rose quickly after dawn and led to conservative water use through midday and the afternoon. During periodically wet days, the canopy was mostly wetted in the morning, and the interception evaporation contributed largely to the morning ET. The initiation of morning sap flow was postponed 1–3 h, and the sap flow rate tended to peak later at midday. The midday canopy conductance was higher in the periodically wet days (10.6 mm s–1) as compared with 7.6 mm s?1 in the dry days. Consequently, the dry‐reduced water use strategy led to much lower annual ET with respect to the available energy (~46%) and high precipitation input (~11%). The moist‐adapted ecohydrology we report reveals the vulnerability of montane cloud forests to prolonged fog‐free periods. More research is urgently needed to better understand the resilience of these ecosystems and formulate adaptive management plans. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Building vulnerability to debris flows in Taiwan: a preliminary study   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
In quantitative risk analyses for natural hazards, vulnerability can be expressed as the ratio of reconstruction, replacement or reproduction expenses due to a damage caused by a certain process intensity and the original value of the element at risk exposed. To discuss the building vulnerability under debris flow events, the ratio is mostly related to debris flow inundation height, building materials and building values. Different types of buildings would resist to the impact of debris flows differently, resulting in different damage levels even under the same inundation height. After debris flow events, the damages to a building include the content loss and the structure loss, which is also variable due to the individual building conditions. This study proposes a flowchart to establish building vulnerability curves through estimating the damages to buildings after debris flow hazards. The losses of content and structure are firstly calculated separately to obtain the loss ratios with respect to original buildings. Secondly, by combining the content and structure loss ratio, the building vulnerability function is derived. In this paper, the original building content value was obtained from governmental statistic records and was based on the market price, and the structure value was received from a regional architecture office. The losses resulting from debris flow impacts were synthetically derived following field surveys. To combine the content and structure losses, a unit building with a floor area of 60?m2 was assumed. The result shows that due to a higher percentage of content value compared with the total building value, the loss ratio resulting from debris flows in Taiwan is higher compared with European studies, in particular with respect to high-frequency but low-magnitude events. The concept of obtaining building vulnerability is particularly suitable for regions where well-documented building loss records are unavailable.  相似文献   
This article analyses the creation and implications for cultural identity of a hybrid tourism landscape on Taiwan's Orchid Island (Lanyu). It particularly argues that Lanyu's native Tao people have begun to gain a somewhat stronger cultural identity and autonomy through this landscape. Orchid Island underwent rapid modernization within the past 60 years. The article not only shows how tourism was imposed by Taiwan's government, but also how the Tao have made greater use of tourism's landscape over time for their own purposes. Not without sociocultural problems and contradictions, Lanyu's tourism landscape has been polysemic enough to allow for gradually improving relationships between Taiwanese and Tao and for gradually increasing Tao participation in modernity on their own terms.  相似文献   
An assessment of the susceptibility to rock slope failure by means of a back-propagation network is proposed for the eastern portion of the Southern Cross-Island Highway in Taiwan. The model was developed on the basis of six influence parameters of rock slope instability, which include the rock type, slope aspect, slope angle, joint set number, joint spacing and bedding–slope relationship. The values of these influence parameters were used as inputs for the network and were classified as nominal scales in terms of binary numbers, while the state of failure/non-failure of a given slope was assumed to be the output variable. Data on a total of 170 slopes along the highway was fed into the network for learning. According to the outputs of the network, the susceptibility to rock slope failure is categorized into four levels, namely low, medium–low, medium and high, which are mapped along the highway. Three highly susceptible regions are found, which can be viewed as hazardous sections requiring cautionary measures. Moreover, the proposed model can be used as a tool for determining the possible state of an unfamiliar rock slope in the context of devising management strategies to be applied to the investigated portion of the highway.  相似文献   
Accurate radial velocity determinations of optical emission lines(i.e.,[NⅡ]λλ6548,6584,Hαand[SⅡ]λλ6717,6731)are very important for investigating the kinematic and dynamic properties of nebulae.The second stage survey program of Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST)has started a sub-survey of nebulae(MRS-N)which will spectroscopically observe the optical emission lines of a large sample of nebulae near the Galactic plane.Until now,15 MRS-N plates have been observed from September 2017 to June 2019.Based on fitting the sky emission lines in the red band spectra of MRS-N,we investigate the precision of wavelength calibration and find there are systematic deviations of radial velocities(RVs)from~0.2 to 4 km s-1 for different plates.Especially for the plates obtained in March 2018,the systematic deviations of RVs can be as large as~4 km s-1,which then go down to~0.2-0.5 kms-1 at the end of 2018 and January 2019.An RV calibration function is proposed for these MRS-N plates,which can simultaneously and successfully calibrate the systematic deviations and improve the precision of RVs.  相似文献   
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