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The ordinary kriging method, a geostatistical interpolation technique, was applied for developing contour maps of design storm depth in northern Taiwan using intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) data. Results of variogram modelling on design storm depths indicate that the design storms can be categorized into two distinct storm types: (i) storms of short duration and high spatial variation and (ii) storms of long duration and less spatial variation. For storms of the first category, the influence range of rainfall depth decreases when the recurrence interval increases, owing to the increasing degree of their spatial independence. However, for storms of the second category, the influence range of rainfall depth does not change significantly and has an average of approximately 72 km. For very extreme events, such as events of short duration and long recurrence interval, we do not recommend usage of the established design storm contours, because most of the interstation distances exceed the influence ranges. Our study concludes that the influence range of the design storm depth is dependent on the design duration and recurrence interval and is a key factor in developing design storm contours. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this paper, characterization of cirrus clouds are made by using data from ground based polarization lidar and radiosonde measurements over Chung-Li (24.58°N, 121.10°E), Taiwan for a period of 1999–2006. During this period, the occurrence of cirrus clouds is about 37% of the total measurement nights over the lidar site. Analysis of the measurement gives the statistical characteristics about the macrophysical properties such as occurrence height, ambient temperature, and its geometrical thickness while the microphysical properties are interpreted in terms of extinction coefficient, optical depth, effective lidar ratio and depolarization ratio. The effective lidar ratio has been retrieved by using the simulation technique of backscattered lidar signals. The effect of multiple scattering has been taken into the account by a model calculation. Summer (Jun–Aug) shows the maximum appearances of cirrus due to its formation mechanism. It is shown that tropopause cirrus clouds may occur with a probability of about 24%. These clouds are usually optically thin and having laminar in structure with some cases resembling the characteristics similar to that of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). The radiative properties of the cirrus clouds are also discussed in detail by the empirical equations with results show a positive feedback on any climate change.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of heterotrophic ciliates, environmental factors and potential food items (bacteria, Synechococcus spp. and nanoflagellates) were measured in the East China Sea to examine which variables contributed importantly to the long-term distribution of ciliates between 1998 and 2007. In July 1998 and June 2003, heterotrophic ciliates were found to be abundant (1,000–2,000 × 103 cells m−3) in regions where surface salinity <32 but extremely low (<500 × 103 cells m−3) in shelf waters of surface salinity >32. After August 2003, shortly after the completion of the Three Gorges Dam, we found no significant areal differences in the abundance of heterotrophic ciliates (HC). However, we found a significantly negative correlation between temperature and HC abundance of surface water after the completion of the dam, suggesting that temperature had a greater influence on HC abundance, once the original saline state had changed. For the long-term trends on the vertical distribution of HC, their abundance was significantly higher in the upper 50 m of the water column than at either 75 or 100 m. Abundance of Synechococcus spp. at these levels varied significantly in regions of surface salinity <32, suggesting that ciliates and picophytoplankton contribute greatly to mediating the transfer of organic matter to higher trophic levels in this marine ecosystem.  相似文献   
The management implications of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) cover the interactions and two-way effects between the ecosystem and local residents. Hence, support or resistance from stakeholders is critical to management effectiveness. The inclusion of the perspectives of stakeholders into the MPAs of sustainable utilization can reduce opposition and conflict, improving the effectiveness of MPA management through the input of local residents. This study used interviews, questionnaire surveys, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process to obtain the opinions of different groups regarding the choices and preferences of stakeholders in the assessed factors of the sustainable utilization of MPAs in Green Island, Taiwan. The results showed that the stakeholder groups have a consensus on the “completeness of ecosystems,” “processing of wastes and pollutants,” and “integrated management.” These results provide insight into the varying perspectives held by individual groups, accelerating the integration of different opinions in order to facilitate appropriate solutions and smooth negotiations.  相似文献   
The Kaoping submarine canyon developed on the frontal orogenic wedge off SW Taiwan and is the largest one among others. The canyon begins at the mouth of the Kaoping River, crosses the narrow shelf and broad slope region, and finally merges into the northern Manila Trench for a distance of about 260 km. Using reflection seismic sections and bathymetric mapping this paper reveals the geomorphic characteristics of the Kaoping Canyon strongly related to structural and sedimentary processes. The combined morphometry statistics analysis, seismic interpretations of structures and examinations of detailed bathymetric charts indicate that regional canyon morphology is strongly linked to intrusions of mud diapirs in the upper reach of the canyon and thrust faulting in the middle and lower reaches which produce two prominent morphological breaks of the course of the Kaoping Canyon with two sharp bends. Although excavation of floor and enlargement of the Kaoping Canyon are mainly attributed to downslope erosion of seabed, incision of this canyon is also strongly complicated by mud diapiric intrusions (upper reach), westward thrust faults (middle reach), and regional base level tilting (lower reach). The resultant cross-sectional morphology along the Kaoping Canyon changes considerably, ranging from U-shaped, broad V-shaped, to irregular troughs. The Kaoping Canyon may be served as a variant of canyon model of active margins with a distinct morphology of two sharp bends along the canyon course associated with structure deformation.  相似文献   
A bio-optical dataset collected during the 1998?C2007 period in the Yellow and East China Seas (YECS) was used to provide alternative empirical ocean-color algorithms in the retrieval of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), total suspended matter (TSM), and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption coefficients at 440 nm (ag440). Assuming that remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) could be retrieved accurately, empirical algorithms for TChl (regionally tuned Tassan??s Chl-a algorithm) in case-1 waters (TChl2i in case-2 waters), TTSM (regionally tuned Tassan??s TSM algorithm), and Tag440 or Cag440 (regionally tuned Tassan??s or Carder??s ag440 algorithm) were able to retrieve Chl-a, TSM, and ag440 with uncertainties as high as 35, 46, and 35%, respectively. Applying the standard SeaWiFS Rrs, TChl was not viable in the eastern part of the YECS, which was associated with an inaccurate SeaWiFS Rrs retrieval because of improper atmospheric correction. TChl behaved better than other algorithms in the turbid case-2 waters, although overestimation was still observed. To retrieve more reliable Chl-a estimates with standard SeaWiFS Rrs in turbid water (a proxy for case-2 waters), we modified TChl for data with SeaWiFS normalized water-leaving radiance at 555 nm (nLw555) > 2 mW cm?2 ??m?1 sr?1 (TChl2s). Finally, with standard SeaWiFS Rrs, we recommend switching algorithms from TChl2s (for case-2 waters) to MOCChl (SeaWiFS-modified NASA OC4v4 standard algorithm for case-1 waters) for retrieving Chl-a, which resulted in uncertainties as high as 49%. To retrieve TSM and ag440 using SeaWiFS Rrs, we recommend empirical algorithms for TTSM (pre-SeaWiFS-modified form) and MTag440 or MCag440 (SeaWiFS Rrs-modified forms of Tag440 or Cag440). These could retrieve with uncertainties as high as 82 and 52%, respectively.  相似文献   
The status of a fishery is often defined as the probability of fishing mortality rate exceeding a perilous level for long‐term sustainability. Lobster stock assessments are often subject to large uncertainty in input data and high levels of natural variability in lobster life history processes, which calls for incorporating uncertainty associated with both indicator and management reference points in an evaluation of biological risk of overfishing. Using a Monte Carlo simulation approach, we evaluated the impacts of uncertainty in modelling on the determination of the status of the Taitung spiny lobster (Panulirus penicillatus) fishery (Taiwan), which has not been quantitatively determined despite its commercial importance. The commonly used biological reference points derived from the per recruit model (F 0.1 the fishing mortality rate where the slope of the curve of yield‐per‐recruit model is 10% of the maximum slope and F 4Q%, the fishing mortality rate that reduces the expected egg production for a cohort of female lobsters to 40% of that produced in the absence of a fishery of the egg‐per‐recruit model) were influenced by uncertainties associated with lobster life history and fishery parameters. A large uncertainty in the current fishing mortality rate (F cnr) and estimates of biological reference points (F BRPs) increased the uncertainty in determining the risk of overexploitation throughout the confidence levels of the stochastic decision‐making framework. This simulation study suggests that the target reference point of F 40% is less sensitive to the input parameters’ uncertainty than F 0.1 We suggest a further evaluation of other F‐based references points and development of biomass‐based reference points before final selection and implementation for the management of the Taitung lobster fishery.  相似文献   
Scattering of SH waves in a half-space with simple overground structures is studied analytically. For two-dimensional structures, such as shells, shear walls and a slab-bridge over a river, the method of matched asymptotics is used for sinusoidal waves long compared to the thickness of the structures. Resonance features are deduced analytically and calculated numerically for various incidences and other parameters.  相似文献   
Random variable simulation has been applied to many applications in hydrological modelling, flood risk analysis, environmental impact assessment, etc. However, computer codes for simulation of distributions commonly used in hydrological frequency analysis are not available in most software libraries. This paper presents a frequency‐factor‐based method for random number generation of five distributions (normal, log–normal, extreme‐value type I, Pearson type III and log‐Pearson type III) commonly used in hydrological frequency analysis. The proposed method is shown to produce random numbers of desired distributions through three means of validation: (1) graphical comparison of cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) and empirical CDFs derived from generated data; (2) properties of estimated parameters; (3) type I error of goodness‐of‐fit test. An advantage of the method is that it does not require CDF inversion, and frequency factors of the five commonly used distributions involves only the standard normal deviate. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The performance of Salter's cam as an energy extractor from ocean waves is studied numerically on the basis of linear theory of surface waves and floating bodies. Quantities of engineering interest such as efficiency, induced motion and reaction forces are presented and discussed both for fixed and for partly constrained cam shafts.  相似文献   
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