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Four-color charge-coupled device(CCD) light curves in the B, V, Rc and I c bands of the totaleclipsing binary system V1853 Orionis(V1853 Ori) are presented. By comparing our light curves with those published by previous investigators, it is determined that the O'Connell effect on the light curves has disappeared. By analyzing those multi-color light curves with the Wilson-Devinney code(W-D code),it is discovered that V1853 Ori is an A-type intermediate-contact binary with a degree of contact factor of f = 33.3%(3.7%) and a mass ratio of q = 0.1896(0.0013). Combining our 10 newly determined times of light minima together with others published in the literature, the period changes of the system are investigated. We found that the general trend of the observed minus calculated(O-C) curve shows a downward parabolic variation that corresponds to a long-term decrease in the orbital period with a rate of d P/dt =-1.96(0.46)×10-7 d yr-1. The long-term period decrease could be explained by mass transfer from the more-massive component to the less-massive one. By combining our photometric solutions with data from Gaia DR_2, absolute parameters were derived as M_1 = 1.20 M⊙, M_2 = 0.23 M⊙, R_1 = 1.36 R⊙and R_2 = 0.66 R⊙. The long-term period decrease and intermediate-contact configuration suggest that V1853 Ori will evolve into a high fill-out overcontact binary.  相似文献   
Orbital period variations of the Algol-type eclipsing binary, VW Hydrae, are analyzed based on one newly determined eclipse time and the other times of light minima collected from the literature. It is discovered that the orbital period shows a continuous increase at a rate of dP/dt = +6.34×10-7 d yr-1 while it undergoes a cyclic change with an amplitude of 0.0639 d and a period of 51.5 yr. After the long-term period increase and the large-amphtude period oscillation were subtracted from the O-C curve, the residuals of the photoelectric and CCD data indicate a small-amplitude cyclic variation with a period of 8.75 yr and a small amplitude of 0.0048d. The continuous period increase indicates a conservative mass transfer at a rate of dM2/dt = 7.89×10-8 M⊙ yr-1 from the secondary to the primary. The period increase may be caused by a combination of the mass transfer from the secondary to the primary and the angular momentum transfer from the binary system to the circumbinary disk. The two cyclic period oscillations can be explained by light-travel time effects via the presence of additional bodies. The small-amplitude periodic change indicates the existence of a less massive component with mass M3 > 0.53 M⊙, while the large-amplitude one is caused by the presence of a more massive component with mass M4 > 2.84 M⊙. The ultraviolet source in the system reported by Kviz & Rufener (1987) may be one of the additional components, and it is possible that the more massive one may be an unseen neutron star or black hole. The rapid period increase and the possibility of the presence of two additional components in the binary make it a very interesting system to study. New photometric and high-resolution spectroscopic observations and a detailed investigation of those data are required in the future.  相似文献   
The orbital period variations of the Algol-type semidetached binary UW Vir are analyzed. It is shown that in addition to a long-term rapid increase (dP/dt = + 1.37 × 10−6 day/year), its orbit period has a variation with the period of 62.3 years. Based on the basic physical parameters given by Brancewicz and Dworak in 1980, the physical mechanisms causing the orbital period variations are investigated. The analysis indicates that the periodical variation of orbital period can be interpreted by the light-travel time effect due to the presence of a third body with the mass of M3 ≥ 0.94 M. As no observational information has been reported for this tertiary component, it might be a compact object (e.g., a white dwarf). The long-term increase of orbital period can be explained in terms of the mass transfer from the secondary to the primary component (dM2/dt = 1.43 × 10−7 M/year). This is in agreement with the semidetached configuration of the system with a lobe-filling secondary component. But according to the evolution theory of binaries, the Algol-type semidetached binary UW Vir should be at the evolutionary stage of slow mass transfer on the nuclear-reaction timescale of the secondary component. However, the analysis shows that the timescale for the periodical variation of orbital period is much shorter than the nuclear-reaction timescale of the secondary component, but close to the thermodynamic timescale of the secondary. This reveals that: (1) This binary system is at the evolutionary stage of rapid mass transfer on the thermodynamic timescale of the secondary component; or (2) The circumstellar matter of the system makes a contribution to the rapid increase of orbital period via the angular momentum transfer.  相似文献   
The photometric solutions of the ultrashort period close binary V0644 Ser based on our new complete BVRI light curves are derived by the Wilson-Devininney code....  相似文献   
New times of light minimum of the short‐period (P = 0d.26) close binary system, VZ Psc, are presented. A period investigation of the binary star, by combining the three new eclipse times with the others collected from the literatures, shows that the variation of the period might be in an alternate way. Under the hypothesis that the variation of the orbital period is cyclic, a period of 25 years and an amplitude of 0.d0030 for the cyclic change are determined. If this periodic variation is caused by the presence of a third body, the mass of the third body (m3) should be no less than 0.081M. Since both components of VZ Psc are strong chromospherically active and the level of activity of the secondary component is higher than that of the primary one, the period may be more plausibly explained by cyclic magnetic activity of the less massive component. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
半相接双星室女座UW轨道周期变化的物理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大陵五型半相接双星室女座UW的轨道周期变化进行了分析.结果表明该星的轨道周期在长期快速增加(dP/dt=+1.37×10-6天/年)的同时也含有周期为62.3年的周期性变化.利用Brancewicz和Dworak在1980年给出的基本物理参量,对引起轨道周期变化的物理机制进行了分析研究.分析表明一个质量为Ms>0.94M⊙的第三天体的光时轨道效应能对轨道周期的周期性变化成份作出解释.由于在观测上没有发现这个第三天体存在的信息,它有可能是一个致密天体(如白矮星等).轨道周期的长期增加成份可解释为由次星到主星的物质交流引起(dM2/dt=1.43×10-7M⊙/年),这与该系统次星充满的半接几何结构是相一致的.但是,根据双星演化理沦,大陵五型半相接双星应该处于以次星的核反应时标进行物质交换的慢速物质交流演化阶段,而分析发现该星的轨道周期变化时标远小于次星的核反应时标,但接近于次星的热力学时标,揭示了(1)这颗双星处于以次星热力学时标进行物质交换的快速物质交流演化阶段;或(2)系统的星周物质要通过角动量交换对轨道周期的快速增加做贡献.  相似文献   
The near-contact binary UU Lyn with an F3V-type primary was observed in 2005 and 2006. With the latest version of the Wilson-Devinney code, the photometric elements were computed. The results reveal that UU Lyn is a marginal contact system with a large temperature difference of about 1900K between the primary and secondary components. All available eclipse times, including new ones, were used in the analysis. The results show that the orbital period of this system undergoes a continuous decrease at a rate of dP/dt =-1.84× 10-8dyr-1. With the period decrease, UU Lyn may evolve from the present short- period marginal contact system into a contact system with true thermal contact. This target might just be undergoing the cycles predicted by the theory of thermal relaxation oscillations (TRO). It is an interesting example resembling BL And, GW Tau, ZZ Aur, KQ Gem, CN And and AD Cnc, that lie in the key evolutionary stage.  相似文献   
In this paper,CCD photometric light curves for the short-period eclipsing binary 1 SWASP J140533.33+114639.1(hereafter J1405) in the BV R bands are presented and analyzed using the 2013 version of the Wilson-Devinney(W-D) code. It is discovered that J1405 is a W-subtype shallow contact binary with a contact degree of f = 7.9±0.5% and a mass ratio of q = 1.55±0.02. In order to explain the asymmetric light curves of the system,a cool starspot on the more massive component is employed. This shallow contact eclipsing binary may have been formed from a short-period detached system through orbital shrinkage due to angular momentum loss. Based on the(O-C) method,the variation of orbital period is studied using all the available times of minimum light. The(O-C) diagram reveals that the period is increasing continuously at a rate of d P/dt = +2.09×10~(-7) d yr~(-1),which can be explained by mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one.  相似文献   
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