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Raspini  F.  Bianchini  S.  Moretti  S.  Loupasakis  C.  Rozos  D.  Duro  J.  Garcia  M. 《Natural Hazards》2016,82(1):155-173
Land subsidence is a common natural hazard striking extensive areas worldwide, with severe impacts on economy and environment. Subsidence has been recognized as one of geohazards needing research efforts and knowledge transfer at international level, especially when urban fabrics and infrastructures are directly involved in the land settling. Policies and solutions for land subsidence management can be different. Despite this variability, where mitigation methods need to be adopted, mapping, monitoring and simulation of subsidence have to precede their design and implementation. In this framework, Earth Observation (EO) and remote sensing have a major role to play. Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry, thanks to its wide spatial coverage and its millimeter accuracy, provides a valuable contribution in the management of hazard posed by subsidence-related deformation. The ESA-GMES Terrafirma project (2003–2014) has worked for the promotion of the persistent scatterer interferometry, a family of techniques ideally suited for the assessment of magnitude of surface deformations associated with subsidence phenomena. Within the Terrafirma Project a series of products, based on the integration of EO technologies and in situ data, has been established and delivered to a wide community of end user. Three case studies, outcomes of the Terrafirma project, are presented: the wide area of Rome (Italy), the Anthemountas basin and the Kalochori village (Greece). These case studies have been selected with the purpose of showing the essential contribution of interferometric data during the main activities that must be covered when dealing with geohazard investigations (i.e., mapping, monitoring and modeling). These three case studies are meant to be representative of the suite of services delivered by the Terrafirma project to specific end users with the legal mandated to manage the geohazard.  相似文献   
Peridotite xenoliths entrained in Plio-Pleistocene alkali basalts from Sardinia represent fragments of the uppermost lithospheric mantle, and are characterised by an anhydrous four-phase mineral assemblage. They range in bulk rock composition from fertile spinel-lherzolites to residual spinel-harzburgites. The Sr-Nd isotope and trace element composition of clinopyroxene mineral separates varies between LREE-depleted samples with 87Sr/86Sr as low as 0.70262 and 143Nd/144Nd up to 0.51323 and LREE-enriched samples with 87Sr/86Sr up to 0.70461 and 143Nd/144Nd down to 0.51252. The available data suggest that all the studied peridotite samples suffered variable degrees of partial melting during Pre-Mesozoic times (based on Nd model ages relative to CHUR and DMM). The overprinted enrichment is related to a subsequent metasomatism, induced by fluids rising through the lithosphere that preferentially percolated the originally most depleted domains. Despite the occurrence of orogenic volcanism in the area, preferential enrichment in elements typically associated with slab derived fluids/melts (K, Rb, Sr, Th) relative to LREE has not been detected, and metasomatism seems to be more likely related to the infiltration of highly alkaline basic melts characterised by an EM-like Sr-Nd isotopic composition. Similar 87Sr/86Sr-143Nd/144Nd compositions, characterised by an EM signature, are observed in anorogenic mafic lavas and peridotite xenoliths from widespread localities within the "European" plate, whereas they have not previously been recorded in peridotite xenoliths and associated alkaline mafic lavas from the stable "African" lithospheric domain.  相似文献   
Acute (4 days) and chronic (14 days) effects of copper were evaluated on the antioxidant defenses of Laeonereis acuta (Polychaeta) collected in unpolluted (UP) and polluted (P) sites. In the acute assay (125 and 250 micro g Cu/l) superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities did not change, whereas catalase (CAT) increased in worms from both the sites. Lipid peroxidation was higher in copper exposed worms from the P site. In the chronic assay (62.5 micro g Cu/l) polychaetes from the P site showed enhanced activities of SOD, GST and CAT and higher contents of metallothionein-like proteins and sulfhydrils compared to worms from UP. Differences in responses between polychaetes from UP and P sites suggest that organisms from the polluted site, P, are more susceptible to oxidative stress conditions.  相似文献   
Biomarkers of exposure (liver metallothionein-like proteins content and catalase and glutathione S-transferase activities) and effect (liver lipoperoxidation and blood cell DNA damage) of contaminants were analyzed in the Brazilian flounder Paralichthys orbignyanus from the Patos Lagoon estuary (Southern Brazil). Flounders were collected for a year in two sites: "Coroa do Boi" (polluted site) and "Saco do Justino" (non-polluted site). Results indicated that micronucleated cells frequency was the best biomarker to distinguish flounders from the two sites. Taken together, data from DNA damage analyses (micronucleus test and comet assay) indicated that flounders from the non-polluted site efficiently repaired the DNA breaks, contrary to those from the polluted site, which probably had their DNA repair system inhibited or exhausted. Furthermore, data from enzyme activities (catalase and GST) and lipid peroxidation indicated that flounders from the polluted site were under oxidative stress in summer and autumn.  相似文献   
Landslide HotSpot Mapping by means of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Landslide detection and mapping represent fundamental requirements for every hazard and risk evaluation and consequent improvement of the management strategies for such natural hazards. Optical and radar remote sensing can be used to observe landslide-induced ground deformation, ranging from regional to local scales. This work presents a methodology called Landslide HotSpot Mapping; this approach integrates cartographic, thematic and optical data with Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for the identification of extremely slow to very slow moving landslides, and for the evaluation of their state of activity and intensity. This methodology scans wide areas to detect hotspots, which are narrow unstable zones characterized by higher landslide hazard. To these hotspots, priority has to be given when planning field surveys and in situ validation campaigns, so that field work time and effort can be optimized and significantly reduced. The approach is tested in Central Calabria, over a 4,470?km2 area located in southern Italy. ENVISAT ascending images acquired between 2003 and 2009 and processed with the Persistent Scatterer Pairs (PSP) technique are used to analyse deformation patterns. Combining conventional photo-interpretation with the analysis of PSP data, 64 new landslides are identified and the spatial (boundaries) and temporal (activity) information of 980 pre-mapped phenomena (23.6% of updated inventory) are updated. 1,012 active (continuous or reactivated) landslides are identified and 4 hotspot areas selected: San Fili, Rende, Lago, Catanzaro. Urgent field checks have to be organized for these hotspots to validate the satellite-based observations and to design appropriate mitigation measures to reduce impacts on the elements at risk.  相似文献   
The Axum–Adwa igneous complex consists of a basalt–trachyte (syenite) suite emplaced at the northern periphery of the Ethiopian plateau, after the paroxysmal eruption of the Oligocene (ca 30 Ma) continental flood basalts (CFB), which is related to the Afar plume activity. 40Ar/39Ar and K–Ar ages, carried out for the first time on felsic and basaltic rocks, constrain the magmatic age of the greater part of the complex around Axum to 19–15 Ma, whereas trachytic lavas from volcanic centres NE of Adwa are dated ca 27 Ma. The felsic compositions straddle the critical SiO2-saturation boundary, ranging from normative quartz trachyte lavas east of Adwa to normative (and modal) nepheline syenite subvolcanic domes (the obelisks stones of ancient axumites) around Axum. Petrogenetic modelling based on rock chemical data and phase equilibria calculations by PELE (Boudreau 1999) shows that low-pressure fractional crystallization processes, starting from mildly alkaline- and alkaline basalts comparable to those present in the complex, could generate SiO2-saturated trachytes and SiO2-undersaturated syenites, respectively, which correspond to residual liquid fractions of 17 and 10 %. The observed differentiation processes are consistent with the development of rifting events and formation of shallow magma chambers plausibly located between displaced (tilted) crustal blocks that favoured trapping of basaltic parental magmas and their fractionation to felsic differentiates. In syenitic domes, late- to post-magmatic processes are sometimes evidenced by secondary mineral associations (e.g. Bete Giorgis dome) which overprint the magmatic parageneses, and mainly induce additional nepheline and sodic pyroxene neo-crystallization. These metasomatic reactions were promoted by the circulation of Na–Cl-rich deuteric fluids (600–400 °C), as indicated by mineral and bulk rock chemical budgets as well as by δ18O analyses on mineral separates. The occurrence of this magmatism post-dating the CFB event, characterized by comparatively lower volume of more alkaline products, conforms to the progressive vanishing of the Afar plume thermal effects and the parallel decrease of the partial melting degrees of the related mantle sources. This evolution is also concomitant with the variation of the tectono-magmatic regime from regional lithospheric extension (CFB eruption) to localized rifting processes that favoured magmatic differentiation.  相似文献   
Laeonereis acuta was seasonally collected in an industrially polluted site (P) and in an unpolluted site (UP) at the Patos Lagoon estuary (southern Brazil). Glutathione S-transferase (GST), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity (U/mg protein) was determined in five groups of worms from each site. Metallothionein (MT - mol GSH/g ww) and lipid peroxides content (LPO - nmoles of cumene hydroperoxide/g ww) were also measured. Annual mean values for CAT (UP=3.7+/-0.3; P=5.7+/-0.6), GST (UP=0.034+/-0.003; P=0.045+/-0.004) and MT (UP=0.15+/-0.02; P=0.23+/-0.03) were higher (p<0.05) in worms from the P site. In autumn, CAT activity was higher (p<0.05) in worms from the P site (7.6 +/- 1.3) than in those from the UP site (3.6 +/- 0.4). In summer, MT concentration was higher in worms from the P site (0.37 +/- 0.03) than in those from the UP site (0.19 +/- 0.01). No significant difference (p>0.05) in the LPO content was observed in worms from the different sites or collected in different seasons. These results indicate that worms from the polluted site showed higher antioxidant responses than those from the unpolluted site, sufficient to prevent oxidative damage in terms of LPO.  相似文献   
The spatial resolution of digital elevation models (DEMs) is an important factor for reliable landslide studies. Multi-interferometric techniques such as persistent scatterer interferometric synthetic aperture radar (PSInSAR) are used to evaluate the landslide state of activity and its ground deformation velocity, which is commonly measured along the satellite line of sight (LOS). In order to compare velocities measured by different satellites in different periods, their values can be projected along the steepest slope direction, which is the most probable direction of real movement. In order to achieve this result, DEM-derived products are needed. In this paper, the effectiveness of different DEM resolutions was evaluated in order to project ground deformation velocities measured by means of PSInSAR technique in two different case studies in the Messina Province (Sicily, southern Italy): San Fratello and Giampilieri. Three DEMs were used: (i) a 20-m resolution DEM of the Italian Military Geographic Institute (IGM), (ii) a 2-m resolution DEM derived from airborne laser scanning (ALS) light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data for the San Fratello 2010 landslide, and (iii) a 1-m resolution DEM derived from ALS LiDAR data for the area of Giampilieri. The evaluation of the applied method effectiveness was performed by comparing the DEMs elevation with those of each single permanent scatterer (PS) and projecting the measured velocities along the steepest slope direction. Results highlight that the higher DEM resolution is more suitable for this type of analysis; in particular, the PS located nearby the watershed divides is affected by geometrical problems when their velocities are projected along the steepest slope.  相似文献   
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