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The metasediments in the Chamba region experienced three phases of deformation: DF1, DF2 and DF3.Folded quartz veins are co-folded with the F2 crenulation folds. Their geometric and tectonic significance is studied by microstructures and shortening adjacent to the discrete crenulation cleavage, S2. Microstructures of folded vein segments, their geometric changes and truncation to cleavage (S2) are mainly due to pressure-solution phenomena and the estimated volume loss from reconstructed vein segments range from 16 to 25.5%,which is closely related to volume decrease (26%) calculated from the polydeformed slates of North Wales areas.  相似文献   
Dwivedi  Bhola  Mohan  Anita  Thomas  Roger 《Solar physics》1998,180(1-2):157-178
The EUV spectrum of a solar active region observed by SERTS-89 is used to estimate physical parameters such as electron density, elemental abundance and inhomogeneity in the emitting source. A total of 13 ions, namely, Neiv-vi, Mgv-ix, Sivii-x and Sx, are studied in the SERTS spectral range 170-450 Ú, providing plasma diagnostics at temperatures between105 –106 K. Attention is called to results derived from ion pairs of different elements that are formed over similar temperature regimes, which allow special checks on the standard assumptions of spectral analyses. Some EUV lines, not originally reported in the SERTS-89 spectrum, are shown to have measureable intensities and are indicated for future observations.  相似文献   
An economic and environmentally friendly approach of overcoming the problem of fossil CO2 emissions would be to reuse it through fixation into biomass. Carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the basis for the formation of complex sugars by green plants and microalgae through photosynthesis, has been shown to significantly increase the growth rates of certain microalgal species. Microalgae possess a greater capacity to fix CO2 compared to C4 plants. Selection of appropriate microalgal strains is based on the CO2 fixation and tolerance capability together with lipid potential, both of which are a function of biomass productivity. Microalgae can be propagated in open raceway ponds or closed photobioreactors. Biological CO2 fixation also depends on the tolerance of selected strains to high temperatures and the amount of CO2 present in flue gas, together with SOx and NOx. Potential uses of microalgal biomass after sequestration could include biodiesel production, fodder for livestock, production of colorants and vitamins. This review summarizes commonly employed microalgal species as well as the physiological pathway involved in the biochemistry of CO2 fixation. It also presents an outlook on microalgal propagation systems for CO2 sequestration as well as a summary on the life cycle analysis of the process.  相似文献   
In this paper we have deduced the differential equations of motion of the restricted problem of three bodies with decreasing mass, under the assumption that the mass of the satellite varies with respect to time. We have applied Jeans law and the space time transformation contrast to the transformation of Meshcherskii. The space time transformation is applicable only in the special casen=1,k=0,q=1/2. The equations of motion of our problem differ from the equations of motion of the restricted three body problem with constant mass only by small perturbing forces.  相似文献   
The effect of small perturbations and in the coriolis and the centrifugal forces respectively on the stability of the triangular points in the restricted problem of three bodies with variable mass has been studied. It is found that the range of stability of triangular points increases or decreases depending upon whether the perturbation point (, ) lies in one or the other of the two parts in which the (, ) plane is divided by the line J8–J9=0 where J8 and J9 depend upon , the constant due to the variation in mass governed by Jeans' law.  相似文献   
In this problem of the restricted (2 + 2) bodies we have considered two magnetic dipoles of masses M 1 and M 2(M 1 > M 2) moving in circular Keplarian orbit about their centre of mass. Two minor bodies of masses m 1, m 2(m j< M 2) are taken as electric dipoles in the field of rotating magnetic dipoles. These minor bodies interact with each other but do not perturb the primaries.We have found equations of motions which differ from that of Goudas and Petsagouraki's (1985).  相似文献   
Using spectra obtained from the SUMER (Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation) spectrograph on the spacecraft SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory), we investigate the height dependence of electron density, temperature and abundance anomalies in the solar atmosphere. In particular, we present the behaviour of the solar FIP effect (the abundance enhancement of elements with first ionization potential &amp;lt; 10 eV in the corona with respect to photospheric values) with height above an active region observed at the solar limb, with emphasis on the so-called transition region lines.  相似文献   
This paper presents optimization and uncertainty analysis of operation policies for Hirakud reservoir system in Orissa state, India. The Hirakud reservoir project serves multiple purposes such as flood control, irrigation and power generation in that order of priority. A 10-daily reservoir operation model is formulated to maximize annual hydropower production subjected to satisfying flood control restrictions, irrigation requirements, and various other physical and technical constraints. The reservoir operational model is solved by using elitist-mutated particle swarm optimization (EMPSO) method, and the uncertainty in release decisions and end-storages are analyzed. On comparing the annual hydropower production obtained by EMPSO method with historical annual hydropower, it is found that there is a greater chance of improving the system performance by optimally operating the reservoir system. The analysis also reveals that the inflow into reservoir is highly uncertain variable, which significantly influences the operational decisions for reservoir system. Hence, in order to account uncertainty in inflow, the reservoir operation model is solved for different exceedance probabilities of inflows. The uncertainty in inflows is represented through probability distributions such as normal, lognormal, exponential and generalized extreme value distributions; and the best fit model is selected to obtain inflows for different exceedance probabilities. Then the reservoir operation model is solved using EMPSO method to arrive at suitable operational policies corresponding to various inflow scenarios. The results show that the amount of annual hydropower generated decreases as the value of inflow exceedance probability increases. The obtained operational polices provides confidence in release decisions, therefore these could be useful for reservoir operation.  相似文献   
The effect of small perturbations in the coriolis and the centrifugal forces on the location of equilibrium points in the restricted problems of three bodies with variable mass has been studied. It is found that the points L4 and L5 form nearly equilateral triangles with the primaries and the points L1, L2, L3 remain collinear and lie on the line joining the primaries.  相似文献   
Skylab observations of EUV line intensities in sunspot plumes, reported by Noyes et al. (1985), have been used to determine electron densities from theoretical curves of MgVI and MgVIII density-sensitive line ratios.  相似文献   
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