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Abstract— We studied unshocked and experimentally (at 12, 25, and 28 GPa, with 25, 100, 450, and 750°C pre‐shock temperatures) shock‐metamorphosed Hospital Hill quartzite from South Africa using cathodoluminescence (CL) images and spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy to document systematic pressure or temperature‐related effects that could be used in shock barometry. In general, CL images of all samples show CL‐bright luminescent patchy areas and bands in otherwise nonluminescent quartz, as well as CL‐dark irregular fractures. Fluid inclusions appear dominant in CL images of the 25 GPa sample shocked at 750°C and of the 28 GPa sample shocked at 450°C. Only the optical image of our 28 GPa sample shocked at 25°C exhibits distinct planar deformation features (PDFs). Cathodoluminescence spectra of unshocked and experimentally shocked samples show broad bands in the near‐ultraviolet range and the visible light range at all shock stages, indicating the presence of defect centers on, e.g., SiO4 groups. No systematic change in the appearance of the CL images was obvious, but the CL spectra do show changes between the shock stages. The Raman spectra are characteristic for quartz in the unshocked and 12 GPa samples. In the 25 and 28 GPa samples, broad bands indicate the presence of glassy SiO2, while high‐pressure polymorphs are not detected. Apparently, some of the CL and Raman spectral properties can be used in shock barometry.  相似文献   
The Very Large Array (VLA) and the frequency agile interferometer at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) were used to observe the M8.1 flare of 23 June, 1988. The VLA obtained images prior to and during the flare at 333 MHz, and at 1.5 and 4.7 GHz. The frequency agile interferometer at Owens Valley obtained interferometer amplitude and total power spectra of the flare at 45 frequencies between 1 and 18 GHz. The observations were supplemented by radiometer measurements made by the USAF RSTN network site at Palehua, HI, by GOES soft X-ray observations, by USAF SOON H filtergrams, and by a KPNO photospheric magnetogram.The radio data reveal a wide variety of phenomena, including: (i) a multiply impulsive microwave burst that is essentially thermal in character; (ii) stationary discrete components at 1.5 GHz, associated temporally and spatially with distant brightenings in Ha; (iii) a dynamical component at 1.5 GHz associated with hot plasma moving subsonically into the corona; (iv) the appearance of intense, short-lived, decimetric burst activity near the lead sunspot in the active region at 1.5 GHz, indicative of a high degree of inhomogeneity in the source.The unusually complete radio coverage allows us to investigate the transport of energy from the initial site to sites of distant H brightenings. The transport of energy appears to be most consistent with slow, thermal processes, rather than rapid transport by nonthermal electron beams.  相似文献   
The Very Large Array and the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) aboard the Yohkoh satellite jointly observed the rapid growth and decay of a so-called anemone active region on 3–6 April, 1992 (AR 7124). The VLA obtained maps of the AR 7124 at 1.5, 4.7, and 8.4 GHz. In general, discrete coronal loop systems are rarely resolved at 1.5 GHz wavelengths because of limited brightness contrast due to optical depth effects and wave scattering. Due to its unusual anemone-like morphology, however, several discrete loops or loop systems are resolved by both the VLA at 1.5 GHz and the SXT in AR 7124.Using extrapolations of the photospheric field and the radio observations at 4.7 and 8.4 GHz, we find that the microwave emission is the result of gyroresonance emission from a hot, rarefied plasma, at the second and/or third harmonic. The decimetric source is complex -1.5 GHz emission from the leading part of AR 7124 is due to free-free emission, while that in the trailing part of the active region is dominated by gyroresonance emission. We also examine an interesting case of a discrete radio loop with no soft X-ray (SXR) emission adjacent to a hot SXR loop. This observation clearly shows the multithermal nature of the solar corona.  相似文献   
A solar type I noise storm was observed on 30 July, 1992 with the radio spectrometer Phoenix of ETH Zürich, the Very Large Array (VLA) and the soft X-ray (SXR) telescope on board theYohkoh satellite. The spectrogram was used to identify the type I noise storm. In the VLA images at 333 MHz a fully left circular polarized (100% LCP) continuum source and several highly polarized (70% to 100% LCP) burst sources have been located. The continuum and the bursts are spatially separated by about 100 and apparently lie on different loops as outlined by the SXR. Continuum and bursts are separated in the perpendicular direction to the magnetic field configuration. Between the periods of strong burst activities, burst-like emissions are also superimposed on the continuum source. There is no obvious correlation between the flux density of the continuum and the bursts. The burst sources have no systematic motion, whereas the the continuum source shows a small drift of 0.2 min–1 along the X-ray loop in the long-time evolution. The VLA maps at higher frequency (1446 MHz) show no source corresponding to the type I event. The soft X-ray emission measure and temperature were calculated. The type I continuum source is located (in projection) in a region with enhanced SXR emission, a loop having a mean density of n e = (1.5 ± 0.4) × 109 cm–3 and a temperature ofT = (2.1 ± 0.1) × 106 K. The centroid positions of the left and right circularly polarized components of the burst sources are separated by 15–50 and seem to be on different loops. These observations contradict the predictions of existing type I theories.Presented at the CESRA-Workshop on Coronal Magnetic Energy Release at Caputh near Potsdam in May 1994.  相似文献   
The oxygen fugacity (f(O2)) values recorded by diamondiferous peridotite and eclogite xenoliths from Siberia indicate that the redox state of the ancient lithosphere is heterogeneous on a scale of at least four log units, mainly in the range between the wüstite-magnetite (WM) and iron-wüstite (IW) oxygen buffers. Highly reduced peridotites can be interpreted as relict from earlier lower f(O2). The f(O2) values recorded by ‘fertile’ and less modified spinel peridotites from Mongolia, Baikal and Tien-Shan show that the redox state of the lithosphere beneath central Asia and Tien-Shan is heterogeneous on a scale of 2–3 log units, mainly in the range between the WM and IW + 1 oxygen buffers. These data provide evidence for the presence of a lower-f(O2) regime of carbon-bearing mantle beneath the Baikal rift zone and Tien-Shan, and the oxidation of diapirs ascending from the asthenosphere. The ‘dry’ xenoliths from Mongolia primarily reflect closed system behavior in the upper mantle, the f(O2) of which is buffered by ferric-ferrous redox equilibrium. The observed evolution of f(O2) values is closely linked to the distribution of volatile species in the mantle. H2O and CO2 are the dominant volatiles for the more depleted and oxidized part of peridotites, and CH4 for the more reduced and less modified part. It is proposed that the upper mantle was originally more reduced and has become progressively more oxidized, resulting perhaps largely from the preferential loss of hydrogen and carbon during melting. The oxygen budget of the upper mantle results from the opposing contributions of crustal recycling and transfer of carbon-bearing material from the deep mantle.  相似文献   
The London MIST meeting in November covered current research using satellites to investigate planetary environments across the solar system, including our own. Earth-bound instruments, GPS and modelling also came under discussion, as did a series of results from the Cluster mission. Neil Arnold reports.  相似文献   
London MIST 2004     
The annual one-day meeting of the MIST (Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar–Terrestrial) community was held in November 2004 at Burlington House, with contributions on data and ideas ranging from Cassini to Cluster, with stops at many experiments in between.  相似文献   
The Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) has proven efficient in predicting the toxicity of a variety of metals to freshwater organisms. Consequently, the US EPA has proposed its use for calculating freshwater copper criteria. This study evaluates the BLM for use in estuarine and marine waters. Studies were conducted using the bivalve, Mytilus sp. and 48-h embryo-larval development chronic estimator test methods. These are the most sensitive taxa and test in the US EPA saltwater copper criteria database. Samples from five locations around the USA were tested. There is a strong relationship between measured and BLM predicted copper EC50s (log transformed data, r2 = 0.76, p < 0.001, n = 44). The BLM predicted within a factor ±2 of measured EC50s in 41 of 44 cases. However, the BLM tends to predict lower EC50s when measured EC50s are approximately 10 μg Cu/L. This may be due to limitations of the metal-dissolved organic matter interaction model.  相似文献   
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