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With polar orbiting meteorological satellites FY-1 and NOAA,flooding was monitored in the areas of the HuaiheRiver basin and the Taihu Lake region during June and July 1991.All satellite images from FY-1 and NOAA for concerned areas before and during flooding were examined.Thoseof cloud-free,with small amount of cumulus or thin cirrus were selected to exam the situation.Navigation and projec-tion were carefully performed,to ensure the projected images at different time overlap accurately with each other in 1—2pixels.Channel 1 (CH1) and Channel 2 (CH2) data of FY-1 and NOAA satellites with wavelength of 0.58—0.68μm and0.725—1.1μm were used to monitor the flooding.Albedo of Channel 2 and normalized vegetation index (NDVI) wereadopted as indicators to identify water body from land.With histogram and man-machine interactive methods,analysiswas done.In cloud-free condition,the two indicators identified the same area and scope of the water body.Totally cloud-free image in a large area is quite rare.To understand flood process,it is necessary to use more fre-quent images.It was investigated to distinguish water from land in partly cloudy condition.The result showed that whenthere is small amount of cumulus or thin cirrus,satellite images are still valuable in monitoring water body.In case ofmonitoring area covered with cirrus,vegetation index is useful,and while there is small amount of cumulus on land,albedo of Channel 2 can be used.Ten images from May 16 to August 18 of 1991 were examined.The results show that in the Lixiahe area,JiangsuProvince,the area submerged in total was the largest;along main stream of the Huaihe River,the Chuhe River,andaround the Chaohu Lake,a large percentage of area submerged;while in the Taihu Lake area,less field submerged.Flood monitoring was performed for 87 counties in the region concerned.These counties were put in order accord-ing to the percentage of submerged area in total.This order showed the extent of disaster at one view point.  相似文献   
本文内容是对前一文提出正确的变质量体的运动方程及修正谬误的运动方程的一个严格证明。其证明过程中,采用了两种不同的形式和方法。这样,就可使前文更具有完整性。  相似文献   
本文研究了行星掩星精密预报的有关问题,主要讨论了:(1)对象的选择标准问题,(2)尽可能使接触时刻精确决定的问题,(3)关于两者的视位置问题。最后对1989年4月2日(UT)的小行星(4)号Vesta掩星计算结果,与国外的预报值进行了比较,结果使人满意。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONA new gem- quality serpentine deposit was discovered in1995 in Booyo area,about 2 5 0 km southwest of Seoul,Korea(Fig.1) and is being mined by the Booyo Nokok (meaninggreen jade) Mining Company.After the Booyo material isfashioned into rings,beads,cabochons,pendants and ear-rings,they are traded on the domestic market under the nameof “Booyo precious serpentine”.The green Booyo bowenite(serpentine jade) has gained high reputation in the countryand a much higher value tha…  相似文献   
Spudcan extraction leaves a footprint and disturbed soil surrounding the footprint, which introduces uncertainty and complexity in the spudcan-footprint interaction during spudcan reinstallation. This paper reports large deformation from finite element results of spudcan reinstallation near the footprint considering the effect of soil disturbance.Three stages are proposed based on the failure mechanisms of a spudcan reinstalled in disturbed soil and undisturbed soil. Besides, the effects of soil...  相似文献   
较近期的关于可变质量的椭圆型限制性三体问题的运动方程是对于n=1的情况;本把星数n扩充到2,3及4,对于每一种n,分别建立了可变质量的椭圆型限制性三体问题的运动方程。  相似文献   
A suite of dissolved trace metals (Ag, Cd, Cu and Pb), inorganic nutrients (NO(3), PO(4)), and chlorophyll a was measured along a 55 mile transect from the East River into western and central Long Island Sound. The main objectives of this study were to determine the relative levels of contamination from sewage, and to assess its possible biological impact on local waters. The East River-Long Island Sound system receives large volumes of treated sewage and industrial effluent as a result of the heavy urbanization of the area. Despite these strong environmental pressures, this study is among the first to report dissolved metal levels from that region. Consistent with the locations of anthropogenic sources, a strong east-west concentration gradient was observed for Ag, Pb, NO(3) and PO(4) with the highest levels found in the East River. In contrast, dissolved Cd and Cu were relatively constant throughout the area of study, suggesting that sewage sources have a more limited influence on the levels of those metals. Remobilization from contaminated sediments may represent the primary source of Cd and Cu to the Long Island Sound under low-runoff conditions in summer. Chlorophyll a concentrations, used as an indicator of total biomass, were also low in the East River. These low chlorophyll concentrations could not be explained by nutrient or light limitation, water column stratification, or to advection of phytoplankton out of the river during tidal flushing. These preliminary results suggest a potential toxic effect of sewage on the biological communities of the East River.  相似文献   
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