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More than 600 specimens of ∼3.5 Ga-old hydrothermal silica dikes from the North Pole area, Pilbara craton, Western Australia, have been studied petrographically. The kerogens in 44 samples have been analyzed isotopically (C and N) and chemically (C, N, and H). The silica dikes are composed mainly of fine-grained silica (modal abundance: >97%) and are classified into two types by minor mineral assemblages: B(black)-type and G(gray)-type. The B-type silica dikes contain kerogen (0.37 to 6.72 mgC/g; average 2.44 mgC/g, n = 21) and disseminated sulfides, dominantly pyrite and Fe-poor sphalerite. In some cases, carbonate and apatite are also present. Their silica-dominated and sulfide-poor mineral assemblages suggest precipitation from low-temperature reducing hydrothermal fluid (likely 100-200°C). On the other hand, the G-type silica dikes are sulfide-free and concentrations of kerogen are relatively low (0.05 to 0.41 mgC/g; average 0.17 mgC/g, n = 13). They typically contain Fe-oxide (mainly hematite) which commonly replaces cubic pyrite and rhombic carbonate. Some G-types occur along secondary quartz veins. These textures indicate that the G-type silica dikes were formed by postdepositional metasomatism (oxidation) of the B-types, and that the B-types probably possess premetasomatic signatures. The δ13C values of kerogen in the B-types are −38.1 to −33.1‰ (average −35.9‰, n = 21), which are ∼4‰ lower than those of the G-types (−34.5 to −30.0‰; average −32.2‰, n = 19), and ∼6‰ lower than bedded chert (−31.2 to −29.4‰; average −30.5‰, n = 4). This indicates the preferential loss of 12C during the metasomatism (estimated fractionation factor: 0.9985). Considering the metasomatic effect on carbon isotopes with probably minor diagenetic and metamorphic overprints, we conclude that the original δ13C values of the kerogen in the silica dikes would have been heterogeneous (∼5‰) and at least some material had initial δ13C values of ≤ −38‰. The inferred 13C-depletions of organic carbon could have been produced by anaerobic chemoautotrophs such as methanogen, but not by aerobic photoautotrophs. This is consistent with the estimated physical and chemical condition of the hydrothermal fluid, which was probably habitable for anaerobic and thermophilic/hyperthermophilic chemoautotrophs. Alternatively, the organic matter may have been possibly produced by abiological reaction such as Fischer-Tropsch Type (FTT) synthesis under the hydrothermal condition. However, the estimated condition is inconsistent with the presence of the effective catalysts for the FTT reaction (i.e., Fe-Ni alloy, magnetite, and hematite). These lines of evidence suggest the possible existence of biosphere in the ∼3.5 Ga sub-seafloor hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
We measured both mass-dependent isotope fractionation of δ88Sr (88Sr/86Sr) and radiogenic isotopic variation of Sr (87Sr/86Sr) for the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation that deposited as a cap carbonate immediately above the Marinoan-related Nantuo Tillite. The δ88Sr and 87Sr/86Sr compositions showed three remarkable characteristics: (1) high radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr values and gradual decrease in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios, (2) anomalously low δ88Sr values at the lower part cap carbonate, and (3) a clear correlation between 87Sr/86Sr and δ88Sr values. These isotopic signatures can be explained by assuming an extreme greenhouse condition after the Marinoan glaciation. Surface seawater, mixed with a large amount of freshwater from continental crusts with high 87Sr/86Sr and lighter δ88Sr ratios, was formed during the extreme global warming after the glacial event. High atmospheric CO2 content caused sudden precipitation of cap carbonate from the surface seawater with high 87Sr/86Sr and lighter δ88Sr ratios. Subsequently, the mixing of the underlying seawater, with unradiogenic Sr isotope compositions and normal δ88Sr ratios, probably caused gradual decrease of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the seawater and deposition of carbonate with normal δ88Sr ratios. The combination of 87Sr/86Sr and δ88Sr isotope systematics gives us new insights on the surface evolution after the Snowball Earth.  相似文献   
Multicellular animals first appeared on the earth during the Ediacaran period. However, the relationship between the abrupt biological evolution and environmental changes is still ambiguous. In order to examine seawater temperature and the carbon cycle through the Ediacaran, we analyzed the carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of carbonate rocks from drill cores from the Three Gorges area, South China. Importantly, the core samples include the Nantuo tillite, corresponding to the Marinoan glaciation, through the Doushantuo to the lower Dengying Fms. in ascending order.The δ13C profile displays five positive and five negative anomalies (PI-1 to 5 and NI-1 to 5), and the oxygen isotopes display very high absolute values around 0‰ with the highest at + 1.83‰. The combined δ18O and δ13C chemostratigraphies display both positive and negative correlations between the δ18O and δ13C values. The occurrence of the negative correlations supports the preservation of primary δ18O and δ13C values.The sample NI-4 has a negative correlation of the δ18O and δ13C excursions. The correlation supports a primary signature for both δ18O and δ13C variations. The positive δ18O excursion, accompanied by evidence of a eustatic sea-level fall, provides direct evidence for global cooling in the mid-Ediacaran; the 580 Ma Gaskiers Glaciation is a potential candidate for this global cooling event. The negative δ13C excursion was possibly caused by an increase in remineralization of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) due to enhanced continental weathering during the glaciation.Sample NI-5 is characterized by very low δ13C values, down to ? 10‰, corresponding to the Shuram-Wonoka-Pertatataka Excursion. The cause of the δ13C negative excursion is still not clear. However, a ubiquitous occurrence in excursions worldwide, and the lower δ13C values in deeper sections favor the enhancement of remineralization and respiration rather than secondary alteration, a restricted sea environment and lithification in coastal areas.  相似文献   
Excess CO2 and pHexcess showing an increase in dissolved inorganic carbon and a decrease in pH from the beginning of the industrial epoch (middle of the 19th century) until the present time have been calculated in the intermediate water layer of the northwestern Pacific and the Okhotsk Sea. It is concluded that: (1) The Kuril Basin (Okhotsk Sea) and the Bussol' Strait areas are characterized by the greatest concentrations of excess CO2 at isopycnal surfaces due to the processes of formation and transformation of intermediate water mass. (2) The largest difference in excess CO2 concentration between the Okhotsk Sea and the western subarctic Pacific (about 8 µmol/kg) is found at the = 27.0. (3) The difference in excess CO2 between the western subarctic Pacific and subtropical regions is significant only in the upper part of the intermediate water layer ( = 26.7–27.0). (4) About 10% of the excess CO2 accumulation in the subtropical north Pacific is determined by water exchange with the subarctic Pacific and the Okhotsk Sea.  相似文献   
Important ecological changes of the Earth(oxidization of the atmosphere and the ocean) increase in nutrient supply due to the break-up of the super continent(Rodinia) and the appearance of multi-cellular organisms(macroscopic algae and metazoan) took place in the Ediacaran period,priming the Cambrian explosion.The strong perturbations in carbon cycles in the ocean are recorded as excursions in carbonate and organic carbon isotope ratio(δ~(13)C_(carb) and δ~(13)C_(org)) from the Ediacaran through early Cambrian periods.The Ediacaran-early Cambrian sediment records of δ~(13)C_(carb) and δ~(13)C_(org),obtained from the drill-core samples in Three Gorges in South China,are compared with the results of numerical simulation of a simple one-zone model of the carbon cycle of the ocean,which has two reservoirs(i.e.,dissolved organic carbon(DOC) and dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC).The fluxes from the reservoirs are assumed to be proportional to the mass of the carbon reservoirs.We constructed a model,referred to here as the Best Fit Model(BFM),which reproduce δ~(13)C_(carb) and δ~(13)C_(org) records in the Ediacaran-early Cambrian period noted above.BFM reveals that the Shuram excursion is related to three major changes in the carbon cycle or the global ecological system of the Earth:(1) an increase in the coefficient of remineralization by a factor of ca.100,possibly corresponding to a change in the dominant metabolism from anaerobic respiration to aerobic respiration,(2) an increase of carbon fractionation index from 25‰ to 33‰,possibly corresponding to the change in the primary producer from rock-living cyanobacteria to free-living macro algae,and(3) an increase in the coefficient of the organic carbon burial by a factor of ca.100,possibly corresponding to the onset of a biological pump driven by the flourishing metazoan and zooplankton.The former two changes took place at the start of the Shuram excursion,while the third occurred at the end of the Shuram excursion.The other two excursions are explained by the tentative decrease in primary production due to cold periods,which correspond to the Gaskiers(ca.580 Ma) and Bikonor(ca.542 Ma) glaciations.  相似文献   
We present a narrative of the eruptive events culminating in the cataclysmic January 15, 2022 eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano by synthesizing diverse preliminary seismic, volcanological, sound wave, and lightning data available within the first few weeks after the eruption occurred. The first hour of eruptive activity produced fast-propagating tsunami waves, long-period seismic waves, loud audible sound waves, infrasonic waves, exceptionally intense volcanic lightning and an unsteady volcanic plume that transiently reached—at 58 ?km—the Earth's mesosphere. Energetic seismic signals were recorded worldwide and the globally stacked seismogram showed episodic seismic events within the most intense periods of phreatoplinian activity, and they correlated well with the infrasound pressure waveform recorded in Fiji. Gravity wave signals were strong enough to be observed over the entire planet in just the first few hours, with some circling the Earth multiple times subsequently. These large-amplitude, long-wavelength atmospheric disturbances come from the Earth's atmosphere being forced by the magmatic mixture of tephra, melt and gasses emitted by the unsteady but quasi-continuous eruption from 0402±1–1800 UTC on January 15, 2022. Atmospheric forcing lasted much longer than rupturing from large earthquakes recorded on modern instruments, producing a type of shock wave that originated from the interaction between compressed air and ambient (wavy) sea surface. This scenario differs from conventional ideas of earthquake slip, landslides, or caldera collapse-generated tsunami waves because of the enormous (~1000x) volumetric change due to the supercritical nature of volatiles associated with the hot, volatile-rich phreatoplinian plume. The time series of plume altitude can be translated to volumetric discharge and mass flow rate. For an eruption duration of ~12 ?h, the eruptive volume and mass are estimated at 1.9 ?km3 and ~2 900 ?Tg, respectively, corresponding to a VEI of 5–6 for this event. The high frequency and intensity of lightning was enhanced by the production of fine ash due to magma—seawater interaction with concomitant high charge per unit mass and the high pre-eruptive concentration of dissolved volatiles. Analysis of lightning flash frequencies provides a rapid metric for plume activity and eruption magnitude. Many aspects of this eruption await further investigation by multidisciplinary teams. It represents a unique opportunity for fundamental research regarding the complex, non-linear behavior of high energetic volcanic eruptions and attendant phenomena, with critical implications for hazard mitigation, volcano forecasting, and first-response efforts in future disasters.  相似文献   
In the southernmost Kuril Trench, the tsunami source regions vary their along-trench extent even among earthquakes occurring within the same segment. Recent studies suggest that the tsunami source of the 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M 8.1) differs from but partially overlaps with that of the 2003 Tokach-oki earthquake (M 8.0). Furthermore, the along-trench extent among the earthquakes seems to differ between deep and shallow portions of the subduction interface. A seismic gap has been recognized along the deep subduction interface between the sources of the 1952 and 1973 earthquakes. We propose that the gap is now larger, including both shallow to deep portions of the interface between the 1973 and 2003 earthquakes. Variability in spatial extent of large subduction earthquakes in both along-trench direction and trench-normal direction makes it difficult to forecast future earthquakes in the southernmost Kuril Trench.  相似文献   
Previous studies on multiple sulfur isotopes (32S, 33S, and 34S) in sedimentary pyrite at the end-Permian suggested a shoaling of anoxic/sulfidic deep-water contributing to the extinction. This scenario is based on an assumption that the sedimentary sulfur cycle was largely controlled by benthos activity, though a stratigraphic correlation between the sulfur records and ichnofabrics of the sediments at the end-Permian has not yet been examined. We report the multiple sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite in the Permian–Triassic boundary interval at Chaotian, South China. Our data can be generally explained by a mixing of sulfur in sulfide from two different sources: one produced via sulfate reduction in an open system with respect to sulfate and the other produced in a closed system. In particular, the former with the substantially low δ34S (<−40 ‰) and high ∆33S (up to +0.100 ‰) values was likely produced via water-mass sulfate reduction or via sulfate reduction in oxic sediments with common burrows. The frequent occurrence of small pyrite framboids (mostly <5 μm in diameter) in the Lopingian (Late Permian) Dalong Formation of deep-water facies supports the enhanced water-mass sulfate reduction in an anoxic deep-water mass. The negative ∆33S values are observed only in the oxic limestones, and no substantial ∆33S change is observed across the extinction horizon despite of the disappearance of bioturbation. Our results are apparently inconsistent with the previous shoaling model. We expand the model and infer that, when the deep-water was sulfidic and its shoaling rate was high, a substantial amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) was supplied onto the shelf via the shoaling; that resulted in the positive ∆33S value of the bulk sediments. The observed ∆33S variation on a global scale suggests a substantial variation in H2S concentration and/or in upwelling rate of shoaling deep-waters during the Permian–Triassic transition.  相似文献   
Multiple sulfur isotope system is a powerful new tracer for atmospheric, volcanic, and biological influences on sulfur cycles in the anoxic early Earth. Here, we report high-precision quadruple sulfur isotope analyses (32S/33S/34S/36S) of barite, pyrite in barite, and sulfides in related hydrothermal and igneous rocks occurring in the ca. 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation, Western Australia. Our results indicate that observed isotopic variations are mainly controlled by mixing of mass-dependently (MD) and non-mass-dependently fractionated (non-MD) sulfur reservoirs. Based on the quadruple sulfur isotope systematics (δ34S-Δ33S-Δ36S) for these minerals, four end-member sulfur reservoirs have been recognized: (1) non-MD sulfate (δ34S = −5 ± 2‰; Δ33S = −3 ± 1‰); (2) MD sulfate (δ34S = +10 ± 3‰); (3) non-MD sulfur (δ34S > +6‰; Δ33S > +4‰); and (4) igneous MD sulfur (δ34S = Δ33S = 0‰). The first and third components show a clear non-MD signatures, thus probably represent sulfate and sulfur aerosol inputs. The MD sulfate component (2) is enriched in 34S (+10 ± 3‰) and may have originated from microbial and/or abiotic disproportionation of volcanic S or SO2. Our results reconfirm that the Dresser barites contain small amounts of pyrite depleted in 34S by 15-22‰ relative to the host barite. These barite-pyrite pairs exhibit a mass-dependent relationship of δ33S/δ34S with slope less than 0.512, which is consistent with that expected for microbial sulfate reduction and is significantly different from that of equilibrium fractionation (0.515). The barite-pyrite pairs also show up to 1‰ difference in Δ36S values and steep Δ36S/Δ33S slopes, which deviate from the main Archean array (Δ36S/Δ33S = −0.9) and are comparable to isotope effects exhibited by sulfate reducing microbes (Δ36S/Δ33S = −5 to −11). These new lines of evidence support the existence of sulfate reducers at ca. 3.5 Ga, whereas microbial sulfur disproportionation may have been more limited than recently suggested.  相似文献   
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