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Sm/Nd isotopic age determination showed that Xiongshan dike swarm was at 585.7 Ma ± 30 Ma. The trace element geochemistry and Sr/Nd/Pb isotope gemhemistry studies indicate that the dike swarm was products of back-arc basin spreading ridge and the magma originated from the depleted mantle region which was metasomatized by LILE-rich liquids/melts derived from subduction slab. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
Mounds that have formed around spring vents occur in a variety of environmental settings, many at sites generally difficult or inaccessible for sampling. In contrast, over 500 tufa mounds occur in the dry bed of Searles Lake, California. The mounds range from minor features to 45 m in height; most are 5 to 12 m high. These mounds, composed of calcite and aragonite, formed associated with spring vents in the Pleistocene lake bottom. Thus, analyses of these mounds in Searles Lake provide a model with regard to the origin and architecture of tufa mounds. The mounds consist of four distinctive tufa facies. The initial deposits consist of porous tufa, including the innermost (porous 1) and the outermost (porous 2) deposits, followed by nodular tufa, then columnar tufa, and laminated crusts. There are two simple sequences of tufa deposition. The first sequence is from porous 1 to nodular to laminated crusts and, finally, to porous 2. A second sequence consists of: porous 1 to columnar to laminated crusts and, lastly, to porous 2. Facies changes are a response to changes in environmental conditions from deep water (porous 1 facies) to an essentially dry lake phase (during and after the formation of laminated crusts facies), to deep water (porous 2 facies) and, at the present time, totally dry. The primary constituents that comprise the tufa deposits include thin laminae, pisoids, spherulites, peloids and stromatolite‐like crusts. On the microscopic scale, these constituents dominantly make up nano‐spheres, micro‐rods and rod‐like crystals, as well as other calcified bodies. These constituents are interpreted to be the calcified remains of bacterial bodies. These findings suggest that microbial participation in the construct of other mounds should be a major concern of investigation, both for terrestrial and extraterrestrial spring‐fed mounds.  相似文献   
地质钻探技术与应用研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
钻探技术是取得地下实物资料、验证地下信息推断与解释、最终圈定矿体、计算储量、评估品位唯一的技术手段,是实现取得宏观影响大成果的重要技术支撑.我国钻探技术和装备水平与国外先进国家相比有很大的差距,但近些年来有了长足的发展.通过国家重大科学工程项目“中国大陆科学钻探工程”5158m“科钻一井”的实施,取得了一系列钻探技术成...  相似文献   
通过采用地面物探、钻探和井下巷探、钻探相结合的综合勘探方法,对鲁村井田深部进行了补充勘探,并对井田以往地质资料进行了重新对比分析,发现该井田-400~-1 300 m的埋深范围内不但存在以往认为已被剥蚀缺失的太原组上部地层,还保存了较完整的山西组,尤其是在该段地层中新发现了5个局部可采煤层,为井田增加了资源储量、延长了服务年限。填补了沂源煤田太原组上部和山西组含煤地层资料的空白。  相似文献   
综合利用COST-G GRACE时变重力场模型、降水、气温、GLDAS模型中地表水、实测浅层地下水和NDVI等多源数据,分析2002-04~2016-12黄土高原陆地水储量的时空变化特征,并利用偏最小二乘回归方法定性分析黄土高原陆地水储量变化的驱动因素。结果表明:1)研究时段内黄土高原陆地水储量具有上升-下降-平缓下降的变化特征,山西省陆地水储量亏损趋势明显;2) 2004~2009年采煤用水、人类生活用水和植被作用是黄土高原陆地水储量下降的重要因素,2010~2016年工业用水、人类生活用水和气温上升是黄土高原陆地水储量下降的重要因素。  相似文献   
热发光方法在地质学中的应用,只是近年来才迅速、广泛地发展起来的。目前已用于地质年龄测定、考古学、地层对比、岩相古地理、矿床学、地质温度计、构造活动、变质作用、陨石以及月岩研究等方面,并且都取得了一定的效果。  相似文献   
总结了朝阳西北部金成矿区的区域磁场、重力场等地球物理场的特征及规律,指出了常规物探方法在该区的找金效果,预测了金成矿的远景区段。  相似文献   
烟曲霉产壳聚糖酶液体发酵条件研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus)为出发菌,通过选择适合的培养条件,筛选出产壳聚糖酶的菌株。实验结果表明,烟曲霉是良好的产壳聚糖酶出发菌。烟曲霉液体发酵产壳聚糖酶最适培养基组成为:壳聚糖1%,KH2PO40.06%,尿素0.2%,(NH4)2SO40.1%,MgSO40.012%,20%土豆汁3%,NaCl 0.05%。在pH 5.0、温度28℃、摇床转速120 r/min培养条件下振荡培养3 d,烟曲霉产壳聚糖酶的能力最强,达25.1 U/mL。  相似文献   
西昆仑库地混杂岩带中深海浊积岩的浊积相划分及其特征   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
西昆仑库地混杂岩带中发育一套深海浊积岩。本文在系统的沉积相分析基础上,识别并划分出本区浊积岩的7类浊积相及14种亚相,结合其成因分别对各浊积相(亚相)的沉积特征、垂向分布规律进行了总结与描述。此外,垂向上还识别出3种浊积相组合,文中对其沉积序列特征及其所代表的环境意义进行了阐述。结合其它资料,探讨了这套浊流沉积的沉积环境,认为它形成于位于消减带和海沟之间的弧前盆地环境。  相似文献   
茎柔鱼(Dosidicus gigas)是我国远洋渔业的重要捕捞对象。当前针对茎柔鱼渔场分布及其与环境关系的研究多集中于秘鲁海域,针对赤道海域茎柔鱼特定种群小型群体资源分布及其渔场环境特征研究较少。根据2019年12月至2020年2月茎柔鱼生物学数据,2019年12月至2020年4月生产和环境数据,运用胴长-体重关系拟合、地统计插值、广义可加模型(GAM)探究其资源分布及渔场环境状况。结果表明:东太平洋赤道海域茎柔鱼胴长范围为136~407 mm,体重范围为117~1557 g;2019年12月至2020年4月各月渔获量呈先增加后减小趋势,2月渔获量最高;CPUE曲线除2月增加外,总体呈下降趋势;渔场集中分布于0°~3°S、105°W~114°W海域,不同月份渔场重心经向变化明显;渔场最适SST范围是24.5~25.5 °C,最适Chl-a范围是0.16~0.20 mg/m3,月份是影响茎柔鱼CPUE的主要因子。研究表明:该海域茎柔鱼渔获主要为小型群体;小型群体生长发育期(2–3月)对渔场分布有重要影响,生长发育期前茎柔鱼集群度高,生长发育期后逐渐分散活动;单一影响因子与茎柔鱼CPUE相关性不显著,综合考虑其他环境因素及其交互影响是今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
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