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Increased source strength, streamer length and dense spatial coverage of seismic reflection profiles of the SEISMARMARA Leg 1 allow to image the deep structure of the marine North Marmara Trough (NMT) on the strike-slip North Anatolian Fault (NAF) west of the destructive Izmit 1999 earthquake. A reflective lower crust and the Moho boundary are detected. They appear upwarped on an E-W profile from the southern Central Basin eastwards, towards more internal parts of the deformed region. Thinning of the upper crust could use a detachment suggested from an imaged dipping intracrustal reflector that would allow upper crustal material to be dragged from beneath it and above the lower crust, accounting for the extensional component but also southwest motion of the southern margin of the NMT. Sections across the eastern half of the NMT, crossing the Cinarcik and Imrali basins, reveal several faults that are active reaching into the basement and have varying strike and proportions of normal and strike-slip displacement. They might be viewed as petals of a large scale negative flower-structure that spreads over a width of 30 km at surface and is rooted deeper in the lithosphere. Under the Central Basin a very thick sediment infill is revealed and its extensional bounding faults are active and imaged as much as 8 km apart down to 6 km depth. We interpret them as two deep-rooted faults encompassing a foundering basement block, rather than being merely pulled-apart from a jog in a strike-slip above a décollement. The deep-basin lengthening would account for only a modest part of the proposed 60 km finite motion since 4 Myr along the same direction oblique to the NMT that sidesteps the shear motion from its two ends. Thus differential motion occurred much beyond the deep basins, like subsidence involving the NMT bounding faults and the intracrustal detachments. The complex partitioned motion localized on active faults with diverse natures and orientations is suggested to represent the overburden deformation induced from horizontal plane simple shear occurring in depth at lithospheric scale, and in front of the North Anatolian Fault when it propagated through the region.  相似文献   
Summary. The 1985 Lithoprobe East profiles resolve deep crustal structure of the Grand Banks off eastern Canada. Basins are 7 to 20 km deep, and bounded by major faults traceable to Mono depth. The lower crust is reflective along much of the survey, and the top of this reflective layer has a variable depth. Prominent and often surprisingly flat Mono reflections are observed. Puzzling rotated fault blocks are imaged at the continent-ocean transition.  相似文献   
Over the past decade, in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides have revolutionised the study of landscape evolution. In particular, numerous studies have demonstrated that, in active tectonic settings, cosmic ray exposure dating of deformed or displaced geomorphic features makes it possible to quantify long-term deformation rates. In western European countries, erosion due to climatically driven processes and human activities is probably the factor that most limits the accuracy of exposure ages and landscape modification rates. In this study, we present the results of a depth-profiling technique applied to alluvial terraces located along the Rhône and the Moyenne Durance rivers. The expected decrease with depth of the measured 10Be concentrations has been modelled using a χ2 inversion method in order to constrain the exposure history of the alluvial sediments. The results suggest that: (1) over the Quaternary, the local surface erosion rates including both regional uplift and climatically driven processes acting on landforms are on the order of 30 m/Myr in southeastern France, and (2) providing a fairly good bracketing of the exposure age, the modelled abandonment age of alluvial terraces affected by the Moyenne Durance Fault allows estimating incision rates, comparing the alluvial terrace elevations with topographic river profiles, and a minimum vertical slip rate value of roughly 0.02 mm/yr for the southern segment of the Moyenne Durance Fault.  相似文献   
P and S velocity and attenuation estimates in the lower crust are obtained from a set of wide angle reflection–refraction profiles in the region of active tectonics at the NE edge of the Tibetan Plateau and discussed together with respect to similar data at its Himalaya–south Tibet edge.The quality factor is estimated in the lower half of the crust by accounting for the differential effect on amplitude–frequency observed between waves of different penetrations, and both in P and S modes. Attenuation values allow to exclude a significant proportion of partial melt and to estimate the homologous temperature, ratio of in situ to solidus absolute temperatures. The latter depend on the physical conditions being of dry, wet or dehydration melting, which are found different among the regions of the northern Bayan Har and northern Qang Tang boundaries between blocks, as well as the Tethyan–Himalayas, south of the Indus–Tsangpo suture. Their in situ temperatures differ also as estimated from their different Vp for a similar felsic composition.Joint measurement of several parameters, Vp, Vs, Qp and Qs reveals the composition, mineralogy, temperature and hydration conditions of the lower half of the thickened crust of Tibet that may be discussed in terms of evolution. The material presently in the thickened crust, even its lower part, has a felsic composition, upper to middle crustal lithology, and the temperature conditions estimated suggest that basic material that could have underlain it could be eclogitized and not appear anymore above the seismic Moho.Under northern Qang Tang, the felsic material in the lower half of the crust appears as hot and dry. Its burial may have occurred earlier or may have been moderate in the postcollisional phase. This is consistent with a model of indentation of the Qang Tang crust by an originally thinner Bayan Har crust to bring part of its crust to greater depth, suggested from imaging the crustal architecture. Under northern Bayan Har, the material in the lower half of the crust appears as felsic, at low temperature and not dry conditions. This is evidence that it has been transported from a shallower depth, and this recently enough not to be yet dehydrated and temperature equilibrated in a conductive geotherm. It supports a model of recent overriding of the middle crust of the north Kun Lun block to the north independently suggested from the image of crustal architecture. The Tethyan Himalayas case appears bracketed by these two cases in northern Tibet for Vp and temperature conditions, but shows highest attenuation in the lower crust that is colder but less dry than under northern Qang Tang.  相似文献   
We present a short review of seismological data and show that a difference of upper mantle structure is clearly resolved between old and young continental plates. An Archean plate is approximately 1 second faster than a Paleozoic plate for P waves. Such a change in plate structure implies that the density of an Archean lithosphere should be greater than the density of a Paleozoic lithosphere, if they have the same chemical composition. Applying isostasy, we would expect a Precambrian plate to sink and its surface to stand at a level 8 km beneath that of a Paleozoic plate. We first check that the weight of a crustal column is not smaller for a Precambrian crust than for a Paleozoic crust. Explosion seismology data show that isostatic equilibrium is nearly achieved in the crust. Therefore a compensating mechanism has to be acting in the subcrustal lithosphere. Two hypotheses are presented. Provided that the chemical composition of the lower lithosphere does not vary with time, a simple condition for a continental plate not to sink when aging, would be that the density of the lower lithosphere be ?0.1 g/cm3 smaller than the density of the asthenosphere. Another condition that would prevent plates to sink would be a lowering of the density of the lower lithosphere with age due for example to a variation of its chemical composition and to a reduction in the mean atomic weight. Both hypotheses imply that isostatic equilibrium of old continental plates is maintained by a geochemical mechanism. Although thermal evolution is a key factor for explaining the evolution of continents, it has to be complemented by a hypothesis on the change of the chemistry of the lower continental lithosphere with respect to the asthenosphere and/or with respect to age.  相似文献   
Summary. Deep seismic reflection profiling, as well as geologic studies, indicate that extensional basins are a common feature of continental crust. The wide-spread occurrence of extensional basins, combined with published models on the effects of extension on lower crustal rocks, suggests that extensional processes play an important role in the evolution of continental crust. Extension is now recognized to have been the last major tectonic event to affect approximately 50% of the United States. This observation and (he preservation of extensional features in areas which have experienced subsequent episodes of compression, suggests that extensional processes may lead to a strengthening of continental crust. In areas of active extension such as the western United States, seismic and petrologic data, as well as theoretical modeling of heat flow data, suggests that the lower crust may be predominantly intrusive igneous material emplaced during extension and that the present Mohorovicic discontinuity formed during extension. Although the interpretation of the various data is somewhat speculative, we suggest that the volume of continental material in some areas has doubled as a result of extension. Thus, extension may result in the addition of a significant amount of new material to the continents.  相似文献   
In order to preserve diversity it is essential to understand how assemblages change across space. Despite this fact, we still know very little about how marine diversity is spatially distributed, especially among lesser‐studied invertebrate taxa. In the present study beta‐diversity patterns of sea urchins, sponges, mushroom corals and larger foraminifera were assessed in the Spermonde Archipelago (Indonesia). Using ordinations we showed that the inshore zone (<5 km offshore), midshore zone (5 < x < 30 km offshore) and distance offshore zone (>30 km offshore) all contained distinct assemblages of sponges and corals, while only foraminifera assemblages from the inshore (<5 km offshore) zone were distinct. There was a significant spatial pattern of community similarity for all taxa surveyed, but this pattern proved to be wholly related to environmental variables for sponges and foraminifera, and primarily for mushroom corals and sea urchins. The lack of a pure spatial component suggests that these taxa may not be dispersal limited within the spatial scales of this study (c. 1600 km2). The analyses of the corals and foraminifera were additionally tested at two spatial scales of sampling. Both taxa were primarily associated with local‐scale environmental variables at the local scale and larger‐scale variables at the larger scale. Mean inter‐plot similarity was also higher and variation lower at the larger scale. The results suggest that substantial variation in similarity can be predicted using simple locally assessed environmental variables combined with remotely sensed parameters.  相似文献   
Very few coral reefs are located close enough to large cities to study the influence of large urban populations on reef assemblages. An exception is the Thousand Islands reef complex to the north of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and one of the largest conurbations in the world. Here we present data from a detailed survey where sponge assemblages were assessed at 30 patch reefs associated with islands in three coastal zones along an in-to-offshore gradient. Sponge assemblages are described at three taxonomic levels of detail (species, genus and family level). We recorded a total of 118 sponge species, 64 genera and 36 families, Aaptos suberitoides (Brønsted, 1934), Clathria (Thalysias) reinwardti (Vosmaer, 1880), Petrosia (Petrosia) nigricans (Lindgren, 1897) and Xestospongia testudinaria (Lamarck, 1813) were the most common species overall. There was a pronounced difference in composition among zones with the most distinct difference between the inshore zone and the other two zones. The inshore environment was characterised by very high turbidity and low live coral cover; the dominant substrate consisted of algal turf and sand. Environmental conditions improved and sponge diversity increased further offshore, although most areas appeared to have been affected by some form of disturbance. Ordinations were also largely congruent, at species, generic and family levels of taxonomic resolution. This indicates that variation in composition at higher taxonomic levels is a good indicator of variation at lower taxonomic levels, at least when there is a pronounced environmental gradient.  相似文献   
Botanical and zoological collections may serve as archives for historical ecological research on the effects of global change and human impact on coral reef biota. Museum collections may harbour old specimens of reef‐dwelling species that have become locally extinct. Such collections also help to determine whether early records of invasive species can be obtained from times when they were not yet recognized as such. A case study (2006) involving Saba Bank, Caribbean Netherlands (former Netherlands Antilles), suggests that the coral reef fauna here may have become impoverished when compared with data obtained during an earlier expedition in 1972. However, the 1972 sampling may have been incomplete, as it was performed by professional divers who were not trained taxonomists, whereas the collecting in 2006 was done by experienced marine biologists who knew the taxa they were sampling. As Saba Bank has been under stress due to the anchoring of large vessels, and invasive species have been a potential threat as well, future studies are needed to obtain more insights into the changing reef biota of Saba Bank. Using this Saba Bank example, we want to address the importance of natural history collections as reservoirs of valuable data relevant to coral reef biodiversity studies in a time of global change. As such, these collections are still underexplored and underexploited.  相似文献   
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