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JGOFS has revealed the importance of marine biological activity to the global carbon cycle. Ecological models are valuable tools for improving our understanding of biogeochemical cycles. Through a series of workshops, the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) developed NEMURO (North Pacific Ecosystem Model Understanding Regional Oceanography) a model, specifically designed to simulate the lower trophic ecosystem in the North Pacific Ocean. Its ability to simulate vertical fluxes generated by biological activities has not yet been validated. Here compare NEMURO with several other lower trophic level models of the northern North Pacific. The different ecosystem models are each embedded in a common three-dimensional physical model, and the simulated vertical flux of POM and the biomass of phytoplankton are compared. The models compared are: (1) NEMURO, (2) the Kishi and Nakata Model (Kishi et al., 1981), (3) KKYS (Kawamiya et al., 1995, 2000a, 2000b), and (4) the Denman model (Denman and Peña, 2002). With simple NPZD models, it is difficult to describe the production of POM (Particulate Organic Matter) and hence the simulations of vertical flux are poor. However, if the parameters are properly defined, the primary production can be well reproduced, even though none of models we used here includes iron limitation effects. On the whole, NEMURO gave a satisfactory simulation of the vertical flux of POM in the northern North Pacific.  相似文献   
Effects of the presence of a circumpolar region on buoyancy-driven circulation are investigated by using an idealized numerical ocean model. Comparison of circulation and meridional density (heat) transport is made between a closed ocean and an ocean with a cyclic gap near its southern boundary. The presence of the circumpolar region leads to disconnection of the meridional overturning across the circumpolar region. And the circumpolar eastward flow reaches the bottom of the ocean. It is essential for this that the pycnocline is deeper than the bottom of the gap. Since the amount of the mass transported northward must return southward at the levels deeper than the bottom of the cyclic gap, the weak stratification, hence weak vertical geostrophic shear, at the deeper levels leads to inactive communication across the circumpolar region. Meridional heat transport across the circumpolar region is made mainly by horizontal diffusion for the ocean with the cyclic gap, while the contribution of the advection is dominant for the closed ocean. Sensitivity of meridional heat transport to change in horizontal diffusivity is studied. The meridional heat transport for the ocean with the cyclic gap is more sensitive than for the closed ocean. The change in heat transport occurs not only in the circumpolar region but also in the rest of the ocean. It is suggested that subgrid scale phenomena, especially mesoscale eddies, in the circumpolar region controls the whole ocean to a great extent.  相似文献   
The Wakamiko submarine crater is a small depression located in Kagoshima Bay, southwest Japan. Marine shallow‐water hydrothermal activity associated with fumarolic gas emissions at the crater sea floor (water depth 200 m) is considered to be related with magmatic activity of the Aira Caldera. During the NT05‐13 dive expedition conducted in August 2005 using remotely operated vehicle Hyper‐Dolphine (Japan Agency for Marine‐Earth Science and Technology), an active shimmering site was discovered (tentatively named the North site) at approximately 1 km from the previously known site (tentatively named the South site). Surface sediment (up to 30 cm) was cored from six localities including these active sites, and the alteration minerals and pore fluid chemistry were studied. The pore fluids of these sites showed a drastic change in chemical profile from that of seawater, even at 30 cm below the surface, which is attributed to mixing of the ascending hydrothermal component and seawater. The hydrothermal component of the North site is estimated to be derived from a hydrothermal aquifer at 230°C based on the hydrothermal end‐member composition. Occurrence of illite/smectite interstratified minerals in the North site sediment is attributed to in situ fluid–sediment interaction at a temperature around 150°C, which is in accordance with the pore fluid chemistry. In contrast, montmorillonite was identified as the dominant alteration mineral in the South site sediment. Together with the significant low potassium concentration of the hydrothermal end‐member, the abundant occurrence of low‐temperature alteration mineral suggests that the hydrothermal aquifer in the South site is not as high as 200°C. Moreover, the montmorillonite is likely to be unstable with the present pore fluid chemistry at the measured temperature (117°C). This disagreement implies unstable hydrothermal activity at the South site, in contrast to the equilibrium between the pore fluid and alteration minerals in the North site sediment. This difference may reflect the thermal and/or hydrological structure of the Wakamiko Crater hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
Propagation of electromagnetic (EM) waves from an earthquake focus in the conductive Earth has been investigated using 1/1,000,000 scaling models taking earth-ionosphere and ocean-Moho plane parallel-plate waveguides into account. Microwaves at a frequency, ωm, a million times higher than that of seismic EM signal (SEMS), ω, were generated at the model focus. They are propagated in a salt solution modeling the earth's crust and reflected by ocean, fault planes, ionosphere and Moho plane all made by aluminum. Distribution of EM power was mapped by scanning a detector antenna over the model Earth's surface. The skin depth, δ, calculated by the exact skin depth equation, 1/δ=ω(μ/2)1/2 [(1+(1/ωρ)2)1/2 −1]1/2 where dielectric constant, and permeability, μ are the same but resistivity, ρ, 10−6 times smaller than that of Earth, gave 10−6 times small skin depth validating the model scaling index. Images for evanescent and wave-ripple standing waves disturbed by normal, strike-slip and dip-slip conductive fault planes have been obtained using an aluminum plate. The co-circular contour map above the epicenter due to evanescence was pushed to the north east direction from the epicenter by the presence of ocean for the Loma Prieta earthquake, while to north direction for the Kobe earthquake. The intensity of EM ULF emissions for the Loma Prieta earthquake is discussed quantitatively.  相似文献   
 In-situ X-ray diffraction measurements of CaGeO3-wollastonite at high pressure at room temperature have been performed using a diamond anvil cell with an X-ray source. A new structural modification of CaGeO3-wollastonite is observed at about 6GPa and the characteristic reflections of the high pressure form are preserved on decompression to an ambient pressure. A rhodonite-like structure is proposed as a high pressure form from the crystal chemical consideration. The rhodonite-like phase is further transformed into a perovskite-form at about 15 GPa. The rhodonite-like-form of CaGeO3 seems not to be a stable phase from the heating experiments under high pressures. The metastable transition path from the wollastonite to the perovskite polymorph through the rhodonite-like structure is kinetically favored under room temperature pressurization. No pressure-induced amorphization is observed during the transition into the perovskite-form, although the transition is accompanied by the coordination change of Ge atoms from fourfold to sixfold. Received: July 19, 1995 / Revised, accepted: August 1996  相似文献   
In the Himalaya, people live in widely spread settlements and suffer more from landslides than from any other type of natural disaster. The intense summer monsoons are the main factor in triggering landslides. However, the relations between landslides and slope hydrology have not been a focal topic in Himalayan landslide research. This paper deals with the contributing parameters for the rainfall-triggered landslides which occurred during an extreme monsoon rainfall event on 23 July 2002, in the south-western hills of Kathmandu valley, in the Lesser Himalaya, Nepal. Parameters such as bedrock geology, geomorphology, geotechnical properties of soil, and clay mineralogy are described in this paper. Landslide modeling was performed in SEEP/W and SLOPE/W to understand the relationship of pore water pressure variations in soil layers and to determine the spatial variation of landslide occurrence. Soil characteristics, low angle of internal friction of fines in soil, medium range of soil permeability, presence of clay minerals in soil, bedrock hydrogeology, and human intervention were found to be the main contributing parameters for slope failures in the region.  相似文献   
Sea-level rise is likely to cause significant changes in the morphodynamic state of beaches in the higher latitudes, resulting in steeper beaches with larger particle sizes. These physical changes have implications for beach invertebrate communities, which are determined largely by sediment particle size, and hence for ecosystem function. Previous studies have explored the relationships between invertebrate communities and environmental variables such as particle size, beach slope and exposure to wave action, and often these physical variables can be integrated in various indices of morphodynamic state. Most of these studies incorporated a full range of beach types that included wave-dominated surf beaches, where the wave action is harsh enough to enable reliable estimates of breaker height, a parameter included in several of the indices, and concluded that more dissipative beaches with gentler slopes and finer particle sizes often support a higher number of species and greater abundance than more reflective beaches. Whether these predictions remain valid for less wave-dominated beaches, where breaker height is more difficult to determine, is uncertain. In the present study, the abundance of meio- and macrofauna was quantified across a range of beaches in the UK, which are generally towards the lower energy end of the morphodynamic gradient, and their relationships with beach physical properties explored. No significant relationships were found between abundance and the standard morphodynamic indices, but significant relationships were found for both macro- and meiofaunal abundance when these indices were combined with an exposure index (derived from velocity, direction, duration and the effective fetch). All the relationships identified between abundance and combined morphodynamic indices indicated a higher abundance of both macro- and meiofauna on the more dissipative beaches. The reverse was however found for species richness. If predictions that accelerated sea-level rise will move beaches towards a more reflective morphodynamic state are correct, this could lead to declines in the abundance of meio- and macrofauna, with potential adverse consequences for ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
Pressure-induced amorphization of α-quartz type GeO2 was studied with a newly developed X-ray diffraction system which consists of a 4-circle goniometer and a curved position sensitive detector. Single-crystal diffraction was measured under pressurs up to 7.3 GPa at room temperature in order to investigate pretransitional phenomena. Diffraction intensity and line width of the diffraction profiles showed no remarkable change up to 5.9 GPa. However, no sharp diffraction line was observed at pressures over 6.5 GPa. The bulk modulus at 0.1 MPa and its pressure derivative of α-quartz type GeO2 were determined to be K T =32.8(3.3) GPa and K′ T =6.0(2.0), respectively. In situ microscopic observations of the amorphization transformation was also performed. The large volume change due to amorphization was observed and estimated to be about 10%.  相似文献   
 The spinel solid solution was found to exist in the whole range between Fe3O4 and γ-Fe2SiO4 at over 10 GPa. The resistivity of Fe3− x Si x O4 (0.0<x<0.288) was measured in the temperature range of 80∼300 K by the AC impedance method. Electron hopping between Fe3+ and Fe2+ in the octahedral site of iron-rich phases gives a large electric conductivity at room temperature. The activation energy of the electron hopping becomes larger with increasing γ-Fe2SiO4 component. A nonlinear change in electric conductivity is not simply caused by the statistical probability of Fe3+–Fe2+ electron hopping with increasing the total Si content. This is probably because a large number of Si4+ ions occupies the octahedral site and the adjacent Fe2+ keeping the local electric neutrality around Si4+ makes a cluster, which generates a local deformation by Si substitution. The temperature dependence of the conductivity of solid solutions indicates the Verwey transition temperature, which decreases from 124(±2) K at x=0 (Fe3O4) to 102(±5) K at x=0.288, and the electric conductivity gap at the transition temperature decreases with Si4+ substitution. Received: 15 March 2000 / Accepted: 4 September 2000  相似文献   
To evaluate the contribution of biogeochemical processes to the oceanic carbon cycle and to calculate the ratio of calcium carbonate to organic carbon downward export, we have incorporated biological and alkalinity pumps in the yoked high-latitude exchange/interior diffusion-advection (YOLDA) model. The biogeochemical processes are represented by four parameters. The values of the parameters are tuned so that the model can reproduce the observed phosphate and alkalinity distributions in each oceanic region. The sensitivity of the model to the biogeochemical parameters shows that biological production rates in the euphotic zone and decomposition depths of particulate matters significantly influence horizontal and vertical distributions of biogeochemical substances. The modeled vertical fluxes of particulate organic phosphorus and calcium carbonate are converted to vertical carbon fluxes by the biological pump and the alkalinity pump, respectively. The downward carbon flux from the surface layer to the deep layer in the entire region is estimated to be 3.36 PgC/yr, which consists of 2.93 PgC/yr from the biological pump and 0.43 PgC/yr from the alkalinity pump, which is consistent with previous studies. The modeled rain ratio is higher with depth and higher in the Pacific and Indian Oceans than in the Atlantic Ocean. The global rain ratio at the surface layer is calculated to be 0.14 to 0.15. This value lies between the lower and higher ends of the previous estimates, which range widely from 0.05 to 0.25. This study indicates that the rain ratio is unlikely to be higher than 0.15, at least in the surface waters.  相似文献   
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