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Mechanisms of iron oxide transformations in hydrothermal systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Coexistence of magnetite and hematite in hydrothermal systems has often been used to constrain the redox potential of fluids, assuming that the redox equilibrium is attained among all minerals and aqueous species. However, as temperature decreases, disequilibrium mineral assemblages may occur due to the slow kinetics of reaction involving the minerals and fluids. In this study, we conducted a series of experiments in which hematite or magnetite was reacted with an acidic solution under H2-rich hydrothermal conditions (T = 100-250 °C, ) to investigate the kinetics of redox and non-redox transformations between hematite and magnetite, and the mechanisms of iron oxide transformation under hydrothermal conditions. The formation of euhedral crystals of hematite in 150 and 200 °C experiments, in which magnetite was used as the starting material, indicates that non-redox transformation of magnetite to hematite occurred within 24 h. The chemical composition of the experimental solutions was controlled by the non-redox transformation between magnetite and hematite throughout the experiments. While solution compositions were controlled by the non-redox transformation in the first 3 days in a 250 °C experiment, reductive dissolution of magnetite became important after 5 days and affected the solution chemistry. At 100 °C, the presence of maghemite was indicated in the first 7 days. Based on these results, equilibrium constants of non-redox transformation between magnetite and hematite and those of non-redox transformation between magnetite and maghemite were calculated. Our results suggest that the redox transformation of hematite to magnetite occurs in the following steps: (1) reductive dissolution of hematite to and (2) non-redox transformation of hematite and to magnetite.  相似文献   
Kodaira  Tsubasa  Waseda  Takuji 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(11):1373-1385

The Kuroshio current is well known for generating cold wakes behind islands over Izu Ridge in Northwestern Pacific. Observational data from the geostationary Himawari-8 satellite for 2015–2017 revealed the occurrence of cold waters during the period when the Kuroshio current flows away from the islands. With a focus on tidal currents, this study presents an investigation of dynamical processes responsible for the formation of areas with low sea surface temperature (SST) through the adoption of a high-resolution numerical ocean model for an event that happened in July 2017. Areas with cold water emerged only when tidal currents are included in the numerical model. The model results indicate the cold surface waters are formed in the vicinity of the islands because of upwelling and vertical mixing. Qualitative features of the cold water formation for each island are found to depend on its size, topography, and ambient currents. Near Kozu Island, the tidal excursion is large enough to cause eddy shedding. These shed eddies are stirred by tidal currents to extend the surface cooling effect to wider areas. Near Hachijo Island, a persistent wake is formed by the ambient northward current. Inclusion of tidal currents destabilizes the wake, and consequently leads to the formation of a low SST area, although no clear eddy shedding is detected. The flow patterns around the islands are classified using an additional non-dimensional parameter, defined as the ratio between tidal excursion and island diameter.

The “Shimagare” phenomenon relates to a striped pattern of stand-level dieback in the subalpineAbies (fir) forest of central Japan. Dieback fronts move gradually into pure stands ofAbies. As the dieback zones move forward they become regenerated with even-aged cohorts ofAbies which come up in form of waves. The phenomenon occurs mostly on the south slopes near mountain tops, exposing dieback fronts to south (i.e. downwards). Several facts suggest that desiccation stress and mechanical damage accelerated by the prevailing wind trigger the directional dieback ofAbies stands. The dieback is, however, promoted by over-crowded and even-sized stand structure. When less shade-tolerantBetula (birch) trees invade in an early stage of regeneration, mixed stands develop. These hardwood-mixed stands, with less-crowded and various-sizedAbies populations, hardly decay simultaneously. Here, alsoAbies trees become larger and live longer. Thus, the tendency of mass dieback ofAbies is not a characteristic of the species as such, but rather one of dense pure stands of the species.  相似文献   
Sonolysis and photolysis often exhibit synergistic effects in the degradation of organic molecules. An assay of fish oocyte maturation provides an appropriate experimental system to investigate the hormonal activities of chemical agents. Oocyte maturation in fish is triggered by maturation-inducing hormone (MIH), which acts on receptors on the oocyte surface. A synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), possesses inducing activity of fish oocyte maturation, and a widely used biocide, pentachlorophenol (PCP), exhibits a potent inhibitory effect on fish oocyte maturation. In this study, the effects of the combined treatment by sonolysis with photolysis (sonophotocatalysis) to diminish the hormonal activity of DES and the maturation preventing activity of PCP was examined. By sonophotocatalysis, hormonal activity of DES was completely lost within 30min and the inhibiting activity of PCP was lost within 120min. These results demonstrated that sonophotocatalysis is effective for diminishing the endocrine-disrupting activity of chemical agents.  相似文献   
With the long-term goal of developing an operational forecast system for total water level, we conduct a hindcast study of global storm surges for Fall 2014 using a baroclinic ocean model based on the NEMO framework. The model has 19 vertical levels, a horizontal resolution of 1/12°, and is forced by hourly forecasts of atmospheric wind and air pressure. Our first objective is to evaluate the model’s ability to predict hourly sea levels recorded by a global array of 257 tide gauges. It is shown that the model can provide reasonable predictions of surges for the whole test period at tide gauges with relatively large tidal residuals (i.e., gauges where the standard deviation of observed sea level, after removal of the tide, exceeds 5 cm). Our second objective is to quantify the effect of density stratification on the prediction of global surges. It is found that the inclusion of density stratification increases the overall predictive skill at almost all tide gauges. The increase in skill for the instantaneous peak surge is smaller. The location for which the increase in overall skill is largest (east coast of South Africa) is discussed in detail and physical reasons for the improvement are given.  相似文献   
Gap models have been used extensively in ecological studies of forest structure and succession, and they should be useful tools for studying potential responses of forests to climatic change. There is a wide variety of gap models with different degrees of physiological detail, and the manner in which the effects of climatic factors are analyzed varies across that range of detail. Here we consider how well the current suite of gap models can accommodate climatic-change issues, and we suggest what physiological attributes and responses should be added to better represent responses of aboveground growth and competition. Whether a gap model is based on highly empirical, aggregated growth functions or more mechanistic expressions of carbon uptake and allocation, the greatest challenge will be to express allocation correctly. For example, incorporating effects of elevated CO2 requires that the fixed allometry between stem volume and leaf area be made flexible. Simulation of the effects of climatic warming should incorporate the possibility of a longer growing season and acclimation of growth processes to changing temperature. To accommodate climatic-change factors, some of the simplicity of gap models must be sacrificed by increasing the amount of physiological detail, but it is important that the capability of the models to predict competition and successional dynamics not be sacrificed.  相似文献   
Defining the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary is a controversy in stratigraphic study of the world. It has been widely accepted that this boundary can be defined at the bottom of Berriasian in Tethys, with the appearance of the ammonite Berriasella jacobi dating to ca. 145 Ma. However, it is difficult for the widespread terrestrial deposits in China to correlate with the international standard of marine facies. The Somanakamura Group in Japan is represented by a succession of marine-continental transitional strata. It provides a bridge of marine and nonmarine stratigraphic correlation. The ammonite and radiolarian fossils preserved in this group suggest an age from Bajocian to early Valanginian. The J-K boundary was defined in or atop the Tomizawa Formation of the group according to the ammonite data. The present authors study the fossil spores and pollen newly found from the Tomizawa and Koyamada formations. Three assemblages have been recognized. They are Assemblage 1 (Cyathidites-Classopollis) from the upper part of the Tomizawa Formation, Assemblage 2 (Cyathidites-Jiaohepollis) from the lower part of the Koyamada Formation, and Assemblage 3 (Cyathidites-Spheripollenites-Ephedripites) from the middle to upper part of the Koyamada Formation. With the reference of ammonite evidence, the J-K boundary can be defined between Assemblage 1 and Assemblage 2. This palynological J-K boundary can be correlated with that of terrestrial sequence in China. However, local biostratigraphy imply that the continental J-K boundary in China is of 135 or 137 Ma age. It has a considerable discrepancy from the marine standard. Biogeographically, the distribution pattern of spores and pollen in southern China is in accordance with that in the Somanakamura Group, which parallels the Tuchengzi Formation in northeastern China. By the palynological correlation between the Somanakamura Group and the strata in southern China, and then with the sequence in northeastern China, it is suggested that the continental J-K boundary is located in the Tuchengzi Formation.  相似文献   
Mining operations in the Pinpet Fe deposit, which is the second‐largest Fe deposit in Myanmar, are currently suspended, in part because of possible contamination of heavy metals and hazardous elements (e.g., Fe, As, Cu, Zn, and U) into the surrounding aquatic environment and associated public concern. However, a scientific investigation of the source and degree of contamination in streams near the deposit has not yet been conducted. Therefore, we quantified heavy‐metal and hazardous‐element concentrations of stream waters and sediments in stream beds, and measured the speciation and concentration of these metals in deposit Fe ores using the sequential extraction method, to better understand the influence of mining activities on the surrounding environment. Geochemical results for Nan‐tank‐pauk stream and its tributaries indicate that the chemical compositions of their waters are controlled by carbonate bedrock and that no detectable contamination has occurred as a result of mining activity or hematite and limonite ore beneficiation processes in either the wet or dry seasons. All measured heavy‐metal and hazardous‐element concentrations were below the World Health Organization standards for drinking water and the proposed national drinking water quality standards in Myanmar. Bulk chemical compositions of stream‐bed and tailings dam sediments show that As, Zn, and Cu concentrations are similar to those in uncontaminated sediments. Results of bulk mineralogical and chemical analyses of ore samples reveal that some limonite ore samples contain substantial amounts of As (up to 2 wt%). However, sequential extraction results indicate that most (>90%) of the As in these As‐rich ores is hosted in insoluble fractions (e.g., crystalline Fe hydroxides and clays). Therefore, arsenic is unlikely to be released into the aquatic environment by interacting with water during ore beneficiation processes should the mine resume operations.  相似文献   
We extend the formalism for the calculation of the relativistic corrections to the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect for clusters of galaxies and include the multiple scattering effects in the isotropic approximation. We present the results of the calculations by the Fokker–Planck expansion method as well as by the direct numerical integration of the collision term of the Boltzmann equation. The multiple scattering contribution is found to be very small compared with the single scattering contribution. For high-temperature galaxy clusters of     the ratio of both the contributions is −0.2 per cent in the Wien region. In the Rayleigh–Jeans region the ratio is −0.03 per cent. Therefore the multiple scattering contribution is safely neglected for the observed galaxy clusters.  相似文献   
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