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Bathymetric, 9.5-kHz long-range sidescan sonar (OKEAN), seismic reflection and sediment-core data are used in the analysis of two tectonic troughs south of Crete, Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Here, up to 1.2 s two-way travel time (TWTT) of strata have accumulated since the Middle Miocene in association with extension in the South Aegean region. The study area comprises >100-km- long by >25-km-wide basins filled by sediments subdivided into two seismic units: (1) an upper Unit 1 deposited in sub-basins which follow the present-day configuration of the southern Cretan margin; (2) a basal Unit 2, more than 500 ms (TWTT) thick, accumulated in deeper half-graben/grabens distinct from the present-day depocentres. Both units overlap a locally stratified Unit 3 comprising the pre-Neogene core complex of Crete and Gavdos. In this work, the interpreted seismic units are correlated with the onshore stratigraphy, demonstrating that denudation processes occurring on Crete and Gavdos in response to major tectonic events have been responsible for high sedimentation rates along the proximal southern Cretan margin. Consequently, topographically confined sedimentary units have been deposited south of Crete in the last 12 Ma, including turbidites and other mass-flow deposits fed by evolving transverse and axial channel systems. Surface processes controlling facies distribution include the direct inflow of sediment from alluvial-fan systems and incising mountain rivers onto the Cretan slope, where significant sediment instability processes occur at present. In this setting, seismic profiles reveal eight different types of stratigraphic contacts on basin-margin highs, and basinal areas show evidence of halokinesis and/or fluid escape. The acquired data also show that significant changes to the margin’s configuration occurred in association with the post-Alpine tectonic and eustatic episodes affecting the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   
The transport pathways of fine sediments (fraction <2 μm) along the Brazilian continental shelf from Ceará to the Amazon River mouth were studied by means of clay mineral analyses. On the continental shelf southeast of the Amazon mouth, fluctuations in clay mineral compositions reflect simple mixing between the suspended load of the North Brazil Current and sediment from several smaller rivers. Previously, clay mineral variations west of the Amazon mouth have been explained by variable settling velocities of different grain-size classes within the <2 μm fraction or by selective coagulation of individual clay mineral groups. By contrast, our experiments with river bank samples show that selective coagulation does not occur in Amazon River sediments. A more appropriate explanation for observed variations in clay mineral composition off the Amazon mouth seems to be, similarly to that for the shelf between Ceará and the Amazon mouth, a mixing of Amazon sediments with suspended material of the North Brazil Current. This interpretation is supported by data on clay mineral composition east and south of the Amazon mouth, showing more affinity to sediments of the North Brazil Current than to the suspended load of the Amazon River. Additionally, relatively low sedimentation rates and low concentrations of fine-grained sediments on the shelf suggest that high riverine input by the Amazon River does not overprint the sediments of the North Brazil Current in this region. The strong North Brazil Current shunts the Amazon suspended load in a north-westerly direction along the north-eastern coast of South America. Hence, stronger sedimentation of Amazon sediments would occur only west of the river mouth.  相似文献   
Three‐dimensional (3D) seismic‐reflection data from the Barents Sea show geometric similarities between Permian cool‐water mounds and older carbonate build‐ups. In detail, the Samson Dome area records the development of polygonal mounds in Upper Permian strata; at the same time, a gradual drowning event took place in the Barents Sea. The presence of these polygonal mounds is interpreted to reflect: (i) shallower conditions around the Samson Dome than in other parts of the Barents Sea; and (ii) earlier drowning of Upper Permian mounds towards the west and northwest into the Ottar Basin. Based on the recognition of mounds ~20 m below the Permian–Triassic stratigraphic boundary, this paper proposes for the first time that shallow areas of the Barents Sea, such as the Samson Dome, witnessed sustained organic productivity until the onset of the PT extinction event.  相似文献   
Aeolian dune dimensions and migration rates are analysed along the Ceará coast, north-east Brazil. Dunes that are currently mobile along the Ceará coast are composed of barchans and sand sheets. The results show that barchans maintain an equilibrium form, which can be characterized by values of dimensionless shape parameters H/W and W/L , where H is the dune height, W is the wing-to-wing width and L is the dune length. Dunes are highly mobile, with average migration rates of 17·5 m year−1 for barchans and 10 m year−1 for sand sheets. The calculated migration rates were found to depend strongly on dune dimensions for both barchans and sand sheets, i.e. the larger the dune is, the lower the migration rate will be. This size dependence was associated with the existence of a representative common transport rate along the dune fields, which induces a different dune migration rate dependent on dune size. Finally, from the observed dune evolution, an aggregated scale aeolian sediment transport was inferred. This bulk transport rate, of the order of 90–100 m3 m−1 year−1, is only valid for a timescale of years to decades, which is the timescale used in dune evolution analysis.  相似文献   
The hillslopes of the Serra do Mar, a system of escarpments and mountains that extend more than 1500 km along the southern and southeastern Brazilian coast, are regularly affected by heavy rainfall that generates widespread mass movements, causing large numbers of casualties and economic losses. This paper evaluates the efficiency of susceptibility mapping for shallow translational landslides in one basin in the Serra do Mar, using the physically based landslide susceptibility models SHALSTAB and TRIGRS. Two groups of scenarios were simulated using different geotechnical and hydrological soil parameters, and for each group of scenarios (A and B), three subgroups were created using soil thickness values of 1, 2, and 3 m. Simulation results were compared to the locations of 356 landslide scars from the 1985 event. The susceptibility maps for scenarios A1, A2, and A3 were similar between the models regarding the spatial distribution of susceptibility classes. Changes in soil cohesion and specific weight parameters caused changes in the area of predicted instability in the B scenarios. Both models were effective in predicting areas susceptible to shallow landslides through comparison of areas predicted to be unstable and locations of mapped landslides. Such models can be used to reduce costs or to define potentially unstable areas in regions like the Serra do Mar where field data are costly and difficult to obtain.  相似文献   
Tunnel valleys are major features of glaciated margins and they enable meltwater expulsion from underneath a thick ice cover. Their formation is related to the erosion of subglacial sediments by overpressured meltwater and direct glacial erosion. Yet, the impact of pre-existing structures on their formation and morphology remains poorly known. High-quality 3D seismic data allowed the mapping of a large tunnel valley that eroded underlying preglacial delta deposits in the southern North Sea. The valley follows the N–S strike of crestal faults related to a Zechstein salt wall. A change in downstream tunnel valley orientation towards the SE accompanies a change in the strike direction of salt-induced faults. Fault offsets indicate important activity of crestal faults during the deposition of preglacial deltaic sediments. We propose that crestal faults facilitated tunnel valley erosion by acting as high-permeability pathways and allowing subglacial meltwater to reach low-permeability sediments in the underlying Neogene deltaic sequences, ultimately resulting in meltwater overpressure build-up and tunnel valley excavation. Active faults probably also weakened the near-surface sediment to allow a more efficient erosion of the glacial substrate. This control of substrate structures on tunnel valley morphology is considered as a primary factor in subglacial drainage pattern development in the study area.  相似文献   
Since the early days of seismic processing, time migration has proven to be a valuable tool for a number of imaging purposes. Main motivations for its widespread use include robustness with respect to velocity errors, as well as fast turnaround and low computation costs. In areas of complex geology, in which it has well-known limitations, time migration can still be of value by providing first images and also attributes, which can be of much help in further, more comprehensive depth migration. Time migration is a very close process to common-midpoint (CMP) stacking and, more recently, to zero-offset commonreflection- surface (CRS) stacking. In fact, Kirchhoff time migration operators can be readily formulated in terms of CRS parameters. In the nineties, several studies have shown advantages in the use of common-reflection-point (CRP) traveltimes to replace conventional CMP traveltimes for a number of stacking and migration purposes. In this paper, we follow that trend and introduce a Kirchhoff-type prestack time migration and velocity analysis algorithm, referred to as CRP time migration. The algorithm is based on a CRP operator together with optimal apertures, both computed with the help of CRS parameters. A field-data example indicates the potential of the proposed technique.  相似文献   
Classification of washover dynamics in barrier islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study systematically classifies washover dynamics with reference to coastal changes along the Ria Formosa barrier islands (Southern Portugal). Identification of washovers using a sequence of 11 sets of aerial photographs dated between 1947 and 2001 allowed a classification to be developed based on: (1) overwash evolution (increasing, decreasing, or constant overwash processes); (2) the mechanisms promoting washover formation (exceptional to infrequent oceanographic conditions, washout processes, structural erosion, inlet dynamics, and human interventions); and (3) the mechanisms promoting washover cessation (berm development, structural erosion, dune development, inlet dynamics, and human interventions). A total of 369 different washovers were observed along the Ria Formosa barriers during the study period, with 209 washovers being formed in various types of dune morphology and 303 being obliterated. The number of washovers was relatively stable from 1947 to 1972, and increased dramatically between 1972 and 1976 probably as a result of the development of immature inlet margins and downdrift starvation. From 1976 to 2001, washover occurrences declined and their spatial dimensions decreased, leading to a decrease in overwash activity over this time. Overall, the dominant formation mechanisms of washovers in the Ria Formosa were inlet dynamics (accounting for 57% of washovers formed) and structural erosion (20%), with human intervention mechanisms accounting for 12%. The cessation of washovers was dominated by dune development (33% of the washovers obliterated) followed by inlet dynamics (24%) and structural erosion (19%), while human intervention mechanisms accounted for 13%. The classification should be of use for the coastal management of barrier systems including the definition of overwash-prone areas and the determination of the relative importance of the mechanisms contributing to washover formation and cessation.  相似文献   
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