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The Gihon Spring, Jerusalem, is important for the major monotheistic religions. Its hydrogeology and hydrochemistry is studied here in order to understand urbanization effects on karst groundwater resources, and promote better water management. High-resolution monitoring of the spring discharge, temperature and electrical conductivity, was performed, together with chemical and bacterial analysis. All these demonstrate a rapid response of the spring to rainfall events and human impact. A complex karst system is inferred, including conduit flow, fissure flow and diffuse flow. Electrical conductivity, Na+ and K+ values (2.0 mS/cm, 130 and 50 mg/l respectively) are very high compared to other nearby springs located at the town margins (0.6 mS/cm, 15 and <1 mg/l respectively), indicating considerable urban pollution in the Gihon area. The previously cited pulsating nature of the spring was not detected during the present high-resolution monitoring. This phenomenon may have ceased due to additional water sources from urban leakage and irrigation feeding the spring. The urbanization of the recharge catchment thus affects the spring water dramatically, both chemically and hydrologically. Appropriate measures should therefore be undertaken to protect the Gihon Spring and other karst aquifers threatened by rapid urbanization.  相似文献   
The impact of large twentieth century floods on the riparian vegetation and channel morphology of the relatively wide anabranching and braided Nahal Arava, southern Israel, was documented as part of developing tools to (a) identify recent large floods, (b) determine these flood's respective magnitudes in alluvial ungauged streams, and (c) determine long-term upper bounds to flood stages and magnitudes. Along most of its course Nahal Paran, a major tributary that impacts the morphology, floods and sediments of Nahal Arava at the study reach, is a coarse-gravel, braided ephemeral stream. Downstream of the Arava–Paran confluence, aeolian and fluvial sand delivered from eastern Arava valley alters the channel morphology. The sand has accreted up to 2.5 m above the distinct current channels, facilitating the recording of large floods. This sand enhances the establishment of denser riparian vegetation (mainly Tamarix nilotica and Haloxylon persicum) that interacts with floods and affects stream morphology. A temporal association was found between specific floods recorded upstream and tree-ring ages of re-growth of flood-damaged tamarix trees (‘Sigafoos trees’) in the past 30 years. This association can be utilized for developing a twentieth century flood chronology in hyperarid ungauged basins in the region. The minimum magnitude of the largest flood that covered the entire channel width, estimated from flood deposits, is approximately 1700–1800 m3s− 1. This is a larger magnitude than the largest gauged flood of 1150 m3s− 1 that occurred in 1970 about 30 km upstream in Nahal Paran. Our estimation agrees with flood magnitude estimated from the regional envelope curve of the largest floods. Based on Holocene alluvial stratigraphy and OSL dating in the study reach we also conclude that flood stages did not reach the late Holocene ( 2.2 ka) surface and therefore we estimate a non-exceedance upper bound of  2000 m3s− 1 flood magnitudes for Nahal Arava during that interval. This study indicates that in unfavorable areas the combination of hydrology, fluvial morphology and botanic evidence can increase our understanding of ungauged basins and give information crucial for hydrology planning.  相似文献   
区划是地理学认识地理环境地域分异规律和优化人地关系地域系统结构与功能的有效手段。本文首先借鉴已有研究,对区域生态经济学这门新兴交叉学科及生态经济区划等相关概念进行了界定,明确了生态经济区划原则。其次,通过设计两级生态经济区划方案,首次对中蒙俄三国重要的经济增长轴带“中蒙俄经济走廊”这一国际区域进行了生态经济区划探索研究。基于研究区地貌、气候等自然地理要素以及经济开发强度等人文经济要素,首先将研究区划分为6类生态经济区。通过引入人均环境污染物产生量、土地利用类型、产业结构、人均GDP、城镇化率等具体生态环境和经济社会指标,进一步将研究区细化为19类生态经济亚区。最后,综合对比分析各类生态经济亚区的生态环境与经济社会特征及地域分异规律,贯彻绿色可持续发展理念,将其确定为优化发展区、重点发展区和保育发展区3类,并提出了针对不同类型区的绿色发展建议。本研究将为中蒙俄经济走廊的绿色发展提供科学支撑。  相似文献   
The Acrochordidae consists of three congeneric species of aquatic snakes distributed among fresh water and coastal marine environments in tropical southern Asia. The smallest species,Acrochordus granulatus, is euryhaline and the only acrochordid that permanently inhabits coastal seas and estuaries. The diving and metabolic physiology of this species is highly specialized and reflects the demands of estuarine environments. A capability for prolonged aerobic diving is attributable to low rates of oxygen consumption, high capacity for oxygen storage, nearly complete utilization of the oxygen stores, and cutaneous gas exchange. Recent studies indicate thatA. granulatus is primarily ammonotelic and requires a source of fresh water for elimination of nitrogenous wastes. The requirement for fresh water potentially limits seaward migration of populations due to the dependence of snakes on rivers or coastal rainfall. Adaptations for shallow-water diving conceivably further limit seaward migration, with the result that they have evolved as estuarine specialists that are restricted from deeper waters and the open ocean.  相似文献   
中蒙俄经济走廊战略地位显著,研究其土地利用格局变化与机理,对亚欧大陆复杂巨系统的生态环境保护和社会经济可持续发展意义重大。本文基于全球土地覆盖遥感数据和实地考察,对自苏联解体及蒙古私有化以来的1992—2019年,中蒙俄经济走廊土地利用格局及其驱动因素和时空变化规律进行了研究。结果表明:①1992—2019年,中蒙俄经济走廊土地利用变化活跃,土地转换面积为361954 km2,主要表现为林地持续下降,建设用地、耕地面积迅速扩张。② 中国部分的林地呈现先减后增的趋势,2000年后东北平原北部林地增加显著,灌丛与草地、裸地分别净减少13325 km2、16632km2;蒙古国部分的林地、灌丛与草地均呈现先减后增的趋势,而裸地面积先增后减,苏赫巴托尔省、肯特省、东戈壁省和戈壁苏木贝尔省四省交界地带裸地增加明显;俄罗斯部分的林地持续下降,共减少46742 km2,耕地面积增加8478 km2,贝加尔湖周边裸地增加41417 km2;俄蒙边境、色楞格河流域以及中蒙俄铁路沿线地区存在沙漠化风险。③ 人口、经济、产业结构以及政策等是中蒙俄经济走廊土地利用变化的主要因素。2010—2018年,人口密度对转为林地的土地影响最大,其解释力q值为0.2597,GDP总量对转为建设用地、裸地、耕地的影响最大,其解释力q值分别为0.9094、0.2234、0.5518。就三国而言,中国部分主要受人口和经济因素以及退耕还林政策的影响,而蒙古国部分则受私有化后超载过牧及开垦耕地的影响,俄罗斯部分主要是砍伐林地和开垦耕地的影响。本研究结果旨在为中蒙俄经济走廊土地资源可持续利用和管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The presented study explores the prediction of soil water retention and its variability from soil texture and bulk density measurements, using a physically-based scaling technique. Specifically, the Arya–Paris (AP) physico-empirical model is applied to two soil datasets that are collected from two catchments located in different areas of Southern Italy. Laboratory-measured soil water retention functions are scaled to characterize soil variability. The laboratory-measured and AP-predicted reference water retention functions are compared by evaluating the lognormal distribution of derived scaling factors, relative to the mean reference retention function. Since the scaling theory assumes geometric similitude for the investigated soils, successful application of using particle-size distribution to estimate soil water retention requires separation of soils with different textures, using variance analysis. We conclude that variability in soil water retention can be determined from limited soil water retention data using the scaling approach when combined with particle-size distribution measurements. This method can potentially be used as an effective tool for identifying soil hydrologic response at catchment scales.  相似文献   
Extremely high concentrations of uranium (U) were discovered in shallow, groundwater-fed hyperalkaline soda lakes in Eastern Mongolia. A representative groundwater sample in this area is dilute and alkaline, pH = 7.9, with 10 mM TIC and 5 mM Cl. In contrast, a representative lake water sample is pH ~ 10 with TIC and Cl each more than 1,000 mM. Groundwater concentrations of U range from 0.03 to 0.43 μM L−1. Lake water U ranges from 0.24 to >62.5 μM, possibly the highest naturally occurring U concentrations ever reported in surface water. Strontium isotopes 87Sr/86Sr varied in groundwaters from 0.706192 to 0.709776 and in lakes 87Sr/86Sr varied from 0.708702 to 0.709432. High concentrations of U, Na, Cl, and K correlate to radiogenic Sr in lake waters suggesting that U is sourced from local Cretaceous alkaline rhyolites. Uranium-rich groundwaters are concentrated by evaporation and U(VI) is chelated by CO3−2 to form the highly soluble UO2(CO3)3−4. Modeled evaporation of lakes suggests that a U-mineral phase is likely to precipitate during evaporation.  相似文献   
Geomorphological evidence and recent trash lines were used as stage indicators in a step-backwater computer model of high discharges through an ungauged bedrock channel. The simulation indicated that the peak discharge from the 26.7 m2 catchment was close to 150m3s?1 during the passage of Hurricane Charlie in August 1986. This estimate can be compared with an estimate of 130–160 m3s?1 obtained using the Flood Studies Report (FSR) unit hydrograph methodology. Other palaeostage marks indicate that higher stages have occurred at an earlier time associated with a discharge of 200 m3s?1. However, consideration of both the geometry of a plunge pool and transport criteria for bedrock blocks in the channel indicates that floods since 1986 have not exceeded 150 m3s?1. Given that the estimated probable maximum flood (PMF) calculated from revised FSR procedure is at least 240 m3s?1, it is concluded that compelling evidence for floods equal to the PMF is lacking. Taking into consideration the uncertainty of the discharge estimation, the 1986 flood computed using field evidence has a minimum return period of 100 years using the FSR procedure. This may be compared with a return period for the same event in the neighbouring gauged River Greta of > 100 years and a rainfall return period of 190 years. In as much as discharges of similar order to FSR estimates are indicated, it is concluded (a) that regional geomorphological evidence and flood simulation within ungauged catchments may be useful as a verification for hydrological estimates of recent widespread flood magnitude and (b) that palaeohydraulic computation can be useful in determining the magnitude of the local maximum [historic] flood when determining design discharges for hydraulic structures within specific catchments.  相似文献   
It is often assumed that three-dimensional topographic maps provide more effective route planning, navigation, orientation, and way-finding results than traditional two-dimensional representations. The research reported here investigates whether three-dimensional spatial mappings provide better support for route planning than two-dimensional representations. In a set of experiments performed as part of this research, human subjects were randomly shown either a two- or three-dimensional hologram of San Francisco and were asked to plan a bicycling route between an origin and a destination point. In a second task, participants used these holograms to identify the highest elevation point in the displayed area. The eye-movements of the participants, throughout the process of looking at the geospatial holograms and executing the tasks, were recorded. The eye-tracking metrics analysis indicates with a high statistical level of confidence that three-dimensional holographic maps enable more efficient route planning. In addition, the research group is developing a new algorithm to analyze the differences between participant-selected routes and a set of "good routes." The algorithm employs techniques used to represent the boundary of objects and methods for assessing the difference between objects in modern digital image recognition, image registration, and image alignment applications. The overall goal is to create a theoretical framework for investigating and quantifying route planning effectiveness.  相似文献   
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