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A coupled deterministic hydrological and water temperature model, CEQUEAU, was modified to include soil temperature and crown closure in its calculation of local advective terms in the heat budget. The modified model was than tested to verify its sensitivity to these modifications. An analysis of the heat budget of a small forested catchment in eastern Canada revealed that the advective term related to interflow plays a significant role in the daily water heat budget, providing on average 28% of the local advective budget (which also includes advective heat terms from surface runoff and groundwater) and nearly 14% of the total heat budget (which includes all radiative terms at the water surface, convection and evaporation, as well as the local advective terms). Relative sensitivity indices (RSIs) were used to verify the impact of the newly introduced parameters and variables. Among them, parameters related to the forest cover (crown closure and leaf area index) have a maximum RSI of ?0·6; i.e. a 100% increase in value produces a 60% decrease in the local advective term. Parameters with the greatest influence are the volume of water contributing to interflow and the amplitude of the net radiative flux at the soil surface, which, if doubled, would double the contribution of the local interflow advective term to the heat budget. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
During the development of the Variscan orogeny, large amounts of granitic melt were produced, giving rise to the intrusion of granitoids at different structural levels. Despite numerous studies, ages available from previous work on the Cévennes granites remain largely imprecise. In order to better constrain the age and emplacement mode of these granites, we have combined U–Pb dating on monazites and zircons and 40Ar/39Ar dating on biotites with petrological observations, major element chemical analysis and SEM zircon imaging on five samples from the Aigoual–St Guiral–Liron and Mont Lozère granitic massifs. The results revealed that granitic intrusions and cooling in Southern Cévennes occurred in a short time span at ∼306 Ma after the main episode of regional metamorphism. Petrological and chemical data suggest that they result from a mixing between mantle-derived basic magmas (lamprophyres) and lower crust acid magmas. At a regional scale the production of these melts occurred at the end of crustal thickening induced by nappe stacking, at the same time as the late anatectic events recorded further north in the Velay dome and the granulite facies metamorphism recorded in metasedimentary granulite enclaves brought up by Tertiary volcanoes of the Velay area (Bournac).  相似文献   
Continental rift systems and anorogenic magmatism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Precambrian Laurentia and Mesozoic Gondwana both rifted along geometric patterns that closely approximate truncated-icosahedral tessellations of the lithosphere. These large-scale, quasi-hexagonal rift patterns manifest a least-work configuration. For both Laurentia and Gondwana, continental rifting coincided with drift stagnation, and may have been driven by lithospheric extension above an insulated and thermally expanded mantle. Anorogenic magmatism, including flood basalts, dike swarms, anorthosite massifs and granite-rhyolite provinces, originated along the Laurentian and Gondwanan rift tessellations. Long-lived volcanic regions of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, sometimes called hotspots, originated near triple junctions of the Gondwanan tessellation as the supercontinent broke apart. We suggest that some anorogenic magmatism results from decompression melting of asthenosphere beneath opening fractures, rather than from random impingement of hypothetical deep-mantle plumes.  相似文献   
The effect of sulfur dissolved as sulfide (S2−) in silicate melts on the activity coefficients of NiO and some other oxides of divalent cations (Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe and Co) has been determined from olivine/melt partitioning experiments at 1400 °C in six melt compositions in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS), and in derivatives of these compositions at 1370 °C, obtained from the six CMAS compositions by substituting Fe for Mg (FeCMAS). Amounts of S2− were varied from zero to sulfide saturation, reaching 4100 μg g−1 S in the most sulfur-rich silicate melt. The sulfide solubilities compare reasonably well with those predicted from the parameterization of the sulfide capacity of silicate melts at 1400 °C of O’Neill and Mavrogenes (2002), although in detail systematic deviations indicate that a more sophisticated model may improve the prediction of sulfide capacities.The results show a barely discernible effect of S2− in the silicate melt on Fe, Co and Ni partition coefficients, and also surprisingly, a tiny but resolvable effect on Ca partitioning, but no detectable effect on Cr, Mn or some other lithophile incompatible elements (Sc, Ti, V, Y, Zr and Hf). Decreasing Mg# of olivine (reflecting increasing FeO in the system) has a significant influence on the partitioning of several of the divalent cations, particularly Ca and Ni. We find a remarkably systematic correlation between and the ionic radius of M2+, where M = Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co or Ni, which is attributable to a simple relationship between size mismatch and excess free energies of mixing in Mg-rich olivine solid solutions.Neither the effect of S2− nor of Mg#ol is large enough by an order of magnitude to account for the reported variations of obtained from electron microprobe analyses of olivine/glass pairs from mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs). Comparing these MORB glass analyses with the Ni-MgO systematics of MORB from other studies in the literature, which were obtained using a variety of analytical techniques, shows that these electron microprobe analyses are anomalous. We suggest that the reported variation of with S content in MORB is an analytical artifact.Mass balance of melt and olivine compositions with the starting compositions shows that dissolved S2− depresses the olivine liquidus of haplobasaltic silicate melts by 5.8 × 10−3 (±1.3 × 10−3) K per μg g−1 of S2−, which is negligible in most contexts. We also present data for the partitioning of some incompatible trace elements (Sc, Ti, Y, Zr and Hf) between olivine and melt. The data for Sc and Y confirm previous results showing that and decrease with increasing SiO2 content of the melt. Values of average 0.01 with most falling in the range 0.005-0.015. Zr and Hf are considerably more incompatible than Ti in olivine, with and about 10−3. The ratio / is well constrained at 0.611 ± 0.016.  相似文献   
We report on simultaneous optical and infrared observations of the Halley Family comet 8P/Tuttle performed with the ESO Very Large Telescope. Such multi-wavelength and coordinated observations are a good example of what can be done to support space missions. From high resolution optical spectroscopy of the CN (0,0) 388 nm and NH2 (0,9,0) 610 nm bands using UVES at UT2 we determined 12C/13C = 90 ± 10 and 14N/15N = 150 ± 20 in CN and we derived a nuclear spin temperature of NH3 of 29 ± 1 K. These values are similar to those found in Oort-Cloud and Jupiter Family comets. From low resolution long slit spectroscopy with FORS1 at UT2 we determined the CN, C3 and C2 production rates and the parent and daughter scale lengths up to 5.2 105 km tailward. From high resolution IR spectroscopy with CRIRES at UT1 we measured simultaneously the production rates and mixing ratios of H2O, HCN, C2H2, CH4, C2H6, and CH3OH.  相似文献   
Ståle Angen Rye 《GeoJournal》2008,71(2-3):171-184
While much of the literature related to the digital divide focuses on either technology penetration in developed countries or the introduction of new technology to the poor and disadvantaged in the developing world, this paper pays attention to the middle-classes in a developing country which is connected to the Internet but under poor conditions. The digital divide is examined by investigating how the uneven distribution of Internet connection influences distance education students’ participation in higher education. Empirically, the paper is informed by a qualitative study of distance education in Indonesia. The main conclusion is that while in more peripheral areas students may not gain much from the use of new technology, the use of this technology may be useful for the further development of such regions. In central areas the new technology seems to contribute to students’ study situations more effectively and the daily environment empowers the students’ study activities, rather than vice versa.  相似文献   
The application of continuum mechanics and microstructural analysis to geological studies over the past 30 years has spurred earth scientists to reassess fundamental tectonic processes such as subduction, collision and rifting in terms of dynamics. Armed with new analytical methods, geologists have returned to the field to look at rock structures with more mechanistic eyes. The advent of sophisticated computers, programs, and laboratory deformation equipment has facilitated the simulation of geodynamic processes that range in scale from the grain to the lithosphere. The result has been specialization, with the concomitant opening of communication gaps between geodynamicists, field geologists and rock mechanicists. Partly, these gaps reflect differences of perception and approach. In order to bridge these gaps, a workshop was organized after the DRM conference to debate how field and laboratory studies of deformed rocks can improve our understanding of lithospheric rheology, and in turn, how this understanding can be used to refine dynamic models of orogenesis. The workshop hosted participants with backgrounds in structural geology, experimental rock mechanics, metamorphic petrology and both numerical and analogue modelling. This paper summarizes the main controversies and conclusions reached during the workshop. For the sake of brevity, referencing in this summary is restricted to literature referred to during the oral presentations and to comments made by speakers themselves (names italicized).  相似文献   
We report observations by the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) on the SOHO spacecraft of three coronal green-line transients that could be clearly associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) detected in Thomson-scattered white light. Two of these events, with speeds >25 km s-1, may be classified as ‘whip-like’ transients. They are associated with the core of the white-light CMEs, identified with erupting prominence material, rather than with the leading edge of the CMEs. The third green-line transient has a markedly different appearance and is more gradual than the other two, with a projected outward speed <10 km s-1. This event corresponds to the leading edge of a ‘streamer blowout’ type of CME. A dark void is left behind in the emission-line corona following each of the fast eruptions. Both fast emission-line transients start off as a loop structure rising up from close to the solar surface. We suggest that the driving mechanism for these events may be the emergence of new bipolar magnetic regions on the surface of the Sun, which destabilize the ambient corona and cause an eruption. The possible relationship of these events to recent X-ray observations of CMEs is briefly discussed. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1004981125702  相似文献   
Four sample sets of the Upper and Middle Loire river sands were analyzed in order to study the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on their petrographic composition in space (on an 800 km stretch) and time. Composition was determined by modal analysis of three sand-size fractions using a polarizing optical microscope and calculated for each sample (“standard sand” = Sst). The watershed is composed mainly of endogenic (Massif Central) and sedimentary (southern Parisian Basin) rocks. B-set sands collected in channels for different water flows in 1996 show that Sst compositions vary by only 5 %. Present-day sands in the Upper Loire and Middle Loire have very high petrographic immaturity comparing to others worldwide fluvial sands, although bio-climatic conditions favor sand maturation by source-rock weathering in the watershed. This shows the strong impact of the Massif Central on sediment yield due to relief rejuvenation as a consequence of the formation of the Alps during the Quaternary. Fluvial sands stored during the Weichselian and the Holocene in the Middle Loire floodplain, although partly weathered since their deposition, show higher inputs from the endogenic rocks of the Massif Central than present-day deposits. This can be explained by Weichselian periglacial conditions and the development of crop farming since the Neolithic, which favored mechanical erosion, particularly in the Massif Central which is characterized by a cold, humid climate and steep slopes. The upstream-downstream change in the composition of presently deposited sand is low in the diked area. It shows however that basalt and some heavy mineral grains are vulnerable to abrasion during transport and indicates a marked sediment yield from ancient sediment stored in the floodplain. This is in line with the high incision of the river bed over the last 150 years partly due to dam construction and aggregate mining.  相似文献   
Acid mine drainage predictive testwork associated with the Australian Mineral Industries Research Association (AMIRA) P387A Project: Prediction and Kinetic Control of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) has critically examined static acid assessment and kinetic information from acid–base accounting techniques, including net acid production potential (NAPP), net acid generation (NAG) and column leach tests. This paper compares results on two waste rock samples that were obtained from the Kaltim Prima Coal mine (KPC) containing significant quantities of fine-grained framboidal pyrite. In agreement with other research, the authors' results indicated that framboidal pyrite is more reactive than euhedral forms due to the greater specific surface area of framboidal pyrite. This is evidenced by optical microscopy of reacted samples. Importantly, the results showed that NAPP testing is biased by the rapid acid generating oxidation of framboidal pyrite prior to, and during the acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) test. This can result in negative ANC values for samples containing significant framboidal pyrite (often “corrected” to zero kg H2SO4/t) when significant ANC is actually present in the sample. NAG testing using H2O2 indicated that samples containing a significant quantity of framboidal pyrite can result in the catalytic decomposition of the H2O2 prior to complete oxidation of the sulfide minerals present, requiring sequential addition of H2O2 for completion. A benefit of the NAG test, however, is that it assesses the net acid generation capacity of the sample without bias towards acid generation as is observed using NAPP methods. The kinetic NAG test also gives information on the reaction sequence of framboidal and euhedral pyrite. Periodic (kinetic) analysis of sub-samples from column leach tests indicated rapid oxidation of the framboidal pyrite compared to the euhedral pyrite, which was correlated with the greater framboidal pyrite surface area.Calculations to determine the sulfide/sulfate acidity derived from the oxidation of framboidal pyrite prior to; and during the ANC test have been developed to provide a better indication of the actual ANC (ANCActual) of the sample. Paste pH values of <pH 4–5 may be one suitable trigger mechanism for the implementation of this new method. This has led to an improved NAPP estimation of total acid production. Together with NAG and column leach testing this improved methodology has resulted in accurate AMD characterisation of samples containing acidic oxidation products and framboidal pyrite.  相似文献   
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