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Climatic frontal zones are selected in the thermohaline fields of the Tropical Atlantic by analyzing the many-year-average seasonal database reduced to the nodes of a one-degree grid. We determine physical characteristics of the frontal zones, study their spatial and temporal variability, and reveal basic regularities of the appearance of frontal zones in the fields of thermohaline characteristics. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   
On the basis of the many-year-average seasonal data array of temperature and salinity presented on a scale of one-degree averaging, by using a special quantitative criterion, we reveal a climatic frontal zone and determine both its physical and hydrological characteristics (such as the length width, and thickness of the frontal layer and the temperature, salinity, and density gradients) and its geographic coordinates. The many-year average seasonal variability of these characteristics is analyzed. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   
The regional features oflong-term variability ofsea surface temperature (SST) in the Black Sea are analyzed using the satellite data for 1982-2014. It is demonstrated that the maximum intraannual and interannual variability of SST is registered on the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea. The high level of interannual variability of SST and maximum linear trends are observed in the northeastern part of the sea. The qualitative connection is revealed between the long-term variability of SST and the variations in the intensity of the Black Sea Rim Current in the long-term seasonal cycle. An increase in the level of interannual variability of SST is observed in summer, when the Black Sea Rim Current weakens. The significant negative correlation is revealed between the interannual anomalies of SST and the NAO index. The highest correlation coefficients are obtained for the eastern part of the Black Sea and near the Crimean coast.  相似文献   
On the basis of the climatic array of hydrological annual and monthly average data on temperature and the data of satellite observations of the surface temperature of the ocean, we refine the annual average structure of the temperature fronts and study their seasonal variability in the east part of the Tropical Atlantic in the meridional sections made along 30, 20, and 10°W, 0°, and 10°E. It is shown that the maximum intensity and seasonal variations are typical of the North Subequatorial and South Tropical Fronts varying with predominant annual period. We revealed a delay of 2–3 months in the attainment of the maximum intensity of the South Tropical and South Subequatorial Fronts in the west-east direction. Various mechanisms specifying the seasonal variability of the surface and subsurface North and South Subequatorial Fronts are discussed. There exists good agreement between the specific features of the seasonal variability of characteristics of the fronts established according to the hydrological and satellite data. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 2, pp. 46–59, March–April, 2005.  相似文献   
We determine the zones of maximum horizontal gradients of thermohaline characteristics and climatic frontal zones in the Tropical Atlantic and their behavior as functions of time and spatial variables on the basis of the climatic array of data on temperature and salinity. It is shown that the zones, where the maximum horizontal temperature, salinity, and density gradients coincide, are located in the northern and southern tropical frontal zones. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   
We study the seasonal and interannual variations of the field of sea-surface temperature (SST) in the Southwest Atlantic on the basis of the analysis of three data arrays, namely, the Levitus-Boyer-1994 hydrological array, the WOD-98 actual database, and the data of satellite measurements of SST. We perform the comparative analysis of the amplitude-phase characteristics of the annual course of the SST field and discuss the distinctive features of its seasonal and interannual variations. It is shown that the results obtained by using different data arrays are in good agreement. The values of the coefficient of linear correlation are equal to 0.7–0.9. It is discovered that the maximum seasonal variations of SST are observed in the zone of confluence of the Falkland and Brasil Currents in the vicinities of the South Subtropical and Antarctic Polar fronts. The minimum seasonal variations are recorded in the Antarctic region and in the Weddell Sea. The satellite data demonstrate that the level of interannual variability is high in the zones of climatic fronts. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 5, pp. 62–76, September–October, 2006.  相似文献   
We determine the characteristic features of the space structure of the Scotia-Sea Front and study the variations of its characteristics on the seasonal and interannual scales. It is shown that, in the climatic seasonal cycle, the Scotia-Sea Front is intensified in the warm period of the year when the temperature contrast between the cold waters formed as a result of thawing of ice and warmer waters transported by the South Branch of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current becomes more pronounced. The maximum seasonal variations of the intensity of this front are observed in the region of minimum intraannual displacements of the boundary of drift ice. The interannual variations of the characteristics of the front are observed in the form anomalous variations of its intensity and latitudinal displacements. A significant relationship is established between the interannual anomalies of the characteristics of the front and the areas of warm tropical waters in the Pacific Ocean caused by the events of El Niño.  相似文献   
On the basis of the many-year monthly average thermohaline data of the oceanographic array, we study some regularities of the seasonal cycle in the fields of temperature, salinity, and the characteristics of water masses in the Drake Passage. We obtain and analyze the amplitude and phase parameters of seasonal oscillations of the investigated quantities. By using the volumetric statistical T, S-analysis, we deduce quantitative estimates of the annual variations of the volumes of main water masses in the Drake Passage. Possible mechanisms responsible for the phenomena observed in this region are discussed.__________Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 6, pp. 62–73, November–December, 2004.  相似文献   
By using the data array of satellite measurements of the sea-surface temperature (SST), it is shown that the distributions of linear trends of the SST for 17 years (1986–2002) are closely correlated with the specific features of large-scale circulation of waters. The extreme values of trends of the SST are observed in the zones of the Gulf Stream, East-Greenland, Labrador, and North-Atlantic Currents, North Equatorial Countercurrent, South Equatorial and Antarctic Circumpolar Currents. The differences between the distributions of trends of the SST for some months of the year are revealed. In the zones of currents transporting warm surface waters from the tropical areas, positive trends of the SST are observed for the most part of the year. On the contrary, negative trends are predominant in the zones of currents transporting cold upwelling waters. Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 4, pp. 32–42, July–August, 2008.  相似文献   
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