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The Mambéré Formation constitutes a horizontal unit located in the western and southwestern part of the Central African Republic. Stratigraphical and sedimentological study provides strong argument to attribute these deposits a glacial origin. A palaeogeographical reconstruction has been outlined in order to precise the age of the formation. Two main categories of glacial deposits have been recognized:
  • glaciogenic deposits made of basal tills (with facetted pebbles) and flow tills (with flattened blunt pebbles);
  • reworked glacial deposits formed of sandstones and conglomeratic sandstones, in continuous beds, lenses or isolated blocks, together with siltstones and bedded sandstones.
  • The southerly provenance of the detrital material is demonstrated by quartz grain surface analysis and heavy-mineral study. This material results essentially from the dismantling of the Precambrian Schistoquartzitic Complex and secondarily from the Granitogneissic Complex. According to the palaeomagnetic polar paths and the migration of the glacial centers over the African continent during the Palaeozoic, the Mambéré Formation may be attributed a Lower Silurian age by reference to similar formations observed in Cameroon or a Lower Carboniferous age by comparison with the glacial formations reported from Niger and Egypt.  相似文献   
    董亚萍 《盐湖研究》1997,5(2):57-63
    1,4—二溴苯,4,4’—二溴联苯、4,4’—二溴三联和亚磷酸三乙酯在催化剂无氯化镍催化下,干燥氮气保护.反应得到相应的有机二磷酸四乙酯。  相似文献   
    实施飞机人工增雨对密云水库水质中Ag+影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
    赵习方  张蔷  秦长学  赵淑艳 《气象》2006,32(5):46-51
    针对2004年6月--2005年7月汛期(5—9月)在密云水库上游汇水区开展以飞机播撒AgI催化剂为主的人工增雨试验,对水库与白河入口处2个采样点水质进行定期连续监测,分析了作业期间汇水区降水量增加对水库水质Ag^+及化学组分的影响,发现水库水体所测组分浓度值作业期小于非作业期;Ag^+有明显的月变化,即作业期为低值区,非作业期为高值区。得出人工增雨后,降水量的增加未影响到水库中Ag^+离子浓度的增加。  相似文献   
    快速城市化地区水系结构变化特征——以深圳市为例   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
    为了探讨城市化对水系结构的影响,应用深圳市1982、2002年的二期水系详查图,定量分析了水系长度、密度、分枝比、分枝能力和分维数等参数的变化特征。结果表明: 快速城市化过程中, 深圳市的河道总长度减少、密度减小, 河道数目减少, 特别是低级别的支流减少较多; 河道的分枝比和分枝能力都有不同程度的弱化, 单个水系片区和全市的河流分维数都下降,河流具有简单化的趋势, 河流的多元化特征削弱; 对于不同水系片区来说, 其变化速度不同, 表明城市化过程对水系结构的干扰存在空间差异性。建议强力推进河流的蓝线规划和滨水区的开发管理, 将水网的保护和规划纳入到城市规划的管理范围; 注重在开发利用中的保护, 减少各类新建城市用地、农用地整理过程中对水系的破坏; 加大水土保持力度, 减少因水土流失导致河流淤塞; 加强管理, 严禁向河道中倾倒垃圾。  相似文献   
    塔里木盆地顺北地区发育大量走滑断裂带,并对油气的运聚成藏有重要控制作用.以顺北西部地区地震资料为基础,对顺北11号走滑断裂带的几何变形特征、活动性、活动期次及其形成机制等进行了分析.顺北11号走滑断裂带整体呈NNW走向延伸,具有垂向分层性和平面分段性.断裂带北段主体为压扭和张扭交互段,中段为两条次级断层控制的拉分地堑,...  相似文献   
    Fossil wood     
    Plants have been making wood (secondary xylem) for more than 370 million years. This familiar material is one of the keys to their massive success. Wood allows plants to attain breathtaking heights and maximize the capture of sunlight for growth. By creating complex, multi‐layered forests, the evolution of wood, has done more to shape life on land than almost any other innovation. Wood is one of the most common terrestrial fossils encountered in the geological record. Whether preserved as huge petrified logs or as minute chunks of charcoal, fossil wood is abundant in rocks of Late Devonian age and younger. It is of enormous scientific importance, shedding light on the identity and stature of ancient trees. As a record of growth over a sustained period, it also tells us much about the climates and environments in which those trees lived. In this article, I explain some aspects of the origin, evolution, preservation, and identification of fossil wood, and emphasise its great significance for geology.  相似文献   
    This feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the potential of poultry by-product meal (PBM) as a protein source in the culture ofLitopenaeus vannamei. Seven isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated to near to commercial diet with about 40% protein and 7.5% lipid. Fish meal was replaced by 0, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% and 100% of PBM (diets 1-7). The diet with 100% fish meal was used as a control (diet 1). Post-larvae were reared in an indoor semi-closed re-circulating system. Each dietary treatment was tested in 4 replicate tanks (260 L) of 40 shrimp, arranged in a completely randomized design. The shrimps were hand-fed for three times a day to near-satiation (0700, 1200 and 1800) for 60d. Percentage weight gain, survival, feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and body composition of shrimps were measured. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in growth performance among shrimps fed diets 1-5 (0-60% fish meal replacement). However, shrimps fed diet 7 (100% fish meal replacement) had significantly lower (P<0.05) growth than those fed diets 1-5 (0-60% fish meal replacement). Shrimp fed diets 2-4 (30%-50% fish meal replacement) showed significantly higher growth than those fed diets 6 and 7 (70% and 100% fish meal replacement, respectively). Survival ranged from 94.7% to 100.0% and did not differ significantly (P>0.05) among different experimental diets. No differences in body composition were found among shrimps fed different diets. These results showed that up to 70% of fish meal protein can be replaced by PBM without adversely affecting the growth, survival, FCR, PER and body composition of Litopenaeus vannamei.  相似文献   
    Microbial communities in different gastrointestinal regions(stomach, foregut, midgut, and hindgut) of the northern snakehead C hanna argus(Cantor, 1842) were compared by polymerase chain reaction and partial 16 S r DNA sequencing. A total of 194, 140, 212, and 122 OTUs were detected in the stomach, foregut, midgut, and hindgut, respectively. Significant dif ferences were found in the Sobs, ACE, Shannon, and Simpson indices among samples(P 0.05). The gastrointestinal microbial community of C. argus consisted predominantly of Proteobacteria with either H alomonas, Shewanella, Plesiomonas, or Sphingomonas. Fusobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes also existed in the gastrointestinal tracts. However, significant diff erences were found in the compositions of microbial community among the four regions( P 0.05). Cyanobacteria and Spirochetes were significantly higher in the midgut and hindgut( P 0.05). Fusobacteria and Firmicutes were dominant in the hindgut and foregut, respectively(P 0.05). Proteobacteria was the lowest in the hindgut( P 0.05). At genus level, C etobacterium and Plesiomonas were significantly higher in the hindgut than in the other three samples( P 0.05). Clostridium and Prevotella were the highest in the midgut(P 0.05). Halomonas, Shewanella, and S phingomonas were the highest in the foregut( P 0.05). Paracoccus and Vibrio were the highest in the stomach. Several genera were only detected in certain regions, as follows: stomach, P aracoccus and Vibrio; foregut, Halomonas, Shewanella, and Sphingomonas; midgut, Clostridium and Prevotella; and hindgut, C etobacterium and Plesiomonas( P 0.05). At the species level, A cinetobacter rhizosphaerae was only detected in the stomach. P revotella copri and Clostridium perfring were not detected in the foregut and midgut, respectively, whereas Prevotella copri and Faecalibacterium pra were not detected in the hindgut. These findings provide valuable information on the microbial community in each gastrointestinal region of C. argus. Moreover, this study indicated that microbial community was not only related to rearing environment but also to the physico-chemical characteristics of each gastrointestinal region.  相似文献   
    The Gradenbach mass movement (GMM) is an example of DGSD (deep-seated gravitational slope deformation) in crystalline rocks of the Eastern Alps (12.85°E, 47.00°N). The main body of the GMM covers an area of 1.7 km2 and its volume is about 120?×?106 m3. A reconstruction of the deformation history yields a mean displacement of?~?22 m from 1962 to 2011. In 1965/66, 1975, 2001, and 2009 high sliding velocities, exceeding several meters per year, interrupt the quasi-stationary periods of slow movement (≤0.3 m/year). Since 1999 the displacement of the main body of the GMM has been observed by GPS. Time series of extensometer readings, precipitation, snow cover water equivalent, water discharge, and hydrostatic water level observed in boreholes were re-processed and are presented in this paper. Continuous recording of seismic activity by a seismic monitoring network at the GMM began in the summer of 2006. Deformation has been monitored since 2007 by an embedded strain rosette based on fiber optics technology and a local conventional geodetic deformation network. The velocity of the GMM could be modeled to a large extent by a quantitative relation to hydro-meteorological data. During the phase of high sliding velocity in spring 2009, the seismic activity in the area increased significantly. Several types of seismic events were identified with some of them preceding the acceleration of the main body by about 6 weeks. The potential inherent in the Gradenbach Observatory data to supply early warning and hazard estimation is discussed.  相似文献   
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