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Steps are distinctive features for estimating the movement of the upper and lower block of faults. However, studies about the influence of steps as a special type of discontinuity on cracking behaviors and strength of rock masses are limited. In this research, rock-like samples with steps and preexisting flaws were fabricated. Step height h and the inclination angle of gentle slope of the step α were set to different values. Direct shear tests were conducted on these samples under different normal stresses. The experimental results reveal that the inclination angle of the gentle slope of the step α, step height h, and normal stress have an influence on the strength, crack initiation, and crack propagation of the samples. The experimental results show that crack behaviors and shear strength were affected by step inclination angles α and step height h. As the normal stress increases, the improvement of the strength of samples with a large step height is larger than that of samples with a small step height, the improvement of the strength of samples with α of 10° is larger than that of samples with α of 0° and-10°. The discrete element method was used to simulate the shear test. Numerical results show five different types of displacement vectors, which can be used to determine whether the cracks are tensile cracks or shear cracks. The above conclusions can provide help for estimating mechanical properties and failure modes of rock masses with steps of different geometries.  相似文献   
落物撞击作用下海底管道风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋平台吊机起吊货物频繁,落物事故偶有发生,对平台附近的海底管道造成危害。在DNV推荐方法的基础上,改进了碰撞概率的计算方法。运用概率统计的方法以及失效概率理论编制Matlab程序,充分考虑各因素不确定性基础上,对落物撞击作用下海底管道进行了风险评估及敏感性分析。为减少落物对海底管线的损伤,及如何配置合理的防护措施提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
海洋浮游植物溶解有机碳释放研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
溶解有机碳(DOC)是海洋中最大的有机碳库,其中化学性质不稳定的成分大部分来自海洋浮游植物的释放。简要回顾了浮游植物溶解有机碳释放研究的发展历史,从光合作用合成的溶解有机碳(PDOC)释放占初级生产力的比重,PDOC的化学组成,浮游植物DOC释放的途径与机制,PDOC释放的环境调控,浮游植物群落组成对PDOC释放的影响,以及浮游植物释放DOC对异养细菌的生态意义等方面对相关研究进行了综述和分析。讨论了浮游植物溶解有机碳释放研究的现状和存在的问题,并对PDOC初级生产力测定的推广和相关研究的深化提出建议。  相似文献   
四川省巴中市通江县新场镇七家沟村二社水头上滑坡为川东典型红层梯田滑坡,区内类似斜坡覆盖范围广泛,但针对该地区此类滑坡的渗流分析研究较少。在对滑坡区进行大量野外调查、勘查、资料收集的基础上,综合运用卫星遥感、无人机航拍、机载LiDAR、室内试验等技术手段,基于Fredlund & Xing土水特征曲线数学模型,采用Geo-Studio中SEEP/W模块进行渗流分析,将不同时间阶段分析结果与SLOPE/W模块耦合,继而得到稳定系数与降雨、时间之间的动态变化关系,揭示了滑坡的变形过程和形成机理。研究显示:(1)连续降雨促使坡体地下水位升高,稳定性降低,最终导致水头上滑坡整体失稳破坏;(2)滑坡变形过程、地下水出露特征与Geo-Studio计算结果基本吻合,说明基于Fredlund & Xing数值模拟在类似地区能提供较为准确的模拟结果;(3)开垦梯田(水田)会降低坡体稳定性。研究结果可为四川山区类似滑坡灾害进行隐患排查和主动防范提供理论支撑,为防灾减灾提供参考依据。  相似文献   
2009年2月在南海北部海域现场观测粒度分级叶绿素a质量浓度和初级生产力(PP)的分布。结果表明,调查海域水柱平均叶绿素a质量浓度的变化范围为0.11~8.37 mg/m3,平均为(1.28±2.23) mg/m3,高值区出现在珠江口及近岸海域;初级生产力的范围为344.8~1 222.5 mgC/(m2·d),平均为(784.2±351.4) mgC/(m2·d),高值区位于近岸及陆架海域。浮游植物粒度分级测定结果表明,在生物量较高的近岸海域,叶绿素a的粒级结构以小型浮游植物占优势,其贡献率为40.9%,微型和微微型浮游植物对总叶绿素a的贡献率分别为34.6%和24.5%;而在生物量较低的陆坡和开阔海域,各粒级浮游植物对叶绿素a的贡献率由大到小依次为微微型浮游植物(78.9%),微型浮游植物(17.2%)和小型浮游植物(3.9%)。相关性分析结果表明,调查海域分级叶绿素a的区域化分布特征与洋流运动下营养盐的分布密切相关,同时叶绿素a又高度影响着此区域PP的分布。此外,我们将调查海域实测所得浮游植物最佳光合作用速率与采用垂向归一化初级生产力模型估算的数据进行对比,发现后者明显低于前者,这说明通过水温估算最佳光合作用速率的算法在冬季南海北部可能存在低估。  相似文献   

In this paper, the author relies on Darcy's law and on an hypothesis formulated from experimental considerations to establish a semi-empirical formula for the calculation of the discharge of partially penetrating wells of free aquifer sunk in isotropic soils.

This relatively simple relation applied to 27 cases studied under an experimental design or numerical computations, reveals itself to have an unexpected accuracy.

Starting from previous formula, the author establishes another one for partially penetrating wells bored in anisotropic soils.  相似文献   
南海北部浮游植物生物量的研究特点及影响因素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了浮游植物生物量变化的研究方法。综述了南海北部浮游植物生物量在营养盐、光照、季风等理化因子影响下出现的变化特点。该海域生态环境复杂,由富营养的珠江口、沿岸带、北部湾和广阔的陆架及贫营养的开阔海区等不同生态区组成,因此浮游植物群落和生物量有其自身复杂的空间和时间变化特点。  相似文献   
Absolute calibration of sea level measurements collected from space-borne radar altimeters is usually performed with respect to collocated sea level in situ records from tide gauges or GPS buoys (Ménard et al. 1994 Ménard, Y., Jeansou, E. and Vincent, P. 1994. Calibration of the TOPEX-Poseidon altimeters at Lampedusa: Additional results at Harves. J. Geophys Res., 99(C12): 2448724504. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029%2F94JC01300 [Google Scholar]; Haines et al. 1996 Haines, B. J., Christensen, E. J., Norman, R. A., Parke, M. E., Born, G. H. and Gill, S. K. 1996. Altimeter calibration and geophysical monitoring from collocated measurements at the Harvest oil platform. EOS Trans. Suppl., 77(22): W16 [Google Scholar]; Bonnefond et al. 2003; Haines et al. 2003 Haines, B. J., Dong, D., Born, G. H. and Gill, S. K. 2003. The Harvest experiment: Monitoring Jason-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon from a California offshore platform. Mar. Geod., 26: 239259. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Schum et al. 2003 Schum, C. K., Yi, Y., Cheng, K., Kuo, C., Braun, A., Calmant, S. and Chambers, D. 2003. Calibration of Jason-1 Altimeter over Lake Erie. Mar. Geod., 26: 335354.  [Google Scholar]; Watson et al. 2003 Watson, C., Coleman, R., White, N., Church, J. and Govind, R. 2003. Absolute calibration of TOPEX/ Poseidon and Jason-1 using GPS buoys in Bass Strait, Australia. Mar. Geod., 26: 285304. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Watson et al. 2004 Watson, C., White, N., Coleman, R., Church, J., Morgan, P. and Govind, R. 2004. TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1: Absolute calibration in Bass Strait, Australia. Mar. Geod., 27: 107131. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080%2F01490410490465373[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Such a method allows regular and long-term control of altimetric systems with independent records. However, this approach is based on a single, geographically dependent point. In order to obtain more significant and accurate bias and drift estimates, there is a strong interest in multiplying the number of calibration opportunities. This article describes a method, called the “offshore method” that was developed to extend the single-point approach to a wider regional scale. The principle is to compare altimeter and tide gauge sea level data not only at the point of closest approach of an overflying pass, but also at distant points along adjacent satellite passes. However, connecting sea level satellite measurements with more distant in situ data requires a more accurate determination of the geoid and mean ocean dynamic topography slopes, and also of the ocean dynamical changes. In this demonstration experiment, 10 years of averaged TOPEX/Poseidon mean sea level profiles are used to precisely determine the geoid and the mean ocean circulation slope. The Mog2d barotropic ocean model (Carerre et Lyard 2003 Carrère, L. and Lyard, F. 2003. Modelling the barotropic response of the global ocean to atmospheric wind and pressure forcing-comparisons with observations. GRL, 30(6): 1275 [Google Scholar]) is used to improve our estimate of the ocean dynamics term. The method is first validated with Jason-1 data, off Corsica, where the dedicated calibration site of Senetosa provides independent reference data. The method is then applied to TOPEX/Poseidon on its new orbit and to Geosat Follow On. The results demonstrate that it is feasible to make altimeter calibrations a few tens to hundreds of kilometers away from a dedicated site, as long as accurate mean sea level altimeter profiles can be used to ensure the connection with reference tide gauges.  相似文献   
v--vThis second paper (Part 2) pertaining to optimized site-specific threshold monitoring addresses the application of the method to regions covered by a teleseismic or a combined regional-teleseismic network. In the first paper (Part 1) we developed the method for the general case, and demonstrated its application to an area well-covered by a regional network (the Novaya Zemlya nuclear test site). In the present paper, we apply the method to the Indian and Pakistani nuclear test sites, and show results during the periods of nuclear testing by these two countries in May 1998. Since the coverage by regional stations in these areas is poor, an optimized approach requires the use of selected, high-quality stations at teleseismic distances.¶To optimize the threshold monitoring of these test sites, we use as calibration events either one of the nuclear explosions or a nearby earthquake. From analysis of the calibration events we derive values for array beamforming steering delays, filter bands, short-term averages (STA) lengths, phase travel times (P waves), and amplitude-magnitude relationships for each station. By applying these parameters, we obtain a monitoring capability of both test sites ranging from mb 2.8-3.0 using teleseismic stations only. When including the nearby Nilore station to monitor the Indian tests, we show that the threshold can be reduced by about 0.4 magnitude units. In particular, we demonstrate that the Indian tests on 13 May, 1998, which were not detected by any known seismic station, must have corresponded to a magnitude (mb) of less than 2.4.¶We also discuss the effect of a nearby aftershock sequence on the monitoring capability for the Pakistani test sites. Such an aftershock sequence occurred in fact on the day of the last Pakistani test (30 May, 1998), following a large (mb 5.5) earthquake in Afghanistan located about 1100 km from the test site. We show that the threshold monitoring technique has sufficient resolution to suppress the signals from these interfering aftershocks without significantly affecting the true peak of the nuclear explosion on the threshold trace.  相似文献   
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