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The Black Band Disease of Atlantic Reef Corals.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. The cyanophyte (Cyanobaclerium) that causes black band disease of Atlantic reef corals is described under the name Phormidium corallyticum , new species (family Oscillatoriaceae) , and its generic placement is discussed from the standpoint of the GEITLERian (classical) and D rouet systems. Distinguishing characters include densely interwoven filaments that form a blackish mat and trichomes without significant cell wall constrictions, almost isodiametric cells (4.2 μm mean width, 4.0μm mean length) tapering end cells, and thin (0.1 μm or less) mucilaginous wall coating. Transmission electron microscopy shows typical cyanophyte cell walls, sheath, nucleoplasm, and cytoplasmic inclusions, but an unusual thylakoid of straight, and, as seen in cell cross section, radiating lamellae. The dark coloration is due to a high concentration of phycocyanin and some phycoerythrin. The species is similar to Oscillatoria (= Phormidium) submembranacea , which differs in several morphological features and does not infect coral tissue. It is concluded that Phormidium should be used for this and related species that have external mucilage but not the distinct sheath found in Lyngbya.  相似文献   
The record of historic earthquakes in lake sediments of Central Switzerland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deformation structures in lake sediments in Central Switzerland can be attributed to strong historic earthquakes. The type and spatial distribution of the deformation structures reflect the historically documented macroseismic intensities thus providing a useful calibration tool for paleoseismic investigations in prehistoric lake sediments.The Swiss historical earthquake catalogue shows four moderate to strong earthquakes with moment magnitudes of Mw=5.7 to Mw=6.9 and epicentral intensities of I0=VII to I0=IX that affected the area of Central Switzerland during the last 1000 years. These are the 1964 Alpnach, 1774 Altdorf, 1601 Unterwalden, and 1356 Basel earthquakes. In order to understand the effect of these earthquakes on lacustrine sediments, four lakes in Central Switzerland (Sarner See, Lungerer See, Baldegger See, and Seelisberg Seeli) were investigated using high-resolution seismic data and sediment cores. The sediments consist of organic- and carbonate-rich clayey to sandy silts that display fine bedding on the centimeter to millimeter scale. The sediments are dated by historic climate and environmental records, 137Cs activity, and radiocarbon ages. Deformation structures occur within distinct zones and include large-scale slumps and rockfalls, as well as small-scale features like disturbed and contorted lamination and liquefaction structures. These deformations are attributed to three of the abovementioned earthquakes. The spatial distribution of deformation structures in the different lakes clearly reflects the historical macroseismic dataset: Lake sediments are only affected if they are situated within an area that underwent groundshaking not smaller than intensity VI to VII. We estimate earthquake size by relating the epicentral distance of the farthest liquefaction structure to earthquake magnitude. This relationship is in agreement with earthquake size estimations based on the historical dataset.  相似文献   
The Carpathian-Pannonian region has been characterized by a two-stage tectonic evolution since the beginning of the Neogene. During early and mid-Miocene the lateral eastward escape of the Pannonian Fragment caused thrusting and folding in the Outer Carpathian Mountains, south- and westward directed subduction of the Eurasian lithosphere, calc-alkaline volcanism along the Inner Carpathian bend, and localized fault-controlled subsidence of basins in the Pannonian region. This style of tectonic deformation ceased by the end of the mid-Miocene. The neotectonic stage began in the late Miocene. It is characterized by differential regional subsidence with maximum rates in the west and east and minimum rates in the centre of the Pannonian Basin. Further characteristics of the central Pannonian Basin are the anomalous high heat flow values, the thin crust and lithosphere. The neotectonic stress field has been determined by in situ stress measurements, the analyses of borehole breakouts and fault-plane solutions of earthquakes. In situ stress measurements by the doorstopper and triaxial strain cell methods indicate high compressional stresses in the western Pannonian Basin with its maximum in WNW-ESE to NW-SE direction. In contrast to its western part, the central Pannonian Basin shows tensional stresses near the Earth's surface with maximum tension in the same WNW-ESE direction. Borehole breakout data indicate a general WNW-ESE orientation of maximum horizontal stress in the western part of the Pannonian Basin and in the eastern part as well, whereas in the central Pannonian Basin this direction is the preferred azimuth of minimum horizontal stress. It is suggested that the neotectonic deformations and stresses in the Carpathian-Pannonian region have a sublithospheric origin. Asthenospheric convection with an upwelling mantle flow below the centre of the Pannonian Basin and downwelling flows along the cold lithospheric roots below the eastern Carpathians and the Alps seems to be most plausible. Accordingly, the relative uplift of the central Pannonian Basin, the high heat flow and also the tensional stresses are explained as the surface expression of an upstreaming branch of a localized convection cell below the Pannonian Basin.  相似文献   
Coral Diseases in the Indo-Pacific: A First Record   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Arnfried  Antonius 《Marine Ecology》1985,6(3):197-218
Abstract. . The so-called "band" diseases of reef corals, the White Band Disease (WBD) and the Black Band Disease (BBD), were observed in the Red Sea and in the Philippines. Since they were previously known only from the western Atlantic, this is the first record for the Indo-Pacific region. WBD is neither infectious nor contagious and the pathogen is unknown. BBD is highly infectious and contagious and is caused by the cyanophyte Phormidium corallyticum. Susceptibility to WBD occurs throughout the order Scleractinia, but the effects of the disease are most severe among Acroporidae. Susceptibility to BBD seems to be restricted to Faviidae, with Platygyra and Goniastrea species the most heavily afflicted. WBD cannot be influenced by any parameter tested so far. BBD can be enhanced by light and by water eutrophication, and its advance can be stopped by antibiotics. An active WBD seems to be a precondition for the origin of BBD.  相似文献   
Geodetically determined recent elevation changes, Plio-Pleistocene uplift history, and Quarternary fault movements suggest that the Folded Jura is neotectonically active. This concept is supported by measurements of in situ rock stress in this region.The regional tectonic stress field and its local variation within and adjacent to the Folded Jura are inferred from (a) shallow stress measurements obtained by overcoring techniques (doorstopper and triaxial strain cell), (b) breakouts in deep boreholes, and (c) fault-plane solutions of earthquakes. The directions of the maximum horizontal stress (SH) in the basement of the proximal Alpine foreland are broadly perpendicular to the arc of the western Alps. However, systematic deviations of SH from the regional northwesterly trend in the basement are observed in the sedimentary cover near the eastern and southern end of the Jura Mountains.These deviations are accounted for, firstly, by a decoupling of the stress through active décollement caused by an active push from the Alps, and, secondly, the blocking of the decoupled cover rocks along preexisting basement ramps.
Zusammenfassung Geodätisch bestimmte Höhenwertänderungen, die pliound pleistozäne Hebungsgeschichte sowie quartäre Störungslinien deuten auf eine neotektonische Aktivität des Faltenjuras hin. Diese Vorstellung wird vor allem durch die Ergebnisse von in situ-Spannungsmessungen unterstützt.Das regionale tektonische Spannungsfeld im und in der Umgebung des Faltenjuras wurde mit Hilfe von oberflächennahen in situ- Spannungsmessungen nach dem Überbohrverfahren (Doorstopper und Triaxialstrainzelle), aus der Analyse von Bohrlochrandausbrüchen in Tiefbohrungen und Herdflächenlösungen von Erdbeben ermittelt. Die größte horizontale Hauptspannung (SH) im Grundgebirge des unmittelbar nördlich der Westalpen angrenzenden Vorlandes ist deutlich senkrecht zum Verlauf des Westalpenbogens ausgerichtet. Im Deckgebirge zeichnet sich jedoch eine systematische Abweichung vom SH-Trend des Grundgebirges ab. Dies trifft besonders auf das östliche und südliche Ende des Juragebirges zu.Die unterschiedliche Orientierung der tektonischen Spannungsfelder läßt auf eine Entkopplung des Spannungsfeldes im Deckgebirge von dem im Grundgebirge schließen. Diese Entkopplung erfolgt in der evaporitischen Abfolge des triassischen Mittleren Muschelkalks. Bedingt durch einen aktiven Schub aus den Alpen könnte es in dieser evaporitischen Abfolge zu einer Abscherung der hangenden sedimentären Deckschichten und damit zu einer Entkopplung des tektonischen Spannungsfeldes von dem des Grundgebirges kommen.Zwei Faktoren kontrollieren das tektonische Spannungsfeld im Deckgebirge. Zum einen die Abscherung des Deckgebirges über der evaporitischen Abfolge des Mittleren Muschelkalks, zum anderen die Blockierung entkoppeltèr Deckgebirgseinheiten entlang präexistenter Grundgebirgsrampen.

Résumé Le soulèvement plio-pleistocène, des mouvements de failles quaternaires et les changements d'altitude récents détectés par géodésie indiquent la présence d'une activité néotectonique dans le Jura plissé. Cette notion est confirmée par des mesures de contraintes effectuées in situ.Le champ des contraintes tectoniques régionales et ses variations locales dans et aux environs du Jura plissé sont déduites: a) de mesures des contraintes superficielles au moyen des techniques de surcarottage (»doorstopper« et cellule de déformation triaxiale); b) de l'observation des fractures des parois dans les sondages profonds; c) de l'étude des mécanismes au foyer des séismes. La contrainte horizontale maximale (SH) dans le socle de l'avant-pays alpin voisin est perpendiculaire à l'arc des Alpes occidentales. Toutefois, dans la couverture sédimentaire de la bordure orientale et méridionale du Jura, on observe des déviations systématiques par rapport à cette orientation NW de SH dans le socle.Ces déviations sont en accord avec un modèle de décollement de la couverture provoqué par la poussée des Alpes, le long des formations évaporitiques du Muschelkalk moyen Un modèle analogue a été proposé antérieurement pour l'évolution néogène de l'ensemble du Jura plissé.Deux facteurs déterminent apparemment la déviation de SH dans la couverture; d'une part le décollement en question, d'autre part un blocage, le long de rampes préexistante du socle, de roches détachées de la couverture.

, , . in situ. in situ / Doorstopper und Triaxialstrainzelle / . / sh / , , . sh . . , . . .. . .
The Skeleton Eroding Band Disease on Coral Reefs of Aqaba, Red Sea   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract.  The occurrence and distribution of the coral disease Skeleton Eroding Band (SEB) has been studied at the Jordanian coast in the Gulf of Aqaba, the northernmost extension of the Red Sea. The SEB syndrome is caused by the colonial, heterotrich ciliate Halofolliculina corallasia : an advancing front of these protists destroys polyps, coenosarc, and surface of the coenosteum. In recent years SEB was registered in reefs of Australia, Mauritius, and the Red Sea. Along the Jordanian coast, disease frequency at four study sites was investigated and afflicted coral genera and species were documented. The study sites were MSS (Marine Science Station)-north, MSS-south, the tourist area near the middle of the coast, and the industrial area adjacent to the Saudi Arabian border. Corals and infections were counted inside randomly placed 1 m2 frames in reef flats and in 5, 10, and 15 m depths. In order of increasing affectedness of sample sites, MSS-south was the healthiest (12%, 4%, 4%, 16% of infected corals from shallow to deep), followed by MSS-north (19%, 28%, 24%, 24%), the tourist area (51%, 23%, 16%, 41%), and the industrial area (14%, 30%, 39%, 31%). By far the most frequently encountered coral species were Acropora spp. and Stylophora sp., while relative infection-rates were highest among Seriatopora sp. (75%), as well as Stylophora sp., Hydnophora sp., and Galaxea sp. (50% each). This was followed in steadily decreasing order from 44% to 5% by Pocillopora , Mycedium , Montipora , Echinopora , Acropora , Lobophyllia , Goniastrea , Millepora , Platygyra , Fungia , Favia , Porites , Goniopora , Favites , and Pavona . SEB was found to a depth of 30 m, but may occur even deeper.  相似文献   
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