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The Jason-1 dual-frequency nadir ionosphere Total Electron Content (TEC) for 10-day cycles 1–67 is validated using absolute TEC measured by Japan's GPS Earth Observation Network (GEONET), or the GEONET Regional Ionosphere Map (RIM). The bias estimates (Jason–RIM) are small and statistically insignificant: 1.62 ± 9 TECu (TEC unit or 1016 electrons/m2, 1 TECu = 2.2 mm delay at Ku-band) and 0.73 ± 0.05 TECu, using the along-track difference and Gaussian distribution method, respectively. The bias estimates are –3.05 ± 10.44 TECu during daytime passes, and 0.02 ± 8.05 TECu during nighttime passes, respectively. When global Jason-1 TEC is compared with the Global Ionosphere Map (GIM) from the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (or CODE) TEC, the bias (Jason–GIM) estimate is 0.68 ± 1.00 TECu, indicating Jason-1 ionosphere delay at Ku-band is longer than GIM by 3.1 mm, which is at present statistically insignificant. Significant zonal distributions of biases are found when the differences are projected into a sun-fixed geomagnetic reference frame. The observed biases range from –7 TECu (GIM larger by 15.4 mm) in the equatorial region, to +2 TECu in the Arctic region, and to +7 TECu in the Antarctica region, indicating significant geographical variations. This phenomena is primarily attributed to the uneven and poorly distributed global GPS stations particularly over ocean and near polar regions. Finally, when the Jason-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) TECs were compared during Jason-1 cycles 1–67 (where cycles 1–21 represent the formation flight with T/P, cycles 22–67 represent the interleave orbits), the estimated bias is 1.42 ± 0.04 TECu. It is concluded that the offset between Jason/TOPEX and GPS (RIM or GIM) TECs is < 4 mm at Ku-band, which at present is negligible.  相似文献   
Abstract The 1995 Kobe (Hyogo-ken Nanbu) earthquake (MJMA 7.2, Mw 6.9) occurred on Jan. 17, 1995, at a depth of 17 km, beneath the areas of southern part of Hyogo prefecture and Awaji Island. To investigate P-wave velocity distribution and seismological characteristics in the aftershock area of this great earthquake, a wide-angle and refraction seismic exploration was carried out by the Research Group for Explosion Seismology (RGES) . The profile including 6 shot points and 205 observations was 135 km in length, extending from Keihoku, Northern Kyoto prefecture, through Kobe, to Seidan on Awaji Island. The charge of each shot was 350–700 kg. The P-wave velocity structure model showed a complicated sedimentary layer which is shallower than 2.5 km, a 2.5 km-thick basement layer whose velocity is 5.5 km/s, overlying the crystalline upper crust, and the boundary between the upper and lower crust.
Almost all aftershock hypocenters were located in the upper crust. However, the structure model suggests that the hypocenters of the main shock and some aftershock clusters were situated deeper than the boundary between the upper and lower crust. We found that the P-velocity in the upper crust beneath the northern part of Awaji Island is 5.64 km/s which is 3% lower than that of the surrounding area. The low-velocity zone coincides with the region where the high stress moment release was observed.  相似文献   
在长江河口潮滩、分流河道和水下三角洲共获得18个柱样,进行沉积学分析和210Pb测定,并对其中6根柱样进行137Cs测定。经研究发现,长江口外在水深25~30m,122°30′N,31°00′E附近存在一个泥质沉积中心,沉积速率达2.0~6.3cm/yr。另外,在潮滩和涨潮槽也获得较高沉积速率,其中南汇和横沙岛潮滩沉积速率(1.03~1.94cm/yr)高于崇明东滩(0.51~0.76cm/yr),涨潮槽沉积速率也达0.86cm/yr。此外,在石洞口、南汇、九段沙潮滩和三角洲前缘有部分柱样未获沉积速率,推测为沉积环境不稳定或沉积速率过快所致。  相似文献   
A large amount of buildings was damaged or destroyed by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami. Numerous field surveys were conducted in order to collect the tsunami inundation extents and building damage data in the affected areas. Therefore, this event provides us with one of the most complete data set among tsunami events in history. In this study, fragility functions are derived using data provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation of Japan, with more than 250,000 structures surveyed. The set of data has details on damage level, structural material, number of stories per building and location (town). This information is crucial to the understanding of the causes of building damage, as differences in structural characteristics and building location can be taken into account in the damage probability analysis. Using least squares regression, different sets of fragility curves are derived to demonstrate the influence of structural material, number of stories and coastal topography on building damage levels. The results show a better resistant performance of reinforced concrete and steel buildings over wood or masonry buildings. Also, buildings taller than two stories were confirmed to be much stronger than the buildings of one or two stories. The damage characteristic due to the coastal topography based on limited number of data in town locations is also shortly discussed here. At the same tsunami inundation depth, buildings along the Sanriku ria coast were much greater damaged than buildings from the plain coast in Sendai. The difference in damage states can be explained by the faster flow velocities in the ria coast at the same inundation depth. These findings are key to support better future building damage assessments, land use management and disaster planning.  相似文献   
Abstract— The CH carbonaceous chondrites contain a population of ferrous (Fe/(Fe + Mg) ? 0.1‐0.4) silicate spherules (chondrules), about 15–30 μm in apparent diameter, composed of cryptocrystalline olivinepyroxene normative material, ±SiO2‐rich glass, and rounded‐to‐euhedral Fe, Ni metal grains. The silicate portions of the spherules are highly depleted in refractory lithophile elements (CaO, Al2O3, and TiO2 <0.04 wt%) and enriched in FeO, MnO, Cr2O3, and Na2O relative to the dominant, volatile‐poor, magnesian chondrules from CH chondrites. The Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio in the silicate portions of the spherules is positively correlated with Fe concentration in metal grains, which suggests that this correlation is not due to oxidation, reduction, or both of iron (FeOsil ? Femet) during melting of metal‐silicate solid precursors. Rather, we suggest that this is a condensation signature of the precursors formed under oxidizing conditions. Each metal grain is compositionally uniform, but there are significant intergrain compositional variations: about 8–18 wt% Ni, <0.09 wt% Cr, and a sub‐solar Co/Ni ratio. The precursor materials of these spherules were thus characterized by extreme elemental fractionations, which have not been observed in chondritic materials before. Particularly striking is the fractionation of Ni and Co in the rounded‐to‐euhedral metal grains, which has resulted in a Co/Ni ratio significantly below solar. The liquidus temperatures of the euhedral Fe, Ni metal grains are lower than those of the coexisting ferrous silicates, and we infer that the former crystallized in supercooled silicate melts. The metal grains are compositionally metastable; they are not decomposed into taenite and kamacite, which suggests fast postcrystallization cooling at temperatures below 970 K and lack of subsequent prolonged thermal metamorphism at temperatures above 400–500 K.  相似文献   
The future regional sea level (RSL) rise in the western North Pacific is investigated by dynamical downscaling with the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) with an eddy-permitting resolution based on three global climate models—MIROC-ESM, CSIRO-Mk3.6.0, and GFDL-CM3—under the highest greenhouse-gas emission scenario. The historical run is forced by the air-sea fluxes calculated from Coordinated Ocean Reference Experiment version 2 (COREv2) data. Three future runs—ROMS-MIROC, ROMS-CSIRO, and ROMS-GFDL—are forced with an atmospheric field constructed by adding the difference between the climate model parameters for the twenty-first and twentieth century to fields in the historical run. In all downscaling, the RSL rise along the eastern coast of Japan is generally half or less of the RSL rise maxima off the eastern coast. The projected regional (total) sea level rises along the Honshu coast during 2081–2100 relative to 1981–2000 are 19–25 (98–104), 6–15 (71–80), and 8–14 (80–86) cm in ROMS-MIROC, ROMS-CSIRO, and ROMS-GFDL, respectively. The discrepancies of the RSL rise along the Honshu coast between the climate models and downscaling are less than 10 cm. The RSL changes in the Kuroshio Extension (KE) region in all downscaling simulations are related to the changes of KE (northward shift or intensification) with climate change.  相似文献   
测定了冲绳海槽DGKS9603孔21个样品中黏土粒级沉积物的常、微量元素组分,利用因子分析的方法,识别出对冲绳海槽中段沉积物物源有重要影响的陆源成因因子、生物成因因子及火山作用和海底热液因子.陆源成因因子的元素组合为Fe2O3,Al2O3,V等惰性元素及K2O,MgO等氧化物;生源因子的元素组合为CaO,Sr,Ba,Mn,P;火山和海底热液成因因子的元素组合为Na,Co,Ni.据样品的因子得分将柱样由上而下划分出物源的4个不同阶段:A段生物成因因子得分高,沉积物质主要是本地生物沉积,但也有富含生物成因物质的陆源物质的贡献;B段火山作用所产生的沉积物质特征显著,Na,Co,Ni呈现高含量;C段以陆源物质和生源物质沉积混杂为特征,元素垂向上变化不大;D段主要为陆源物质,其他来源物质相对较少,且可能主要来自在末次冰期最盛期所出露的陆架沉积.提出了冲绳海槽物源具有阶段性的论点.由于末次盛冰期以来全球气候呈现冷暖交替的阶段性变化,本区物源的阶段性变化是这一时期气候和古环境阶段性变化的良好反映.  相似文献   
Summary Mechanisms associated with Alpine lee cyclogenesis during the early phase of their generation are investigated using a variational quasigeostrophic filter technique. It was possible to extract the quasigeostrophic signal from the available analyzed real data set.The results presented here are for the 11–12 March 1982, an example of so-called orographically induced lee cyclogenesis. Non-quasigeostrophic fields, calculated as a difference between observations and the quasigeostrophic fields, show significant magnitudes indicating the possible importance of non-quasigeostrophic processes. A dipole structure in the residual geopotential field was observed, similar to the results of numerical model experiments. Also, a strong upper-level non-quasigeostrophic divergence was found in the Alpine region 24 hours prior to lee cyclogenesis, lasting for 6–12 hours. On the other hand, quasigeostrophic results indicate only a local effect of mountain slopes, suggesting possibly a dominant role of the low-level blocking. A hypothetical scenario of Alpine lee cyclogenesis is proposed, based on results obtained here.With 14 Figures  相似文献   
Relations in year-to-year variability between wintertime Sea-Ice Concentrations (SICs) in the Okhotsk Sea and atmospheric anomalies consisting of zonal and meridional 1000-hPa wind speeds and 850-hPa air temperatures are studied using a singular value decomposition analysis. It is revealed that the late autumn (October–November) atmospheric conditions strongly influence sea-ice variability from the same season (late autumn) through late winter (February—March), in which sea-ice extent is at its maximum. The autumn atmospheric conditions for the positive sea-ice anomalies exhibit cold air temperature anomalies over the Okhotsk Sea and wind anomalies blowing into the Okhotsk Sea from Siberia. These atmospheric conditions yield anomalous ocean-to-atmosphere heat fluxes and cold sea surface temperature anomalies in the Okhotsk Sea. Hence, these results suggest that the atmospheric conditions affect the sea-ice through heat anomalies stored in sea-ice and oceanic fields. The late autumn atmosphere conditions are related to large 700-hPa geopotential height anomalies over the Bering Sea and northern Eurasia, which are related to a stationary Rossby wave propagation over the North Pacific and that from the North Atlantic to Eurasia, respectively. In addition, the late autumn atmospheric preconditioning also plays an important role in the decreasing trend in the Okhotsk sea-ice extent observed from 1980 to the mid-1990s. Based on the lagged sea-ice response to the late autumn atmosphere, a simple seasonal prediction scheme is proposed for the February–March sea-ice extent using four-month leading atmospheric conditions. This scheme explains 45% of the variance of the Okhotsk sea-ice extent.  相似文献   
根据对越南红河三角洲的2个钻孔的孢粉分析结果,结合沉积特征和高精度的AMS^14C测年数据,恢复了近五千年来百年一千年尺度的气候变化,发现了3个分别开始于4530cal.aBP,2100cal.aBP和620cal.aBP的明显降温事件,其中4530cal.aBP和620cal.aBP降温事件可与全球全新世气候变冷事件中的“新冰期(Neoglacial)”和“小冰期(Little Ice Age)”相对应,可能与由北大西洋地区几个短期变冷事件的全球气候响应机制有关。3340cal.aBP以来,人类干扰性植物成分的增加,表明人类活动对自然植被的影响改造作用增强,因此,本研究中气候的降温事件不排除人类影响的因素,仍需要进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
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