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利用GPS、大地电磁、P波层析成像等数据分析了青藏高原东部地壳运动情况和中下地壳物质流的分布及运动情况,提出了青藏高原东部地壳物质流变模型,认为在青藏高原东部存在两条巨大的、具有固定通道和边界的弱物质流,其他区域则有离散的、不均匀的弱物质流分布。巴颜喀拉块体内部的弱物质流在向东流至龙门山断裂带时,大部分弱物质沿断裂带向南北方向分流,小部分弱物质在断裂带附近沉积、上涌,造成通道堵塞,最终引发了汶川地震。  相似文献   
利用石家庄多普勒天气雷达资料,对2004-2007年的22次冰雹和39次短时强降水天气过程中的各要素进行了对比分析.结果表明:在单体对流云和积层混合型对流云中,冰雹回波的强度、高度均强(高)于短时强降水,并且单体对流云型冰雹和短时强降水的回波强度和顶高均强(高)于积层混合型,积层混合型对流云出现短时强降水比例高于冰雹.在回波中层,短时强降水主要为偏东风和偏南风,冰雹主要为偏西风、偏北风;冰雹平均风速大于短时强降水,在3~6 km的高度风速显著增加.强对流天气出现前均呈现低层辐合,高层辐散;都有较强的上升运动,在天气过程出现后冰雹的下沉运动更强;当高层辐散量大于低层辐合量时,对流云发展加强,反之减弱.  相似文献   
海雾生成过程中平流、湍流、辐射效应研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
推导出一个相对湿度方程,分析了在海雾生成过程中平流、湍流和辐射的效应.  相似文献   
福建省大田—漳平地区位于东部滨太平洋构造带上,不同时期的岩浆热液作用和复杂多变的构造形变格局,为该地区形成丰富的石墨矿床提供了良好的成矿条件。为了查明大田—漳平地区煤系石墨的成矿控制因素及分布规律,通过工业分析、元素分析、X射线衍射和激光拉曼光谱等实验,对不同矿区不同变质程度的煤和煤成石墨的化学组成及微观结构特征等煤成石墨化特征进行了研究,并将不同变形特征的样品划分为煤成石墨、煤成半石墨和石墨化无烟煤三大类。研究表明:煤的变形特征与煤成石墨的演化类型基本一致,且韧性变形样品的石墨化程度最高,说明构造应力作用能促进煤的石墨化作用;煤成石墨的分布受到岩浆-构造活动的控制,石墨矿床多产出于岩浆岩侵入体外接触带或附近断裂带的有利围岩地层中,且大田—漳平地区煤系石墨矿具有明显的成区、成带分布特点,煤成石墨成矿区主要集中在闽西南坳陷南部的漳平一带;而北部大田一带分布的矿区矿体石墨化程度较漳平一带低,多为煤成半石墨或石墨化无烟煤,研究结果可为该地区煤系石墨矿产综合勘探开发利用提供有利依据。  相似文献   
赵瑞金  李江波 《气象》2010,36(2):62-69
为准确分析和识别超折射雷达回波,发挥多普勒天气雷达效益,利用石家庄CINRAD/SA型多普勒天气雷达资料,结合探空实况对2005年11月19—21日华北平原大雾天气过程的超折射回波进行了射线追踪分析。结果表明:华北平原大雾天气有利于大气波导的形成,产生3层模式超折射回波。超折射回波使得雷达的目标视位置与实际位置产生偏差,特别是对雷达测高影响较大。超折射回波一般出现在大雾天气的发展和维持过程中,为进行雷达空间定位和华北平原大雾天气的监测、预报提供新的技术手段和科学依据。  相似文献   
大布苏湖沉积剖面碳酸盐含量氧同位素特征的古气候意义   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
对大布苏湖沉积剖面碳酸盐含量和氧同位素特征研究表明,湖区15000年以来经历了多期冷湿与暖干气候旋回,大约距今6700年左右,气候变干并进入稳定的温暖时期,湖水逐渐高度浓缩,形成了现今的盐碱湖。  相似文献   
Based on the theoretical spectral model of inertial internal wave breaking(fine structure) proposed previously, in which the effects of the horizontal Coriolis frequency component f-tilde on a potential isopycnal are taken into account, a parameterization scheme of vertical mixing in the stably stratified interior below the surface mixed layer in the ocean general circulation model(OGCM) is put forward preliminarily in this paper. Besides turbulence, the impact of sub-mesoscale oceanic processes(including inertial internal wave breaking product) on oceanic interior mixing is emphasized. We suggest that adding the inertial internal wave breaking mixing scheme(F-scheme for short) put forward in this paper to the turbulence mixing scheme of Canuto et al.( T-scheme for short) in the OGCM, except the region from 15°S to 15°N. The numerical results of F-scheme by using WOA09 data and an OGCM(LICOM, LASG/IAP climate system ocean model) over the global ocean are given. A notable improvement in the simulation of salinity and temperature over the global ocean is attained by using T-scheme adding F-scheme, especially in the mid- and high-latitude regions in the simulation of the intermediate water and deep water. We conjecture that the inertial internal wave breaking mixing and inertial forcing of wind might be one of important mechanisms maintaining the ventilation process. The modeling strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC) by using T-scheme adding F-scheme may be more reasonable than that by using T-scheme alone, though the physical processes need to be further studied, and the overflow parameterization needs to be incorporated. A shortcoming in F-scheme is that in this paper the error of simulated salinity and temperature by using T-scheme adding F-scheme is larger than that by using T-scheme alone in the subsurface layer.  相似文献   
石家庄地区反射率因子垂直廓线特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用自动雨量计数据整理成的10 min一次的雨量资料和s波段多普勒天气雷达体积扫描强度数据,对石家庄地区2004~2007年4次天气过程的实时雷达反射率因子垂直廓线的特征进行了分析.结果表明:层状云和混合性降水反射率因子垂直廓线有明显的零度层亮带;短时强降水过程的反射率因子垂直廓线不存在零度层亮带.冰雹过程中反射率凼子垂直廓线变化较大,降雹前反射率因子的极大值在中上层,降雹发生时反射率因子的极大值高度下降,降雹后反射率因子的极大值减弱.降雪过程的反射率因子垂直廓线零度层亮带不明显.在石家庄西部山区,由于零度层亮带的影响.对层状云和混合性降水回波强度和降水量估计偏高.对短时强降水过程的地面降水估计用反射率因子垂直廓线的方法比最低仰角法更加准确,在均匀性降水中可较好地改善地面雨量估算结果,有利于在山区和无雨量计的地区判断强对流天气的发生、发展和估算降水量的大小.  相似文献   
重庆10 kV高压输电线路雷击火灾事故分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
针对2007年7月12日重庆华浩冶炼有限公司粉末厂火灾事故,用力学性能分析和剩余磁场测试相结合的方法对该厂火灾发生处的10 kV高压输电线路进行鉴定,并结合雷电天气分析,得出该火灾事故是由雷击10 kV高压输电线路造成。该方法为在没有安装录波器和闪电计数器的情况下,判断输电线路故障是否由于雷击引起提供参考。  相似文献   
The intraseasonal oscillation(ISO;14-97-day periods) of temperature in the upper 2000 m of the global ocean was studied based on Argo observations from 2003-2008.It is shown that near the surface the ISO existed mainly in a band east of 60 E,between 10 S and 10 N,and the region around the Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC).At other levels analyzed,the ISOs also existed in the regions of the Kuroshio,the Gulf Stream,the Indonesian throughflow,the Somalia current,and the subtropical countercurrent(STCC) of the North Pacific.The intraseasonal signals can be seen even at depths of about 2000 m in some regions of the global ocean.The largest amplitude of ISO appeared at the thermocline of the equatorial Pacific,Atlantic and Indian Ocean,with maximum standard deviation(STD) exceeding 1.2 C.The ACC,the Kuroshio,and the Gulf Stream regions all exhibited large STD for all levels analyzed.Especially at 1000 m,the largest STD appeared in the south and southeast of South Africa-a part of the ACC,with a maximum value that reached 0.5 C.The ratios of the intraseasonal temperature variance to the total variance at 1000 m and at the equator indicated that,in a considerable part of the global deep ocean,the ISO was dominant in the variations of temperature,since such a ratio exceeded even 50% there.A case study also confirmed the existence of the ISO in the deep ocean.These results provide useful information for the design of field observations in the global ocean.Analysis and discussion are also given for the mechanism of the ISO.  相似文献   
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