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In order to evaluate rates of tectonometamorphic processes, growth rates of garnets from metamorphic rocks of the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps were measured using Rb-Sr isotopes. The garnet growth rates were determined from Rb-Sr isotopic zonation of single garnet crystals and the Rb-Sr isotopic compositions of their associated rock matrices. Garnets were analyzed from the Upper Schieferhülle (USH) and Lower Schieferhülle, (LSH) within the Tauern Window. Two garnets from the USH grew at rates of 0.67 –0.13 +0.19 mm/million years and 0.88 –0.19 +0.34 mm/million years, respectively, indicating an average growth duration of 5.4±1.7 million years. The duration of growth coupled with the amount of rotation recorded by inclusion trails in the USH garnets yields an average shear-strain rate during garnet growth of 2.7 –0.7 +1.2 ×10-14 s-1. Garnet growth in the sample from the USH occurred between 35.4±0.6 and 30±0.8 Ma. The garnet from the LSH grew at a rate of 0.23±0.015 mm/million years between 62±1.5 Ma and 30.2±1.5 Ma. Contemporaneous cessation of garnet growth in both units at 30 Ma is in accord with previous dating of the thermal peak of metamorphism in the Tauern Window. Correlation with previously published pressure-temperature paths for garnets from the USH and LSH yields approximate rates of burial, exhumation and heating during garnet growth. Assuming that theseP — T paths are applicable to the garnets in this study, the contemporaneous exhumation rates recorded by garnet in the USH and LSH were approximately 4 –2 +3 mm/year and 2±1 mm/year, respectively.  相似文献   
This work presents a procedure for developing a high-resolution, regional climatology estimate, named RClimo, off the coast of central California. This high-resolution climatology may provide an alternative way to initialize numerical nowcast/forecast exercises in coastal regions. The methodology includes two primary steps: (1) averaging available data on a high-resolution grid and (2) objective interpolating the resulting average profiles onto a regular grid. The first step involves the computation of averages over density layers in the vertical and allowing for data gaps in the horizontal if data are unavailable at a high resolution. The OA in the second step uses anisotropic correlation length scales derived from the data themselves and an averaging radius to preserve the scales and variability of the synoptic fields.  相似文献   
Dry-bulb temperature, dew-point, wind speed, and wind direction were measured in and around an isolated vegetative canopy in Davis CA from 12 to 25 October 1986. These meteorological variables were measured 1.5 m above ground along a transect of 7 weather stations set up across the canopy and the upwind/downwind open fields. These variables were averaged every 15 minutes for a period of two weeks so we could analyze their diurnal cycles as well as their spatial variability. The results indicate significant nocturnal heat islands and daytime oases within the vegetation stand, especially in clear weather. Inside the canopy within 5 m of its upwind edge, daytime temperature fell by as much as 4.5 °C, whereas the nighttime temperature rose by 1 °C. Deeper into the canopy and downwind, the daytime drop in temperature reached 6 °C, and the nighttime increase reached 2 °C. Wind speed was reduced by ~ 2 ms–1 in mild conditions and by as much as 6.7 ms–1 during cyclonic weather when open-field wind speed was in the neighborhood of 8 ms–1. Data from this project were used to construct correlations between temperature and wind speed within the canopy and their corresponding ambient, open-field values.With 10 Figures  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Nach einer Erläuterung des Begriffes Stockwerktektonik wird über derartige Untersuchungen im südlichen Ruhrkarbon berichtet. Hier lassen sich drei durch fließende Übergänge verbundene tektonische Stockwerke unterscheiden: Das Flözleere ist durch das Vorherrschen tektonischer Formen niederer Größenordnung gekennzeichnet, die sich an bestimmten Stellen summieren. Das nächst höhere Stockwerk zeichnet sich durch eine sanfte Faltung und einige typische Faltenformen aus. Ein weiteres Stockwerk ist in seinem Formenschatz stärker differenziert. Über höhere Stockwerke liegen Untersuchungen vonKukuk, Kienow undSeidel vor. - Der vorliegende Bericht bringt nur Ergebnisse aus dem südlichen Revier; eine Gesamtdarstellung kann damit noch nicht gegeben werden.  相似文献   
In the Nearctic ecozone (temperate, subarctic, and arctic environments) hunter–gatherers often have to rely on diets with inadequate caloric intakes during certain times of the year. Although the Neotropic ecozone has different and less extreme conditions, it can also be nutritionally challenging. While the tropical forests offer a more stable diet (in terms of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat availability), high altitude biomes, such as the central Andes, can challenge human populations to metabolize proteins properly in certain times of the year. Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) may have been incorporated in the Andean diet because they represented an additional source of fat, especially when carbohydrates were short in supply.  相似文献   
In the summer of 2001, a coastal ocean measurement program in the southeastern portion of San Pedro Bay, CA, was designed and carried out. One aim of the program was to determine the strength and effectiveness of local cross-shelf transport processes. A particular objective was to assess the ability of semidiurnal internal tidal currents to move suspended material a net distance across the shelf. Hence, a dense array of moorings was deployed across the shelf to monitor the transport patterns associated with fluctuations in currents, temperature and salinity. An associated hydrographic program periodically monitored synoptic changes in the spatial patterns of temperature, salinity, nutrients and bacteria. This set of measurements show that a series of energetic internal tides can, but do not always, transport subthermocline water, dissolved and suspended material from the middle of the shelf into the surfzone. Effective cross-shelf transport occurs only when (1) internal tides at the shelf break are strong and (2) subtidal currents flow strongly downcoast. The subtidal downcoast flow causes isotherms to tilt upward toward the coast, which allows energetic, nonlinear internal tidal currents to carry subthermocline waters into the surfzone. During these events, which may last for several days, the transported water remains in the surfzone until the internal tidal current pulses and/or the downcoast subtidal currents disappear. This nonlinear internal tide cross-shelf transport process was capable of carrying water and the associated suspended or dissolved material from the mid-shelf into the surfzone, but there were no observation of transport from the shelf break into the surfzone. Dissolved nutrients and suspended particulates (such as phytoplankton) transported from the mid-shelf into the nearshore region by nonlinear internal tides may contribute to nearshore algal blooms, including harmful algal blooms that occur off local beaches.  相似文献   
秦岭地区气溶胶对地形云降水的抑制作用   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
戴进  余兴  Rosenfeld Daniel 《大气科学》2008,32(6):1319-1332
以华山站为影响站, 周围的西安、渭南和华阴作为对比站, 通过影响站与对比站降水之比——地形强化因子(Ro)的变化趋势以及Ro与能见度关系的分析, 定量研究了秦岭地区气溶胶对地形云降水的抑制作用。Ro的演变分析表明: 有观测以来Ro逐年递减, 减幅为14%~20%, 即影响站与对比站相比降水量减少了14%~20%; Ro的减少趋势与能见度递减、气溶胶递增相吻合, 说明气溶胶的增加抑制了地形云降水。Ro的递减主要是减少了中小雨 (日雨量小于30 mm) 的天数, 这种影响对浅薄的生命期较短的地形云降水作用更明显, 对于华山站, 30 mm以下的降水都会受到入云气溶胶的抑制作用, 而西安站为5 mm以下, 入云气溶胶浓度越高, 就有越厚的降水云受气溶胶影响而抑制降水; 在以动力强迫抬升为主的春秋季, 气溶胶抑制华山地形云降水20%左右, 最大可达25%; 在热对流条件下, 气溶胶对地形云和对平原地区云的抑制作用基本相当。不同风速风向下Ro的变化趋势表明, Ro递减随风速增大而加快, 迎风向 (240°~30°) 大风 (≥5 m/s) 时减少降水超过30%。由Ro与能见度关系的定量分析发现, 当能见度在14 km时Ro为1.8左右, 随着能见度的降低Ro逐渐减小, 当能见度小于8 km时,R0约为1.2, 减小了30%左右; 华山对于华阴的Ro与能见度呈线性关系, 相关系数达0.81。最后, 根据研究结果归纳出气溶胶抑制秦岭地区地形云降水的初步物理模型。  相似文献   
In this study we compared reproductive characteristics and steroid hormone levels in the non-indigenous scleractinian coral, Oculina patagonica, inhabiting contaminated vs. uncontaminated reference sites along the Israeli Mediterranean coast. Our results indicate significantly higher steroid levels in both seawater and coral tissue samples from contaminated sites as compared to reference sites, suggesting that corals tend to accumulate steroids from the surrounding waters. Despite their higher steroid levels, corals from the contaminated sites showed reproductive potential comparable to those of the reference sites. Interestingly, a clear distinction could be seen between corals exposed to pollution for long vs. short durations, with the latter showing a failure to complete gametogenesis. This suggests that reproduction in O. patagonica is susceptible to acute rather than chronic stress. The involvement of adjustment/adaptation processes may explain this species tolerance, and may reflect the ability of O. patagonica to successfully invade new areas in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
Fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) were measured approximately 5 days a week in ankle-depth water at 19 surfzone stations along Huntington Beach and Newport Beach, California, from 1998 to the end of 2003. These sampling periods span the time before and after treated sewage effluent, discharged into the coastal ocean from the local outfall, was disinfected. Bacterial samples were also taken in the vicinity of the outfall during the pre- and post-disinfection periods. Our analysis of the results from both data sets suggest that land-based sources, rather than the local outfall, were the source of the FIB responsible for the frequent closures and postings of local beaches in the summers of 2001 and 2002. Because the annual cycle is the dominant frequency in the fecal and total coliform data sets at most sampling stations, we infer that sources associated with local runoff were responsible for the majority of coliform contamination along wide stretches of the beach. The dominant fortnightly cycle in enterococci at many surfzone sampling stations suggests that the source for these relatively frequent bacteria contamination events in summer is related to the wetting and draining of the land due to the large tidal excursions found during spring tides. Along the most frequently closed section of the beach at stations 3N-15N, the fortnightly cycle is dominant in all FIBs. The strikingly different spatial and spectral patterns found in coliform and in enterococci suggest the presence of different sources, at least for large sections of beach. The presence of a relatively large enterococci fortnightly cycle along the beaches near Newport Harbor indicates that contamination sources similar to those found off Huntington Beach are present, though not at high enough levels to close the Newport beaches.  相似文献   
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