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Crustal xenoliths in the 1961 andesite flow of Calbuco Volcano, in the southern Southern Volcanic Zone (SSVZ) of the Andes, consist predominantly of pyroxene granulites and hornblende gabbronorites. The granulites contain plagioclase+pyroxene+magnetite±amphibole, and have pronounced granoblastic textures. Small amounts of relict amphibole surrounded by pyroxene-plagioclase-magnetite-glass symplectites are found in some specimens. These and similar textures in the gabbronorites are interpreted as evidence of dehydration melting. Mineral and bulk rock geochemical data indicate that the granulites are derived from an incompatible trace element depleted basaltic protolith that underwent two stages of metamorphism: a moderate pressure, high temperature stage accompanied by melting and melt extraction from some samples, followed by thermal metamorphism after entrainment in the Calbuco andesite lavas. High Nd T values (+4.0 to +8.6), Nd-isotope model ages of 1.7–2.0 Ga, and trace element characteristics like chondrite normalized La/Yb< and La/Nb1 indicate that the protoliths were oceanic basalts. Similar oceanic metabasalts of greenschist to amphibolite facies are found in the Paleozoic metamorphic belt that underlies the Chilean coastal ranges. Mineral and bulk rock compositions of the gabbronorite xenoliths indicate that they are cognate, crystallizing from the basaltic andesite magma at Calbuco. Crystallization pressures for the gabbros based on total Al contents in amphibole are 6–8 kbar. These pressures point to middle to lower crustal storage of the Calbuco magma. Neither granulite nor gabbro xenoliths have the appropriate geochemical characteristics to be contaminants of Calbuco andesites, although an ancient sedimentary contaminant is indicated by the lava compositions. The presence of oceanic metabasaltic xenoliths, together with the sedimentary isotopic imprint, suggests that the lower crust beneath the volcano is analogous to the coastal metamorphic belt, which is an accretionary complex of intercalated basalts and sediments that formed along the Paleozoic Gondwanan margin. If this is the case, the geochemical composition of the lower and middle crust beneath the SSVZ is significantly different from that of most recent SSVZ volcanic rocks.  相似文献   
The British city centre has been the focus of dynamic housing development and repopulation strategies as a key dimension of the government's urban renaissance programme. Through large scale interview surveys in the provincial city centres of Bristol and Swansea, this paper explores the positive and negative features of city centre living, and how these vary amongst a range of social and physical characteristics. The findings suggest that the practical and mundane attractions of city centre living are more important than the more widely publicised lifestyle and cultural attractions of the city centre commonly emphasised in the gentrification literature. Moreover, the research points to differences in attitudes between age groups, with younger adults placing greater value on the range of social and cultural activities in the city centre, whilst older people express high levels of satisfaction with the attractiveness of the environment. A number of policy implications emerge to encourage inclusive marketing strategies within the continued urban renaissance, particularly to challenge the negative perceptions and promote the varied attractions of city centre living to a mix of social groups.  相似文献   
The declining health of marine ecosystems around the world is evidence that current piecemeal governance is inadequate to successfully support healthy coastal and ocean ecosystems and sustain human uses of the ocean. One proposed solution to this problem is ecosystem-based marine spatial planning (MSP), which is a process that informs the spatial distribution of activities in the ocean so that existing and emerging uses can be maintained, use conflicts reduced, and ecosystem health and services protected and sustained for future generations. Because a key goal of ecosystem-based MSP is to maintain the delivery of ecosystem services that humans want and need, it must be based on ecological principles that articulate the scientifically recognized attributes of healthy, functioning ecosystems. These principles should be incorporated into a decision-making framework with clearly defined targets for these ecological attributes. This paper identifies ecological principles for MSP based on a synthesis of previously suggested and/or operationalized principles, along with recommendations generated by a group of twenty ecologists and marine scientists with diverse backgrounds and perspectives on MSP. The proposed four main ecological principles to guide MSP—maintaining or restoring: native species diversity, habitat diversity and heterogeneity, key species, and connectivity—and two additional guidelines, the need to account for context and uncertainty, must be explicitly taken into account in the planning process. When applied in concert with social, economic, and governance principles, these ecological principles can inform the designation and siting of ocean uses and the management of activities in the ocean to maintain or restore healthy ecosystems, allow delivery of marine ecosystem services, and ensure sustainable economic and social benefits.  相似文献   
The sources and pathways of mode waters and lower thermocline waters entering the subtropical gyre of the Indian Ocean are examined. A Lagrangian analysis is performed on an eddy-admitting simulation of the Global Ocean performed by the DRAKKAR Group (NEMO/OPA), which captures the main observed features. We trace the subducted mode water’s pathways, identify their formation regions and trace whether their source waters come from the Atlantic, Pacific or Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean. Three main sites for mode waters ventilation in the Indian sector are identified with different circulation pathways and source water masses: (a) just north of Kerguelen, where 4.2 Sv of lighter Subantarctic Mode Waters (SAMW); σ 0 ∼ 26.5) are exported—originating in the Atlantic and Agulhas Retroflection regions; (b) SW of Australia, where 6.5 Sv of medium SAMW (σ 0 ∼ 26.6) are ventilated—originating in the southern and denser Agulhas Retroflection region; (c) SW of Tasmania and along the South Australian coast, where 3 Sv of denser SAMW (σ 0 ∼ 26.75) are ventilated—originating from three sources: Leeuwin Current waters, Tasman Sea (Pacific) waters and Antarctic Surface Waters. In all cases, modelled mode waters were last ventilated in the Indian Ocean just north of the deepest winter-mixed layers. For the waters subducted SW of Australia, the last ventilation site extends even further north. Waters ventilated in the deepest mixed layers north of the Subantarctic Front are then re-ventilated 5 years later southwest of Australia. The model results raise new hypotheses that revisit the classical picture of the SAMW formation and transformation, where a large homogeneous mixed layer is subducted and ‘slides’ equatorward, essentially maintaining the T/S characteristics acquired at the surface. Firstly, the last ventilation of the modelled mode waters is not in the region of the deepest mixed layers, as previously thought, but further north in regions of moderate meso-scale eddy activity. Secondly, the model shows for the first time a significant source region for Indian Ocean mode waters coming from deep winter-mixed layers along the south Australian coast. Finally, this analysis shows how the mode water characteristics are modified after subduction, due to internal eddy mixing. The simulation shows that resolved eddies have a strong impact on the mixed layer properties and that isopycnal eddy mixing also contributes to the generation of more homogeneous mode water characteristics in the interior.  相似文献   
The flow law determined experimentally for solid CO2 establishes that a hypothesis of glacial flow of CO2 at the Martian poles is not physically unrealistic. Compression experiments carried out under 1 atm pressure and constant strain rate demonstrate that the strength of CO2 near its sublimation point is considerably less than the strength of water ice near its melting point. The data fit a power law “creep” equation of the form
?? = (4 × 106) σ3.9exp(?12 200RT)
, where ? is compressive strain rate (sec?1), σ is compressive stress (bars), R is the gas constant in calories per mole, and T is absolute temperature. The exponent of σ of 3.9 contrasts with a value near 3.1 for water ice, and indicates that the strain rate is somewhat more sensitive to stress for CO2 than for water. Likewise, the low activation energy for creep, 12 200 cal mole?1, illustrates that CO2 is not highly sensitive to temperature and is thus likely to flow over a broad range of temperatures below its melting point. Strength values for CO2 are of the order of one-tenth to one-third the strength of ice under equivalent conditions.A plausible glacial model for the Martian polar caps can be constructed and is helpful in explaining the unique character of the polar regions. CO2-rich layers deposited near the pole would have flowed outward laterally to relieve high internal shear stresses. The topography of the polar caps, the uniform layering of the layered deposits, and the general extent of the polar “sediments” could all be explained using this model. Flow of CO2 rather than water ice greatly reduces the problems with Martian glaciation. Nevertheless, problems do remain, in particular the large amounts of CO2 necessary, the need to increase vapor pressure and temperature with depth in the polar deposits, and the lack of good observational evidence of flor features. Within the limits of the present knowledge of surface conditions of Mars, CO2 glaciation appears to be a realistic alternate working hypothesis for the origin of the polar features.  相似文献   


Standardized sample preparation techniques allow comparison of pyrite dissolution experiments under diverse conditions. Our objective was to assess dry and wet sieving preparation methodologies, and to develop a reproducible technique that yields uniformly size-distributed material within a limited size range of interest.  相似文献   
Southeast South Australia has large reserves of potable groundwater, generally close to the surface. European settlement has had a major impact on groundwater quality due to the presence of extensive karst in the unconfined aquifer. Historically, industries such as cheese factories were often sited close to karst features (e.g. caves and sinkholes) because they provided a convenient means of waste disposal. Although most have long since closed, they have left a legacy of pollution plumes of varying sizes. In Mount Gambier, the main regional centre, the presence of both exposed and subterranean karst features provided a perfect system for the disposal of stormwater. Prior to the provision of a sewerage system within Mount Gambier, all toilet and household wastewaters were disposed to ground. These activities and the subsequent problems that began emerging in the 1960s have led to a concerted effort over the last 20 years to change the philosophy of waste disposal and to generate an understanding and responsibility by those who live in the region and depend on groundwater for the major part of their water supply. Mount Gambier's water supply comes from the Blue Lake. Groundwater inflow from a highly karstic Tertiary limestone aquifer provides 90% of the recharge to the Blue Lake. The lake is a high-value resource in a high-risk environment and in order to minimize this risk, a water-quality management plan for the lake is currently being developed.  相似文献   
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