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For almost 30 hr after the major (gamma-ray) two-ribbon flare on 6 November 1980, 03:30 UT, the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) aboard the SMM satellite imaged in > 3.5 keV X-rays a gigantic arch extending above the active region over the limb. Like a similar configuration on 22 May 1980, this arch formed the lowest part of a stationary post-flare radio noise storm recorded at metric wavelengths at Nançay and Culgoora. 6.5 hr after the flare a coronal region below the arch started quasi-periodic pulsations in X-ray brightness, observed by several SMM instruments. These brightness variations had no response in the chromosphere (H), very little in the transition layer (O v), but they clearly correlated with similar variations in brightness at 169 MHz. There were 13 pulses of this kind, with apparent periodicity of about 20 min, until another flare occurred in the active region at 15:00 UT. All the brightenings appeared within a localized area of about 30000 km2 in the northern part of the active region, but they definitely did not occur all at the same place.The top of the X-ray arch, at an altitude of 155 000 km, was continuously and smoothly decaying, taking no part in the striking variations below it. Therefore, the area variable in brightness does not seem to be the footpoint of the arch, as we supposed for similar variations on 22 May. More likely, it is a separate region connected directly with the source of the radio storm; particles accelerated in the storm may be dumped into the low corona and cause the X-ray enhancements. The X-ray arch was enhanced by two orders of magnitude in 3.5–5.5 keV X-ray counts and the temperature increased from 7.3 × 106 to 9 × 106 K when the new two-ribbon flare occurred at 15:00 UT. Thus, it is possible that energy is brought into the arch via the upper parts of the reconnecting flare loops - a process that can continue for hours.  相似文献   
The mid-Holocene (ca. 8000-4000 cal yr BP) was a time of marked aridity throughout much of Minnesota, and the changes due to mid-Holocene aridity are seen as an analog for future responses to global warming. In this study, we compare the transition into (ca. 9000-7000 yr ago) and out of (ca. 5000-2500 yr ago) the mid-Holocene (MH) period at Kimble Pond and Sharkey Lake, located along the prairie forest ecotone in south-central Minnesota, using high resolution (∼ 5-36 yr) sampling of pollen, charcoal, sediment magnetic and loss-on-ignition properties. Changes in vegetation were asymmetrical with increasing aridity being marked by a pronounced shift from woodland/forest-dominated landscape to a more open mix of grassland and woodland/savanna. In contrast, at the end of the MH, grassland remained an important component of the landscape despite increasing effective moisture, and high charcoal influxes (median 2.7-4.0 vs. 0.6-1.7 mm2 cm− 2 yr− 1 at start of MH) suggest the role of fire in limiting woodland expansion. Asymmetric vegetation responses, variation among and within proxies, and the near-absence of fire today suggest caution in using changes associated with mid-Holocene aridity at the prairie forest boundary as an analog for future responses to global warming.  相似文献   
Tidal marsh degradation has been attributed to a number of different causes, but few studies have examined multiple potential factors at the same sites. Differentiating the diverse drivers of marsh loss is critical to prescribing successful interventions for conservation and restoration of this important habitat. We evaluated two hypotheses for vegetation loss at two marshes in Long Island Sound (LIS): (1) marsh submergence, caused by an imbalance between sea-level rise and marsh accretion, and (2) defoliation associated with herbivory by the purple marsh crab, Sesarma reticulatum. At our western LIS site, we found no evidence of herbivory: crabs were scarce, and crab-exclusion cages provided no benefit. We attribute degradation at that site to submergence, a conclusion supported by topographic and hydrologic data showing that loss of vegetation occurred only in wetter parts of the marsh. In contrast, at our central LIS site, our observations were consistent with herbivory as a driving force: There were substantial populations of Sesarma, crab-exclusion cages allowed plants to thrive, and vegetation loss took place across a variety of elevations. We also analyzed soil conditions at both sites, in order to determine the signatures of different degradation processes and assess the potential for restoration. At the submergence site, unvegetated soils exhibited high bulk density, low organic content, and low soil strength, posing significant biogeochemical challenges to re-colonization by vegetation. At the herbivory site, unvegetated soils had a characteristic “riddled-peat” appearance, resulting from expansion and erosion of Sesarma burrow networks. The high redox potential and organic content of those soils suggested that revegetation at the herbivory site would be likely if Sesarma populations could be controlled before erosion leads to elevation loss.  相似文献   
Despite decades of recognition and worry about diversity, our discipline remains persistently white. That is, it is dominated by white bodies and it continues to conform to norms, practices, and ideologies of whiteness. This is a loss. At best, it limits the possibilities and impact of our work as geographers. At worst, it perpetuates harmful exclusions in our discipline: its working environments, its institutions, and its knowledge production. This remains deeply concerning for many geographers, and there has been important research, commentary, and institutional activity over the years. Yet, research shows us that little meaningful progress has been made. We know that mentoring is one vital part of the journey toward change. As such, we reflect here on our experience developing a research collective built on a transformative mentoring practice. We outline the key challenges, strategies, and tentative successes of the collective in supporting women of color undergraduate, graduate, and faculty geographers, arguing that such feminist formations are a vital part of the path to intellectual racial justice in our field. Key Words: diversity, feminist geography, higher education, mentoring, race.  相似文献   
Submarine mud volcanism is an important pathway for transfer of deep-sourced fluids enriched in hydrocarbons and other elements into the ocean. Numerous mud volcanoes (MVs) have been discovered along oceanic plate margins, and integrated elemental fluxes are potentially significant for oceanic chemical budgets. Here, we present the first detailed study of the spatial variation in fluid and chemical fluxes at the Carlos Ribeiro MV in the Gulf of Cadiz. To this end, we combine analyses of the chemical composition of pore fluids with a 1-D transport-reaction model to quantify fluid fluxes, and fluxes of boron, lithium and methane, across the sediment-seawater interface. The pore fluids are significantly depleted in chloride, but enriched in lithium, boron and hydrocarbons, relative to seawater. Pore water profiles of sulphate, hydrogen sulphide and total alkalinity indicate that anaerobic oxidation of methane occurs at 34-180 cm depth below seafloor. Clay mineral dehydration, and in particular the transformation of smectite to illite, produces pore fluids that are depleted in chloride and potassium. Profiles of boron, lithium and potassium are closely related, which suggests that lithium and boron are released from the sediments during this transformation. Pore fluids are expelled into the water column by advection; fluid flow velocities are 4 cm yr−1 at the apex of the MV but they rapidly decrease to 0.4 cm yr−1 at the periphery. The associated fluxes of boron, lithium and methane vary between 7-301, 0.5-6 and 0-806 mmol m−2 yr−1, respectively. We demonstrate that fluxes of Li and B due to mud volcanism may be important on a global scale, however, release of methane into the overlying water column is suppressed by microbial methanotrophy.  相似文献   
The lateral transport of bicarbonate as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to the oceans is an integral component of the global carbon budget and can represent the sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere. Recently studies have implicated land use change, in particular agricultural development, as an accelerator of bicarbonate export. However, due to the co-variation of land use, bedrock and surficial geologies, and the relationship between bicarbonate export and climate, the impact of anthropogenic activities on DIC export remains an important research question. In order to examine the land use controls on DIC export from small temperate watersheds we sampled 19 streams draining catchments of varying land uses with similar bedrock and surficial geologies. In addition to an agricultural effect, there was a strong correlation between the percent of watershed in urban development and DIC concentrations and DIC yields. Urban watersheds exported 7.8 times more DIC than their nearby forested counterparts and 2.0 times more DIC than nearby agricultural catchments. Isotopic data suggest that excess DIC export from altered systems results from increased chemical weathering, enhanced CO2 production within urban green spaces, and as a result of organic matter loading from septic systems and leaky sewer lines. Furthermore, we found that nitrogen additions (e.g. fertilizers and manure) are aiding in the dissolution of lime, increasing the total export of DIC from agricultural watersheds. Calculated anthropogenic loading rates ranged from 0.43 to 0.86 mol C m− 2 yr− 1. These loading rates suggest that a significant portion of global DIC export might be attributable to human activities, although the impacts on CO2 sequestration are difficult to determine.  相似文献   
Flexure of the Indian plate and intraplate earthquakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The flexural bulge in central India resulting from India's collision with Tibet has a wavelength of approximately 670 km. It is manifest topographically and in the free-air gravity anomaly and the geoid. Calculations of the stress distribution within a flexed Indian plate reveal spatial variations throughout the depth of the plate and also a function of distance from the Himalaya. The wavelength (and therefore local gradient) of stress variation is a function of the effective elastic thickness of the plate, estimates of which have been proposed to lie in the range 40–120 km. The imposition of this stress field on the northward moving Indian plate appears fundamental to explaining the current distribution of intraplate earthquakes and their mechanisms. The current study highlights an outer trough south of the flexural bulge in central India where surface stresses are double the contiguous compressional stresses to the north and south. The Bhuj, Latur and Koyna earthquakes and numerous other recent reverse faulting events occurred in this compressional setting. The N/S spatial gradient of stress exceeds 2 bars/km near the flexural bulge. The overall flexural stress distribution provides a physical basis for earthquake hazard mapping and suggests that areas of central India where no historic earthquakes are recorded may yet be the locus of future damaging events.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity within plant populations can influence plant community structure along environmental gradients. In wetland habitats, salinity and soil type are factors that can vary along gradients and therefore affect plant growth. To test for intraspecific growth variation in response to these factors, a greenhouse study was conducted using common plants that occur in northern Gulf of Mexico brackish and salt marshes. Individual plants of Distichlis spicata, Phragmites australis, Schoenoplectus californicus, and Schoenoplectus robustus were collected from several locations along the coast in Louisiana, USA. Plant identity, based on collection location, was used as a measure of intraspecific variability. Prepared soil mixtures were organic, silt, or clay, and salinity treatments were 0 or 18 psu. Significant intraspecific variation in stem number, total stem height, or biomass was found in all species. Within species, response to soil type varied, but increased salinity significantly decreased growth in all individuals. Findings indicate that inclusion of multiple genets within species is an important consideration for marsh restoration projects that include vegetation plantings. This strategy will facilitate establishment of plant communities that have the flexibility to adapt to changing environmental conditions and, therefore, are capable of persisting over time.  相似文献   
Thirty-three whole-rock drill core samples and thirteen olivine, chromite, and sulfide separates from three differentiated komatiite lava flows at Alexo and Pyke Hill, Canada, were analyzed for PGEs using the Carius tube digestion ID-ICP-MS technique. The emplaced lavas are Al-undepleted komatiites with ∼27% MgO derived by ∼50% partial melting of LILE-depleted Archean mantle. Major and minor element variations during and after emplacement were controlled by 30 to 50% fractionation of olivine Fo93-94. The emplaced lavas are characterized by (Pd/Ir)N = 4.0 to 4.6, (Os/Ir)N = 1.07, and Os abundances of ∼2.3 ppb. Variations in PGE abundances within individual flows indicate that Os and Ir were compatible (bulk DOs,Ir = 2.4-7.1) and that Pt and Pd were incompatible (bulk DPt,Pd < 0.2) during lava differentiation, whereas bulk DRu was close to unity. Analyses of cumulus olivine separates indicate that PGEs were incompatible in olivine (DPGEsOl-Liq = 0.04-0.7). The bulk fractionation trends cannot be accounted for by fractionation of olivine alone, and require an unidentified Os-Ir-rich phase. The composition of the mantle source (Os = 3.9 ppb, Ir = 3.6 ppb, Ru = 5.4 ppb, Pt and Pd = 5.7 ppb) was constrained empirically for Ru, Pt, and Pd; the Os/Ir ratio was taken to be identical to that in the emplaced melt, and the Ru/Ir ratio was taken to be chondritic, so that the absolute IPGE abundances of the source were determined by Ru. This is the first estimate of the PGE composition of a mantle source derived from analyses of erupted lavas. The suprachondritic Pd/Ir and Os/Ir of the inferred Abitibi komatiite mantle source are similar to those in off-craton spinel lherzolites, orogenic massif lherzolites, and enstatite chondrites, and are considered to be an intrinsic mantle feature. Bulk partition coefficients for use in komatiite melting models derived from the source and emplaced melt compositions are: DOs,Ir = 2.3, DRu = 1.0, DPt,Pd = 0.07. Ruthenium abundances are good indicators of absolute IPGE abundances in the mantle sources of komatiite melts with 26 to 29% MgO, as Ru fractionates very little during both high degrees of partial melting and lava differentiation.  相似文献   
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