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The analysis of the fine structure of the Asteroidal Belt evidenciates a group of asteroids next to the resonance 4/9 with Jupiter. In this group and in other groups associated to the Hirayama families there are indications that their orbital parameters can be represented by quantum numbers as defined here and in two of our previous works. Together with this the distribution of the eccentricities and inclinations of the orbital planes of short period comets and diverse type of asteroids indicates that they can be classified as objects with e > sin i and objects with e > sin i with a limit e = sin i which determinates geometrical properties of the orbits related with discrete states in the solar system. This study lets open the possibility of following studies in order to confirm the quantum characteristics of the Asteroidal Belt being these characteristics common to all the solar system and depending of the same fundamental constant of action per mass unit H 0 = 1/2 0 × T 0 (potential × time) because only a small part of all the available data in the Asteroid Belt is used here.  相似文献   
Varela  M. E.  Bjerg  E. A.  Clocchiatti  R.  Labudia  C. H.  Kurat  G. 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1997,60(3-4):145-164
Summary Three generations of fluid inclusions can be recognized in upper mantle xenoliths from alkali basalts of the Somoncura Massif, Northern Patagonia, Argentina. The first (early, primary) one consists of dense CO2 inclusions which were trapped in the mantle-crust boundary zone (22–36 km minimum trapping depth). Their co-genetic relationship with silicate melt inclusions enables us to constrain their minimum trapping temperature at 1200°C, indicating a high temperature event in a cooler environment. The late (pseudosecondary and secondary) generations of fluid inclusions were classified in accordance with their homogenization temperature to liquid CO2 (L1) and vapor CO2 (L2) phase. The minimum trapping depth for the first of the late inclusions (L1) is about 16 km. In spite of the uncertainties related to this value, L1 inclusions indicate that the upper mantle rocks, of which samples were delivered by the basalts, had some residence time in the middle crust where they experienced a metasomatic event. The fact that this event did not destroy the earlier inclusions, places severe constraints on its duration. The second late inclusions (L2) are low-pressure CO2 inclusions with a minimum trapping depth of only 2 km, presumably a shallow magma chamber of the host basalts. The succession of fluid inclusions strongly points toward a fairly fast uprising upper mantle underneath Northern Patagonia. The petrology and mineral chemistry of the peridotitic xenoliths support this view. Extensive partial melting and loss of these melts is indicated by the preponderance of harzburgites in the upper mantle underneath Northern Patagonia, a fairly unusual feature for a continental upper mantle. That depletion event as well as several metasomatic events — including those which left traces of fluid inclusions — are possibly related to a high-speed diapiric uprise of the upper mantle in this area. The path can be traced from the garnet peridotite stability field into the middle crust, a journey which must have been unusually fast. Differences in rock, mineral, and fluid inclusion properties between geographic locations suggest a diffuse and differential type of diapirism. Future studies will hopefully help to map the full extent and the highs and lows of this diapir and elucidate questions related to its origin and future.
Fluid-Einschlüsse in Erdmantel-Xenolithen von Nord-Patagonien: Evidenz für einen Diapir im oberen Erdmantel
Zusammenfassung Erdmantel - Xenolithe in Alkali-Basalten des Somoncure Massivs, Nord-Patagonien, Argentinien, führen drei Generationen von Fluid-Einschlüssen. Die erste (frühe, primäre) Generation besteht aus dichten CO2-Einschlüssen, welche offenbar in der Mantel-Kruste Grenzzone (22–36 km Minimum-Tiefe) eingeschlossen wurden. CO2-Einschlüsse sind kogenetisch mit Silikat-Schmelzeinschlüssen. Dies erlaubt die Abschätzung der Einschließ-Temperatur mit minimal 1200°C, was auf ein Hochtemperatur-Ereignis in einer deutlich kühleren Umgebung hinweist. Die späten (pseudosekundäre und sekundäre) CO2- Fluid-Einschlüsse bilden zwei Generationen von denen die eine in die flüssige (L1), die andere in die Dampfphase (L2) homogenisieren. Die minimale Einschließ-Tiefe für die L1 Generation ist etwa 16 km. Dies bedeutet - auch bei Berücksichtigung der mit diesem Wert verbundenen Ungenauigkeit - daß diese Erdmantel-Gesteine einige Zeit in der mittleren Erdkruste verbrachten und ein metasomatisches Ereignis erlebten, bevor sie von den Basalten zur Erdoberfläche gebracht wurden. Die Tatsache, daß dieses Ereignis die frühen Einschlüsse nicht zerstörte, kann nur bedeuten, daß es von kurzer Dauer war. Die L2-Generation besteht aus Niedrigdruck CO2-Einschlüssen mit einer Minimum-Einschließtiefe von nur 2 km. Dies könnte in einer seichten Magmakammer des Wirt Basaltes geschehen sein.Die Abfolge von Fluid-Einschlüssen deutet auf einen relativ schnell aufsteigenden oberen Erdmantel unterhalb von Patagonien hin. Die Petrologie und Mineralchemie der peridotitischen Xenolithe unterstützen das. Die Vorherrschaft von Harzburgiten im Erdmantel unterhalb von Nord-Patagonien deutet auf umfangreiche Bildung partieller Schmelzen und deren Abfuhr hin — eine für einen kontinentalen Mantel ungewöhnliche Situation. Sowohl die Verarmungsereignisse, als auch die metasomatischen Veränderungen (einschließlich jene, welche Spuren in Form von Fluid Einschlüssen hinterließen) machen das Vorhandensein eines schnell aufsteigenden Daipirs im oberen Erdmantel dieser Gegend wahrscheinlich. Der Aufstieg kann vom Stabilitätsbereich der Granat-Peridotite bis in die mittlere Kruste verfolgt werden und muß daher relativ schnell erfolgt sein. Unterschiede in Gesteins-, Mineral und Fluid-Eigenschaften zwischen verschiedenen Lokalitäten legen einen diffusen und differenziellen Diapirismus nahe. Zukünftige Studien sollten es ermöglichen, das Gesamtausmaß und die unterschiedlichen Aufstiegshöhen des Diapirs zu kartieren und Hinweise auf seine Entstehung und zukünftige Entwicklung zu erhalten.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   
A statistical study of the orbital parameters of comets, asteroids and meteor streams shows that the vectors representing their angular momenta per mass unit (or the average angular momentum for meteor streams) are not arbitrarily distributed in the space: They are clustered around determinated values of angles . This synthesizes the eccentricities and inclinations of the orbital planes in a unique parameter adequated for the statistical purposes of the present work being defined by cos = cos (arc sin e) cos i.The discreteness of the obtained distribution N() and its relation with the components of the angular momenta per mass unit is analysed having this distribution common features for objects of different nature and located in different places in the solar potential well. Some hypotheses concerning to these effects are discussed.  相似文献   
Spectropolarimetry of Jupiter at resolutions between 22 and 35 Å reveals a strong increase of linear polarization in the 7250-A? CH4 band. This is very probably due to the decreasing contribution toward the band center of the higher orders of scattering, which have a smaller net polarization than the first few orders. The linear polarization is also enhanced in the band at 7900 A? comprising the 7920-A? NH3 and 7600- to 8200-A? CH4 bands. The normalized circular polarization shows a feature at 7250 A? with a dispersion shape. This is most probably produced in a double-scattering process involving either a solid or liquid aerosol with an absorption at 7250 A?. Methane aerosols, the obvious candidates from a spectroscopic point of view, are, however, forbidden if current estimates of the Jovian atmospheric temperature are correct.  相似文献   
This paper describes the use of a backprojection algorithm to reconstruct subsurface images of the electrical resistivity in horizontal planes parallel to the surface. The algorithm can be applied to detect buried objects such as tanks or pipes and possible leakages from them. Two imaging strategies are compared: juxtaposition of vertical planes, and 3D reconstruction from the sensitivity matrix corresponding to the entire volume whose surface is explored. The electrode arrays used for voltage measurement are the dipole–dipole array and a modified Schlumberger array. A personal computer controls current injection, electrode switching, and voltage detection. The system injects 1 kHz, 20 V peak-to-peak square waveforms, thus avoiding electrode polarization effects. Experimental laboratory measurements show that the algorithm detects localized objects such as an insulating sphere and a conductive cylinder immersed in water. Furthermore, covering half of the cylinder by a rubber sleeve to simulate a nonconductive leak, yields a distinct image for the leak. The backprojection algorithm does not need any regularization parameter and it is very fast in inverting the sensitivity matrix because it approximates the inverse matrix by its transposed. The dipole–dipole array usually yields a lower overall pixel error than the modified Schlumberger array but both allow the detection of simulated underground leaks.  相似文献   
The study place is in the Barreirinhas region, Maranhão State, northeastern Brazil. A vegetation transect of 78 km was studied among four vegetation types: Restinga (coastal vegetation), Cerrado (woody savanna), Cerradão (dense woody savanna), and Forest, as well as three forested sites around Lagoa do Caçó, located approximately 10 km of the transect. Soil profiles in this transect were sampled for δ13C analysis, as well as buried charcoal fragments were used for 14C dating. The data interpretation indicated that approximately between 15,000 and ∼9000 14C yr B.P., arboreal vegetation prevailed in the whole transect, probably due to the presence of a humid climate. Approximately between ∼9000 and 4000-3000 14C yr B.P., there was the expansion of the savanna, probably related to the presence of drier climate. From ∼4000-3000 14C yr B.P. to the present, the results indicated an increase in the arboreal density in the area, due to the return to a more humid and probably similar climate to the present. The presence of buried charcoal fragments in several soil depths suggested the occurrence of palaeofires during the Holocene. The vegetation dynamic inferred in this study for northeastern Brazil is in agreement with the results obtained in areas of Amazon region, based on pollen analysis of lake sediments and carbon isotope analysis of soil organic matter (SOM), implying than similar climatic conditions have affected these areas during the late Pleistocene until the present.  相似文献   
We analyze changes of four extreme hydroclimatic indices in the RCP8.5 projections of the Phase I CREMA experiment, which includes 21st century projections over 5 CORDEX domains (Africa, Central America, South America, South Asia, Mediterranean) with the ICTP regional model RegCM4 driven by three CMIP5 global models. The indices are: Heat Wave Day Index (HWD), Maximum Consecutive Dry Day index (CDD), fraction of precipitation above the 95th intensity percentile (R95) and Hydroclimatic Intensity index (HY-INT). Comparison with coarse (GPCP) and high (TRMM) resolution daily precipitation data for the present day conditions shows that the precipitation intensity distributions from the GCMs are close to the GPCP data, while the RegCM4 ones are closer to TRMM, illustrating the added value of the increased resolution of the regional model. All global and regional model simulations project predominant increases in HWD, CDD, R95 and HY-INT, implying a regime shift towards more intense, less frequent rain events and increasing risk of heat wave, drought and flood with global warming. However, the magnitudes of the changes are generally larger in the global than the regional models, likely because of the relatively low “climate sensitivity” of the RegCM4, especially when using the CLM land surface scheme. In addition, pronounced regional differences in the change signals are found. The data from these simulations are available for use in impact assessment studies.  相似文献   
Water scarcity and climatic variability in the Mediterranean region have traditionally required the construction of dams to guarantee water supply for irrigation, industrial and urban uses and hydropower production. Reservoirs affect the hydrology of the river downstream, but the magnitude and persistence of these effects are still poorly unknown. Understanding the magnitude of these effects is the objective of this paper, in which we analyse the flow regimes of twelve rivers located in the NW Mediterranean region. Different temporal scales (daily, monthly and annual) are used for the analysis and also to estimate flow variables associated with flow magnitude, frequency, duration and variability. It is shown that dams alter the hydrological regime of most of the studied rivers, with special influence on monthly flows and flood magnitude and frequency. The most altered rivers (Muga and Siurana, NE Iberian Peninsula) experience a complete overturn in their flow regime with, for instance, flood reduction reaching up to 76% for the 2‐year flood event. Other rivers showed lower changes in hydrology (e.g. Orb and Têt). Annual runoff showed a pattern of decrease in all the studied rivers (regulated and non‐regulated) indicating that besides dams (i.e. reservoir evaporation), other factors likely affect water yield. A general recovery downstream from dams is also observed at all temporal scales, mainly because of the inflow from tributaries. Although dams have a clear impact on the hydrology of Mediterranean rivers, water withdrawals and diversions for irrigation and other consumptive uses also affected the hydrological patterns. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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