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The carrier of the natural magnetization of deep sea sediments was characterized by mineralogical, electron microscopic, and rock magnetic investigations. Magnetic single domain (SD) and pseudo single domain (PSD) particles which are most important for the stable remanent magnetization were separated from the magnetic »coarse fraction« and concentrated as magnetic »fine fraction«. The magnetic coarse fraction consists of lithogenic magnetite and titanomagnetite, which often contains exsolution-lamellae of ilmenite. Both minerals are partially maghematized and occur isolated in the sediment or embedded in rock particles, in regionally different concentrations. The magnetic fine fraction consists of lithogenic magnetite and titanomagnetite and biogenic magnetite (magnetofossils = fossil bacterial magnetosomes), the latter generally maghematized.A graphical method is described which allows the classification and characterization of the magnetic fine fraction by demagnetization of the anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) of whole sediment samples. Three groups with different magnetic properties can be distinguished, characterized by three ARM type-curves: Type A curves are associated with sediments from abyssal plaines. They show nearly identical ARM properties and are typical for magnetofossils.Type B curves are produced by sediments from the vicinity of volcanic regions. Their shapes are variable to a certain degree and indicate two lithogenic magnetic phases.Type C curves are found for sediments from submarine ridges and regions with input of terrigenous detritus. These curves have the largest deviations among each other indicating a magnetic multi-phase assemblage including magnetofossils.
Zusammenfassung Die Träger der Magnetisierung von Tiefseesedimenten wurden mineralogisch, elektronenmikroskopisch und gesteinsmagnetisch untersucht. Magnetische Eindomänen (SD) und Pseudo-Eindomänen (PSD) Partikel, die für eine stabile remanente Magnetisierung wichtig sind, wurden als magnetische »Feinfraktion« von der magnetischen »Grobfraktion« abgetrennt. Die magnetische Grobfraktion besteht aus lithogenem Titanomagnetit und Magnetit die teilweise maghemitisiert sind und teilweise auch Ilmenit-Entmischungslamellen aufweisen. In regional unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen liegen sie frei im Sediment oder in silikatischer Matrix eingebettet vor. Die magnetische Feinfraktion besteht sowohl aus lithogenem Titanomagnetit und Magnetit, als auch aus biogenem Magnetit (Magnetofossilien = fossile bakterielle Magnetosomen); letzterer ist größtenteils maghemitisiert.Es wird eine grafische Darstellungsmethode beschrieben, die anhand von Untersuchungen der anhysteretischen remanenten Magnetisierung (ARM) von Sedimentproben eine Charakterisierung der magnetischen Feinfraktion erlaubt. Es lassen sich dadurch drei Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen magnetischen Eigenschaften unterscheiden, die durch drei Gruppen von ARM-Kurventypen charakterisiert sind.Kurventyp A wird bei Sedimenten aus Tiefsee-Ebenen beobachtet. Die ARM-Daten sind nahezu identisch und zeigen ein Verhalten, wie es für Magnetofossilien typisch ist. Kurventyp B tritt bei Sedimenten aus dem Einzugsbereich vulkanischer Gebiete auf. Er zeigt eine größere Variation und die Form der Kurven spricht für ein System aus zwei lithogenen magnetischen Komponenten.Kurventyp C gehört zu Sedimenten aus submarinen Rücken und dem Einzugsgebiet terrigener Schüttungen. Die Kurvenverläufe sind uneinheitlich und sprechen für ein magnetisches Mehrkomponenten-System mit Beteiligung von Magnetofossilien.

Résumé Les minéraux porteurs du magnétisme dans les sédiments de mer profonde ont été explorés par les méthodes de la minéralogie, de la microscopie électronique et du magnétisme des roches. Les particules qui correspondent à un domaine magnétique unique (SD) et pseudo-unique (PSD), significatives pour un magnétisme rénanent stable, ont été concentrées comme «fraction magnétique fine» après séparation de la «fraction magnétique grossière». Cette dernière consiste en magnétite et titanomagnétite lithogéniques, qui renferment souvent des lamelles d'exsolution d'ilménite. Ces deux minéraux sont partiellement maghémitisés; ils se présentent isolés ou inclus dans des fragments de roches, avec des concentrations régionales diverses. La fraction magnétique fine consiste en magnétite et titanomagnétite lithogéniques, ainsi qu'en magnétite biogénique (magnétofossile = magnétosome fossile bactérien), cette dernière ordinairement maghemitisée.Les auteurs présentent une méthode graphique qui permet de caractériser la fraction magnétique fine à partir de l'examen du magnétisme rémanent anhystérique (ARM) de l'échantillon de sédiment. Cette méthode permet de distinguer trois groupes de propriétés magnétiques différentes, caractérisés par trois types de courbes ARM. Les courbes de type A caractérisent les sédiments de plaines abyssales; elles montrent des propriétés ARM presque identiques et sont typiques pour les magnétofossiles. Les courbes de types B sont fournies par les sédiments voisins des régions volcaniques; leurs formes varient dans une certaine mesure et indiquent un système à deux composants magnétiques lithogéniques. Les courbes de type C correspondent aux sédiments des crêtes sous-marines et des régions à apports terrigènes; ces courbes présentent entre elles des différences plus marquées, ce qui indique un système magnétique à composants multiples, comportant des magnétofossiles.

, - . (SD) (PSD) , , » « » «. . . , . , , . » « , , — , , ; . (ARM) , . , ARM. , . - , .
We show that, as previously described, there are conflicts between areas used by people and shorebirds. However, we propose that burrowing organisms add complexity to the shorebird–human interaction that should be taken into account for management and conservation. This is because SW Atlantic mudflats are dominated by high densities (up to 60 crabs m−2) of a strong bioturbator, the burrowing crab Neohelice granulata (=Chasmagnathus granulatus). These crabs affect the habitat use and foraging performance of shorebird species. The two-banded plover Charadrius falklandicus feed more in burrow areas whereas the yellowlegs Tringa spp. and the white-rumped sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis tend to avoid burrow areas. We evaluated the effect of human recreational activities on shorebirds, taking into account shorebird–crab interaction, during shorebird migratory periods (November to April) of 2001, 2002, and 2003. This study was performed at the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37° 40′ S, Argentina). Results showed that people only rarely used the extensive soft bottom intertidals dominated by burrowing assemblages of N. granulata because the soft sediments make walking difficult. Therefore, human impact is reduced for the two-banded plover. However, for several migratory shorebirds that also avoid burrow areas, these areas act as suboptimal alternative areas when human impact is important in their preferred habitats. When human activity is low, shorebirds remain foraging in the area but they decrease their feeding intakes. The extensions of burrow areas differ among estuaries and are likely to generate between-estuaries differences as stopover sites for shorebirds. Also, other species that form large burrowing assemblages can have a similar impact on shorebird–human interactions.  相似文献   
Evaluation of slope stability, especially in the absence of a proper bed such as marine soils, is one of the most important issues in geotechnical engineering. Using geogrid layers to enhance the strength and stability of embankments is regarded as a commendable stabilization method. On the other hand, groundwater level erratically fluctuates in coastal areas. Therefore, the aim of this research is to study the effects of groundwater level changes on stability of a geogrid-reinforced slope on loose marine soils in Qeshm Island, Iran. At first, geotechnical properties of the site were obtained by comprehensive series of geotechnical laboratory and in situ tests. Then, by simultaneous changes of groundwater level and several parameters such as embankment slope, loading, geogrid length, geogrid number, and tensile strength of geogrid, different characteristics such as embankment safety factor (SF), vertical and horizontal displacements at embankment top and embankment base were studied. It was observed that groundwater level had significant effects on behavior of the embankment. For most of the observations, by decreasing the groundwater level, the displacements decreased and consequently safety factor increased. Increasing the length, number, and tensile strength of geogrid led to the reduction of displacements and an increase in the safety factor.  相似文献   
We present the analysis of a multi-azimuth vertical seismic profiling data set that has been acquired in a tight gas field with the objective of characterizing fracture distributions using seismic anisotropy. We investigate different measurements of anisotropy, which are shear-wave splitting, P-wave traveltime anisotropy and azimuthal amplitude variation with offset. We find that for our field case shear-wave splitting is the most robust measure of azimuthal anisotropy, which is clearly observed over two distinct intervals in the target. We compare the results of the vertical seismic profiling analysis with other borehole data from the same well. Cross-dipole sonic and Formation MicroImager data from the reservoir section suggest that no open fractures intersect the well or are present within half a metre of the borehole wall. Furthermore, a detailed dispersion analysis of the sonic scanner data provides no indication of stress-induced seismic anisotropy along the logged borehole section. We therefore explain the azimuthal anisotropy measured in the vertical seismic profiling data with a model that contains discrete fracture corridors, which do not intersect the well itself but lie within the vertical seismic profiling investigation radius. We show that such a model can reproduce some basic characteristics of azimuthal anisotropy observed in the vertical seismic profiling data. The model is also consistent with well test data that suggest the presence of a fracture corridor away from the well. With this study we demonstrate the necessity of integrating different data types that investigate different scales of rock volume and can provide complementary information for understanding the characteristics of fracture networks in the subsurface.  相似文献   
Observations were made of a shallow stratus of upslope origin using an aircraft equipped with insitu probes and with a vertically-pointing radar of 3-mm wavelength. A cloud layer of 300 m thickness was found below the inversion; an additional layer of 100 m thickness was located within the inversion. The coldest temperature within the cloud was -2°C and the cloud contained no ice particles. Drizzle drops up to 180 Am were present in both cloud layers.The observations reveal precipitation and air motion structures of approximately 1 km horizontal dimensions. The origin of this organization appears to be weak convection. In addition, mixing played an important role in forming the cloud droplet and drizzle drop size distributions.  相似文献   
A typical problem of estimation principles of variance and covariance components is that they do not produce positive variances in general. This caveat is due, in particular, to a variety of reasons: (1) a badly chosen set of initial variance components, namely initial value problem (IVP), (2) low redundancy in functional model, (3) an improper stochastic model, and (4) data’s possibility of containing outliers. Accordingly, a lot of effort has been made in order to design non-negative estimates of variance components. However, the desires on non-negative and unbiased estimation can seldom be met simultaneously. Likewise, in order to search for a practical non-negative estimator, one has to give up the condition on unbiasedness, which implies that the estimator will be biased. On the other hand, unlike the variance components, the covariance components can be negative, so the methods for obtaining non-negative estimates of variance components are not applicable. This study presents an alternative method to non-negative estimation of variance components such that non-negativity of the variance components is automatically supported. The idea is based upon the use of the functions whose range is the set of all positive real numbers, namely positive-valued functions (PVFs), for unknown variance components in stochastic model instead of using variance components themselves. Using the PVF could eliminate the effect of IVP on the estimation process. This concept is reparameterized on the restricted maximum likelihood with no effect on the unbiasedness of the scheme. The numerical results show the successful estimation of non-negativity estimation of variance components (as positive values) as well as covariance components (as negative or positive values).  相似文献   
Iran is a mountainous country with large lateral density variations of its crust. Constant density value is commonly used to determine the geoid models as well as topographic corrections. The effect of lateral density variation in the geoid can reach up to 14 cm in Iran which is not negligible in a precise geoid modelling. Also, the current height datum of Iran is based on the orthometric system but the effect of gravity variation was not applied in height parameter. Furthermore, the height systems of most neighbouring countries are defined as normal height. Connection of networks can be useful for the unification of height datum, geodynamics researches and optimal adjustment of levelling network. The new quasi-geoid model based on a recent EGM2008 global geo-potential model was created to solve the mentioned problem. The main purpose of the present study is to discuss the results of a research project in which a gravimetric quasi-geoid model for Iran was computed based on the least-squares modification of Stokes' formula. The evaluation is made using 475 GPS/levelling height anomalies covering the major parts of the country except the mountainous areas to the North and West. After a 7-parameter fit, the most promising attempt achieved a RMS value of 19 cm for the residuals based on the GPS/levelling data.  相似文献   
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - This study seeks to investigate the effect of topographic (slope, elevation, and aspect) and climatic (precipitation and temperature) factors on vegetation in...  相似文献   
The geological environment has been heavily polluted by chemical substances over the past few decades. Pollution sources located on the earth’s surface or underground have affected the quality of the environment. A significant amount of impact could be reduced if the allocation of potential pollution sources was based on an evaluation of environmental conditions. The main objective of this study was to develop a methodology for the allocation of potential pollution sources by employing GIS and multi-criteria evaluation techniques. This methodology was applied to a study area located in the eastern part of Lithuania. A GIS-based land suitability analysis was performed after identifying 16 factors concerning the geological and socio-economic environment, which were important for environmental protection, land use and spatial planning. The environmental and socio-economic factors were divided into eliminating and limiting criteria. Criteria maps based on the selected factors were compiled. Areas delineated by eliminating criteria were identified as unsuitable for development (according to national legislation). Limiting criteria were evaluated according to the suitability level, which were determined in this study considering the principles of sustainable development. The relative importance of each criterion was assessed utilising the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). A land suitability index (LSI) was calculated and the final result of the land suitability analysis was summarized in three suitability maps (environmental, socio-economic and composite). Four suitability classes (unsuitable, least, moderately and most suitable) for the allocation of potential pollution sources in the study area were used, and the nine most suitable candidate sites were selected according to the proposed methodology.  相似文献   
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