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This paper presents a computer investigation extending to the case of parabolic orbits, an earlier investigation conducted by Barricelli and Metcalfe (1969) on lunar impacts by external low eccentricity satellites as a means to interpret the asymmetric distribution of lunar maria. Parabolic orbits can be approximated by two kinds of objects:
  1. High eccentricity external satellites may, near periapsis, approach the Moon with orbital velocity and other characteristics closely resembling those of a parabolic orbit.
  2. Asteroids and meteoroids approaching the Earth-Moon system with a low velocity may have moved in a nearly parabolic orbit when they reached the lunar distance from the Earth at the time when the impacts which carved the lunar maria took place.
The investigation gives, therefore, not only additional information relevant to the interpretation of the distribution of lunar maria by the satellite impacts hypothesis (in this case high eccentricity ones), but also information about the alternative hypothesis (Wood, 1973) that asteroid impacts rather than satellite impacts were involved.  相似文献   
We present the results of probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Iceland in the framework of the EU project UPStrat-MAFA using the so-called site approach implemented in the SASHA computational code. This approach estimates seismic hazard in terms of macroseismic intensity by basically relying on local information about documented effects of past seismic events in the framework of a formally coherent and complete treatment of intensity data. In the case of Iceland, due to the lack of observed intensities for past earthquakes, local seismic histories were built using indirect macroseismic estimates deduced from epicentral information through an empirical attenuation relationship in probabilistic form. Seismic hazard was computed for four exceedance probabilities for an exposure time of 50 years, equivalent to average return periods of 50, 200, 475 and 975 years. For some localities, further return periods were examined and deaggregation analysis was performed. Results appear significantly different from previous seismic hazard maps, though just a semi-qualitative comparison is possible because of the different shaking measure considered (peak ground acceleration versus intensity), and the different computational methodology and input data used in these studies.  相似文献   
New deformation data from the Askja volcano, Iceland, show that the volcano's caldera has been deflating continuously for over 20 years, and confirm that the rate of subsidence is slowing down. The decay in subsidence rate can be fitted with a function of the form e t / τ , where τ is 39 years. Reanalysis of GPS data from 1993–1998 show that these data can be fitted with a model calling for two Mogi point sources, one shallow, and another one much deeper (16.2 km depth). Pressure decrease occurs in both sources. The deeper source is responsible for observed horizontal contraction towards Askja at distances that cannot be explained by the shallower source. Plate spreading of 19 mm/year distributed evenly over about 100-km-wide zone is also favoured by the data.  相似文献   
A small-aperture, strong-motion array, the ICEARRAY, has been deployed in South Iceland, a region with a history of destructive earthquakes, some exceeding magnitude 7. The array’s purpose is: (1) monitoring future significant events in the region, (2) quantifying spatial variability of strong-motion over short distances and (3) shedding light on earthquake source processes. The number of array stations and their arrangement were based on an optimisation of the shape of the corresponding array transfer function (ATF). The optimal ICEARRAY configuration comprises 14 stations, has an aperture of ~1.9 km and a minimum interelement distance of ~50 m and possesses a near-azimuthally independent ATF with a sharp main lobe, negligible sidelobes and a wavenumber range of 1.5–24 rad/km. Accordingly, the ICEARRAY has the intended capabilities of capturing seismic waves in the frequency range of 1–20 Hz, which is of main interest to earthquake engineering and engineering seismology applications.  相似文献   
The widespread and dissected nature of the Angolan gypsiferous salt residuals offers a uniquely detailed view of the lateral and vertical relations inherent to secondary evaporite textures, which typify exhumed salt masses worldwide. Such secondary textures are sometimes misinterpreted as primary evaporite textures. Thin, metre‐scale and patchy, dome‐like gypsum accumulations are well‐exposed within strongly incised present‐day river valleys along the eastern margin of the Namibe and Benguela basins (south‐west Angola). These sections are time equivalent to the main basinward subsurface evaporites (Aptian Loeme Formation) which mostly consist of halite. The gypsum (here called the Bambata Formation) is interpreted to represent the final residual product of fractional dissolution and recrystallization of the halite mass that occurred during Late Cretaceous margin uplift and continues today. This halite underwent multiple episodes of diagenetic alteration between its deposition and its final exhumation, leading to the formation of various secondary gypsum fabrics and solution‐related karst and breccia textures that typify the current evaporite outcrop. Four different diagenetic gypsum fabrics are defined: thinly bedded alabastrine, nodular alabastrine, displacive selenite rosettes and fibrous satin‐spar gypsum. Current arid conditions are responsible for a thin weathered crust developed at the top of the outcropping gypsum, but the fabrics in the main core of the current at‐surface evaporite unit mostly formed during the telogenetic stage of uplift prior to complete subaerial exposure. Alteration occurred as various dissolving and rehydrating saline minerals encountered shallow aquifers in the active phreatic and vadose zones. Geomorphological and petrographic analyses, mostly based on the cross‐cutting relations and crystallographic patterns in the outcrop, are used to propose a sequence of formation of these different fabrics.  相似文献   
The Tjörnes facture zone (TFZ) connects the EW extension of the Mid-Atlantic ridge north of Iceland to the extension of the North volcanic zone (NVZ) of Iceland. Earthquakes up to magnitude 7 (Ms) can occur in TFZ, volcanic eruptions have been observed and large crustal deformations are expected in similar way as have been observed in the NVZ. Most of the zone is below ocean, which limits the historical information and geological observations. For studying the dynamics of the zone we must rely on interpretation and modelling based on seismic observations, especially on microearthquake observations for the last 10 years. In this paper we demonstrate how microearthquakes can be applied to map the details of the plate boundary, and how this information can be applied to find epicenters and fault planes of large historical earthquakes, also how seismic information can be applied in dynamic modelling and to infer spatial and temporal interplay in activity, and to enhance hazard assessment.  相似文献   
Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Thailand   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
A set of probabilistic seismic hazard maps for Thailand has been derived using procedures developed for the latest US National Seismic Hazard Maps. In contrast to earlier hazard maps for this region, which are mostly computed using seismic source zone delineations, the presented maps are based on the combination of smoothed gridded seismicity, crustal-fault, and subduction source models. Thailand’s composite earthquake catalogue is revisited and expanded, covering a study area limited by 0°–30°N Latitude and 88°–110°E Longitude and the instrumental period from 1912 to 2007. The long-term slip rates and estimates of earthquake size from paleoseismological studies are incorporated through a crustal fault source model. Furthermore, the subduction source model is used to model the megathrust Sunda subduction zones, with variable characteristics along the strike of the faults. Epistemic uncertainty is taken into consideration by the logic tree framework incorporating basic quantities, such as different source modelling, maximum cut-off magnitudes and ground motion prediction equations. The ground motion hazard map is presented over a 10 km grid in terms of peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration at 0.2, 1.0, and 2.0 undamped natural periods and a 5% critical damping ratio for 10 and 2% probabilities of exceedance in 50 years. The presented maps give expected ground motions that are based on more extensive data sources than applied in the development of previous maps. The main findings are that northern and western Thailand are subjected to the highest hazard. The largest contributors to short- and long-period ground motion hazard in the Bangkok region are from the nearby active faults and Sunda subduction zones, respectively.  相似文献   
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