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Giorgio Anfuso   《Marine Geology》2005,220(1-4):101-112
This paper analyzes methods and terminologies used in literature for the determination and characterization of vertical distribution of sediment-activation depth, which is bottom sediment layer affected by hydrodynamic processes. Studies on this topic include assessments carried out during short time spans, from minutes to few hours or longer periods, from a tidal cycle to several days. In the first case, activation is generally named “mixing depth” and is calculated by evaluating vertical distribution of fluorescent tracers. In the second case, it is referred to as “disturbance depth” and is generally evaluated using plugs of marked sand and rods, or rods with a loose-fitting washer. Vertical cross and longshore distribution of mixing and disturbance depth values, recorded in different works with different techniques, were also analyzed highlighting the conceptual differences between used methods and obtained results. In a further step, a data set from literature on this topic was gathered to obtain new formulations between disturbance depth and beach and wave characteristics as well as morphodynamic beach state, expressed throughout the surf scaling parameter and the surf similarity index. Good linear regressions were observed between these variables, obtaining expressions that can be easily used in a wide range of beach states, from dissipative and intermediate to reflective ones.  相似文献   
In the Framework Convention on Climate Change an ultimate objective is formulated that calls for stabilization of the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that would allow ecosystems to adapt naturally, safeguard food supply and enable sustainable development to proceed in a sustainable manner. This paper addresses the possible contribution of science to translate this rather vague and ambiguous objective into more practicable terms. We propose a regionalized, risk-based six-step approach that couples an analysis of ecosystem vulnerability to the results of simulations of climate change. An ultimate objective level could be determined in terms of stabilized concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The level and timing of this stabilization would be determined by a political appreciation of associated risks for managed and unmanaged ecosystems. These risks would be assessed by region in an internationally coordinated scientific effort, followed by a global synthesis.  相似文献   
This paper describes a real-time spectrum analyser with on-line definition of the confidence levels built at Trieste Observatory for a research program on periodical components of unknown period in optical sources. The system is realized by a photon counting photometer on-line to a computer that elaborates in real-time the data from the photometer and displays the spectrum of the source measured. The spectrum is normalized to unity mean value and the display is calibrated by the confidence levels relative to the distribution of the spectrum displayed. Some experimental data show the performance of the machine that operates in real-time at full efficiency up to 160 Hz. Work supported by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Gruppo Nazionale di Astronomia, Settore Tecnologie Astronomiche. Trieste Observatory — Instruments and Data Processing Group (1/76).  相似文献   
The Proterozoic basement of the Province of Zambezia (Mozambique) is located near the southern end of the so called Mozambique Belt. Rb-Sr data derived from the analyses of 66 whole rocks and a few mineral samples bear witness of a magmatic and metamorphic episode referable to the Kibaran (ca. 1000 Ma) and helped to model the late-Proterozoic evolution as follows. At 1100–1050 Ma a pre-orogenic, calc-alkaline magmatism was responsible for the emplacement of now deformed granite and granodiorite. This phase was accompanied by rhyolitic volcanism. A subsequent peak of deformation and metamorphism occurred at 1000-950 Ma and was associated with a second generation of substantially post-tectonic granites. A thermal event resulting in the emplacement of a final generation of granites and pegmatites can be dated to around 500-450 Ma.The metamorphic basement has not preserved its protolith age, probably as a result of extensive isotopic homogeneization of Sr in Kibaran times. Its maximum time of differentiation from the mantle should be around 1600 Ma.The very low values of initial Sr isotopic ratios suggest the absence of Archean crustal precursors and support the rather young, yet pre-Pan-African evolution of the southernmost Mozambique Belt.
Zusammenfassung Das proterozoische Grundgebirge der Provinz Zambesi (Mosambique) befindet sich in der Nähe des südlichen Endes des sogenannten Mozambique Belt. Rb/Sr Daten aus 66 Ganzgesteins- und einigen Mineralanalysen zeugen von einer magmatischen und metamorphen Episode die sich dem Kibaran (ca. 1000 Ma) zuordnen läßt, und wie sich im folgenden zeigt, hilfreich bei der Modellisierung der spätproterozoischen Entwicklung ist. Um 1100 bis 1050 Ma erfolgte ein präorogener kalkalkalischer Magmatismus, bestehend aus Graniten und Granodioriten, die heute deformiert vorliegen. Diese Phase wurde von rhyolithischem Vulkanismus begleitet. Von 1000 bis 950 Ma folgte der Höhepunkt der Deformation und Metamorphose, begleitet von einer bedeutenden 2. Generation posttektonischer Granite. Bedingt durch ein weiteres thermales Ereignis intrudierte die letzte Granit- und Pegmatitgeneration vor 500 bis 450 Ma.Im metamorphen Grundgebirge ist das Eduktalter vermutlich aufgrund der starken isotopischen Homogenisierung von Sr während der Kibara-Zeit nicht erhalten. Seine maximale Differentiationszeit vom Mantel muß vor 1600 Ma gewesen sein.Die sehr niedrigen Gehalte der initialen Sr-Isotopenverhältnisse lassen die Abwesenheit von archaischen Krustenvorläufern vermuten, und unterstützen die sehr junge, bis jetzt Prä-Pan-Afrikanische Entwicklung des südlichsten Mozambique Belts.

Résumé Le socle protérozoïque de la province du Zambèze, au Mozambique, se trouve à proximité de l'extrémité sud du «Mozambique Belt». Des mesures Rb/Sr effectuées sur 66 roches totales et sur quelques minéraux témoignent d'un épisode magmatique et métamorphique attribuable au Kibarien (environ 1.000 Ma), ce qui permet de se représenter comme suit l'histoire de cette région au Protérozoïque supérieur. Il y a 1.100 à 1.050 Ma, la région a connu une phase de magmatisme calco-alcalin qui s'est traduite par la mise en place de granites et granodiorites, aujord'hui déformés. Cette phase s'est accompagnée d'un volcanisme rhyolitique. Elle a été suivie, entre 1.000 et 950 Ma, d'une activité tectono-métamorphique majeure, à laquelle est associée une deuxième et importante génération de granites, post-tectoniques. Ultérieurement, la région a connu encore un épisode thermique, daté à 500-450 Ma, responsable de la mise en place d'une dernière génération de granite et de pegmatite.Le socle métamorphique n'a pas gardé de témoins de l'âge de son protolithe, en raison probablement de la forte homogénisation isotopique du Sr à l'époque kibarienne. Lâge maximal de sa différenciation à partir du manteau doit se situer autour de 1.600 Ma.La valeur très basse des rapports isotopiques initiaux du Sr suggère l'absence de précurseurs crustaux archéens et incite à admettre une évolution relativement jeune — bien que pré-panafricaine — du «Mozambique Belt» méridional.

() .. . , Rb/Sr 66 , , Kibara, 1000 , , , . 1100 1050 - - , , . . 1000 950 , - . , 500 450 . , , , Kibara. , , 1600 my . - .
Using an excimer (KrF) laser ablation ICP-MS system, we studied the distribution of REE in garnets from metapelites and metabasites from Ivrea-Verbano (Western Alps, Italy) and from the Peña Negra Anatectic Complex (Central Iberia), finding systematic variations that correlate well with the metamorphic grade. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of garnets from amphibolite-grade metapelites have lower-than-chondrite levels from La to Sm, a very small or no Eu anomaly, and a steep rise in the abundance of heavy REE as the atomic number increases. Metapelitic garnets from the amphibolite-granulite transition have a marked Eu negative anomaly and are enriched in MREE such that Sm is 10-15 times chondrite and the pattern is almost flat from Dy to Yb-Lu. In garnets from granulite-grade metapelites, the intensity of the Eu anomaly and the relative concentration of Nd, Sm, Gd and Tb increase, with almost flat chondrite-normalized patterns from Sm to Lu. Garnets from mafic granulites are remarkably similar to those of metapelitic garnets equilibrated at the same pressure, except for the Eu anomaly. The apparent paradox of enhanced uptake of larger REE ions with increasing pressure is attributed to the 3M2+ 2REE3++ vacancy substitution, which produces a net decrease in the dimensions of the unit-cell of garnet. Variations in REE patterns depend essentially on the pressure and have little dependence on either temperature, bulk-composition of garnet, or REE whole-rock composition, so they could represent a new approach for geobarometric studies. The best numerical parameter to express pressure-related variations of REE distribution in garnets is the Gd/Dy ratio which does not seem perceptibly affected by disequilibrium partitioning. The regression equation between GASP pressure and the average Gd/Dygarnet is P = 3.6 + 5.6 Gd/Dy. This equation seems to be reliable for garnets: (1)equilibrated within a pressure range of 4-9 kbar, (2) coexisting with modal monazite; and (3) with unit-cell dimensions under 11.46 Å.  相似文献   
The relative importance of the contribution of the lower crust and of the lithospheric mantle to the total strength of the continental lithosphere is assessed systematically for realistic ranges of layer thickness, composition, and temperature. Results are presented as relative strength maps, giving the ratio of the lower crust to upper mantle contribution in terms of crustal thickness and surface heat flow. The lithosphere shows a “jelly sandwich” rheological layering for low surface heat flow, thin to average crustal thickness, and felsic or wet mafic lower crustal compositions. On the other hand, most of the total strength resides in the seismogenic crust in regions of high surface heat flow, crust of any thickness, and dry mafic lower crustal composition.  相似文献   
A critical analysis of the geometric properties of oceanic fracture zones leads to the conclusion that their identification with ridge—ridge transform faults is an oversimplification. Models are presented, and examples are given, of processes (asymmetric spreading and differential spreading) which can alter the ridge-fracture zone pattern and extend active shear within lithospheric plates. These processes have a number of interesting tectonic consequences and could offer an explanation for, among other things, belts of intra-plate seismic activity and reversal of slip directions along a strike-slip fault.  相似文献   
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