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Anthropogenic aerosols in the lower troposphere increase the absorption and scattering of solar radiation by air and clouds, causing a warmer atmosphere and a cooler surface. It is suspected that these effects contribute to slow down the hydrological cycle. We conducted a series of numerical experiments using a limited area atmospheric model to understand the impacts of aerosol radiative forcing on the rainfall process. Experiments with different radiative conditions under an idealized setting revealed that increasing atmospheric forcing and decreasing surface forcing of radiation causes reductions in rainfall. There was no relationship of top of the atmosphere forcing to the rainfall yield. The model was then used to simulate a domain covering southern part of Sri Lanka, over for the period from November 2002 to July 2003. For a given radiative forcing, instances with lower rainfall yields showed larger fractional reductions in rainfall. The trends in seasonal rainfall observed over the site in past 30 years in a different study confirms this finding. We conclude that the negative impact of increase of anthropogenic aerosols on rainfall would be more severe on regions and seasons with lower rainfall yields. The consequences of this problem on the industries that critically depend on well-distributed rainfall like non-irrigated agriculture and on the general livelihood of societies in low-rain areas can be serious.  相似文献   
Urbanization is a primary driver of nutrient export in coastal catchments; however, estimating the rate of export from urbanizing, remote and ungauged communities with episodic rainfall characteristics has rarely been reported in tropical and subtropical areas. In this study, the coastal catchment of Roebuck Bay near Broome, northwestern Australia, was instrumented to elucidate the effect of seasonal flushing on nutrient export. A cost-effective framework involving temporary gauging and community participation led to a quantitative estimate of surface hydrology and nutrient dynamics from this urbanizing, remote and ungauged catchment. The contribution of nutrient export was larger from the older Broome town site sub-catchments compared to sub-catchments that have been progressively urbanized since 2000. A distinctive seasonal first flush phenomenon, with an initial 30% of runoff volume containing 40–70% of the nutrient load was a key feature. This indicates there are opportunities for storm-water management to minimize impacts through adopting water-sensitive urban design principles.  相似文献   
Monsoon driven water mass exchange between the Bay of Bengal(Bo B) and Arabian Sea(AS) is the common experience. However, it is not yet firmly confirmed that the exchange pathway is either passing through southern tip of Sri Lanka or Palk Strait. Local circulation patterns impact the pathways followed by the East Indian Coastal Currents(EICC) that drive exchange, thereby modulating mixing and water mass transformation in the Bay of Bengal around Sri Lanka. In this study, observations from surface drifters were incorporated with the satellite derived data to understand the monsoonal impact on circulation patterns in the Indian Ocean. This was the first multi-national scientific effort which was conducted in the Bo B and AS during 2013 to 2015 to understand the monsoonal impact on circulation patterns in the complex region. The results indicated that seasonally reversing monsoonal currents of southern Sri Lanka, traced by the wintertime freshwater export pathways of the EICC. The deflection of monsoon currents running along the east coast of Sri Lanka by forming cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies, which influence the mixing and stirring associated with these flows. Results further indicate the low salinity cold water flows from the Bo B to AS along the western boundary of the Bo B during northeast monsoon. In the same way, reverses the phenomena during southwest monsoon, transporting high salinity warm water from AS to the Bo B. This maintain the bay status which occurred due to freshwater influx from large rivers and high saline water from AS. However, no evidences were observed for the exchange through Palk Strait during the study.Also, there are some mis-matches in in-situ and remotely sensed measurements which imply the necessity of systematic observation system for the complex region as an alternative approach.  相似文献   
本文研究了2017年春季孟加拉湾小型暖池对热带气旋Maarutha(4月14-17日)以及热带气旋Mora(5月27-30日)的影响.利用卫星遥感和现场观测数据分析发现,尽管春季孟加拉湾热带气旋确实能引起海洋上层冷却效应,但是其冷却强度受到暖池强度的影响.本文进一步对比孟加拉湾小型暖池对两个热带气旋的响应情况,发现当春季小型暖池的温度大于31℃(热带气旋Mora期间),暖池效应能有效抑制海洋上层混合层的加深,降低热带气旋引起的潜热通量损失带来的冷却效应,并在一定程度上加强了热带气旋.  相似文献   
Adaptation gaps are shortcomings of a system responding to climate change, whereas adaptation deficits are shortcomings in providing services. These two drivers for adaptation are often in conflict in many secondary cities in the global south (SCGS). It is possible to align these seemingly conflicting drivers into a productive unity, a conceptual alignment, which is the first step in achieving harmony while implementing adaptation actions. This paper focuses on the practical aspects of implementing aligned adaptation action that leads to improvements in liveability, sustainability, and resilience of SCGS. At an abstract level, the nature of the adaptation problem is similar to the complex problems identified in various domains, such as software development, manufacturing, and supply chain management. The widely accepted “agile principles”—used in the above domains—is the basis for developing a set of twelve principles for urban adaptation, which are synthesized from numerous recent studies that have implicitly proposed or applied most of these principles to climate change adaptation in urban settings. These principles lead to four essential objectives appertaining to the process of sustainable urban adaptation. The urban agile principles are used to analyze the current state of adaptation of Can Tho City in Vietnam and to ascertain the agile ways of addressing its adaptation challenges. Analysis of the outcomes shows that harmonized approaches can simultaneously address both adaptation deficits and gaps.  相似文献   
Introduction Agriculture, which is the dominant sector in the mountains, is generally stagnant. Degradation of the natural resource base has contributed to an increase in frequency and intensity of landslides, gully formation, soil erosion, declining soil fertility, reduced per capita availability and fragmentation of land, and reduced flow of water for irrigation. This has led to steady decline in crop yields (5~30 %) or stagnation that caused food shortages at varying degrees among mountain …  相似文献   

The output from any spatial data processing method may contain some uncertainty. With the increasing use of satellite data products as a source of data for Geographical Information Systems (GIS), there have been some major concerns about the accuracy of the satellite‐based information. Due to the nature of spatial data and remotely sensed data acquisition technology, and conventional classification, any single classified image can contain a number of mis‐classified pixels. Conventional accuracy evaluation procedures can report only the number of pixels that are mis‐classified based on some sampling observation. This study investigates the spatial distribution and the amount of these pixels associated with each cover type in a product of satellite data. The study uses Thematic Mapper (TM) and SPOT multispectral data sets obtained for a study area selected in North East New South Wales, Australia. The Fuzzy c‐Means algorithm is used to identify the classified pixels that contained some uncertainty. The approach is based on evaluating the strength of class membership of pixels. This study is important as it can give an indication of the amount of error resulting from the mis‐classification of pixels of specific cover types as well as the spatial distribution of such pixels. The results show that the spatial distribution of erroneously classified pixels are not random and varies depending on the nature of cover types. The proportions of such pixels are higher in spectrally less clearly defined cover types such as grasslands.  相似文献   
Infrastructure for water, urban drainage and flood protection has a typical lifetime of 30–200 years and its continuing performance is very sensitive to climate change. Investment decisions for such systems are frequently based on state-of-the-art impact assessments using a specified climate change scenario in order to identify a singular optimal adaptive strategy. In a non-stationary world, however, it is risky and/or uneconomic to plan for just one climate change scenario as an average or best estimate, as is done with the use of the Predict-Then-Adapt method. We argue that responsible adaptation requires an alternative method that effectively allows for the lack of knowledge about future climate change by adopting a managed/adaptive strategy. The managed/adaptive strategy confers the ability, derived from built-in flexibility, to adjust to future uncertainties as they unfold. This will restrict the effect of erroneous decisions and help avoid maladaptation. Real In Options (RIO) analysis can facilitate the development of an optimal managed/adaptive strategy to climate change. Here, we show the economic benefits of adopting a managed/adaptive strategy and building in flexibility, using RIO analysis applied for the first time to urban drainage infrastructure.  相似文献   
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