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We study the fundamental modes of radiation hydrodynamic linear waves that arise from one-dimensional small-amplitude initial fluctuations with wave number k in a radiating and scattering grey medium by taking into account the gravitational effects. The equation of radiative acoustics is derived from three hydrodynamic equations, Poisson’s equation, and two moment equations of radiation, by assuming a spherical symmetry for the matter and radiation and by using the Eddington approximation. We solve the dispersion relation as a quintic function of angular frequency ω, the wave number k being a real parameter. Numerical results reveal that wave patterns of five solutions are distinguished into three types: the radiation-dominated, type 1, and type 2 matter-dominated cases. In the case of no gravitaional effects (Kaneko et al., 2005), the following wave modes appear: radiation wave, conservative radiation wave, entropy wave, Newtonian-cooling wave, opacity-damped and cooling-damped waves, constant-volume and constant-pressure diffusions, adiabatic sound wave, cooling-damped and drag-force-damped isothermal sound waves, isentropic radiation-acoustic wave, and gap mode. Meanwhile, the gravitaional effects being taken into account, the growing gravo-diffusion mode newly arises from the constant-pressure diffusion at the point that k agrees with Jeans’ wave number specified by the isothermal sound speed. This mode changes to the growing radiation-acoustic gravity mode near the point that k becomes Jeans’ wave number specified by the isentropic radiation-acoustic speed. In step with a transition between them, the isentropic radiation-acoustic wave splits into the damping radiation-acoustic gravity mode and constant-volume diffusion. The constant-volume diffusion emerges twice if the gravitational effects are taken into account. Since analytic solutions are derived for all wave modes, we discuss their physical significance. The critical conditions are given which distinguish between radiation-dominated and type 1 matter-dominated cases, and between type 1 and type 2 matter-dominated cases. Waves in a self-gravitating scattering grey medium are also analyzed, which provides us some hints for the effects of energy and momentum exchange between matter and radiation.  相似文献   
Annually laminated carbonates, known as tufas, commonly develop in limestone areas and typically record seasonal patterns of oxygen- and carbon-isotope compositions. δ18O values are principally controlled by seasonal changes of water temperature, whereas δ13C values are the result of complex reactions among the gaseous, liquid, and solid sources of carbon in the system. We examined the processes that cause the seasonal patterns of δ13C in groundwater systems at three tufa-depositing sites in southwestern Japan by applying model calculations to geochemical data. Underground inorganic carbon species are exchanged with gaseous CO2, which is mainly introduced to the underground hydrological system by natural atmospheric ventilation and by diffusion of soil air. These processes control the seasonal pattern of δ13C, which is low in summer and high in winter. Among the three sites we investigated, we identified two extreme cases of the degree of carbon exchange between liquid and gaseous phases. For the case with high radiocarbon composition (Δ14C) and low pCO2, there was substantial carbon exchange because of a large contribution of atmospheric CO2 and a small water mass. For the other extreme case, which was characterized by low Δ14C and high pCO2, the contribution of atmospheric CO2 was small and the water mass was relatively large. Our results suggest that at two of the three sites water residence time within the soil profile was longer than 1 year. Our results also suggested a short residence time (less than 1 year) of water in the soil profile at the site with the smallest water mass, which is consistent with large seasonal amplitude of the springwater temperature variations. The Δ14C value of tufas is closely related to the hydrological conditions in which they are deposited. If the initial Δ14C value of a tufa-depositing system is stable, 14C-chronology can be used to date paleo-tufas.  相似文献   
Dissakisites from Trimouns dolomite mine, France, have two kinds of single crystals: chemical-zoned and homogeneous types. Back-scattered electron microprobe (BSE) images of these dissakisites reveal both Ca–Al rich dark zones and Fe-ΣREE rich bright zones. Crystal structures of three dark and two bright zones in a chemical-zoned dissakisite and of a homogeneous zone in unzoned dissakisite were refined to individual R indices (about 3.0–5.0%) based on 1,400 observed [|F 0| > 4σF 0] reflections measured with MoKα X-radiation using the single crystal diffractometer. The differences in brightness between their BSE images arise from those in coupled substitutions of the elements occupying A2 and M3 sites. The main reason for these differences is that ten-coordinated A2 polyhedra and M3 octahedra are directly linked through their shared edge, which creates a great potential for making this coupled substitution. This zoning indicates that formation of the whole zoned crystal, where each zone could be grown steadily with its crystallographic axes mutually parallel to each other, may be identified as autoepitaxy.  相似文献   
Near-surface upward irradiances within each band of the MSS (multi spectral scanner) of LANDSAT, were computed from observed spectral upward irradiances measured just beneath the sea surface. Computation of these irradiances is a useful first step in the analysis of remotely-sensed radiance because the data are not affected by the effects of the atmosphere and sea surface. The computed irradianceE in LANDSAT bands 4, 5 and 6 was normalized by forming ratios,i.e., R 45=E4/E5, R46=E4/E6, andR 56=E5/E6, and then the relationship between these ratios and chlorophylla plus phaeopigment concentration (C) observed simultaneously at 59 stations was examined by linear regression analysis. The observedC ranged over nearly three orders of magnitude, and there is a close to linear relationship between log10-R 45 and log10 C. This suggests that it may be possible to evaluateC from LANDSAT data, if an appropriate atmospheric correction is made. The relationship between suspended solids determined at 35 stations and the same ratios of upward irradiance is also presented and discussed.  相似文献   
A new geochemical reference material, coral Porites sp. JCp-1 has been prepared by the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ). Provisional values for twenty one major, minor and trace elements are presented. The homogeneity tests showed that all elements studied are considered to be homogeneously distributed.  相似文献   
This paper deals with an analysis method for the response and motion of soil-like rigid-plastic bodies under seismic loading conditions. A continuity condition to determine the acceleration distribution within the rigid-plastic body when the failure occurs during seismic motions is proposed. Combining this continuity condition of acceleration and the ‘Generalized Limit Equilibrium Method (GLEM)’, the responses of the earth structure during seismic motions as well as the permanent displacements can be obtained, where GLEM is one of the limit equilibrium methods proposed by the authors for static problems and providing the approximate solution for Kötter's equation. The theoretical formulation of the method, the illustrative examples, and some comparisons between the analytical and experimental results are demonstrated.  相似文献   
The two drill holes, which penetrated sub‐horizontal rare earth element (REE) ore units at the Nechalacho REE in the Proterozoic Thor Lake syenite, Canada, were studied in order to clarify the enrichment mechanism of the high‐field‐strength elements (HFSE: Zr, Nb and REE). The REE ore units occur in the albitized and potassic altered miaskitic syenite. Zircon is the most common REE mineral in the REE ore units, and is divided into five types as follows: Type‐1 zircon occurs as discrete grains in phlogopite, and has a chemical character similar to igneous zircon. Type‐2 zircon consists of a porous HREE‐rich core and LREE–Nb–F‐rich rim. Enrichment of F in the rim of type‐2 zircon suggests that F was related to the enrichment of HFSE. The core of type‐2 zircon is regarded to be magmatic and the rim to be hydrothermal in origin. Type‐3 zircon is characterized by euhedral to anhedral crystals, which occur in a complex intergrowth with REE fluorocarbonates. Type‐3 zircon has high REE, Nb and F contents. Type‐4 zircon consists of porous‐core and ‐rim, but their chemical compositions are similar to each other. This zircon is a subhedral crystal rimmed by fergusonite. Type‐5 zircon is characterized by smaller, porous and subhedral to anhedral crystals. The interstices between small zircon grains are filled by fergusonite. Type‐4 and type‐5 zircon grains have low REE, Nb and F contents. Type‐1 zircon is only included in one unit, which is less hydrothermally altered and mineralized. Type‐2 and type‐3 zircon grains mainly occur in the shallow units, while those of type‐4 and type‐5 are found in the deep units. The deep units have high HFSE contents and strongly altered mineral textures (type‐4 and type‐5) compared to the shallow units. Occurrences of these five types of zircon are different according to the depth and degree of the hydrothermal alteration by solutions rich in F and CO3, which permit a model for the evolution of the zircon crystallization in the Nechalacho REE deposit as follows: (i) type‐1 (discrete magmatic zircon) is formed in miaskitic syenite. (ii) LREE–Nb–F‐rich hydrothermal zircon formed around HREE‐rich magmatic zircon (type‐2). (iii) type‐3 zircon crystallized through the F and CO3‐rich hydrothermal alteration of type‐2 zircon which formed the complex intergrowth with REE fluorocarbonates; (iv) the CO3‐rich hydrothermal fluid corroded type‐3, forming REE–Nb‐poor zircon (type‐4). Niobium and REE were no longer stable in the zircon structure and crystallized as fergusonite around the REE–Nb‐leached zircon (type‐4); (v) type‐5 zircon is formed by the more CO3‐rich hydrothermal alteration of type‐4 zircon, suggested by the fact that type‐4 and type‐5 zircon grains are often included in ankerite. Type‐3 to type‐5 zircon grains at the Nechalacho REE deposit were continuously formed by leaching and/or dissolution of type‐2 zircon in the presence of F‐ and/or CO3‐rich hydrothermal fluid. These mineral associations indicate that three representative hydrothermal stages were present and related to HFSE enrichment in the Nechalacho REE deposit: (i) F‐rich hydrothermal stage caused the crystallization of REE–Nb‐rich zircon (type‐2 rim and type‐3), with abundant formation of phlogopite and fluorite; (ii) F‐ and CO3‐rich hydrothermal stage led to the replacement of a part of REE–Nb–F‐rich zircon by REE fluorocarbonate; and (iii) CO3‐rich hydrothermal stage resulted in crystallization of the REE–Nb–F‐poor zircon and fergusonite, with ankerite. REE and Nb in hydrothermal fluid at the Nechalacho REE deposit were finally concentrated into fergusonite by way of REE–Nb–F‐rich zircon in the hydrothermally altered units.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Umanotani-Shiroyama pegmatite deposits, the largest producer of K-feldspar and quartz in Japan, are of typical granitic pegmatite. Ilmenite-series biotite granite and granite porphyry, hosting the ore deposits, and biotites separated from these rocks yielded K-Ar ages ranging from 89.0 to 81.4 Ma and 95.2 to 93.7 Ma, respectively. Muscovite and K-feldspar separated from the ore zone yielded K-Ar ages with the range of 96.2 to 93.1 Ma and 87.3 to 80.7 Ma, respectively. Muscovites from quartz-muscovite veins in the ore zone and in the granite porphyry yielded K-Ar ages of 90.4 and 76.3 Ma, respectively. K-feldspar is much younger in age than coexisting muscovite. It is noted that the K-Ar ages of biotite separates and the whole-rock ages are identical to those of muscovite and K-feldspar in the ore zone, respectively. These time relations, as well as field occurrence, indicate that the formation of the pegmatite deposits at the Umanotani-Shiroyama mine is closely related in space and time to a series of granitic magmatism of ilmenite-series nature. Using closure temperatures of the K-Ar system for biotite and K-feldspar (microcline), cooling rate of the pegmatite deposits is estimated to be about 82C/m.y. at the beginning, but slowed down to about 15C/m.y. in the later period.  相似文献   
Abstract: Pyrite rich in Zn, up to 3.1 wt%, was found in the TAG active mound of the TAG hydrothermal field, the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 26°08'N and 44°49'W. The Zn-rich pyrite is characterized by an optical homogeneity, a homogeneous distribution of Zn in the back-scattered electron images, both at a magnification of about 500, a negative correlation between Fe and Zn contents of the pyrite and a rather small unit cell edge (a0 = 5.4117 ± 0.0008Å), strongly indicating that the detected Zn is present in the pyrite in solid solution. Such Zn concentrations are observed exclusively in dendritic pyrite, suggesting that the Znrich pyrite grew from hydrothermal fluids of a high degree of supersaturation due to quenching on the seafloor.  相似文献   
Two foliated metagabbros from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 30° N were analyzed for rare earth elements. The chondrite-normalized rare earth pattern for one of them is quite similar to those for abyssal tholeiites. The pattern for another sample, however, is somewhat different from the above one. A new set of bulk partition coefficients for rare earth elements has been estimated correspondingly. This set throws a new light on the interpretation that many alkali olivine basalts were produced by a zone melting or partial melting of primary-liquid-type material. Also the same partition coefficients lead us to an inference that the high-temperature peridotite intrusion in the Lizard area, Cornwall, England, is a secondary-solid-type material which was once in equilibrium with a primary-solid-type material, whereas the pyroxenite, Canyon Mountain, Oregon, is a primary-solid-type material.Both of the metagabbros studied show positive europium anomaly.  相似文献   
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